Was .... missing on purpose?

So as most people know mordecai is often regarded as one of the best(If not THE best) shots on pandora. Yet he missed fiona a lot i was wondering if he was just firing warning shots to make her leave cause he didn't want to kill her?



  • Well, if you dont move he does shoot her.

    So unless he thought she was gonna move...

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited July 2015

    It didn't fit the story for Fiona to die (in a canon, story alternating way) so she equipped the best item any Vault Hunter on Pandora could find from looting countless corpses - The Telltale "Plot Armor" shield.

    Plot Armor

    Manufacturer: Telltale
    Item Type: Shield
    Capacity: 112514
    Chances of confusing enemies from talking fast: 82.7%

    • Overcharged Capacity
    • Low Recharge Rate
    • "A Bullet saved is a Bullet earned" (Special Attribute for Decreased Ammo Storage)
    • Causes a Slow-Mo QTE when a projectile is fired in your direction
  • Fiona should have gotten trampled over by Brick and Mordecai, that whole fight was bullshit tbh

  • I'm pretty sure he actually says something about not wanting to hurt her. Doesn't he tell her to leave when he draws his revolver?

  • The plot armor is 2 strong doe.

  • "Leave now, this is a vault hunter bussines, i dont want to hurt you."

    I'm pretty sure he actually says something about not wanting to hurt her. Doesn't he tell her to leave when he draws his revolver?

  • That was it, much appreciated.

    Killah posted: »

    "Leave now, this is a vault hunter bussines, i dont want to hurt you."

  • Bullshit? You realize Fiona lost the fight? I actually really enjoyed that battle.

    Fiona should have gotten trampled over by Brick and Mordecai, that whole fight was bullshit tbh

  • remember that its fiona telling the stoory. she migt not even joined that fight xD but maybe just like what athena said to her, '' i learned to make do'' which means that maybe fiona did what athena told her, maybe fiona at that moment was a level 1 vault hunter. just a thought tho :p and i liked that fight! it was intense! i was like mordecai i will kill you if you hurt my girls, then saying sorry, mord. i love ya. :p

    It didn't fit the story for Fiona to die (in a canon, story alternating way) so she equipped the best item any Vault Hunter on Pandora could

  • Well, he was taking shots at Athena while Brick was fighting her, and since Lilith wanted Athena alive he most likely was going for nonlethal shots while having to avoid Brick at the same time. And, as said above, he wasn't trying to kill Fiona until late into the fight. Once he and Brick stopped holding back Fiona went down pretty quick.

  • It wasn't as if she won.

    Fiona should have gotten trampled over by Brick and Mordecai, that whole fight was bullshit tbh

  • I Hope it dont get Nerfed.

    It didn't fit the story for Fiona to die (in a canon, story alternating way) so she equipped the best item any Vault Hunter on Pandora could

  • edited July 2015

    There's a recurring theme in the series: That the next generation of Vault Hunters ALWAYS beats the previous one.


    • Wilhelm, after TPS, beats the 4 BL1 Vault Hunters.
    • Nisha and Wilhelm are then killed by the BL2 Vault Hunters, something the original four couldn't do.

    Now, Athena gets knocked out by Brick and Mordy...but she and Fiona put up a good fight against them. The reason why they're nearly dead is that Fiona is possible going to be among the next generation of Vault Hunters, but she's in training, so she's a bit weak at the moment. But still, nearly dead is nearly dead.

    And besides, the last time I saw them in that position at the intro of TPS, was in BL2, where they'd just survived a particularly nasty bombing.

    Oh, and Mordy's feathered gunship of death, Bloodwing, was killed in a particularly heartbreaking mission. At the moment, he has a new feathered gunship of death, Talon, but the guy's in training. So he has to switch to using his even more OP Gunslinger tree, where it focuses on mainly using revolvers. However, in BL2, Mordy uses his sniper rifle as his main weapon. He's just getting used to having a revolver again, specifically an upgraded Unforgiven for BL1, and he's not exactly used to fighting without his bird yet, although he's getting there.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    He was no match for Fiona's hitboxes

  • That punch she got from Brick should have made her head explode.

    Fiona should have gotten trampled over by Brick and Mordecai, that whole fight was bullshit tbh

  • If it were true that the next generation of vault hunters ALWAYS beats the previous ones, surely Athena would have beaten Brick and Mordecai?

