The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited August 2015

    I would just take the compliment, there are worse things than people saying an old picture of you looks model-worthy.

    As an example Imagine if someone stole an old picture of you and said WOW you used to be skinny

    would that be a compliment or an insult?

    This would be clearly an insult and stealing your stuff is wrong to imo

    enter image description here

    I would just take the compliment, there are worse things than people saying an old picture of you looks model-worthy.

  • enter image description here

    She is right and all them blocked toilets together overflowing will cause a tsunami destroying America :'(

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    enter link description here I don't even know what to say about that. :l

  • It's rap battle Thursday, time to show and prove

    My rhymes like a classic painting in the louvre.

    Monet, cash and ho's, that's the way that I groove.

    Step to me, if you're finna get abused

  • I'm aware that it was a backhanded compliment, meant to insult me but we're always insulting each other, like I said it's no big deal, he simply managed to find an insult that actually hurt for once.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm Irish we are the master of sarcasm and underhand insults This was just intended to insult and mock you this was no compliment I would

  • Sweet victory! Don't worry taco, you can win tomorrow, on failure Friday!

  • No shame.

    Green613 posted: »

    ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • rekt

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Sweet victory! Don't worry taco, you can win tomorrow, on failure Friday!

  • edited August 2015

    Hi, I'm just finished watching Unfriended 2014 on Blu-ray at it's fuking AWESOME, it was recomanded by @ualexen92 and I was pretty sure that is for a teenager, but after I finish it... the message was clear to me, we all have friends less or more while some of them are such call TRUE friends, we are friends with them from a lifetime, forming a very deep connection, friends that we from and have a strong bond that can't be broken, we trust them with our life, but how much we really know about them? Which is the question that you should ask yourself!

  • I'm only joking I know :)

    kaleion posted: »

    I'm aware that it was a backhanded compliment, meant to insult me but we're always insulting each other, like I said it's no big deal, he simply managed to find an insult that actually hurt for once.

  • edited August 2015

    Short summary for those who aren't up to date on what is currently happening: there has recently been a number of undercover videos released that show several prominent Planned Parenthood employees admitting that their company not only harvests and procures the body parts of the babies they've aborted, but also sells them to make a profit. Which is illegal under federal law. The video below offers more information regarding the evidence discovered. The second video is the first episode of a documentary series that goes into graphic and horrific detail regarding the process of obtaining the babies' body parts and negotiating the price of said body parts with the buyer. These videos also show the undercover footage proving that PP is breaking several laws, both federal and moral. You can find the rest of the videos on youtube, I would post them here, but I don't want to clog up the thread. Regardless of your stance on Abortion, I encourage everyone to watch the following videos, they shed light on the reality of just what kind of business they are running at PP. The way these people at PP nonchalantly discuss the crushing, dismembering, and dissecting of human babies meets a new level of disturbing and makes me question their humanity. Planned Parenthood is a government funded company, which they have absolutely no place being. I, for one, find it utterly reprehensible that we are still being forced to pay for it, that my tax dollars are funding such a deplorable organization. They are dismembering babies and selling their body parts, you can't get anymore fucked up than that.


    first episode of documentary series

    If you'd like to see the unedited investigative videos and transcripts, or want to know how you can help take action against Planned Parenthood, here's a link.

  • You're lucky white men can't rap.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    It's rap battle Thursday, time to show and prove My rhymes like a classic painting in the louvre. Monet, cash and ho's, that's the way that I groove. Step to me, if you're finna get abused

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    FUCK THEM this issue is really sensitive with me I hate them they disgust me this is horrible

    So Americans are paying these guys to harvest baby parts this is stealing and plain evil pure evil disgusting

    I want everyone involved locked up in prison

    I want investigators hired by the government to always investigate every state funded company regularly

    I want families who got there babies parts sold get compensation

    The government should suffer to for letting this happen and funding this I want their wages suspended for a few weeks hit them where it hurts to get the message this is unacceptable. The government is always first to punish the people for mistakes but who punishes them? they should be held accountable to they funded this imo let their wage pay back the tax payers money here. That will make sure they will never let anything like this happen again as they know they will be punished as well

    I know what they will do blame PP and replace a couple of staff then the cycle continues of them ignoring stuff like this

    On a side note that girl holly is so cold it sickens me she is like a serial killer cold it's really disturbing

    Tinni posted: »

    Short summary for those who aren't up to date on what is currently happening: there has recently been a number of undercover videos released

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited August 2015

    I'm barely brown and I manage okay. Besides, Diabolic is white as bird shit and he's one of the best.

    papai46 posted: »

    You're lucky white men can't rap.

