The Vent/Help Thread



  • Well done for being brave enough to risk your own hands to split them up repeatedly you risked your own health to save the dogs from injury not many would do that especially after being bitten you must really care about your dog :')

    Well done for breaking it up make sure to keep them away from each other

    So...this happened. I woke up and went to the kitchen. Got me some milk, and poured my brothers dog some food. I'm just sitting at the ta

  • Ooh, I have a story like this...A few actually, mind if I share:

    The fist story is during lunch one day in middle school. The class separated themselves among one large table, on one side there were the boys, on the other were the girls and in the middle were the people who didn't give a shit. I was in the middle one day and people were throwing around a milk carton. It slid down the table multiple times and they kept throwing it back and forth. I was just eating lunch not caring when it hit my food, I didn't care and just moved it out of my way so I could keep eating and the girl across from me threw it. After a while with them throwing it, it eventually hit someone, knocking all of his food on the ground and exploding causing him to be covered in milk. I was thinking "Oh shit...Oh well, I didn't like him anyway." All of the teachers freaked out, yelling at everyone, demanding to know people involved. I didn't know so I stayed out of it. The worse part was that we had a fun free time kind of event happening right after lunch, of course people said who did it...The girls and guys involved...Including me. They told me I had to be excluded from the activities because of my actions with everyone else involved. I didn't throw it, I merely moved it out of my way so I was obviously angry and confused...But, I'm not going to take a punishment for something I didn't do. I actually sat at the bottom of the bleachers talking to people...The teachers were pissed, they even asked me to move and I did...kept talking to people. Just goes to show, people will be assholes.

    The next story is about this kid I hated, he was a little prick. He bullied me about my body and other things. One day, I was just tired of his shit, I knew I was going to beat the fuck out of him. We went into our history class and we were working in groups...I was unlucky enough to be stuck with him. I told the teacher and he just separated the entire group, I thought that was enough, but NOPE...This little shit was throwing stuff at me, not the first physical aggression he did that day, eventually one hit my eye...Directly in my eye. I didn't do anything to this kid expect for be a dick in retaliation some days but not today. I calmly got up, walked over to him...I remember someone yelling "He's going to slap him" but nope I balled my fist and punched him straight in the face. One punch and then I calmly went back to my seat, sat down and kept working. He was crying, the teacher had to calm him and I got detention...But it was so worth it, he didn't mess with me physically again but I got detention when the other kid didn't. I was angry but I didn't really care, it was still worth it.

    The last story which is about me, I have a few more about my other friends, is a simple one and stupid one. My middle school, which is where all of these stories took place because my middle school sucked and my high school is awesome...anyway, my middle school had this rule where we couldn't talk in the hallways or we would get detention...Stupid rule, I know. One day, this kid I didn't even know was flicking the back of my head and slapping my neck so I turned around and told him to stop, didn't do anything other than that and a teacher straight up told me, "Detention". I was pissed, I explained the situation to him but just like an asshole, he didn't care, so I got detention for telling a kid to stop hitting me.

    tl;dr, my middle school sucked ass.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Imagine actually having to deal with a bitch like that..... (You don't have to read this but I'm just venting about the past).... Back we

  • Damn.....

    That stuff sucks...this was my only serious middle school thing, glad I wasn't at your middle school.

    Ooh, I have a story like this...A few actually, mind if I share: The fist story is during lunch one day in middle school. The class separ

  • I understand how you don't like it when dogs aren't kept on a leash. But its kind of rude to call someone a "short skinny midget" just because they're short. I mean they didn't choose to be short. And maybe big dogs are just their preferences. Nothing wrong with that.

  • I have some more...

    This one is about my friend, he is this really tall, skinny, white kid. We weren't friends until the last year of middle school, he's one of my best friends now. Back in 7th, me and my friends were really shitty to him, I did stuff I regret. However, one time in history, my black friend (I'll call him D and my other white friend C) D was being a dick to him. The tall white kid, who ill call W. was getting fed up and freaked out. He threw shit at D, C, and me. The teacher tried to restrain him but he couldn't and W hit C on the back of his head...Ooh, C got up and fucking B lined for W, the teacher held him back and everything calmed down. I almost killed W another time for something he did, glad I didn't though...Probably wouldn't have, I wasn't in control of my anger as well back then.