    LawmanZero posted: »

    There's a recurring theme in the series: That the next generation of Vault Hunters ALWAYS beats the previous one. So... * Wilhelm, a

  • It wasn't as if Brick and Mordecai beat her either. It was Vallory who beat Fiona

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    It wasn't as if she won.

  • I realize it wasn't Brick and Mordecai who made her lose, it was Vallory

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Bullshit? You realize Fiona lost the fight? I actually really enjoyed that battle.

  • So...where can I buy one of these?

    It didn't fit the story for Fiona to die (in a canon, story alternating way) so she equipped the best item any Vault Hunter on Pandora could

  • edited August 2015

    I think Mordecai and Brick were holding back. They needed Athena alive and Fiona wasn't much of a threat...

  • She had ''The Plot Shield'' equipped.

  • But didn't Jack say he poisoned Wilhelm before hand because he needed him to lose on purpose so they could take his core and Angel could hack into Sanctuary's defenses.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    There's a recurring theme in the series: That the next generation of Vault Hunters ALWAYS beats the previous one. So... * Wilhelm, a

  • She will be, soon.

    Axton posted: »

    I think Mordecai and Brick were holding back. They needed Athena alive and Fiona wasn't much of a threat...

  • Come on guys, give xXx_m0rd3c41_xXx a break! All that lag, of course he was going to miss.

  • TBF brick and mord should have wrecked her i mean one is unstoppable at close range and the other is unstoppable at long range

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Bullshit? You realize Fiona lost the fight? I actually really enjoyed that battle.

  • Not sure how she survived that tbh

    JackMarco posted: »

    That punch she got from Brick should have made her head explode.

  • This. Wilhelm and Lilith are at the top of the food chain story wise

  • Or maybe Fiona is just making the story cooler than it actually was. Considering how the two of them call eachother out on things that they were both present for, it's not too much of a reach that maybe Fiona is inserting herself into the fight just a little more than reality would agree with.

  • For that matter why was mord nervous about val hearing? I'd bet my left nut they could take her and her goons i mean they killed the destroyer for gods sake

  • Someone hasn't hear of plot armor

    enter image description here

  • edited August 2015

    athena first appeared in BL1 DLC, you just get to play her in TPS... so she's in the same lane as Mordecai and brick. PLUS, 2 VS 1 is never good. athena just had fiona who's in training. while mord and brick were pro at what they do. you do the math.

    • you can see that FIO and athena had a good fight, in TPS you see mord and brick badly injured! my theory is that if FIO was a legit vaulthunter she and athena would have kicked mord and brick ass. just a thought! :)
    Flog61 posted: »

    If it were true that the next generation of vault hunters ALWAYS beats the previous ones, surely Athena would have beaten Brick and Mordecai?

  • i think she already is. in the ''future'' scenes. her and rhys.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    She will be, soon.

  • edited August 2015


    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Someone hasn't hear of plot armor

  • LawmanZero

    1)People NEED to stop saying that the BL2 vault hunters are better than Nisha and Wilhelm. In both fights it was 6 vs 1, and an Echo recording reveals Jack poisoned Wilhelm to ensure that he would get defeated (in order to destroy Sanctuary).

    2) the BL2 and PS Vault hunters are said to be stronger (for the most part) than the original 4 (with the obvious exception of Lilith).

    3) Skill trees probably aren't canon, I think are just a gameplay mechanic like New-U.

    4) From the fight we see it's hard to determine who is the best given that Mordecai and Brick weren't trying to seriously injure anyone, and Athena was trying to protect Fiona. They both had severe handicaps, so identifying the actually stronger side is difficult.

    Flog61 it was 2 on 1 / 3 on 2 counting Vallory and Fiona

    LawmanZero posted: »

    There's a recurring theme in the series: That the next generation of Vault Hunters ALWAYS beats the previous one. So... * Wilhelm, a

  • Thank you! people always forget this. Also it wasn't a fair fight. Beating someone with 6 vs 1 in your favour doesn't make you better than them.

  • meh, I'm not sure about that...

    LawmanZero posted: »

    She will be, soon.

  • I have just wanted a logical reason

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Someone hasn't hear of plot armor

  • Tbh i still think brick and mord would win since ones the best shot on pandora the others brick

    Mercyva posted: »

    athena first appeared in BL1 DLC, you just get to play her in TPS... so she's in the same lane as Mordecai and brick. PLUS, 2 VS 1 is never

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