I have arachnophobia, a fear against spiders and I have a really advanced one like I'm scared of pictures of them or even the mention of those unholy creatures. I fucking hate those who aren't afraid and make fun if me. Like, at school, my friend threw a random small object at me and shouted "OMG SPIDER" and I was scared shitless and he laughed as I jumped from the bench Why are phobias so funny for you People? And y u so rude? If you were afraid of dogs I wouldn't let my dog in. Also I hate game devs adding them as huge bosses. Like Ubisoft recently added them to Might and Magic Heroes VII and I fear to Play The Necropolis.
I just really wanna hear people's reasonings as to why they find abusing persons with phobias funny
I have arachnophobia, a fear against spiders and I have a really advanced one like I'm scared of pictures of them or even the mention of tho… morese unholy creatures. I fucking hate those who aren't afraid and make fun if me. Like, at school, my friend threw a random small object at me and shouted "OMG SPIDER" and I was scared shitless and he laughed as I jumped from the bench Why are phobias so funny for you People? And y u so rude? If you were afraid of dogs I wouldn't let my dog in. Also I hate game devs adding them as huge bosses. Like Ubisoft recently added them to Might and Magic Heroes VII and I fear to Play The Necropolis.
I just really wanna hear people's reasonings as to why they find abusing persons with phobias funny
Not saying it's a conspiracy, just a small thing that annoys me but have to live with it since most folks are "normal" and have no problem with it :P I just despise people making fun of phobias
Spiders are used as enemies in video games specifically because they unnerve the vast majority of people. It's not a conspiracy against Arachnophobes.
I have the same problem, as Ai'm afraid of birds and sometimes people like to rub it in.
Ok time to get my shots in on IGN. Fuck these fat greedy pigs. They give shitty dishonest reviews all in the interest of a hand out from whoever's slipping them a check. They give subpar/average games 9.5/10 and games far greater like 6's. Their reviews are jokes and far below average at best (look at their Uncharted 3 review) these guys are the biggest cunts in the gaming industry and I hope they go bankrupt when people start realizing they're corrupt and their reviews are biased as all hell
Wow, oops, I meant Jewish deaths. No clue what was going through my head.
Also, why don't you post anything else except links or a few words? You know it would be easier to understand you if you actually post something stating your claim then providing the links as evidence. Most of the time your arguments make no sense if you post one word or a random link.
Ok time to get my shots in on IGN. Fuck these fat greedy pigs. They give shitty dishonest reviews all in the interest of a hand out from wh… moreoever's slipping them a check. They give subpar/average games 9.5/10 and games far greater like 6's. Their reviews are jokes and far below average at best (look at their Uncharted 3 review) these guys are the biggest cunts in the gaming industry and I hope they go bankrupt when people start realizing they're corrupt and their reviews are biased as all hell
I think that a lot of people hate (or at least dislike) spiders. Just the fact that, on this planet, there is a group of hairy monsters with 8 legs, venom, fangs and multiple eyes makes anybody shiver in terror.
When people joke about phobias, think of the jokes as repressed energy being conserved and then released to avoid an explosion. Jokes, in a Freudian perspective, is a relief theory with laughter. But, still, I also hate when people make fun f phobias.
About game devs adding spiders as huge bosses or enemies… why not? Slaying those horrible creators is quite pleasing. After killing one, get up from your seat and shout "Hurrah!" for overcoming and triumphing against your phobia. That's what I do when I play at Skyrim. Fun Fact: I once screamed out loud when a spider attacked me in Skyrim.
I have arachnophobia, a fear against spiders and I have a really advanced one like I'm scared of pictures of them or even the mention of tho… morese unholy creatures. I fucking hate those who aren't afraid and make fun if me. Like, at school, my friend threw a random small object at me and shouted "OMG SPIDER" and I was scared shitless and he laughed as I jumped from the bench Why are phobias so funny for you People? And y u so rude? If you were afraid of dogs I wouldn't let my dog in. Also I hate game devs adding them as huge bosses. Like Ubisoft recently added them to Might and Magic Heroes VII and I fear to Play The Necropolis.
