Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • I thought sunflowers were ugly and they were taller than me as a kid so that's why. It's weird, I know.

    Okay, I still fear tornados but when I was a kid I'd have dreams about them and always look outside to see if there's a tornado although it's probably never happened in my region.

    Sunflowers. Uh ok I don't know how you're not scared of tornados anymore :P And ostriches can be pretty dangerous.

  • Bye!!! Have a nice time at work. ~-^

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ok I gotta go to work so I'll be back in 3-4 hours! XD Bye everyone!

  • Well, Snow turned down Bigby at first, right? So that was still something interesting to see :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Yeah but Bigby and Snow didn't really build up to it :P It was more a case of "Admit you love me, now let's get married and live the happy life" and BOOM! a relationship to last over 1000 years!! Sigh I love them both so much as a couple :')

  • I have arachnophobia, so spiders are and will always be a big fear for me.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Something lurking in the dark... Could be a horror villain like Jason Voorhees or an intruder that wants to kill me. Even to this day, I

  • bye :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ok I gotta go to work so I'll be back in 3-4 hours! XD Bye everyone!

  • You can do it! And I'll always be there for you!

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Muting the voices of self-doubt gremlins can be quite a feat. ;( But thanks for cheering me up

  • I'd have dreams about tornados

    You know this sounds very familiar...

    Have you checked if you can rewind time?

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I thought sunflowers were ugly and they were taller than me as a kid so that's why. It's weird, I know. Okay, I still fear tornados but w

  • I was afraid of jack-o-lanterns.... And elevators, but you know that one already.

    Okay, random question time. What was your biggest childhood fear? (Besides the dark)

  • See you brother. :D

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ok I gotta go to work so I'll be back in 3-4 hours! XD Bye everyone!

  • I have, sadly nothing happened :/

    I'd have dreams about tornados You know this sounds very familiar... Have you checked if you can rewind time?

  • Okay, random question time. What was your biggest childhood fear? (Besides the dark)

  • Good luck.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Ok I gotta go to work so I'll be back in 3-4 hours! XD Bye everyone!

  • Kinda ironic, that you like stories about zombies now.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    zombies I used to walk in the house in the dark praying "please no zombies please no zombies" yeah stupid confession ;-;

  • We don't carve Jack-o-lanterns here :\

    Most people don't really take halloween seriously here, they just get a bit of candy in case of the rare kids in costumes but nothing basically happens.

    buntingsir posted: »

    I was afraid of jack-o-lanterns.... And elevators, but you know that one already.

  • wasps, bees. anything that flies and buzzes at the same time.

    ever since that damn wasp stung me on the ear, i'm having panic attacks every time i hear something buzzing while i'm outside :\

    Okay, random question time. What was your biggest childhood fear? (Besides the dark)

  • edited August 2015

    At the end the bear sounded like he was finishing the satan summoning ritual, and that kid was in his junk ;-;

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    ;A; enter link description here

  • And it's really boring to be honest. Sweet, but boring... I don't know, I like to see romantic scenes, but only If I love the characters, otherwise it makes me cringe after a while... It's way more cute, when you can root for them like "Oh my god, why won't you make a move, you like her! You know it!", stuff like that.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Exactly. I hate it when they almost immediately fall in love, sounds kinda unbelievable

  • Girls. Not kidding 0_0

    Okay, random question time. What was your biggest childhood fear? (Besides the dark)

  • I'm still scared of them, if one is in my house I'll just jump up, grab my slipper and wait till it's low enough to murder.

    wasps, bees. anything that flies and buzzes at the same time. ever since that damn wasp stung me on the ear, i'm having panic attacks every time i hear something buzzing while i'm outside

  • lucky you, i usually panic like a little bitch and run away in the opposite direction lmao

    I'm still scared of them, if one is in my house I'll just jump up, grab my slipper and wait till it's low enough to murder.

  • We actually don't do it as well and don't really celebrate halloween, it became popular only about 10 years ago or so. Still it's more like a little party with candies and costumes If someone really wants to wear them.

    But I've had books with some pictures of them and they seemed really spooky to me. Freaky smiling faces with dark holes instead of their eyes... They looked evil, like some devillish beasts. ಠ_ಠ

    We don't carve Jack-o-lanterns here Most people don't really take halloween seriously here, they just get a bit of candy in case of the rare kids in costumes but nothing basically happens.

  • That sounds like me now lmao.

    Girls. Not kidding 0_0

  • You guys are way more spooky.

    Girls. Not kidding 0_0

  • I got over it, thankfully. :D I love them now.

    buntingsir posted: »

    Kinda ironic, that you like stories about zombies now.

  • You're such a cutie pie <3

    buntingsir posted: »

    We actually don't do it as well and don't really celebrate halloween, it became popular only about 10 years ago or so. Still it's more like

  • I hear from my parents that I used to fear bubbles as a toddler, don't remember it though. I also had claustrophobia to the extent that I refused to lock the bathroom door (or the door to any other small room) and had panic attacks in elevators.

