Same people who praised the god awful Mass Effect 3 ending and always give those dull CoD games a good score. I would't give a damn if it didn't affect game sales and in that regard would force developers to make shitty games that IGN and GameSpot like.
you should read their reasons. it was stupid. and will make you more angry.
plus they are a couple (mitch and alexa).. and they both gave the same score.. i wont comment further.
Seriously...How fucked would it be if this was an ending? (bad ending)
Jefferson goes to Principal Wells with the idea of maki… moreng the Missing posters for Max. The final scene of the Season shows various people that you got along with putting up the posters around Arcadia Bay and Jefferson among them with Arcadia Bay none the wiser. The camera focuses on a lone figure staring at one of Max's poster as a somber tune plays in the background. Cut to black.
Not saying this is what we'll get, but dang it's fun to speculate.
enter link description here
omg. IGN and gamespot gave episode 4 a 6/10 rating. HOW IS THAT FAIR? its the best episode yet!.... i cant take those guys seriously. i'm so… more angry. because of their UN FAIR review people might not experience this agazing game.. plus you guys should see their reasons behind the rating. you will get even more annoyed.
i'm not hating. the review were not fair. they were judging it based on personal preference! like alexa from gamespot, she felt ''ill'' or that the episode took another turn she did not expect. ummm.. is that what episodic games do? plus its the 4th episode of 5! meaning we are at the end. of course MAAANY plot lines will come to conclusion. i bet she thought that this game is about two teenage girls who go swimming and do sleepovers. NO. it has a plot. there was a girl missing and a girl attempted suicide! just because they strayed in ep3 doesnt mean that there is no plot.
i'm sorry if i offended you, /Gary-Oak. their review was unfair to what was happening. just because you dont like ''the dark'' stuff, doesnt mean it dont make sense. if that was dark then what alexa will do if she played outlast? or even amnesia? see my point? it was unfair. plus they judged half the episode based on their ''personal'' opinion and expectation. and not about what the game really is and what it was achieving. which is the answers we wanted since episode 1. although it was sad and shocking. but at least dontnod cared enough for their fans to not leave us hanging or give us one of those ''you make sense of this. we will not''
I'd definitely recommend To The Moon, it's not episodic or anything but it has a really good story attached to it, and includes two free minisodes. I don't want to spoil too much.
I'd definitely recommend To The Moon, it's not episodic or anything but it has a really good story attached to it, and includes two free minisodes. I don't want to spoil too much.
He's actually one of my favorite characters...
Yeah, he doesn't have alot of screentime but for me (and others) it wasn't neccessary whic… moreh is what makes him a great character imo.
I liked Warren the moment I saw him while, but it took 3 episodes for me to like Chloe.
People like Kate aswell and she has had even less scenes than Warren, I didn't like Chloe until episode 3 though alot of people liked her since episode 1.
I guess it's just about what kind of people you're drawn to and how open you are with different characters (I start to care for "smaller" characters really fast)
Now look at my Max, she's everyones buddy!
(Yes I know I'm not the master of english writing ~ I wish you good luck in reading)
Let's keep the speculation going: let's make up a good, bad and neutral ending
Good: the camera turns to max (with chloe either there or not) telling kate good news, then the camera goes to a photo of Jefferson, Nathan and Sean Prescott in jail. The camera goes back to kate who is surprised but happy. A series of photos of max, Warren, and kate ( also possibly chloe) in various locations around the world drinking tea and having a swell time with music playing in the background.
Neutral: the camera shows either just Jefferson,Nathan or Sean Prescott in prison. Then max and whoever she has left get in a car to try and find the other members of the trio.
Tbh, Chloe is one of the most difficult characters to draw for me. Sinfe I don't often draw characters with hats or tattoo norsshirtdesigns. I liked how it turned out though.
It looks like Tom's LiS comics have at least 3 alternate timelines:
A) Max is a psycopath, Chloe is normal
Max is normal, Chloe is a … moremanly pun master
C) Max is a psycopath and Chloe is a manly pun master.
I want a comic set in this timeline:
Good: Mark slowly walks away from a mound of freshly displaced dirt, with a red binder under his right arm. The white label is split in two, separated by his arm, on the left side reads the letters "Ma" and on the right, the letter "e".
Bad: Max walks out of the Dark Room and slams the vault door behind her. She tears off the key pad as sparks shoot out from under her palms. Moments later there is pounding on the other side of the door. Max, eyes full of tears, turns and walks up the stairs leading to the barn.