I just really wanna hear people's reasonings as to why they find abusing persons with phobias funny
People who make fun of others' phobias are bullies and they do what bullies do - seek out the weaknesses of others so that they can feel accomplished, validated or empowered. It's not that phobias themselves are funny, but your reaction might be funny to them, which is why they continue to pester you.
If you want them to stop, you need to stop letting them see you afraid. If you keep acting as a target, they will keep finding it funny. Bullies often feel so bad about their own shitty lives that the only satisfaction they can find is through making others feel terrible.
I have arachnophobia, a fear against spiders and I have a really advanced one like I'm scared of pictures of them or even the mention of tho… morese unholy creatures. I fucking hate those who aren't afraid and make fun if me. Like, at school, my friend threw a random small object at me and shouted "OMG SPIDER" and I was scared shitless and he laughed as I jumped from the bench Why are phobias so funny for you People? And y u so rude? If you were afraid of dogs I wouldn't let my dog in. Also I hate game devs adding them as huge bosses. Like Ubisoft recently added them to Might and Magic Heroes VII and I fear to Play The Necropolis.
I just really wanna hear people's reasonings as to why they find abusing persons with phobias funny
I have arachnophobia, a fear against spiders and I have a really advanced one like I'm scared of pictures of them or even the mention of tho… morese unholy creatures. I fucking hate those who aren't afraid and make fun if me. Like, at school, my friend threw a random small object at me and shouted "OMG SPIDER" and I was scared shitless and he laughed as I jumped from the bench Why are phobias so funny for you People? And y u so rude? If you were afraid of dogs I wouldn't let my dog in. Also I hate game devs adding them as huge bosses. Like Ubisoft recently added them to Might and Magic Heroes VII and I fear to Play The Necropolis.
I just really wanna hear people's reasonings as to why they find abusing persons with phobias funny
People who make fun of others' phobias are bullies and they do what bullies do - seek out the weaknesses of others so that they can feel acc… moreomplished, validated or empowered. It's not that phobias themselves are funny, but your reaction might be funny to them, which is why they continue to pester you.
If you want them to stop, you need to stop letting them see you afraid. If you keep acting as a target, they will keep finding it funny. Bullies often feel so bad about their own shitty lives that the only satisfaction they can find is through making others feel terrible.
Ok time to get my shots in on IGN. Fuck these fat greedy pigs. They give shitty dishonest reviews all in the interest of a hand out from wh… moreoever's slipping them a check. They give subpar/average games 9.5/10 and games far greater like 6's. Their reviews are jokes and far below average at best (look at their Uncharted 3 review) these guys are the biggest cunts in the gaming industry and I hope they go bankrupt when people start realizing they're corrupt and their reviews are biased as all hell
Hello everyone, let's talk about political correctness. No, I'm not going to rant about how stupid it is and how much it sucks. I'm going to vent about how people constantly whine about it.
I can understand why, in some cases, people might feel as though it has gotten out of hand, costing people their jobs, etc. that's understandable. But when conservatives cry about how "independent thinkers" are being suppressed by "political correctness gone mad (!!!)" I throw up in my mouth a little bit. Since when has basic civility and decorum become a tool of liberal oppression?
The term "political correctness" is a political buzzword, used to deflect blame when people are publicly shamed for saying something ignorant or rude. "Proudly Politically Incorrect" people aren't cool, edgy firebrands who "tell it like it is". They're jerks who are incapable of making a valid point without sounding like a colossal, bigoted prick.
EDIT: trimmed the fat off this argument a little bit
I just really wanna hear people's reasonings as to why they find abusing persons with phobias funny
I think most people are jerks, and will try to have fun at people's amusement. I don't understand why people fear spiders. . They're awesome. I love spiders. I had a few spiders growing up, that were the size of my hand. Let me ask you a question, have you ever played Dark Souls 2? how did you feel about the spider boss. I felt sad when i killed it.
I have arachnophobia, a fear against spiders and I have a really advanced one like I'm scared of pictures of them or even the mention of tho… morese unholy creatures. I fucking hate those who aren't afraid and make fun if me. Like, at school, my friend threw a random small object at me and shouted "OMG SPIDER" and I was scared shitless and he laughed as I jumped from the bench Why are phobias so funny for you People? And y u so rude? If you were afraid of dogs I wouldn't let my dog in. Also I hate game devs adding them as huge bosses. Like Ubisoft recently added them to Might and Magic Heroes VII and I fear to Play The Necropolis.
