Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!






  • alright , another question

    who's aurora?

    war? pfft, more like a little skirmish... nothing special tbh, aurora wanted to find out non-shippers don't ship stuff in a civilized way

  • what.. did people really make a thread for this?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    A select few people were angry that there's two shipping threads. Yes, that happened,.

  • @rhonu, a.k.a. rhys' mom :)

    Brawl posted: »

    alright , another question who's aurora?

  • Rhonu

    Brawl posted: »

    alright , another question who's aurora?

  • I'm not sure I know what you mean

    more specific please?

    Yeah, but this deadpool was in that comic series too, well at least if you watch more videos in that series.

  • edited August 2015

    No, rhonu just wanted to know why certain people are so against shipping but the thread derailed.

    Because, as it turns out, some people hate shipping simply because we're having fun and they're not. Simple as. :/

    Brawl posted: »

    what.. did people really make a thread for this?

  • Okay guys I'm gonna go to sleep, nighty night everyone!

    enter image description here

  • dirty rhyiona dreams!

    Okay guys I'm gonna go to sleep, nighty night everyone!

  • ah I see

    rhys' mom :)


    @rhonu, a.k.a. rhys' mom

  • edited August 2015

    Hell yeah!!!!!XD
    But it was sad when Dom died ;-; R.I.P and benjamin carmine as well R.I.P but it's funny how only one of the brothers of the carmine family survived lol XD

    Achievement unlocked: getting promoted! I will not fail you my Lord (salutes you)

    BRO FIST<3

    you like gears too?! oh my god! i promote you to the lewd maester RIGHT NOW

  • yeah, it's canon.

    Brawl posted: »

    ah I see rhys' mom wat

  • Sweet Rhyiona dreams!

    Okay guys I'm gonna go to sleep, nighty night everyone!

  • are you freaking serious , and this happened while I was watching Deadpool on YT and didn't know?

    what's the name of that thread

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    No, rhonu just wanted to know why certain people are so against shipping but the thread derailed. Because, as it turns out, some people hate shipping simply because we're having fun and they're not. Simple as.

  • Deadpool kills the marvel universe is just the first issue of deadpools rampage, later the Wade deadpool (this one) steps in and stops evil deadpool.

    Brawl posted: »

    I'm not sure I know what you mean more specific please?

  • you might wanna spoiler tag that, just in case

    I will not fail you my Lord (salutes you)

    glad to hear it, salutes back :)

    BRO FIST <3

  • But let's forget about toxic comments cause they can't suck the fun out of our magnificent thread...

    Think about Rhys making a birthday party for Gortys but then she invites Claptrap. How does he react?:^)

  • It's an exclusive for the Xbox 360 and the Xbox one. =/ But it is a good game I would recommend it^-^

    BRO FIST<3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Never played Gears Of War :P BRO-FIST DUDE! XD

  • Oh I get it now

    Yeah this was the first issue , then comes Deadpool Killustrated and then Deadpool kills Deadpool lol

    I didn't see the next 2 issues but I did hear about them

    Deadpool kills the marvel universe is just the first issue of deadpools rampage, later the Wade deadpool (this one) steps in and stops evil deadpool.

  • So me.

    Sweet Rhyiona dreams, Rabbit!

    Okay guys I'm gonna go to sleep, nighty night everyone!

  • enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    But let's forget about toxic comments cause they can't suck the fun out of our magnificent thread... Think about Rhys making a birthday party for Gortys but then she invites Claptrap. How does he react?:^)

  • Lol XD

    BRO FIST!!!!<3


    JumpyJoey posted: »

    You said everyone so I'm taking the opportunity even though I did nothing to help. BRO FIST!!! I agree that Dom and Aurora are champs

  • edited August 2015

    Deadpool is AWESOME just like you are AWESOME :D

    BRO FIST<3

    Thank you.

  • Have sweet dreams! :)

    Okay guys I'm gonna go to sleep, nighty night everyone!

  • Don't make the suit green or animated LMAO XD


    OH GOD GUYS I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS MOVIE enter link description here



  • Good night people, I'm gonna give going to bed early a try! Might actually feel refreshed when I wake up :)

  • dirty rhyiona dreams!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Good night people, I'm gonna give going to bed early a try! Might actually feel refreshed when I wake up

  • Good night, Joey. :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Good night people, I'm gonna give going to bed early a try! Might actually feel refreshed when I wake up

  • FINALLY!! I finished part 1! These are supposed to focus on the main four heroes and how they feel. With the bits of rhyiona in there. I hope Y'all enjoy.

    The four were lined up on the platform, The Hyperion man in the lead with grifters on both sides and an assassin on the end. Fiona swiped her hair out from her eye quickly like second nature as she raised an eyebrow to her group. They would be temporarily splitting up to find the last piece of Gortys, A cute little robot that would, When completed, Change their lives for the better. It was a two-team job that would have to be completed in near union if they were to get out okay. It was dangerous, But that was to be expected. Rhys and Sasha were to split up and find the control room to the automated turret systems so Fiona and Athena could quickly grab the core and make it back. They arrived at the platform to the catwalk with an abrupt stop. Rhys took the first step with Sasha following quickly behind him. Fiona’s face tightens up and narrows her eyes to look at the two. Athena glances to her and and makes a low, but audible grunt. Rhys and Sasha turn around at the lack of sound with the elevator. The con artist quickly flips her head and yet again brushes her hair and points towards the two in front of her and forces a smile on her face, Something the assassin picks up once again.