Let's keep the speculation going: let's make up a good, bad and neutral ending
Good: the camera turns to max (with chloe either there or… more not) telling kate good news, then the camera goes to a photo of Jefferson, Nathan and Sean Prescott in jail. The camera goes back to kate who is surprised but happy. A series of photos of max, Warren, and kate ( also possibly chloe) in various locations around the world drinking tea and having a swell time with music playing in the background.
Neutral: the camera shows either just Jefferson,Nathan or Sean Prescott in prison. Then max and whoever she has left get in a car to try and find the other members of the trio.
Bad: sufficient bad ending above
Nathan Prescott is his own father. Nathan grows into Mr. Jefferson then travels back in time to become Prescott senior. The Prescotts have more powerful time travel powers than Max. That's the solution! Nathan and Jefferson both show incredible talent for photography and both have a penchant for photographing vulnerable reason. And the reason Mr.
Prescott doesn't take advantage of Victoria is because she used to be his friend when he was the younger Nathan. It's also how the older Prescott knows about the coming storm.
Good: Max escapes the dark room or is saved by either (David, Nathan or Frank depending on your choices) and uses the Warren photo to go back to the party, thus saving Chloe and getting Jefferson arrested along with Sean Prescott for his involvement of the trafficking of the girls, Nathan finally gets the physichiatric help he needs and Max is able to stop the storm from destroying Arcadia bay, after she successfully fixes everything she loses her power but gets to live out the rest of her life knowing all her friends are safe and the murders have stopped.
Meh ending: Max realises the only way to stop the storm from coming is to let Chloe die so she goes back to the photo she took in the bathroom.. you can either choose to save Chloe and let the tornado destroy the city which will result in many deaths of families (Warren included) Or to let her die and all of Arcadia bay is saved as the storm doesn't come.. or jump in the way of the bullet so you die instead of Chloe.
Bad ending: The whole city is destroyed, Jefferson uses the bunker to stay unharmed, he kills max and buries her body, Max is declared missing and Chloe is dead, After the destruction of the town it is rebuilt by Sean and renamed "Prescott Bay" Jefferson teaches the class as normal, eyeing down his next victim.
Let's keep the speculation going: let's make up a good, bad and neutral ending
Good: the camera turns to max (with chloe either there or… more not) telling kate good news, then the camera goes to a photo of Jefferson, Nathan and Sean Prescott in jail. The camera goes back to kate who is surprised but happy. A series of photos of max, Warren, and kate ( also possibly chloe) in various locations around the world drinking tea and having a swell time with music playing in the background.
Neutral: the camera shows either just Jefferson,Nathan or Sean Prescott in prison. Then max and whoever she has left get in a car to try and find the other members of the trio.
Bad: sufficient bad ending above
Same people who praised the god awful Mass Effect 3 ending and always give those dull CoD games a good score. I would't give a damn if it didn't affect game sales and in that regard would force developers to make shitty games that IGN and GameSpot like.
That is a spot on Max likeness.
Don't play with my feelings.
I missed creepy Max
Creepy Max and Chin Chloe, if you look close enough.
It feels like a one-off to me but I'd like Dontnod to continue to make this style of game.
I saw ign's review and most ign users disagree saying that it's one of the best episodes yet.
Psycho Max and Manly Chloe? Oh no...
i'm not hating. the review were not fair. they were judging it based on personal preference! like alexa from gamespot, she felt ''ill'' or that the episode took another turn she did not expect. ummm.. is that what episodic games do? plus its the 4th episode of 5! meaning we are at the end. of course MAAANY plot lines will come to conclusion. i bet she thought that this game is about two teenage girls who go swimming and do sleepovers. NO. it has a plot. there was a girl missing and a girl attempted suicide! just because they strayed in ep3 doesnt mean that there is no plot.
i'm sorry if i offended you, /Gary-Oak. their review was unfair to what was happening. just because you dont like ''the dark'' stuff, doesnt mean it dont make sense. if that was dark then what alexa will do if she played outlast? or even amnesia? see my point? it was unfair. plus they judged half the episode based on their ''personal'' opinion and expectation. and not about what the game really is and what it was achieving. which is the answers we wanted since episode 1. although it was sad and shocking. but at least dontnod cared enough for their fans to not leave us hanging or give us one of those ''you make sense of this. we will not''
Geekremix is doin a episode 4 charity stream right now incase anyone is interested (
Grahamfield sounds so badass
Why can't the actual Max and Chloe be like this, the game would be a million times better.