I just really wanna hear people's reasonings as to why they find abusing persons with phobias funny
"Proudly Politically Incorrect" people aren't cool, edgy firebrands who "tell it like it is". They're jerks who are incapable of making a valid point without sounding like a colossal, bigoted prick.
Agreed 1,000%. People can be blunt and non PC without being a dick. Some ppl hide behind our current PC world and use that as an excuse to be an ass. I, personally, don't agree with PC, I believe in ppl speaking their minds respectfully. I won't cater to everyone's feelings, but I won't be an ass either. I call my black friends black, white friends white, gay friends gay, and one Butch, because she allows me to. Lol Life is too short to be so damn serious all the time is what I say.
I guess this is my mini rant added to yours, since it's the same subject. Lol
Hello everyone, let's talk about political correctness. No, I'm not going to rant about how stupid it is and how much it sucks. I'm going … moreto vent about how people constantly whine about it.
I can understand why, in some cases, people might feel as though it has gotten out of hand, costing people their jobs, etc. that's understandable. But when conservatives cry about how "independent thinkers" are being suppressed by "political correctness gone mad (!!!)" I throw up in my mouth a little bit. Since when has basic civility and decorum become a tool of liberal oppression?
The term "political correctness" is a political buzzword, used to deflect blame when people are publicly shamed for saying something ignorant or rude. "Proudly Politically Incorrect" people aren't cool, edgy firebrands who "tell it like it is". They're jerks who are incapable of making a valid point without sounding like a colossal, bigoted prick.
EDIT: trimmed the fat off this argument a little bit
P.C. isn't all bad, in my opinion, it's just a part of formal speech/writing. It has its place in business, government and academia.
I call my black friends black too, but if I was testifying before congress, you can bet your ass I'd be saying 'African American'.
The main issue I have with the anti-PC crowd is the ugly anti-intellectualism that tends to go with it. Those folks who assume all formal speech is "liberal, PC bullshit". It's like they want to be talked down to like goddamn children.
"Proudly Politically Incorrect" people aren't cool, edgy firebrands who "tell it like it is". They're jerks who are incapable of making a va… morelid point without sounding like a colossal, bigoted prick.
Agreed 1,000%. People can be blunt and non PC without being a dick. Some ppl hide behind our current PC world and use that as an excuse to be an ass. I, personally, don't agree with PC, I believe in ppl speaking their minds respectfully. I won't cater to everyone's feelings, but I won't be an ass either. I call my black friends black, white friends white, gay friends gay, and one Butch, because she allows me to. Lol Life is too short to be so damn serious all the time is what I say.
I guess this is my mini rant added to yours, since it's the same subject. Lol
You have me thinking about it, and yeah, you're right. I agree now that PC is not all bad. There's a time and place where you need to clean up your language and choose words carefully. What you say reminds me of Trump. There's a man who could use a little PC. Lol That "speak your mind" charm wore off quickly and now it's just scary coming from a guy seeking that position. I know this isn't the political thread, but wanted to share that without hopping over there.
P.C. isn't all bad, in my opinion, it's just a part of formal speech/writing. It has its place in business, government and academia.
I c… moreall my black friends black too, but if I was testifying before congress, you can bet your ass I'd be saying 'African American'.
The main issue I have with the anti-PC crowd is the ugly anti-intellectualism that tends to go with it. Those folks who assume all formal speech is "liberal, PC bullshit". It's like they want to be talked down to like goddamn children.
I just really wanna hear people's reasonings as to why they find abusing persons with phobias funny
I think most people are jerks, … moreand will try to have fun at people's amusement. I don't understand why people fear spiders. . They're awesome. I love spiders. I had a few spiders growing up, that were the size of my hand. Let me ask you a question, have you ever played Dark Souls 2? how did you feel about the spider boss. I felt sad when i killed it.
