Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • I hate to say it but she and kenny are identical

    They are both self interested individuals who care about a few select people and not at all about anyone else, they are prone to lashing out at people around them and only caring about there own interests. They both act rashly and without thinking and are both prone to violence.

    And at heart they both have reasons for it and ultimately are good people

    They also drag the main character through loads of dangerous situations with the misguide of helping them etc.

    Personally I think they are both decent enough characters but the main protaganists forced relationship/bonding and worship of them makes them annoying on top of their already unpleasant personality.

    Clemenem posted: »

     a tamer version of Kenny. Oh god no. She's nothing like Kenny, Chloe is an adventurous ,teen trying to do her best managing her shi

  • So who do you think is the innocent victim here? I think Nathan has been blackmailed by Jefferson into buying him the materials for the 'Dark Room'. all the equipment and the drugs etc. Nathan keeps getting the drug supplies from Frank and keeps Jefferson updated. Plus, Jefferson really seems to have a fetish for helpless and desperate girls. All the pictures, the setting and atmosphere. Jefferson is sick in the head and fucked up.

  • Max Caulfield sneaks into a dangerous kids' dorm, steals his shit, tells him to back off once he catches her, and proceeds to watch Warren beat his ass down.

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  • I'd hardly call her backing off and standing their like a lemon thug life. Max honestly is all about talking in those situations, shes anti violence (her doing it anyway)

    Max Caulfield sneaks into a dangerous kids' dorm, steals his shit, tells him to back off once he catches her, and proceeds to watch Warren beat his ass down.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited August 2015

    Wait never mind, now I remember.

    ... This video has to be a joke. Not a good one mind you; considering Nathan is a rapist, bully, and now potential murderer. Fuck him and his "really a good guy theory."

  • edited August 2015

    Well, not everyone... Quite a number of people on youtube and other places think that there's something bigger going on and Nathan is just being used either by his father of Jefferson or someting like that. I must admit it's a compelling theory because so many little pieces just pointing out that he doesn't want to do what other people say.

    I was thinking about characters that he reminds me of and I stumbled upon this -
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    Can't unsee it. It all reminds me of books 2 and 6 now.

    Plus - someone found out what's been playing on his projector:

    It's the 1920 German silent horror film The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari), which would later inspire the well known staple of classic horror film Nosferatu. According to Wikipedia, the movie is considered “the quintessential work of German Expressionist cinema” and “tells the story of an insane hypnotist (Werner Krauss) who uses a somnambulist (Conrad Veidt) to commit murders…[The film] makes use of a frame story, with a prologue and epilogue which, in a twist ending, reveals the main narrative is actually the delusion of a madman.”

    I believe Nathan isn't as bad as everyone says.

  • A list of edits on the Mark Jefferson page of the Life is Strange wiki:

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    Thanks to this guy for collecting them:


  • Those edits are so great.

  • I love these so much, I saved them in a separate picture folder labeled "Mark Jefferson"...

  • What's your youtube?

    DAISHI posted: »

    I did a live stream of the first two episodes the last few days. Amused that people are still tuning in for those. What's funnier is that th

  • Those are edits? I thought they were all true. :/

  • I hope the villain gets away with it.

  • Since when does "could be" mean the same as "is"?

    Participates in chemistry =/= producing drugs

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    DAISHI posted: »

    I hope the villain gets away with it.

  • Do you mean 'Harry' Aaron Prescott? There's a photo of him on the wall in the barn. He's the one that started 'Prescott Industries' and started taking over the town. Probably Nathan's grandfather. There's a Martin Lewis Prescott mentioned in the barn as well who I assume from the date is Harry Aaron Prescott's father or grandfather. That's not to say that Jefferson isn't secretly a Prescott, or married into the family. But he's not the guy that own/owned the barn.

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    CatySky posted: »

    Still, I find it odd that DONTNOD added a whole new character to be the owner of that barn. For me, it means that Aaron is going to be impor

  • Never, that's why I did that, plus there's no evidence at all except he participates in chemistry.

    Onmens posted: »

    Since when does "could be" mean the same as "is"?

  • Don't be a deuche ya hipster

    DAISHI posted: »

    I hope the villain gets away with it.

  • My faith in humanity has been restored. The edits are just way too good (and true).