A murderer and a pun master? I agree.
Is it an unpopular decision one?
I saw it on Reddit, from what I remember, yes.
These are so good!
This is a bit off topic, but not including Telltale games are there any other good games like LiS?
I'd definitely recommend To The Moon, it's not episodic or anything but it has a really good story attached to it, and includes two free minisodes. I don't want to spoil too much.
Heavy Rain.
I think this Chin/Manly Chloe is a creep like this Max. She shows 0 emotion when Nathan gets nailed in the skull, and even makes a pun about it.
Dreamfall chapters is a good episodic game with lots of choice and consequence.
(Don't worry, you're English was fine.)
Yeah, I just want him to have more screentime.
Let's keep the speculation going: let's make up a good, bad and neutral ending
Good: the camera turns to max (with chloe either there or not) telling kate good news, then the camera goes to a photo of Jefferson, Nathan and Sean Prescott in jail. The camera goes back to kate who is surprised but happy. A series of photos of max, Warren, and kate ( also possibly chloe) in various locations around the world drinking tea and having a swell time with music playing in the background.
Neutral: the camera shows either just Jefferson,Nathan or Sean Prescott in prison. Then max and whoever she has left get in a car to try and find the other members of the trio.
Bad: sufficient bad ending above
Aye aye captain!
I'm doing something similar. I'm gonna get into the manga business evetually.
Tbh, Chloe is one of the most difficult characters to draw for me. Sinfe I don't often draw characters with hats or tattoo norsshirtdesigns. I liked how it turned out though.
It looks like Tom's LiS comics have at least 3 alternate timelines:
A) Max is a psycopath, Chloe is normal
C) Max is a psycopath and Chloe is a manly pun master.
I want a comic set in this timeline:
While some didn't enjoy it, I loved Beyond: Two Souls!
Why is she dressed like Peter Pan? Lol
Peter Pan? Wut? She's like Link, the great hero of time.
That's real nice what she's doing. Go Remix! And fuck those DDOS attackers that crashed her computer.
That picture is amazing.
Now, this is just me, but for some reason, whenever I look at the background, it reminds of that University of Colorado level in "The Last of Us".
You mean Zelda? xD xP
Good: Mark slowly walks away from a mound of freshly displaced dirt, with a red binder under his right arm. The white label is split in two, separated by his arm, on the left side reads the letters "Ma" and on the right, the letter "e".
Bad: Max walks out of the Dark Room and slams the vault door behind her. She tears off the key pad as sparks shoot out from under her palms. Moments later there is pounding on the other side of the door. Max, eyes full of tears, turns and walks up the stairs leading to the barn.
**The story is solved. **
Nathan Prescott is his own father. Nathan grows into Mr. Jefferson then travels back in time to become Prescott senior. The Prescotts have more powerful time travel powers than Max. That's the solution! Nathan and Jefferson both show incredible talent for photography and both have a penchant for photographing vulnerable reason. And the reason Mr.
Prescott doesn't take advantage of Victoria is because she used to be his friend when he was the younger Nathan. It's also how the older Prescott knows about the coming storm.
Good: Max escapes the dark room or is saved by either (David, Nathan or Frank depending on your choices) and uses the Warren photo to go back to the party, thus saving Chloe and getting Jefferson arrested along with Sean Prescott for his involvement of the trafficking of the girls, Nathan finally gets the physichiatric help he needs and Max is able to stop the storm from destroying Arcadia bay, after she successfully fixes everything she loses her power but gets to live out the rest of her life knowing all her friends are safe and the murders have stopped.
Meh ending: Max realises the only way to stop the storm from coming is to let Chloe die so she goes back to the photo she took in the bathroom.. you can either choose to save Chloe and let the tornado destroy the city which will result in many deaths of families (Warren included) Or to let her die and all of Arcadia bay is saved as the storm doesn't come.. or jump in the way of the bullet so you die instead of Chloe.
Bad ending: The whole city is destroyed, Jefferson uses the bunker to stay unharmed, he kills max and buries her body, Max is declared missing and Chloe is dead, After the destruction of the town it is rebuilt by Sean and renamed "Prescott Bay" Jefferson teaches the class as normal, eyeing down his next victim.