  • Really? What I got from the movie is don't bullying and evil ghosts are assholes that even though they know who is responsible, they'll kill everyone anyway.

    Hi, I'm just finished watching Unfriended 2014 on Blu-ray at it's fuking AWESOME, it was recomanded by @ualexen92 and I was pretty sure that

  • This was never put in Conker's Bad Fur Day....holy shit this is neat.

    enter link description here

    enter link description here

  • I JUST watched that movie. But in my opinion it wasn't so good.

    Hi, I'm just finished watching Unfriended 2014 on Blu-ray at it's fuking AWESOME, it was recomanded by @ualexen92 and I was pretty sure that

  • This shit is why everyone hates your government.

    Tinni posted: »

    Short summary for those who aren't up to date on what is currently happening: there has recently been a number of undercover videos released

  • If I had a dollar for every time my school did something completely illogical, I'd be giving away Bill Gate's net worth to charity.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited August 2015

    Dayum, they are EATIN' Trump in this debate. I'll post some opinions later.

    "The military isn't a social experiment. The point of the military is to kill people and break things." -- Mike Huckabee

  • The debate was crazy. Anyone else see it?

    Kasich and Christie really killed it. Trump did his best to commit political suicide and Rand Paul was foaming at the mouth. Huckabee, Cruz, Walker and Carson were the same boring conservative platitudes.

    Trump. Holy shit Trump... That man's arrogance is ASTONISHING! He was mean, bombastic and petty. No way that guy is a presidential material.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Dayum, they are EATIN' Trump in this debate. I'll post some opinions later. "The military isn't a social experiment. The point of the military is to kill people and break things." -- Mike Huckabee

  • It took me so long to finally get this to work oh my lord

    All I can say is that this format is so fucking cramped and so bad on mobile I cannot even use the site.

  • edited August 2015

    Somehow Trump "won" this debate according to various random polls that I have seen, which is pretty much a joke. I don't see how anyone could honestly have watched that debate and possibly walked away thinking that Trump was the best out of everyone there.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Dayum, they are EATIN' Trump in this debate. I'll post some opinions later. "The military isn't a social experiment. The point of the military is to kill people and break things." -- Mike Huckabee

  • I've had problems to, but IE sucks even more on mobile, so that might be it.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    It took me so long to finally get this to work oh my lord All I can say is that this format is so fucking cramped and so bad on mobile I cannot even use the site.

  • edited August 2015

    It has to be a joke, he couldn't even answer one question without pointing the finger at someone else, getting passive aggressive, putting a spotlight on his blatant narcissism, or going off on a tangent about something that didn't even relate to the question asked in the first place. lol seriously, how can you win a debate when you can't even coherently address the questions?

    Nothing he said made any actual sense in practice, the only bit that stood out to me was his schtick about building a wall to solve our illegal immigration problem, and only because it was just so ridiculously hilarious. "See what we really need to do is just build a wall. That's it. Just this huge fuckin' wall, that will totes keep out all the illegal immigrants. It'll work, I'm a business man, I know what I'm doing, seriously!"

    It genuinely concerns me that there are a number of people who seriously want Trump as the GOP nominee, and it bothers me that he got so much attention during the whole debate. I would have rather heard more from the other candidates. I understand that it's refreshing to hear someone speak their mind and not conform to the politically correct mindset that is plaguing our nation as of late, but look beyond that and people will see there's no actual substance or logic behind his talking points. He's an arrogant man with no filter, nothing more.:/

    ..Damn, I typed way more than I thought I would. My bad lol.

    Belan posted: »

    Somehow Trump "won" this debate according to various random polls that I have seen, which is pretty much a joke. I don't see how anyone coul

  • Lol. Found this on Kotaku.

    enter image description here

    edited August 2015

    @1473649 @Markd4547

    Let the flame war commence.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    @Markd457 :^)

  • what the fucking shit

    Tinni posted: »

    Short summary for those who aren't up to date on what is currently happening: there has recently been a number of undercover videos released

  • I thought this film was well executed and entertaining, definitely worth a watch.

