edited October 2015 in Game Of Thrones

The Beast

The Beast is taking place in season 4, right before Joffreys death. Its about a beast called Kraz, the Brutalizer, an 7ft2 monster who looks all human. No one knows what he is or who he are, but someday he took himself to House Seas, a house in problems. House Seas is used to be a loyal Stark bannermen, supporting them with fishes and other food. They also supported Kings Landing with supplies and helped them during the Targaryen time. When the Lannisters got control, not too much seem to have changed, but when Joffrey really got the power, he choose to take everything from them, instead of letting them produce more. Now, House Stoke, a house not too far from Dunkendale where House Seas is, want to help getting everything for them. Not only that, but also Seas important other things, and them trying to take "revenge" of something Seas did years ago. A bloody revenge. Now, The Brutalizer came with nothing, wanted to settle in, and everyone knew who he is. A man with no mercy.

Submit your characters for the both houses, and also sellswords and such. You can submit as many as you would like, and EVERYONE gets a say in this fanfiction.;

YOU can make anyone. From Lord Sea to mister pigfarmer or Kraz's never known son to Ramsays slave. Its completely up to you. If two persons wanna be lords, there will be a war. Valar Morghulis, everyone..


Kiz (very minor) - Murdered and slaughtered by Astaroth.

Rikar (very minor) - Tortured then burned to death by Astaroth

Martin Stoke (minor) - Murdered by Kraz The Brutalizer during combat

Unknown Child - Throat sliced by Avalon

18 men, including Hammock Sarlick during the ambush.

Wagner Seas (POV in Act 1) - slaughtert by Karan Stoke.



  • edited August 2015

    i'll submit :D

  • Fantastic. Submit as many as you'll like :)

    AstroZombie posted: »

    i'll submit

  • just did, i made a villain, you can use him as you see fit in the story :)

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Fantastic. Submit as many as you'll like

  • I'm making a dumb maester right now, and I hesitate between House Seas and House Stoke. ^^ Who shall benefit from him ? :D

  • Only the gods can decide.

    I'm making a dumb maester right now, and I hesitate between House Seas and House Stoke. ^^ Who shall benefit from him ?

  • Are characters that are the part of Stokes or Seas familly allowed? For example, a daughter of Lord Seas?

  • YES. I dont even have a lord yet. ANYONE is allowed. Of course, if there is two lords made into the same, i'll make them brothers and then decide who is gonna be the lord.

    Crips posted: »

    Are characters that are the part of Stokes or Seas familly allowed? For example, a daughter of Lord Seas?

  • Alright, I'll submit a couple of characters, this sounds interesting :D

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    YES. I dont even have a lord yet. ANYONE is allowed. Of course, if there is two lords made into the same, i'll make them brothers and then decide who is gonna be the lord.

  • edited August 2015

    I submited one more character, please let me know if u liked him :D (It's Kaul sand)

  • Very interesting with him. There may be some problem with the boys being a little.... jaloux?

    AstroZombie posted: »

    I submited one more character, please let me know if u liked him (It's Kaul sand)

  • Well, I've just submit what might be the most fabulous character I've ever done. ^^ I hope he's not "too much" and that he'll be appreciated. :D

  • Its very creative and something I would never have thought of, good stuff! You're more than welcome to submit some more!

    Well, I've just submit what might be the most fabulous character I've ever done. ^^ I hope he's not "too much" and that he'll be appreciated.

  • edited August 2015

    jaloux of ? (idk if it does mean jealous, is it french? lol)

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Very interesting with him. There may be some problem with the boys being a little.... jaloux?

  • Well thats awkward.

    Am I supposed to be a writer now.. damn.

    AstroZombie posted: »

    jaloux of ? (idk if it does mean jealous, is it french? lol)

  • lmao, well, i thought it was on purpose xD

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Well thats awkward. Am I supposed to be a writer now.. damn.

  • edited August 2015

    Just me not thinking straight. Sorry, its 12pm here.