I don't know about people complaining about being PC, what I see more complaining about is speech that is being shut down only because is opposes what one group believes is right. Such as speakers at colleges being banned or protested and interrupted because it goes against a small groups own ideas. You have people all too quick to call others racists, misogynists, homophobic, just because they are in disagreement with you. Being PC has gone from being polite to being a part of a greater weapon to stop debate or the earnest discussion of issues. Trump is an ass for the way he speaks; however, that doesn't mean that all talk about, say, controlling our boarders is inherently racist.
"Proudly Politically Incorrect" people aren't cool, edgy firebrands who "tell it like it is". They're jerks who are incapable of making a va… morelid point without sounding like a colossal, bigoted prick.
Agreed 1,000%. People can be blunt and non PC without being a dick. Some ppl hide behind our current PC world and use that as an excuse to be an ass. I, personally, don't agree with PC, I believe in ppl speaking their minds respectfully. I won't cater to everyone's feelings, but I won't be an ass either. I call my black friends black, white friends white, gay friends gay, and one Butch, because she allows me to. Lol Life is too short to be so damn serious all the time is what I say.
I guess this is my mini rant added to yours, since it's the same subject. Lol
You raise an important issue. It would seem that PC is being weaponized on both the left and right. It's important to note that the left aren't the only one's guilty of abusing political correctness. During the Iraq War, politicians and ordinary people couldn't speak out, lest they be harassed for being unpatriotic. Wating to reform immigration isn't inherently racist, just like opposing a war doesn't inherently make you unpatriotic.
I don't know about people complaining about being PC, what I see more complaining about is speech that is being shut down only because is op… moreposes what one group believes is right. Such as speakers at colleges being banned or protested and interrupted because it goes against a small groups own ideas. You have people all too quick to call others racists, misogynists, homophobic, just because they are in disagreement with you. Being PC has gone from being polite to being a part of a greater weapon to stop debate or the earnest discussion of issues. Trump is an ass for the way he speaks; however, that doesn't mean that all talk about, say, controlling our boarders is inherently racist.
It has recently occured to me that Tony Abott and his government have very inactive in bringing about doing anything whatsoever. The only thing I can recount them doing is applying resources to a non-existant refugee problem. Fuck. Him.
Okay, here is a HUMONGOUS cock/(Insert replacement for other gender here) block meted out against Australia's LGBT community.
enter link … moredescription here
It has recently occured to me that Tony Abott and his government have very inactive in bringing about doing anything whatsoever. The only thing I can recount them doing is applying resources to a non-existant refugee problem. Fuck. Him.
He is going to get rekt come the next election.
I agree with you on that point. Insulting a person, no matter what side, for an opposing opinion is wrong and does nothing to further the discussion. A debate should be about ideas not personalities.
You raise an important issue. It would seem that PC is being weaponized on both the left and right. It's important to note that the left a… moreren't the only one's guilty of abusing political correctness. During the Iraq War, politicians and ordinary people couldn't speak out, lest they be harassed for being unpatriotic. Wating to reform immigration isn't inherently racist, just like opposing a war doesn't inherently make you unpatriotic.
He's making a big mistake if the Australian public is overwhelmingly in favor of marriage equality.
As an American, it's kind of nuts that your prime minister can force his/her party to vote a particular way.
Nothing too serious but for the past few hours I have literally been so bored that I made up my own movie premise, characters, and dream cast..... God give me something else to do right now....
The best thing about first days of school: Not doing shit and not carrying around all the junk.
The worst thing about the second day of school: Doing shit and carrying around all the junk.
R.I.P My back.
My favorite classes are with the laid back teachers that are like "Fuck it, just bring a notebook." Even with just notebooks, my backpack is heavy and bulging.
i thought i would start this thread because my stupid fusion 5 tablet wouldnt install fallout shelter and i punched the screen in anger and cant get a new one because i cant afford one so thats whats gone wrong for me so far how about anyone else
17 million.
I have arachnophobia, a fear against spiders and I have a really advanced one like I'm scared of pictures of them or even the mention of those unholy creatures. I fucking hate those who aren't afraid and make fun if me. Like, at school, my friend threw a random small object at me and shouted "OMG SPIDER" and I was scared shitless and he laughed as I jumped from the bench
Why are phobias so funny for you People? And y u so rude? If you were afraid of dogs I wouldn't let my dog in. Also I hate game devs adding them as huge bosses. Like Ubisoft recently added them to Might and Magic Heroes VII and I fear to Play The Necropolis.