    Another story is of W and D. We were in the gym once and I don't even know how this started but some how a fight started between them. D pushed W against the wall and beat the fuck out of him. There was a huge fight but it was broke up by the teachers. W and D went to the office...and here comes the best part, they were written up, no detention...but when they wrote D up, they put beside his name, "D: Black Kid".

    Here's another story, this time was during 8th grade, all of these other stories have been during 7th except for the first one on the last post. I was in the group at school and we had to go around to get pictures...I hated the people I was with. Still, we were taking a picture and I laid my stuff down next to me. As I'm taking the picture, a janitor walks over and picks up my stuff and walks away. I'm following her, telling her to slow down and he walks into the Cafeteria with my stuff and holds it over the garbage can. I'm like "What the hell are you doing? That's mine", she threw it at me and said "I thought it was garbage, try to keep your shit off the floor."

    Last one, this one is about a teacher I had during 6th grade. She was a total bitch, she was needlessly rude to students and acted like a dictator. She yelled at me once for holding up my hand. Well, one of the students in our class found her in Crime Times for a DUI. This was great, he brought it to school and showed everyone...He made the teacher cry and people called her DUI Daily. I would feel bad if she wasn't a total bitch to everyone.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Damn..... That stuff sucks...this was my only serious middle school thing, glad I wasn't at your middle school.

  • [removed]

    My neighbours dog bit my 7 year old cat, eventually killing her. My neighbour said his dog did nothing wrong since the cat came to his yard.

  • I hope your hands okay! I'm glad you broke up the fight.

    So...this happened. I woke up and went to the kitchen. Got me some milk, and poured my brothers dog some food. I'm just sitting at the ta

  • Damn that must've been scary!

    I had to break up a chihuahua-corgi vs. pit bull fight, once. Turns out, an insane chihuahua can really do some damage if he puts his mind to it. Thankfully the pit wasn't really fighting back, otherwise the Chigi would've been dead.

    So...this happened. I woke up and went to the kitchen. Got me some milk, and poured my brothers dog some food. I'm just sitting at the ta

  • I think that's really unfair. When I was young I had a cat that was struck and killed by a car that didn't even stop. I was really angry that people could be so cruel. I'd recommend keeping your future cats inside from now on, they tend to live longer and be in better health. I wouldn't strike out at the dog (even though I think the violence towards your cat is a clear indication that the dog can be aggressive), but I would probably go and be as unpleasant a neighbor as possible. He didn't even apologize or show any sympathy. Like BigBlindMax said, I would go and get some retribution by fucking with him. Not saying you should, but that's how I'd react. Sorry about your kitty by the way :(

    My neighbours dog bit my 7 year old cat, eventually killing her. My neighbour said his dog did nothing wrong since the cat came to his yard.

  • In your position, I'd want to go on a passive-aggressive crusade against the neighbor. Key their car, pop tires, leave shit at the front door, etc. Although I really wouldn't recommend that course of action.

    You really don't know how crazy someone is, until you start fucking with them. Some people got nothing to lose and they will go farther than you could ever go.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I asked my sister (who's a lawyer) about it. Sorry to say, if your cat was in the neighbor's yard, there's really no meaningful legal act

  • I personally like people shorter than me, IT Makes me feel like a BIG MAN

    I understand how you don't like it when dogs aren't kept on a leash. But its kind of rude to call someone a "short skinny midget" just bec

  • edited August 2015

    Welp, this is my first vent! I don't have a lot to complain about as a result of having a pretty chill life but there's always been that one thing bothering me.

    I've been for most of my life a calm and quiet person, and for some reason almost everyone seems to interpret that as a problem. I'm always asked if everything is well or if I'm unhappy when, in fact, I'm prefectly fine. I'm not mad or anything because if they ask about it, it means they care for my answer; but I'm simply a little bothered by the fact that not over-expressing my feelings is considered anormal.

  • I do commonly ask quiet people if they're okay. For me, it's just harder to interpret when a quiet person or person who shows little emotion is in trouble or is in a situation where they need help. I ask a lot in order to make sure there isn't anything I can do for them, it's easier to hear a talkative person's problems than someone who is always chill.