    AstroZombie posted: »

    lmao, well, i thought it was on purpose xD

  • edited August 2015

    no need to apologize hehe, it happens to everyone :) good night

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Just me not thinking straight. Sorry, its 12pm here.

  • I've submitted four characters. Have fun with them.

  • Good stuff!!

    Crips posted: »

    I've submitted four characters. Have fun with them.

  • edited August 2015

    Act 1, Chapter 1; Kraz


    ,,Its beautiful.'' Dairon impresses the little girl beside him. She just made a drawing, not a pretty one.

    ,,Thanks'' she says as she thinks Dairon means it.

    A yelling from the distance is coming into Dairon ears. Its Frank, his caretaker. ,,DAIRON!! Come!'' he shouts as Dairon runs backward to see the smile of the little girl.

    Dairon runs, and well, at that moment he knew that it was working time. Bargh..

    ,,Take care of the horses. I've got to talk with Lord Seas'' he says in confidence and goes over to the town hall to a meeting to discuss Frank's future.

    It isn't going to well for Seas as the Lannisters are keeping their pressure. Seas lost 26 of their men in the twins, and no one has returned yet. ,,Walder bloody Frey.'' House Stoke is also keeping the pressure, and makes sure the Lannisters never forgets. They call on Lord Bolton, but he doesn't have much permission as of the Lannisters. House Seas is not known for their army at all, their peak is around 100 men, so whenever someone hits them, they're done. Only this time, 60 year old Wagner Seas doesn't give up. He wants to take on Stoke as they don't care about supplies but rather are on revenge after a distant Seas cousin killed the infamous Kimmie Stoke.

    ,,I want you to tell me the truth, Cynthia.'', Lord Seas says in a quiet voice to let her not to panic. Cynthia looks in a panicy way as if she just wanna jump out of the 51 meter tower. ,,I don't know what i'm supposed to say. I have no children''. Seas and Frank has been discussing this. They know something is wrong about Dairon. Seas has no idea about her having children, he just wanna play around like he knows everything and just wanna hear the truth. Its hard for him.

    Seas advisor, also Cynthia's wife. He trust him, tho he isn't anything more than a warrior. Jon Serenah. ,,My lord. I have news from Stoke.''. Seas nods Cynthia away and she walks out in horror. ,,Very well'', Wagner Seas says expecting him to countinue. Jon looks half-confused though its Wagner who is supposed to get confused..

    ,,They're planning on something. We've got one of their spies.'', ,,He is only 14 years old though...'' Jon didn't look like he would judge a young man like an adult, so he tried to make Wagner calmer.

    ,,Bloody mother. Who lets everyone in?!'' Wagner asks very hard, and Jon has nothing to say. He keeps his silence and then indicates that the young man is below at the public, waiting for an decision.

    Wagner has never been a good judge, since Judge Grunt died a year ago of natural causes. He went down to see the young blonde, but what he saw was a adorable face of a 15 year old. ,,Your name?'' Wagner says and the young man looked honored and very nervous ,,Astaroth'' he says.

    ,,Why did you spy us?'' Wagner countinued, and the young man began to giggle in a horrible way. ,,I didn't. Its false!''. Wagner didn't say no or anything, after all he is a young adorable young man. Wagner didn't have time for any of this. He came with a quick sentence; ,,No permission to get here ever again. Its your leg, if I see you here.''. The two guards took him and throwed him outside.

    ,,Well done my lord'' Jon says and tried very hard not to be ironic. No one should mess with the lord.

    ,,MY LORD!'' the man on the gate screams. The other people at the gate looks very scared. Its nothing something natural. ,,oh god..'' Wagner says in a silent way. Its the myth.

    Kraz, the Brutalizer.

    Jon began panicking as the Brutalizer is only a myth. He is more than a myth than the white walkers! The Brutalizer lived serving for the Targaryens. He demolished everyone on Trial By Combat, and no one ever escaped from him. He is larger than the Mountain and the Hound put together and is known for being injured for what 60 men would die for.