I just really wanna hear people's reasonings as to why they find abusing persons with phobias funny
Spiders are used as enemies in video games specifically because they unnerve the vast majority of people. It's not a conspiracy against Arachnophobes.
I have the same problem, as Ai'm afraid of birds and sometimes people like to rub it in.
Not saying it's a conspiracy, just a small thing that annoys me but have to live with it since most folks are "normal" and have no problem with it :P I just despise people making fun of phobias
If we're counting the total holocaust deaths then yes, but I wasn't, I was stating the Jewish deaths. My mistake.
Ok time to get my shots in on IGN. Fuck these fat greedy pigs. They give shitty dishonest reviews all in the interest of a hand out from whoever's slipping them a check. They give subpar/average games 9.5/10 and games far greater like 6's. Their reviews are jokes and far below average at best (look at their Uncharted 3 review) these guys are the biggest cunts in the gaming industry and I hope they go bankrupt when people start realizing they're corrupt and their reviews are biased as all hell
Wow, oops, I meant Jewish deaths. No clue what was going through my head.
Also, why don't you post anything else except links or a few words? You know it would be easier to understand you if you actually post something stating your claim then providing the links as evidence. Most of the time your arguments make no sense if you post one word or a random link.
I'd never watch or pay any attention to IGN pay reviews they are scammers and liars imo
I think that a lot of people hate (or at least dislike) spiders. Just the fact that, on this planet, there is a group of hairy monsters with 8 legs, venom, fangs and multiple eyes makes anybody shiver in terror.
When people joke about phobias, think of the jokes as repressed energy being conserved and then released to avoid an explosion. Jokes, in a Freudian perspective, is a relief theory with laughter. But, still, I also hate when people make fun f phobias.
About game devs adding spiders as huge bosses or enemies… why not? Slaying those horrible creators is quite pleasing. After killing one, get up from your seat and shout "Hurrah!" for overcoming and triumphing against your phobia. That's what I do when I play at Skyrim. Fun Fact: I once screamed out loud when a spider attacked me in Skyrim.
This isn't really a vent but I really want to write a walking dead fanfiction, but I have no time.
People who make fun of others' phobias are bullies and they do what bullies do - seek out the weaknesses of others so that they can feel accomplished, validated or empowered. It's not that phobias themselves are funny, but your reaction might be funny to them, which is why they continue to pester you.
If you want them to stop, you need to stop letting them see you afraid. If you keep acting as a target, they will keep finding it funny. Bullies often feel so bad about their own shitty lives that the only satisfaction they can find is through making others feel terrible.
Are you sure he's your friend
Yeah, I mean, he did this only once or twice but there are more People >ㅁ<
I guess you are very right. It's just hard to hide your fear when your phobia is so goddamn big.
Can't spell ignorant without IGN, amirite?
I hate them so much too. Look at their score to the newest Life Is Strange episode and compare it to the newest Call of Duty's score.
Hello everyone, let's talk about political correctness. No, I'm not going to rant about how stupid it is and how much it sucks. I'm going to vent about how people constantly whine about it.
I can understand why, in some cases, people might feel as though it has gotten out of hand, costing people their jobs, etc. that's understandable. But when conservatives cry about how "independent thinkers" are being suppressed by "political correctness gone mad (!!!)" I throw up in my mouth a little bit. Since when has basic civility and decorum become a tool of liberal oppression?
The term "political correctness" is a political buzzword, used to deflect blame when people are publicly shamed for saying something ignorant or rude. "Proudly Politically Incorrect" people aren't cool, edgy firebrands who "tell it like it is". They're jerks who are incapable of making a valid point without sounding like a colossal, bigoted prick.
EDIT: trimmed the fat off this argument a little bit
I think most people are jerks, and will try to have fun at people's amusement. I don't understand why people fear spiders. . They're awesome. I love spiders. I had a few spiders growing up, that were the size of my hand. Let me ask you a question, have you ever played Dark Souls 2? how did you feel about the spider boss. I felt sad when i killed it.