    CatySky posted: »

    Welp, this is my first vent! I don't have a lot to complain about as a result of having a pretty chill life but there's always been that one

  • I guess some people really do have problems to figure me out since I don't talk a lot. I'll try to work on my poor social skills.

    I do commonly ask quiet people if they're okay. For me, it's just harder to interpret when a quiet person or person who shows little emotion

  • Yeah, it's easier to just tell people about how quiet you are when you meet them so they don't get the wrong idea. You don't want a friend to think you don't care about them just because you're a more quiet person.

    CatySky posted: »

    I guess some people really do have problems to figure me out since I don't talk a lot. I'll try to work on my poor social skills.

  • This problem happens more among my family (not my close family though), since they knew me quite well when I was an extroverted child. Then we kinda lost sight of eachovers until years later when they discovered an all grown-up me, entirely different from what they remembered. I think they just assumed that I was not my "normal self" because something was wrong, when I just grew up to be different from before.

    Yeah, it's easier to just tell people about how quiet you are when you meet them so they don't get the wrong idea. You don't want a friend to think you don't care about them just because you're a more quiet person.

  • Yeah, that usually confuses people. I can tell you I was much different when I was younger than I am now and when I met my childhood friends in high school they were surprised at who I was. After explaining to them everything, they got used to the new me. It's a lot easier to deal with social interaction when the other person knows how you changed and how you're like.

    CatySky posted: »

    This problem happens more among my family (not my close family though), since they knew me quite well when I was an extroverted child. Then

  • edited August 2015

    Well, it's too late to fix it now as there is an entire ocean between us. I might have one occasion to travel where they live next year, then I'll make sure to clear the misunderstanding with them. It'll be hard to talk with everyone though, as my family tree is freaking gigantic.

    Yeah, that usually confuses people. I can tell you I was much different when I was younger than I am now and when I met my childhood friends

  • Well, even if you can't fix it, it's a good message to remember when you meet people.

    CatySky posted: »

    Well, it's too late to fix it now as there is an entire ocean between us. I might have one occasion to travel where they live next year, the

  • edited August 2015

    I'll remember it :)

    Thanks for your answers!

    Well, even if you can't fix it, it's a good message to remember when you meet people.

  • No problem, friend. I'm happy to help.

    CatySky posted: »

    I'll remember it Thanks for your answers!

  • edited August 2015

    If a kid says "Butter" instead of "Gold."

    (EDIT) And another thing that pisses me off is that when I compliment someone, they cannot take the compliment.

    Me: "That's a nice piece of art."

    Other Person: "No it's not! It's crap!"

  • I'm disappointed.

    Death is not funny and should always be taken seriously.

  • Death is not funny and should always be taken seriously.

    What about if a person's way to cope with death is to make jokes?

    I'm disappointed. Death is not funny and should always be taken seriously.

  • edited August 2015

    Jokes in general are okay. But if they ridicule death, dying/dead people then they are assholes.

    Death is not funny and should always be taken seriously. What about if a person's way to cope with death is to make jokes?

  • I agree there...No need to make jokes about dying person or making fun of someone who died in a horrible when people joke about people who have committed suicide or people that have almost committed suicide. I personally hate suicide and think it should only be done when the person is dying and has no chance at recovery...but...making fun of people who are suffering or suffered is really shitty.

    Jokes in general are okay. But if they ridicule death, dying/dead people then they are assholes.

  • If a kid says "Butter" instead of "Gold."

    I hate that, too. Well, but at least it's butter than saying "yellow".

    (EDIT) And another thing that pisses me off is that when I compliment someone, they cannot take the compliment.

    Me: "That's a nice piece of art."

    Other Person: "No it's not! It's crap!"

    Although it's a pain, some people take compliments as false (but friendly) sayings. There's people that are always insecure if you're saying a white lie or the truth when you compliment them.

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    If a kid says "Butter" instead of "Gold." (EDIT) And another thing that pisses me off is that when I compliment someone, they cannot take the compliment. Me: "That's a nice piece of art." Other Person: "No it's not! It's crap!"

  • does that mean i cant make hitler jokes since he suicided?