    Robert said offically that he was indeed dead after falling and getting murdered by 20 men. It was never proved.

    ,,He is larger than I thought!'' Jon says.

    ,,What does he want from us?!''

    ,,My lord.. we should welcome him. He must come with good, he never attacks with no reason..'' Frank says as he runs towards the gate.

    ,,No, no.. don't be dumb. We must make sure that he knows that we will attack him if he does anything stupid!'' Orion The Brave, the Captain of Seas's Personal Guard says.

    ,,No! Don't be dumb. Just.. don't welcome him. Tell him to go away, or else we wil....'' Jon tries to not panic.

    Its a hard decision for Wagner. What must he do for this incredible beast?


    Kaul The Beauty

    ,,Hehe'' the woman giggles as Kaul smiles to her. Its not hard to impress the women, if you're Kaul. Its complety free at a pleasure house.

    ,,We must meet again'' Kaul says in a gentle way and he gives her the last smile.

    A man walks into to the pleasure house, to of course see Kaul smiling at women to get a free pass ticket. He sighs.

    ,,The Prince wants to talk with you, Kaul.'' he says and walks out. He doesn't want an answer. Kaul takes his pants on and heads towards the prince.

    ,,My Prince'' Kaul says and goes on his knee. ,,Quit it.'' The Prince says as he doesn't have time for any talking.

    ,,I want you to start an alliance with the Seas.''

    Confused as Kaul looks, the prince had to countinue, ,,The Seas has a easy passage to Westeros. We can do fun stuff there.'' he says and Kaul nods.

    ,,What am I supposed to bring with me, my prince?''

    ,,Gold, and choose 2 good fighers. I have gotten 6 good men, and two youngs. A young woman with the name of Lyudmilla, see if you can impress her, you don't have the skill, and a young man with the name of Giovanni. Both passionate, mostly for the money of course.'' he giggles and sents Kaul away.

    Kaul choose his two other fighters, two sneaky ones and was ready to go. In the morning. Though he would like some pleasue atleast....



    Good job ! :D I like it already. ^^

  • (Welcome him but be ready to fight) seems reasonable. I love how you did my chars, perfect :D

    (Bring a whore) Why not, what could go wrong

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Act 1, Chapter 1; Kraz SEAS ,,Its beautiful.'' Dairon impresses the little girl beside him. She just made a drawing, not a pretty one.

  • edited August 2015

    Submitted a character , I hope he is good ^^

  • edited August 2015



    alikir34 posted: »

    Submitted a character , I hope he is good ^^

  • edited August 2015

    (Welcome him) that man can't be defeated lol

    (Do not bring a whore) there must be some women in the seas city

    :D i'm liking it

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    Act 1, Chapter 1; Kraz SEAS ,,Its beautiful.'' Dairon impresses the little girl beside him. She just made a drawing, not a pretty one.

  • Act 1, Chapter 2; The Twins Aren't Good


    Wagner nods at Orion and tells him to be ready.

    ,,ARCHERS!'' Orion screams and the 4 archers stands and ready to fire.

    ,,SWORDMEN!'' Orion screams once again and they set them infront of the gate.

    Wagner stood up and to welcome the beast. The beast wasn't pleased with the display.

    ,,Is this how you treat a visitor?'' he said in a dark terrifing voice.

    ,,Pathetic.'' he half-laughs, and sits down on the nearest bench. He doesn't do anything, he just sits and relaxs.

    ,,What do you want?'' Wagner said and in 6 seconds of silence, Kraz stood up.

    ,,You know me. I know you, Wagner. I've heard about what has happen to you. After all your older brother raised me, sadly he is dead.''

    ,,That doesn't explain anything!'' Orion says in a confused hard tone.

    Kraz has something in his pockets. A drawing as it seems. He throws it at Wagner.

    Wagner is terrified and takes the picture up. He expects the worse.

    But what it is, is a picture of a young girl, age 2-3 years old. She looks like Kraz's dead wife, Melissa. She got excuted by House Stoke for treason.