    Athena is a very perceptive person, Being a vault hunter brings that part of you out. Knowing what someone is thinking and feeling and being able to understand predicaments and how to approach them. She snarls barely showing the teeth and slams her fist on button to her left, making the elevator lower. Fiona looks to her left and back in front of her. She shrugs her shoulders and crosses her arms until she’s out of sight. The two in the corridor face forward and continue walking gradually as if there really wasn’t single care. Both in their own thoughts until the sister speaks up.

    “You’re not as useless as I first thought.” Sasha says with a playful smile on her face, looking up at Rhys.

    He turns his head down to look at her and then looks back up with a grin on his face.

    “You’re just a bad judge of character is all.” He responds in a light hearted tone,smile still present.

    Sasha’s dissipates into contempt look, feeling offended. “What do you mean by that?”

    “Well I mean, back at the deal you seemed to hold down the fact that I was like the worst person you’d seen in your life.” He says lower as his face lowers as well. “I just feel like you were being a bit..” He trails as he feels a cough coming on.

    Sasha glares at him strenuously as her rolling glides become tough stomps. “What.” She says sternly.

    Rhys feels a drop of sweat forming but manages to keep a straight voice.


    The sister rolls her eyes to the left and groans. “You sound like Fiona.”
    “Why’s that?” The Hyperion retorts quickly as his body and attention perks up.

    Sasha felt heavy and knew she was going to have another one of her moments. Where she just let’s it go. Ranting and raving to the world about why she has to live in it the way it is. They were alone and she didn’t feel like postponing another second.

    “Its just that..” She started but choked on her own words. Rhys looks at her with a warm heart and nods at her to continue.

    “I want to apologize for not trusting you and thinking that you were just another boot kisser to Hyperion. Recently you’ve really proved me how you aren’t THAT much of an idiot.”

    Rhys’s smile returns again. “Aww shucks you mean it?” He delivers in a childlike mood, causing Sasha to regret what she said. She continues again.

    “Yes.. I do. Which must be SUCH a shocker for me to say that huh..?” She asks as a rhetorical question.

    Rhys chuckles a bit but keeps a serious face when the woman next to him looks down solemnly.

    “Me and Fiona were talking on the roof of the caravan a few days ago. I think you fell asleep trying to fix Vaughn while Athena was driving. We were talking about Gortys. What the hell she is, WHO the hell she is.. And we eventually got to how we even managed to get out of there.” She glances to Rhys.

    “She told me that she was just going with the flow, That she had an idea on how we were going to escape.”

    “ It wasn’t the greatest plan yeah but I had a hunch!” She mocked Fiona with her tone and way of tongue almost down pat. Which forced a laugh out of Rhys, who had been listening intently so far.

    “..And then she told me that when she asked you to trust her.. You did it in a flash. Instant. Like you knew exactly what she was going to do in those next few seconds.”

    Rhys responds softly. “Yeah.. Yeah i guess I did.”

    “And I ask her, Do you think he had a choice? And she says to me flatly, yes. Yes he did. At least i think he did.”

    “It kinda made me wonder. Did you?” She asks expectantly. Rhys looks at her and scratches his neck. Would this be considered a lie? Should I tell her? Should I tell everybody? Thoughts came and went like his brain was a transit station. He clears his throat and prepares.

    “I did. I umm.. I had the choice to let her handle it or..” He thinks back to his conversation with Loader bot.

    “..Take the matter into my own hands. I guess I just wanted to trust her over myself huh? Heh.” Rhys laughs but immediately halts when he sees Sasha’s eyes get glossy.

    “Should I trust her more..?” She says sadly.

    “I want to live Rhys. I want to live as long as i can. But I want to with her. She always seems to try and live her own way. Like she has no one else to worry about except herself.. Recently that’s just started to become the truth.” She sniffs, soft enough to be ignored but loud enough to be heard.

    “Letting that sonuvabitch Felix go, Leaving me while getting chased by Athena, and saying that i should always stay put and let her handle things.. She thinks Felix was protecting us.” She says with a quote gesture from our feelings. “She defends the person who took away the chance to make our lives better but insists that she always be with me.. and i just wonder you know?”

    She tries to laugh off the tears but it doesn’t work, one manages to get past and falls down quickly. Rhys acts on instinct. He knew what it was like. To be put on the curb for protection. He wraps his arms around her.

    “It’s okay.. It’s okay..” He says softly.

    “She really thinks highly of you Rhys.” She sniffs.

    “if she could think and do what she did for you the same she has for me and Felix..” Rhys feels her breath in heavily, as if the slightest mention of him bothers her.

    “Don’t betray that..” She trails slowly as her nerves calm down.

    “I wont.” The hyperion responds.

  • have fun :)

    Reliqum posted: »


  • At least you won't be bored :P

    Reliqum posted: »



    enter image description here

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    FINALLY!! I finished part 1! These are supposed to focus on the main four heroes and how they feel. With the bits of rhyiona in there. I hop

  • This is amazing :D!

    and better than the flower scene, 10/10

    AlphaLeague posted: »

    FINALLY!! I finished part 1! These are supposed to focus on the main four heroes and how they feel. With the bits of rhyiona in there. I hop

  • he's my son

    Brawl posted: »

    ah I see rhys' mom wat

  • i really need a

    BRO FIST <3

    from you now, bro :(

    What the F### happened lol XD That other thread man WTF and there opinions don't make any sense lmao XD( At least there was one person t

  • gtg, it's getting late and i have to wake up early :(

    laku noć to anyone that understands,

    and nighty night to everyone else. ;)

    enter image description here

  • You are a legend just like Rhyiona is a legend!

    BRO FIST!!! <3

    rhonu posted: »

    i really need a BRO FIST from you now, bro

  • good night, we love you too!! <3

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I'm gonna log off and game for a bit before bed. Night everyone, love you all!

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