    Sure it's nothing ground-breaking and other films may have done this formula before, and it was a little slow in the beginning with the story building , but as soon as it picks up it doesn't stop with the tension and dramatic moments until right at the very end.

    Hi, I'm just finished watching Unfriended 2014 on Blu-ray at it's fuking AWESOME, it was recomanded by @ualexen92 and I was pretty sure that

  • Wasn't Bomberman a Hudson soft property?

    Wait what?! They fused with Konami on 2012?!


    Lol. Found this on Kotaku.

  • woah, easy there, kiddo......well, I haven't played this game, can't judge it, I just love to say "kiddo". but anyways, I thought this was a good game?

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    @Markd457 :^)

  • Why the hell would someone want to buy human body parts?

    Tinni posted: »

    Short summary for those who aren't up to date on what is currently happening: there has recently been a number of undercover videos released

  • I've been wanting to play it, but I'm an Xbox owner. Hopefully I can get a PS4 by the end of the year.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    woah, easy there, kiddo......well, I haven't played this game, can't judge it, I just love to say "kiddo". but anyways, I thought this was a good game?

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    I don't see a problem ;)

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    @Markd457 :^)

  • Every time Trump tried to "answer" the question, I just ended up sitting their and thinking "This guy is making a total fool out of himself." He basically said on the O'Reilly Factor a couple of nights before the debate that he really wasn't preparing for it, which would explain his abysmal performance. How anyone can say that he won is astonishing when I didn't even hear him answer one question. I agree with Tinni in that I'm glad Trump doesn't worry about the political mindset and isn't afraid to truly say what's on his mind, but he's just not smart enough to be the President.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Dayum, they are EATIN' Trump in this debate. I'll post some opinions later. "The military isn't a social experiment. The point of the military is to kill people and break things." -- Mike Huckabee

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited August 2015

    As a democrat, I really hope he wins the nomination. Actually, scratch that, I don't like Hillary. Chris Christie maybe?

    @Tinni : Who, would you say, is your preferred candidate at this point?

    Tinni posted: »

    It has to be a joke, he couldn't even answer one question without pointing the finger at someone else, getting passive aggressive, putting a

  • edited August 2015

    It has to be a joke, he couldn't even answer one question without pointing the finger at someone else, getting passive aggressive, putting a spotlight on his blatant narcissism, or going off on a tangent about something that didn't even relate to the question asked in the first place. lol seriously, how can you win a debate when you can't even coherently address the questions?

    His strategy to win seems to be winning as a celebrity opposed to actually bringing good points to the table and holding his own as a candidate in any political sense. Part of me wonders if that is at least partially why he wouldn't commit to supporting the GOP. Sort of seemed like just another grab for attention.

    Nothing he said made any actual sense in practice, the only bit that stood out to me was his schtick about building a wall to solve our illegal immigration problem, and only because it was just so ridiculously hilarious. "See what we really need to do is just build a wall. That's it. Just this huge fuckin' wall, that will totes keep out all the illegal immigrants. It'll work, I'm a business man, I know what I'm doing, seriously!"

    At least he actually managed to sort of address the question in that particular instance lol. Or maybe he didn't completely, I can't even remember at this point. I almost found myself forgetting what the question even was while listening to him speak because of his desire to completely sidestep everything. That and his inability to start his responses off without some sort of insult or other meaningless comment. At least the reactions of the moderators and other candidates were kind of hilarious.

    It genuinely concerns me that there are a number of people who seriously want Trump as the GOP nominee, and it bothers me that he got so much attention during the whole debate. I would have rather heard more from the other candidates.

    Right? He completely blew some of the other candidates away in terms of speaking time. Obviously it's going to be difficult to ensure even speaking time with that many candidates, but the extra attention he got was a little ridiculous when you compare his speaking time with those who had the least. Not exactly fair for someone such as Carson who isn't really well known at this point, and could have used that time to make some progress in that regard.