  • Well there goes my theory. I had completely forgotten about that photo, thanks for pointing it out though :)

    Do you mean 'Harry' Aaron Prescott? There's a photo of him on the wall in the barn. He's the one that started 'Prescott Industries' and star

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    DAISHI posted: »

    I hope the villain gets away with it.

  • edited August 2015

    How did Mr. Jefferson arrive at the junkyard before Max and Chloe? I believe he was still at the party when they received the text from Nathan. Did he drive at superspeed? So fast that he didn't run into them (and they probably both took the same route, the fastest), got the time to park his car far enough from the junkyard so they don't see and therefore recognize it, ran to it and hid himself among all that junk, waiting to jump his next model? Is it just plot convenience and I'm over-analysing things?

    Or, can it be that he has powers too? In EP1, he does say to Max that she has a "gift".

    It's almost like he knew where exactly Max would step back and that Chloe had a gun, therefore shooting her before she can use it. What do you think?

    Besides Jefferson, it also seems like Samuel has it.

  • I said this earlier, I don't think he got there before them. I think he followed them and as they dug it up he snuck up on them and ambushed them. Max was closest so he drugged her and then shot Chloe.

  • That's certainly one way to express hatred towards someone.

  • Yeah... I'm most likely overthinking this.

    What do you think about Samuel though?

    I said this earlier, I don't think he got there before them. I think he followed them and as they dug it up he snuck up on them and ambushed them. Max was closest so he drugged her and then shot Chloe.

  • There's been a lot of talk lately about how the selfie Warren made at the party with Max is the key to prevent Chloe from being killed by Jefferson in the final episode. Even I agree with that idea. Does anyone else agree?

  • I honestly don't know what to think except that he's awesome.

    CatySky posted: »

    Yeah... I'm most likely overthinking this. What do you think about Samuel though?

  • True. Time rewinder or no, that doesn't change the fact that he is absolutely awesome.

    I honestly don't know what to think except that he's awesome.

  • edited August 2015

    I was oblivious about it when I first played the game but now that the theory is out , I'm pretty sure that Max will use it to rewind.

  • When I was replaying the entire game the last two days after playing episode 4 to get my thoughts straight...When I talked to Samuel, I really got the feel of him. I feel like he's "slow" or something like thing, it's just a feeling but he seems like it. He said everyone bullied him and a lot still do, and it made me feel extremely bad for him. He's a great guy, one of my favorite characters, so sweet and nice.

    CatySky posted: »

    True. Time rewinder or no, that doesn't change the fact that he is absolutely awesome.

  • Umm. No.

    Stella bought various recreational drugs such as ADHD pills, hyromorphine and speed. The victims were dosed with the date rape drug GHB, which Nathan purchased on numerous occasions including the nights Kate and Chloe were drugged.

    Stella is a drug-abusing academic overachiever, and that goddamn "Stella is evil" theory is bogus.

    The Stella part is interesting. I wish I had the link, but I don't.. Anyway someone online posted that Stella was buying morphine off Frank

  • edited August 2015

    Oh my, someone leaked some top secret story boards for episode 5. Hotdog Man will save the day! This is 120% legit, believe me m8s.

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    Edit: I should've put this here yesterday, but I was too lazy, but this comic was made by:

  • I love the way he speaks, his speech patern and voice are weirdly soothing for me. Plus, the topics he talks about are really interesting and pleasant to listen to. Some people find him creepy, I find him touching.

    When I was replaying the entire game the last two days after playing episode 4 to get my thoughts straight...When I talked to Samuel, I real

  • His voice is really soothing, it seemed off at first but it just turned out to be soothing.

    CatySky posted: »

    I love the way he speaks, his speech patern and voice are weirdly soothing for me. Plus, the topics he talks about are really interesting and pleasant to listen to. Some people find him creepy, I find him touching.

  • Oh my god. Hot Dog man is the most badass character in Life is Strange. Changing my avatar pic for sure

  • Bet ya never expected Hotdog man to save the day. ;)

    Fucking spoilers.

  • Hotdog man is love, Hotdog man is life.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Bet ya never expected Hotdog man to save the day.

  • edited August 2015

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    Hot Dog man is one of the greatest characters of all time.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Oh my god. Hot Dog man is the most badass character in Life is Strange. Changing my avatar pic for sure

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