The Walking Dead Season 3 Predictions



    • That Clementine's story will continue

    • Kenny/Jane continue to be by your side (depending on choice to save either one)

    • AJ will not be treated as a burden.

    • Some determinant characters fates revealed and continue into the story.

    • Clementine gets a break once in a while to finding a group and settling somewhere.

    • Other than that, keep up the lurkers and bringing in new characters and making sure actions have consequences.

  • I predict bad writing

  • If i was TTG, i would drop Clementine for now, and try to rebuild the game, after season two. Season two destroyed any feels for this game, with their choices. I'm not going to get into a long drawn reasoning why season two was a failure, because i know a few people here liked it, so i don't want to dog it. It was what it was.

    I would make season three a light hearted adventure with enjoyable protagonist, ie Eddie. Their edgy story cut me so deep, i got no more tears to shed.

  • Screw Eddie he left my Wyatt to die after he made me check on the dead cop.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    If i was TTG, i would drop Clementine for now, and try to rebuild the game, after season two. Season two destroyed any feels for this game,

  • I predict that it's gonna be community vs community war in season 3. Whether it's wellington or Howes.

    Maybe where you go effects what kinda ppl you meet and what decisions you get to choose and make. Like maybe Wellington is full of good ppl, and Howes is surrounded by bandits. So Clem goes to the bandit side With Jane if she chooses Howes, or her and Kenny stay with the good guy side at Wellington.

    Maybe you meet season 1 characters at Wellington but don't meet the same characters at Howes. Like maybe molly, Christa, Vernon, and Eddie (cause he left me) are at wellington. But lily, Tavia, and the rest of the 400 days crew are at Howes.

    And all your choices matter again!

  • Unless they do a huge time jump, which I hope they don't, AJ will be a burden.

    MaconMajr posted: »

    * That Clementine's story will continue * Kenny/Jane continue to be by your side (depending on choice to save either one) * AJ will no

  • Yeah, no more time jumps. I'd settle for low month range. Years and decades, no.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Unless they do a huge time jump, which I hope they don't, AJ will be a burden.

  • This is the most accurate description by far.

    Clemenem posted: »

    I predict bad writing

  • The multiple endings are not such an issue. The story would want you to go from point A to point Z, so you can't stay the whole season at the same place (in Wellington, or with Kenny or Jane). Some universal event will happen to force Clem to move to some location: Wellington could be overrun by walkers, hardware store to be taken by bandits, etc. My bet is that Clem will meet someone on his way to Wellington (or already in Wellington) to tell her something important, like: "I know Christa, she was taken in a force labor camp from which I escaped", so Clem will rush to save her.

  • My Wyatt won Rock Paper Scissors and had to leave Eddie. His instant depressing look tells he didn't mean to do it but had to. I'm sure Eddie felt the same

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Screw Eddie he left my Wyatt to die after he made me check on the dead cop.

  • Telltale should really change their episode intro to

    This game series IGNORES the choices you make. The story is NOT tailored by how you play

    As none of the episodic choices mattered in S2. For example Leaving immidiately or Waiting for a few days choice at the end of E4

  • That was the worst decision... Luke startin gettin on my nerves during episode 4

  • edited August 2015


    — If you went with Jane and let the family in they will turn on you, forcing Clem, Jane, and AJ out and toward Wellington. If you turned them away they will seek revenge and attack in order to get what they need. (I mean, did you see the look on that dad's face? Scary.) And the player will be separated from Jane.

    — If you walked off into the sunset with Kenny I believe the game will start a few months later, but Kenny will not be with you and the player will walk into Wellington. I also predict that if you instead left Kenny to stay at Wellington he will not try back in a few months to be let in and his whereabouts will be unknown.

    — If you decide to leave both Jane and Kenny behind I believe we'll somehow still end up at Wellington because I have no idea where else they'd go besides Howes.

    — I also predict that we will meet Lilly or Christa again in this season. I'm really rooting for Lilly though because love.

    — With all of this talk I'm beginning to think Clementine won't be the main protagonist, but I'm still holding out hope. I'm not yet ready to leave her behind, and none of the endings seemed like a proper conclusion to her story. So even if she's not our playable character I believe she will play a big role. Or she better anyway.

    — And lastly, if Luke was pulled down by the walker instead of seen drowned he will have actually managed to pull himself out and live. Yeah.. this is total wishful thinking on my part and not likely at all, but I loved Luke and Nick and am sad that every last one of the cabin survivors died. Ugh. Thank god fan fiction exists. RIP.

  • I really hope they do the same as Mass Effect how they had Kaidan or Ashley in your game. So they could do the same with Jane and Kenny. But knowing Telltale and their incapability to make stories that branch out that far, I doubt it. But I hope. :)

  • It'd be pretty cool to have multiple protagonist, y'know like GTA 5? Say you could be Clem for a little than, you switch to a different character. Like the show, it shows a scene where Rick is talking to Hershal than it switches to Glenn and Maggie boning after Rick and Hershals conversation

  • Doesn't mean they had to kill Luke. Why couldn't they keep him alive? It would have been much better having a Luke v Kenny end decision.