Hey, George. Any luck with that reality TV show you were planning to get?
Agreed 1,000%. People can be blunt and non PC without being a dick. Some ppl hide behind our current PC world and use that as an excuse to be an ass. I, personally, don't agree with PC, I believe in ppl speaking their minds respectfully. I won't cater to everyone's feelings, but I won't be an ass either. I call my black friends black, white friends white, gay friends gay, and one Butch, because she allows me to. Lol Life is too short to be so damn serious all the time is what I say.
I guess this is my mini rant added to yours, since it's the same subject. Lol
P.C. isn't all bad, in my opinion, it's just a part of formal speech/writing. It has its place in business, government and academia.
I call my black friends black too, but if I was testifying before congress, you can bet your ass I'd be saying 'African American'.
The main issue I have with the anti-PC crowd is the ugly anti-intellectualism that tends to go with it. Those folks who assume all formal speech is "liberal, PC bullshit". It's like they want to be talked down to like goddamn children.
You have me thinking about it, and yeah, you're right. I agree now that PC is not all bad. There's a time and place where you need to clean up your language and choose words carefully. What you say reminds me of Trump. There's a man who could use a little PC. Lol That "speak your mind" charm wore off quickly and now it's just scary coming from a guy seeking that position. I know this isn't the political thread, but wanted to share that without hopping over there.
Ah...people on other forums can just be fun to chat with lol.
Took me a while to figure out that two headed spider out. The armored spider was easier in Dark Souls, and all I did was charge that one.
I personally think the republican party is way to concerned with abortion and planned parenthood, they all have the same views anyway.
I don't know about people complaining about being PC, what I see more complaining about is speech that is being shut down only because is opposes what one group believes is right. Such as speakers at colleges being banned or protested and interrupted because it goes against a small groups own ideas. You have people all too quick to call others racists, misogynists, homophobic, just because they are in disagreement with you. Being PC has gone from being polite to being a part of a greater weapon to stop debate or the earnest discussion of issues. Trump is an ass for the way he speaks; however, that doesn't mean that all talk about, say, controlling our boarders is inherently racist.
You raise an important issue. It would seem that PC is being weaponized on both the left and right. It's important to note that the left aren't the only one's guilty of abusing political correctness. During the Iraq War, politicians and ordinary people couldn't speak out, lest they be harassed for being unpatriotic. Wating to reform immigration isn't inherently racist, just like opposing a war doesn't inherently make you unpatriotic.
Okay, here is a HUMONGOUS cock/(Insert replacement for other gender here) block meted out against Australia's LGBT community.
enter link description here
It has recently occured to me that Tony Abott and his government have very inactive in bringing about doing anything whatsoever. The only thing I can recount them doing is applying resources to a non-existant refugee problem. Fuck. Him.
He is going to get rekt come the next election.
He's making a big mistake if the Australian public is overwhelmingly in favor of marriage equality.
As an American, it's kind of nuts that your prime minister can force his/her party to vote a particular way.
I agree with you on that point. Insulting a person, no matter what side, for an opposing opinion is wrong and does nothing to further the discussion. A debate should be about ideas not personalities.
He is losing his grip on the top job at a gradual rate. I do not forsee his government outliving the next election.
Nothing too serious but for the past few hours I have literally been so bored that I made up my own movie premise, characters, and dream cast..... God give me something else to do right now....
The best thing about first days of school: Not doing shit and not carrying around all the junk.
The worst thing about the second day of school: Doing shit and carrying around all the junk.
R.I.P My back.
College? Cause there is always a professor that expects you to have the book on the first day..usually the biggest book possible.
Sophomore of High School.
My favorite classes are with the laid back teachers that are like "Fuck it, just bring a notebook." Even with just notebooks, my backpack is heavy and bulging.
I wrote into TLC, but i don't think they're looking for people like me, they want people with REAL issues.
Thread: the things gone wrong thread
i thought i would start this thread because my stupid fusion 5 tablet wouldnt install fallout shelter and i punched the screen in anger and cant get a new one because i cant afford one so thats whats gone wrong for me so far how about anyone else
flagging for what reason?