    I understand that it's refreshing to hear someone speak their mind and not conform to the politically correct mindset that is plaguing our nation as of late, but look beyond that and people will see there's no actual substance or logic behind his talking points. He's an arrogant man with no filter, nothing more.:/

    And I mean, there's being against being overly politically correct, and then there's just being completely unable to filter what you're saying (like you said). Being against political correctness doesn't really justify some of the ridiculous things that he has said. I guess he doesn't really have any good way to defend some of the stupid things he has said in the past (and the things that he continues to say), but that isn't exactly a point in his favor either lol.

    ..Damn, I typed way more than I thought I would. My bad lol.

    No worries, it really wasn't much lol. Haven't heard from you in awhile anyway, so it's definitely all good.

    Edit: I hate how quoting looks in this new format...

    Tinni posted: »

    It has to be a joke, he couldn't even answer one question without pointing the finger at someone else, getting passive aggressive, putting a

  • edited August 2015

    His strategy to win seems to be winning as a celebrity opposed to actually bringing good points to the table and holding his own as a candidate in any political sense. Part of me wonders if that is at least partially why he wouldn't commit to supporting the GOP. Sort of seemed like just another grab for attention.

    It is likely that all of this was merely for attention, but I can't say I'm so sure. I'm afraid it's more insidious than that. First and foremost, Trump cares about his business, whether a Democrat or a Republican wins will not affect how lucrative his company is. Him bragging about having Clinton in his back pocket is irksome, I believe he my have a lot more leeway with Clinton than he's letting on. He might even benefit more if Clinton were to win. Money comes first, not his country. Seeing as he has flip flopped so many times between parties, him not pledging not to run as a third party is a red flag for me. I think he's self centered and spiteful enough to run as a third party if he doesn't get the GOP nominee.

    At least he actually managed to sort of address the question in that particular instance lol. Or maybe he didn't completely, I can't even remember at this point. I almost found myself forgetting what the question even was while listening to him speak because of his desire to completely sidestep everything. That and his inability to start his responses off without some sort of insult or other meaningless comment. At least the reactions of the moderators and other candidates were kind of hilarious.

    True, that was the most direct he'd been the whole debate. I took a few notes while I was watching, he said some things that were really, really out there haha. At least some of the other candidates called him out every now and then, I remember when he implied that he might run as an independent, Rand Paul ripped him a new one lol. I think the candidates and mods are still getting over the shock that this guy is actually here and running for President. That is a joke in itself lol.

    Right? He completely blew some of the other candidates away in terms of speaking time. Obviously it's going to be difficult to ensure even speaking time with that many candidates, but the extra attention he got was a little ridiculous when you compare his speaking time with those who had the least. Not exactly fair for someone such as Carson who isn't really well known at this point, and could have used that time to make some progress in that regard.

    I think the mods were partially to blame for that, a number of their questions were clearly tailored solely for Trump. And though I hate that he took up so much time, maybe there was a reason they were asking him so many questions. Maybe they wanted to expose him early on as the disingenuous fool he is to the public by putting him on the spot and making him talk about subjects he clearly doesn't know anything about. Get the loony out of the way so people will turn their attention to the real candidates who are taking this seriously. I'm not sure if that tactic backfired or not. Yeah, I felt kind of bad for Carson, he was definitely shafted during this debate. I'm glad he pointed out to the mods that they seemed to be purposely not asking him any questions.

    I guess he doesn't really have any good way to defend some of the stupid things he has said in the past (and the things that he continues to say), but that isn't exactly a point in his favor either lol.

    The only thing going for him is his ego, you'd never know that his argument was debunked just by looking at him, he has an endless amount of confidence that deceives the onlooker into thinking he has won. For instance, that mod in the glasses asked him for proof that Mexico was purposely sending over violent illegal immigrants, and he couldn't give any sound proof at all. But from the way Trump carries himself, at first glance, it looks as though the mod was the foolish one, and not Trump. All I can do is hope that people aren't clueless enough to fall for his bravado, but you never know nowadays.

    No worries, it really wasn't much lol. Haven't heard from you in awhile anyway, so it's definitely all good.

    lol it has been quite a while, hasn't it? How have you been?:)

    Edit: I hate how quoting looks in this new format...

    Same, I really don't like this new layout at's hard to see which is a quote in a post, and the color palette hurts my eyes tbh.:S

    Belan posted: »

    It has to be a joke, he couldn't even answer one question without pointing the finger at someone else, getting passive aggressive, putting a

  • [Gasp]

    You take that back now, young mister!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I don't see a problem

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