    ,,Yes.'' Wagner said silently as he has nothing to say.

    ,,She got burned by House Stoke. I want to demolish them, every single one..'' he says.

    ,,I'm with you.''

    Everyone took this as a large surprise, but Wagner took it positivly. He knew that the Brutalizer would never lie, he has never lied. When he wants someone dead, he tells it. Never keeps secret, and is very loyal when it comes to taking revenge.

    Within two seconds, emergency music beings to play. Something bads happen. Wagner half-runs over to the place, only to see the almighty Martin Stoke. Martin Stoke is one of House Stoke's best fighters. He is a distant cousin, so him dead is not gonna effect them.

    ,,Very well.'' Orion starts as he is the one to judge. Wagner wouldn't even stop him. ,,Your name?''

    ,,Martin. Martin Stoke'' he says in a confident way.

    ,,You came here to what?'' Orion asks him, and he comes with a quick answer; ,,To fight. To battle. I want to fight one against one.''

    Orion looks confused as it makes no sence.

    Wagner looks more confused

    ,,Haha.'' Martin laughs.

    ,,Jakob Seas, the new Lord died at the twins alongside the bloody forresters..''

    ,,I killed him. But in a pathetic way. I can't do that against my honor!''

    Why is honor such a big thing? People die for honor, people live for honor. If you don't have any honor, you're fool.

    ,,My lord..'' Jon whispers.

    ,,What should we do?''




    Adorable boy

    ,,Bloody hell mate. I hate finding deers and killing them''

    ,,Aye mate. We shouldn't complain. Atleast Wagner isn't that brutal'' Rikar says as he looks at Kiz

    ,,You know, the last time i've gotten some damn pleasue was two days ago'', ,,I really need some good cunties'' Kiz laughs

    ,,You fat ass. You've lived your whole life buying whores, and not all are girls.'' Rikar says

    ,,Yeh yeh, those blondie boys are just as good. Such small arses.''

    ,,Come on dude. Thats disgusting'' Rikar gives the eww face.

    Target found. A dear with meat for atleast 15 men. Rikar takes his crossbow but misses. He runs after it, but its already gone.

    ,,Bloody hell mate'' Kiz begins, but then he sees a young boy wandering around the forests. He looks confused. He is alot smaller than himself and he thought he could be a nice target..

    ,,Hey.'' ,,Are you lost?'' Kiz says and the boy just cries. He looks devestated.

    ,,Come with me'' Kiz says, and in the distance Rikar are searching for more things.

    Kiz comes closer to him, until the point where he is close to his back. He touches the little bom of the boy.

    The boy tries to get him away, but he stays and pinces harder and harder.

    The boy has a knife on his hands, and then jumps and slices his throat. He sliced it a bit until beginning to make him suffer. He doesn't do much self defence, as he is enjoying it.

    Rigar sees it, and as he is trying to save him, its too late.

    Attack the boy

    Run away and find help

    Talk with him

  • submited


    Attack the boy

  • Perfect. Submit as many as you'll like.

    submited (MURDER HIM AT THE PLACE) Attack the boy

  • I submitted a character.

  • Fantastic!

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    I submitted a character.

  • I may create a story line with this character and other sellswords. Its very interesting.

    Ethan_Neck posted: »


  • Thank you!

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    I may create a story line with this character and other sellswords. Its very interesting.


    Talk with him

  • (Set him up against the brutalizer)

    (Talk with him)

  • ACT 1, CHAPTER 3; Message from King Joffrey



    ,,Did he seriously come up here by himself?'' Frank whispers to Jon, ,,No not really. Its a statement by an idiot.''

    ,,He may come here for a reason. I think I know it. If he dies, House Stoke may have a reason to attack us by law.'' Orion adds.

    ,,Why would he do suicide?!'' the son and the next lord if Jakob's dead, Gandar Seas.

    ,,I don't know..'' Jon says confusingly.