    The claustrophobia is partially gone now, but I still hate locks that are hard to turn and elevators with creaky doors (I used to walk five long flights up to my piano lessons because I was scared of the elevator, resulting in me being out of breath and slightly late). And if the elevator doors don't open immediately I calmly (silently) panic.

    I've also had extreme fear of the night. I used to lie in bed and freak out about god knows what, and I'd cry and feel miserable and I couldn't go to sleep. My parents dismissed it and I hated that I didn't get any support from them.

    I was a very messed up kid. Now how about your fears, sir?

    Okay, random question time. What was your biggest childhood fear? (Besides the dark)

  • thread so dead, need some Rhyiona.

    enter image description here

  • "Why are you so fidgety?"

    It doesn't take her by surprise, when she finally gathers the courage to look straight at him, that he's offering her a smirk rather than a smile. It's just like him -- haughty and proud -- but she can't bring herself to be bothered by it. Finn was always easy to read this way.

    "Um," she starts, tearing her eyes away from his face once again, "I'm just not used to this."

    "Oh?" He tilts his head to the side curiously but his eyes are still glinting mischievously. "Never been on a date before?"

    Rhysa isn't sure if he's judging her or not. She can see him pull his hat to cover his face when someone passes close by -- being a con artist had its down sides, she guesses -- as he makes a silence motion to her. Soon enough, they're gone and he can uncover himself but the sense that he's had a tough life also lingers in the air.

    "No..." she finally tries when she feels it's safe, "I've had a busy life."

    "And," he waves a finger at her, smirk back in place, "perhaps you waited for the right person. I think you lucked out on this one!"

    "Your ego is bigger than Helios." She huffs but her face flushes somewhat pleasantly and she's happy he can make her feel at ease.

    She's never really been very social, if she thinks about it. Growing up with those best friends was enough when her father had been doing nothing but pushing her into wanting a long lasting career as a Hyperion worker. She grew up shy but she liked to think relatively happy, too -- Vanessa (Vanny, she liked to call her) and Yvan had been all she needed -- but it'd make things difficult for her sometimes. Now, standing in front of him, she doesn't know how he's making her come out of shell but he is.

    "That's just who I am." He gives her a wink and she's pretty sure she's going to melt away.

    Perhaps she lied to herself; she knows exactly why he's managing to get her to feel like this. But she doesn't know how to deal with this and she doesn't know how to keep up with him either and denial is always so much easier.

    But they've been through so much together that she thinks she's maybe, probably, being stupid.

    "So..." she tries to break the silence when his stare makes her face redder than it should be possible, "why did you ask me here?"

    "I think," he leans in a bit across the table and comes to a stop when he rests his head on his hand, "you know why."

    It's funny, she thinks, that his cockiness is what pushes her forward. Normally, she'd call it discouraging and off-putting -- no matter how much of a lie she knows it is -- but right now it's the nudge she needs to stop dancing around the issue. And it feels surreal to her when she finally faces what held her back because when she leans in to close the gap he purposely left between them she feels like her body moves on its own.

    She can tell he's vaguely surprised when his body tenses up for just a second. Maybe he hadn't considered she's actually be brave enough afterall. But he's always true to his nature and he's reciprocating almost instantly. It's not long. his stubble is a bit uncomfortable against her skin, but she knows she can learn to adjust .

    When they break apart, she moves to cover her face because of the embarrassment finally settling in but he takes her wrist in his hand. She's tempted to pull back but her cybernetic arm is too sensitive to risk it so she relaxes in his grip instead.

    "If you hide," he gives her a smug grin, "you won't be able to look at your new sexy piece of a man. Not worth it, huh?"

    She wasn't the type to slap anyone but she really considered it for a moment.

    But she rolls her eyes instead, tugging her hand in her own direction so he can let go. And they stay there for the next hours talking about nothing and everything and she thinks she's probably never felt this free.

    She could get used to this if he lets her.

    ey this is for you


  • Why? :D But thank you, you too! <3

    You're such a cutie pie

  • the most beautiful scene in the game <3

    Kawaiii posted: »

    thread so dead, need some Rhyiona.

  • i'd have to agree with you :)

    Just look at dat guy

    buntingsir posted: »

    You guys are way more spooky.

  • good morn- afternoon children

    enter image description here

  • The most romantic scene too ♥♥♥

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    the most beautiful scene in the game

  • edited August 2015


    Green613 posted: »

    good morn- afternoon children

  • enter image description here

    i'd have to agree with you

  • y would i have died

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • holy shit this is so good, great job man :D

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Why are you so fidgety?" It doesn't take her by surprise, when she finally gathers the courage to look straight at him, that he's offeri

  • enter image description here

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    holy shit this is so good, great job man

  • Why? :P

    buntingsir posted: »

    You guys are way more spooky.

  • because you didn't say good morning yesterday. the theories were that or that you were crying over your divorce

    Green613 posted: »

    y would i have died

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