If they made you choose your revenge

What if in episode 6 we are given another choice like last between two characters this case being between killing Gryff or Ludd. You'll only be able to kill one. Ludd would be like cutting the head off the snake, but it could grow back in psychopath Gryff. If you kill Gryff there's potential Ludd and Gywn would be pissed, but maybe he'll go with peace to save his family. It would be like picking your own poison. If you had to choose who would you kill?


  • Ludd. He is smart. Gryff however is just a fourth born son. And I think there's an opportunity to kill him someday.

  • I'd kill Gryff because he's the next generation and can produce heirs like him.

  • I would kill Gryff and hope the sight of his son's head on a pike gives Ludd a heart attack.

  • I would probably let the timer run out, but if it leads to game over and I HAD to choose one, I'd kill Ludd.

  • Between those two Gryff will die. If given the option all shale.

  • I think Ludd would certainly be more willing to compromise, especially if the fate of his house is on the line. Gryff is less...redeemable.

  • if you let Asher live I say Gryff, because he is avenging his brothers death and securing peace for both houses.
    If you let Rodrick live Ludd because, let's be honest you only let Rodrick live to destroy the Whitehills once and for all.

  • But I'm not interested in revenge. If one of them had to die I'd say Gryff only because I really like Ludd's character.

    Phoenix127 posted: »

    if you let Asher live I say Gryff, because he is avenging his brothers death and securing peace for both houses. If you let Rodrick live Ludd because, let's be honest you only let Rodrick live to destroy the Whitehills once and for all.

  • Playing as Rodrik, I would choose to kill Gryff. It seems fitting to get revenge against Gryff after everything he put you through. His death would serve as an example to Ludd, not to mess with the Forrester's or he'll lose more. That said, it would probably be more fuel for the fire with him.

  • Ludd, and after that I'd be more worried about what Torrhen - Ludd's heir - does, instead of what Gryff does.

  • This actually seems like something Telltale would do, but i'd still pick Ludd if i had to choose.

  • edited July 2015

    Ludd because he's smart.

    Gryff will lead his house to further ruin.

    And I approve of that.

  • Ludd obviously. He's the "brains" behind the operation, albeit of the limited variety. Gryff will die from eating dish soap without his father around to tell him not to.

  • Ludd started all of this bullshit, i'm killing him if i have the chance to.

  • Everyone seems to think that killing Ludd would destroy the Whitehills, but we all forget about the eldest son who is off fighting with Roose Bolton.

  • But isn't Torrhen serving the Boltons? So my thinking is that since Ramsay says he's tired of the feud and says "let the better House stand", Ramsay wouldn't give Torrhen leave to come and take his back Highpoint if we kill Ludd

    Ludd, and after that I'd be more worried about what Torrhen - Ludd's heir - does, instead of what Gryff does.

  • I think he is serving Roose rather than Ramsay, and I doubt he is so important to Roose that he wouldn't let him go to Highpoint. However, it could be that he indeed does stay with the Boltons in the (possible) next season since the Battle of Winterfell is coming and they need all their men.

    But isn't Torrhen serving the Boltons? So my thinking is that since Ramsay says he's tired of the feud and says "let the better House stand", Ramsay wouldn't give Torrhen leave to come and take his back Highpoint if we kill Ludd

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