    Arvigeus posted: »

    The multiple endings are not such an issue. The story would want you to go from point A to point Z, so you can't stay the whole season at th

  • Really do hope Luke survived. There are ways he could of though. I read a post on another page that had a really good way that Luke could have survived and be added back in.

    Here is what they said:

    Luke gets dragged to the bottom. He then pulls hard enough for the walker's arm to snap, freeing him (it has happened before with someone else). He swims to the lake edge (he didn't walk very far on the ice before it cracked), and uses his knife to try and break the ice. He then loses consciousness and remains there for some time.

    Eventually a group of survivors finds him submerged after breaking the ice looking for water (it's better to drink cold water than to eat snow). They drag him out, wanting to search his body, but then they find he's not frozen and thus alive. They then rush into the trees where their camp is, and try to revive him. Luke starts breathing, but only becomes fully conscious after several hours. Clementine's group would have left the area by then, thus, they didn't know he's alive.

    Luke and Clementine's group eventually meet sometime in Season 3.

  • They did that to Luke. I though he was going to stay to the end but no just make us really attached to him the just drown him in a lake. -_-
    WoAyumi posted: »

    According to the citation below, Clementine will not be the main (playable) character in the season 3. It even could be that we will not eve

  • I want Luke back. Thankfully there are ways that he could have survived :)

  • What I expect from Season 3? One word:
    I need to know how her story continues, I need to know what happens to her after that huge cliffhanger that Season 2 ended in.

  • edited October 2015

    Clementine gets into a existential crisis. She questions her purpose in life and tries to find answers.

    I'm hoping season 3 becomes a philosophical thriller. It would help with her character development. That's just my opinion

  • The problem here was that Jane wasn't fleshed out enough at the time you had to choose between her and Kenny. I see they wanted to make her the cold hearted survivalist that won't hesitate to turn her back on Clem if she falls behind, but you have better chance to see another day if you stick with her. But we didn't see that side because of the limited time we spent together. I don't sorry that much actually: if her character was what it was intended to be, I would still choose Kenny.

    Doesn't mean they had to kill Luke. Why couldn't they keep him alive? It would have been much better having a Luke v Kenny end decision.

  • edited February 2016


    MaconMajr posted: »

    * That Clementine's story will continue * Kenny/Jane continue to be by your side (depending on choice to save either one) * AJ will no

  • I'm sorry, but 12 months mean a year. I don't understand?

    rathat123 posted: »


  • edited February 2016

    I don't remember if I commented on this or not, but I think that we're going to see an older Clementine on this season 3. I believed that Wellington is going to turn out to be a complete and utter disappointment. And I believe that depending on whether the players stuck with either Jane or Kenny, that either one of those characters is going to have a significant impact on season 3.

    I think Clementine is gonna be around 11-14 years old in Season 3. Whether or not she is actually the playable character remains to be seen. I believe that Kenny will have a much bigger mountain-man like beard, and will be sporting an eye patch - much like the Governor, but will have regained much of his old self. I think Alvin Jr will be around 2 or 3 years old, but other than that I don't know.

    In regards to Clementine being the new playable character, I honestly don't know where they could go with her as the playable character. Personally, I think that we need to have a brand new playable character. Perhaps we will meet him in Wellington, and if it should fall, perhaps the game will be about him adapting to the zombie infested world, with the help of Kenny and Clementine, (giving the idea that perhaps he's been inside Wellington since the start, much like how the people on the show who were in Alexandria had been inside since the beginning.)

    I personally don't see how the new Michonne game is gonna tie in to the story with Clementine, and honestly I hope it doesn't, but rather becomes it's own game. If it does tie in, perhaps if Wellington falls that Kenny and Clementine will join Rick's group at the prison. ( I have never read the comics, nor have I had a chance to play the Michonne game, so I don't know if this theory contradicts the timeline in the comics, or something that has already occurred in the Michonne game. The only place I know for sure where there is a contradictory is that the prison is located in Georgia, where as Wellington is somewhere in Michigan.)

    I think that even if Wellington is okay, that is safe, that something is gonna come along to destroy it. Perhaps it will fall like the prison did on he show, with somebody attacking it.

  • edited February 2016

    Perhaps we will meet him in Wellington, and if it should fall, perhaps the game will be about him adapting to the zombie infested world, with the help of Kenny and Clementine

    Would the vast majority of people who didn't end up in wellington one way or another have a different protagonist then?

    Let us know what you think of Michonne when you play it as well, mate. You're gonna love this character called Zachary :)

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I don't remember if I commented on this or not, but I think that we're going to see an older Clementine on this season 3. I believed that We

  • Judging by the size of the wall at the end of Season 2, Wellington is much stronger settlement than the prison was. It would take either something resembling an army (which is more than what we've seen in the game or the show), or a small group with a clever strategy to take down Wellington.

    And I don't think the Michonne game will tie in at all, except for maybe a cameo appearance. The game has to stay in line with the comics, which means that Telltale can't do something that conflicts with what Robert Kirkman puts in the comics.

    Kenny/Lee posted: »

    I don't remember if I commented on this or not, but I think that we're going to see an older Clementine on this season 3. I believed that We

  • They started to release S2 a year after S1 had finished and I'd say we are likely to wait at least 2 year or just a bit less for S3.

    So it better be bloody good with all the time they have had!

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