Finally started reading the comics....
After putting it off for so long (part of the reason it took this long would probably be that I'm enjoying the TV series so much, and I was busy reading Fables), I have finally begun to read the comics.
Having just finished the first TPB, I thought it was pretty much on equal footing (not better or worse) compared to Season 1.
What do you guys think of TWD comics (compared to the TV series)? Do you prefer comics or the show? Any reasons why?
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I prefer the comics over the show, part of the reason being it was the original and without the comics, there wouldn't be a show, but also because I think it's more consistent in its pacing (the show suffers from a lot of filler episodes) and is able to include stuff that they can't include in the show (imagine the comic Governor being the one we got in the show).
However, both are inferior to the game (both seasons).
It's your opinion, I guess.
By both seasons you mean s2 also?
The comics definitely have parts they do better than the show. Volume 8, 14, 17, are really something. I did enjoy Volume 22 and 23 as well.
Basically what Metallica said. I don't find Season 2 of the game however better than most. I would have to do a full list with all the volumes, seasons and episodes to have my full Walking Dead scope.
In my honest opinion,
Comics>S1 Game> Show> S2 Game
The show trumps all, imo. (Probably because I started the show before the comics and game.) But I am in love with the comics. They are too awesome, imo. When I first started reading, it was all I did. I caught up in about 6 days.
I find Season 2 almost as good as Season 1 (S1's like a 9.5 and S2 is like a 9.0-9.2). Does it have problems, yes, but I still find it a fantastic game and an enjoyable experience to play.
Comics are great, when I started I was able to binge read like all 130 something issues that were out at the time in just a few days. That being said, I think they're the best branch of the franchise, though the most current story arc hasn't been very good (until recently).
Well, I'll be reading the second TPB tonight (most probably 1 TPB per day, due to my work, and other activities). Since I'm up to date with the show, there were not many surprises with the first TPB (though I was a little surprised how quickly Shane died in comics compared to the show), and I don't expect there to be many.
By the way Shabba, (I know this is TWD board but) have you read the Volume 22 of Fables (Farewell)?
If you have, I'd love to hear your opinion on it on this thread:
Fables Volume 22 review thread
The Comics are Awesome! Very Inconsistant at times, and A lot of the Characters feel pretty Bland compared to how they are in the show, But the Comics are my Favorite thing about the TWD Universe!
Not yet, it's still coming in the mail. Expected to come this Thursday though so I'll put my opinion on it in the thread as soon as I finish
Comic book s definetely better. In the show they butchered a lot of good characters.
The comics are the best TWD medium. S1 of the game is the only thing that even comes close. Volume 8 of the comics is one of the best things you will ever read and it perfectly encapsulates the post apocalyptic genre. And then there is Negan in all of his awesomeness, along with Volumes 11, 14, 17 and 24 which are all fantastic pieces of fiction.
The show is an abomination to TWD's name and deserves to be purged from fictional history for its butchering of so many great arcs/characters in the comics. Not to mention it is just an objectively bad show in my opinion.
Idk about that, they definitely made it more realistic.
Like are we really supposed to believe that the first group, with dale Glenn and all, would survive until the hunters? Cmon ppl should die and I definitely though the virus part of the TV show was brilliant
First group is still alive on TV.
Not the entire group though. There were about twenty (unless I missed somebody) members of the original group. There are only five left that are alive that we know of, and we call them the Atlanta Five (Carol, Daryl, Carl, Rick, and Glenn). Morgan is still alive, as well, though he wasn't at the group's camp at the quarry, so you can't call him a group member until just recently. We don't know what happened to the Morales family other than they drove away to Birmingham to look for family.
I've not yet read the comics, but I know about the storylines from my cousin and reading summaries on the wiki.
I love the game. Personally, I thought the Walking Dead would be exactly like any other zombie media ever (meaning I didn't think I would really enjoy it), until I played the first season of the game last year. I absolutely loved it, so I thought I would give the show a try. I still loved the second season of the video game, but I felt that it lacked some of what made the first game great, including more opportunities to speak with and bond with your fellow survivors. I had no problem getting attached to the characters, since I do anyway, but I didn't feel like we truly got to know any of them.
The show, like I said, I hadn't watched until just last year after playing the game. I got all caught up during that fourth of July weekend "Dead White and Blue" marathon, and I started watching all new episodes from then on when they first aired. I don't really get why some people say it's awful. Sure, there's some slow, kind of boring points, but I can't think of many shows that don't have those. My favorite character is Carol, and I'm so proud of what she's become so far. It's glorious.
Exactly, the only ones who stay alive are the ones who will survive.
Soon Abraham will join that group, and so will Morgan. But in the comics, andrea is still alive somehow. Rick has gotten shot and hurt and everything so much that I like that the TV show allows all the characters to take some of his pain.
Andrea is a far better comic character, though.
Honestly I'm not sure if I like the whole "we are the ones who don't die" shit that she says about her Rick and Carl.
Like it's different from the show but not realistic. I think the TV show andrea could've been way better than the comic one just because of her philosophy and outlook, but I'm talkin before season 3 when she fell in love with the govnors penus
Comic book Andrea is WAYYYYYYYYYY better than in TV show. Only character that is better in the TV show is Carol.
ahem MORGAN ahem
People don't realize that the show isn't about the zombie killing but more about what it makes ppl become. The show is about the slow moments... That get ruined sometimes by zombies.. And Ppl die
But that's why it's called The Walking Dead
That's so true.
I've read the comics and to me it has more of the feel from S2. Different groups dying or having to join forces... then die, mixed with both pro survivors and weak survivors. Also a dark and depressing theme that just keeps getting worse, surprisingly worse as the game/comic goes on. S1 had the same, but Clementine was a ray of sunshine. We play as her now and we can't stay cute or innocent.
There's no hope in the comic book, and it's depressing. I don't see any chance for it to end it just looks like a reoccurring cycle.
At least in the show, I can dream that Judith somehow has the cure in her bloodstream and that she will save everyone one day.
I enjoyed them for awhile but I found the repeating storylines got a bit tedious and the characters unlikable. I check in every few issues to see whats happening but I mostly moved on. Im a lot more committed to the show because at least they do seem to be trying new things and I love the characters.
Yeah whatever, two characters. That is still nothing compared to how many they butchered cough Tyrese cough
I only read the first volume and I didn't much care for it, I saw the first 2 seasons of the show, the first one was good, didn't much care for the second one, I stopped bothering with both after that, I only gave the game a chance because of the critical reception and it was worth it as it's much more my style and I actually liked the characters, not so much on season 2 but whatever.
In any case my interest on both is minimal and to be honest considering how long the comic series is, well I don't think I would invest in that even if they told me it becomes amazing mid-way through or something, not my thing.
Comics show how Mature Reading goes. The game wasn't gory enough.