Could S3 include characters from the TV series?
In Telltale's Game of Thrones, the major characters from the actual TV series also play a major part within the game (eg; Tyrion). When major TV series characters first appeared in the GOT game I was a bit sceptical about how much justice Telltale could do to the actual characters, but as it turns out they were portrayed perfectly and their inclusion has only made the series better- it's as if your playing an actual storyline from the series itself, and all the major TV characters are portrayed brilliantly (Ramsey in particular). I was just wondering how people would feel about something similar happening in The Walking Dead.
In S1, Glenn was in the first episode but he didn't play any sort of major role and only stayed for the first episode. And, in my mind at least, the way he was portrayed differed quite a bit from the actual character in the TV series. But for S3 I'm now warming up to the idea that, at least for one or two episodes, there could be some sort of crossover with the TV series, and I have utter confidence that TT could pull it off. I'm not saying I want to see TV characters star in episodes as regularly as they do in GOT- after all, GOT is an intricate universe were as TWD is essentially a zombie apocalypse were you don't meet other people too often. But it would be good, in my opinion at least, to see a crossover of sorts.
What do you people think?
EDIT: I made a mistake that is offensive apparently.
Lmao @people criticizing me and OP for being confused. Sorry we don't study TWD Comics.
No it won't because it's set in the comic book universe not the TV universe.
That was Glen from the comics NOT THE TV series. Seriously, everyone knows this. The game is set in the comic book universe not the tv universe.
And Robert Kirkman said himself that the tv shows aren't set in the same universe as the video games or comic book series. So end of topic.
I'm dearly sorry @Anthorn, that I do not study the art of The Walking Dead comics,nor do I have a major in The Walking Dead comics, and the fact that I am not everybody. Forgive me, good sir. I have brought shame onto my family, obviously. Do you forgive me?
No offense but why do people still think this will happen? The game exists in the comic universe and not the TV universe, it's not gonna happen.
You don't need to read the comics to know that it's been stated over a million times by the creator, the writers, that it's set in the comic book universe and not the tv universe.
I know. Robert Kirkman even stated in a recent interview that they're all in different universes.
I'm guessing you are not so fluent in the language of sarcasm are you? Seriously, everyone knows this.
Yeah like it's been said numerous times yet so many people still think that the TV show and game exist in the same universe.
And I'm guessing you didn't realise sarcasm only works when someone can actually hear the tone of voice of the person being sarcastic. But hey, you're forgiven. Now you know for future reference that the game is set in the comic book universe not the tv show universe.
If you really think I'm treating you like a King or Royalty on the internet and that it is not sarcastic, something is wrong.
But honestly, that chip on your shoulder needs to drop. I mean it's one thing when you correct me , that's fine, but that was rude.
I haven't been rude to you. And I believe that chip you believe you see on my shoulder is actually yours. And why would I think you're treating me like royalty? I've been nothing but pleasant to you.
Look, I'm sorry that you consider someone correcting your confusion as being rude, but that will happen a lot in life and it's not rude, it's not mean, it's not an insult.
I don't have time today, good night. You just came off like you felt you were a "genius", as if people do not make mistakes. You didnt offend me , believe me, it's the internet. I could actually care less.
well ah thats cause it was the comic glenn cause you know it's set in the comic universe and not the tv show one....
sorry but how do these threads still exist? you would think after the michonne reveal that these threads would disappear unless the op doesn't know anything about it other than the fact that it has michonne in it
Your tone suggests otherwise.
So people don't make mistakes? @Carverwasagoodman was obviously confused, yet you guys are reacting as if OP is a total idiot. Smh.
EDIT: But good on you @Anthorn , you are a professional in TWD comics.
And no, you aren't tricking me today @Anthorn, no way I'm risking my account for you. Goodbye
Hey, don't blame the OP. You were in on that mistake too. Credit where credit is due.
Anyway, this thread has run its course
But at least you think I'm pretty
So you have now made it your priority to comment on every post I make, even when it isn't about you hm?
How did I trick you? You called me pretty and I responded. LOOK. Just because someone points out a mistake does not make someone petty, or mean, or rude. If being corrected offends you then you're in the wrong place. I'm sorry that I made use of widely available, widely known, easy to find knowledge that offended you.
Thanks for the talk, guidance counselor. I will study TWD History with more passion next time.
You're welcome. Might I recommend the Walking Dead Wiki. Enjoy
And this was all about a comic book... wow.
It wasn't all about a comic book. It was about the video game series and tv show too.
THANK GOD!! I needed to confirm this
But that doesn't mean that the characters who voice the show won't voice their comic counterparts.
Even though it's too late for Glenn, I think.
Like I can't even read the comics without doing my best Andrew Lincoln impression.