    I agree there...No need to make jokes about dying person or making fun of someone who died in a horrible when people joke about p

  • Naw, go on ahead, most people who commit suicide usually don't commit a genocide which murder 6 million innocent people, you're good.

    Aaira posted: »

    does that mean i cant make hitler jokes since he suicided?

  • edited August 2015

    I know this is kinda a stupid one but I hate that like 80% of the time I'm stuck on the unpopular opinions side of debates, whether on real big issues or things like movies, characters, shows, and games. I see a lot of h8 and I just try to ignore it but at the same time I don't get why some people have to be so ignorant and realize that not everyone agrees with what they think.

  • The hate is on both sides, for almost every issue. Everyone needs to realize people disagree with their opinion, not just a few.

    I know this is kinda a stupid one but I hate that like 80% of the time I'm stuck on the unpopular opinions side of debates, whether on real

  • Maybe to you. Everyone grieves differently and it varies by culture. For some, laughter is the best medicine. Although I agree that jokes about how the deceased died are very tasteless, unless a lot of time has passed.

    I'm disappointed. Death is not funny and should always be taken seriously.

  • It depends, but you have to be really careful if you're going to make jokes about someone dying.

    When President John F. Kennedy was assassinated, everyone in the U.S. was shocked, and no one made jokes about it.

    When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded, it wasn't long before people were saying NASA stands for Need Another Seven Astronauts.

    Then there are the Darwin Awards, dedicated to people dying in spectacularly stupid ways, obviously intended to make fun of them.

    Sometimes you can joke about death to cope, and sometimes you can't.

    Consider something told to me by someone i know who went to a funeral, though. The person speaking about the deceased told some funny stories about things that had happened in her life, and how loud she was, and so on. You could view that as being disrespectful, but it got the audience laughing and relating to it. I think it helped those who were left behind to remember her well.

    I'm disappointed. Death is not funny and should always be taken seriously.

  • Alt text

    XD I can relate to this but that's life no matter your opinion there will be people who believe the opposite

    For me my intention is always to post what I truly believe no matter how ignorant it might sound to people I like being honest and through honesty you may learn to change your opinion if an argument is presented to you which you never taught of which on reflection makes you learn or have your established opinion confirmed to yourself by the quality of the counter arguments so it's all win-win for me

    I love the moment the most when you post about something your passionate about and your unsure whether to post it or not because of the reaction it might get and then it turns out their are a lot of people agree :)

    I hate the most when the thread is opinion based and people still seem to think they have the correct answer who try to mock you or say but look at the amount of users who enjoyed this so your wrong etc. Some opinions don't have a correct answer we are not robots who all like, enjoy the same things with the same perception of everything.

    And the people who act shocked and completely offended you think differently then them and respond with about 8 paragraphs with something you posted in 2 lines XD. Don't get me started about people name-calling or saying disrespectful things about you expecting you to respond to their counter arguments

    Anyway in conclusion once I'm honest I don't give a shit their ignorance will only affect their lives and if I have any concrete responses I learn something new on an issue

    .I just completely ignore troll or bait answers tbh or if I feel I made my point no point responding to someone who thinks the complete opposite below we just be wasting both our time

    To me that's the fun of the forum so many people who believe different things and have different opinions on every issue then me some have the same etc so I get confused by the ignorant ones who force their opinions on everyone that everyone is wrong on every issue if they think differently from me. Everyone is different and have unique opinions that's why I love reading people's comments here :)

    I know this is kinda a stupid one but I hate that like 80% of the time I'm stuck on the unpopular opinions side of debates, whether on real

  • People can't handle us.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD I can relate to this but that's life no matter your opinion there will be people who believe the opposite For me my intention is alway

  • enter image description here

    WTF is george banned this forum is going to be a lot more boring now :'/

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    People can't handle us.

  • Consequences to your actions though.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    WTF is george banned this forum is going to be a lot more boring now :'/

  • what happened?

    Consequences to your actions though.

  • edited August 2015

    We can't talk about it but let's just say you can't insult an entire country and get away with it without punishment.

    Unless you're joking.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    what happened?

  • Unfortunately, but things were at a boiling point for a while now.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    WTF is george banned this forum is going to be a lot more boring now :'/

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