    ,,Its up to you, Orion'' Frank says and waits for the judge, exciting as ever.

    ,,I...'m... gonna give you a fight''.

    Everyones shocked. They can kill him here, and nothing would've happend. He is a useless Stoke after all.

    Martin smiles, and got taken by two guards to prepare for the fight. Its today.

    ,,I think the Brutalizer would gladly take this one'', Wagner says.

    ,,Yes I will..'' The Brutalizer came with again, a terrifying dark voice.

    ,,I would gladly kill a stoke.''

    Gandar smiles, and knows that if he can get Kraz to obey him, they may win the war. If Jakobs dead, he will be the lord in the house.

    ,,Council meeting, in the hall in 4 hours, after the fight'', Wagner says and goes to the townhall. He doesn't want to see the game.

    Adorable Boy

    Talk with him

    ,,Hi dude...'' Rigar says and gives a terrifing smile.

    ,,I like you.'' Astaroth smiles and takes his knife.

    ,,Theres no need to, my friend'' Rigar begins,

    ,,Yes there is.''

    Astaroth takes his knife and stabs Rigar in the stomach. He ties him in a tree and begins to slice his body wide open so Rigar feels it. Afterwards, he burns the body and smiles at the hearing of Rigar suffering.

    The thing about Astaroth is that he isn't that cute boy. He is a serial killer and a cousin of the infamous Ramsay Bolton. He likes to toture and murder everyone he sees, including animals. A rabbits in the distance. Whenever a target is in a distance, human or not, he doesn't like to be stealthy. He wants them to know, and wants them to be terrified just before their death. Its enjoyable.


    The arena was made 300 years ago by Jakz Seas, and has a capaticy of around 300 people. Its half full, and everyone wants to see the brutalizer in action. Atleast for some time. Martin Stoke takes a fair bit of armor, while Kraz is complety blank on that point. He only has his hands, though he got offered his special weapon. He wants to kill him with his bare hands.

    ,,Let the game begin'', as Martin first sees the Brutalizer, he is in shock, and is out of movement. The Brutalizer just goes to him, and Martin still can't move. Kraz takes his fist, and demolishes the poor guy into his flesh wide open. Its the fastest in the history of a combat. He demolished him in seconds. Martin didn't even move.

    Wagner is glad that its over. He waits another 10 minutes until the counsels come.

    Wagner starts with a sigh. ,,I've gotten a message from Kings Landing, by King Joffrey. He wants us over there.''

    ,,But why?! He hates us?!'' Jon asks confusingly.

    ,,He needs us there. People think we're friends. Doing something else will kill us.''

    ,,We need to.''

    ,,He wants Cynthia and Wagner''... the servant says

    ,,Its sounds like they're trying to kill us'' Orion says

    ,,We need to think the worst scenerios!''

    ,,We shouldn't come. Its a trap!''

    ,,We should! KING Joffrey wouldn't like us to not come!''

    ,,He will kill us if not, and support the stokes even more!''

    Go to Kings Landing

    Do not go to Kings Landing

    Sorry this is a short one. I'm expecting a thriller in the next one. Don't worry :)

  • edited August 2015

    this story is gettin better and better
    Go to kings landing

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    ACT 1, CHAPTER 3; Message from King Joffrey SEAS SET HIM UP AGAINST THE BRUTALIZER ,,Did he seriously come up here by himself?'' Fr

  • Go to kings landing

  • Go to King's Landing

    If that choice is the one chosen, please take note that I am currently creating a character that would certainly be interested in going back to King's Landing. ^^

    Ethan_Neck posted: »

    ACT 1, CHAPTER 3; Message from King Joffrey SEAS SET HIM UP AGAINST THE BRUTALIZER ,,Did he seriously come up here by himself?'' Fr

  • edited August 2015

    I will see a way to fit that in :)

    Go to King's Landing If that choice is the one chosen, please take note that I am currently creating a character that would certainly be interested in going back to King's Landing. ^^

  • Go to King's Landing

    I don't think it will end well xD

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