Episode 5 is flat out AWFUL writing hiding behind the GOT name



  • I'm mad because I think Life is Strange is a bad game and I'm tired of people constantly comparing it to Telltale's games.

    why you're mad????

  • edited August 2015

    TWDG 2 all of it a freaking plot holes

    TWD S2 has really few plot holes why exagerating?

    I dare every telltale fan to talk about the writing actually

    K tell me where did they fail so bad in writing.

    GOT is Plot holes

    K there is one plot hole that I can remember right now, if you can tell me other ones I'll asume that you are right.

    Life is strange and the dialogue has been improved in episode 4

    That's true, but it's away from being perfect.

    to the undeveloped and stereotypical characters

    hahahah really???? what about TWDG when a group of adults following a 11 year old girl???? with no undeveloped characters

    What? The cabin group was developed ,with the exception of Alvin.

    life is strange has a strong character development even in side characters

    I disagree... Lets see a few examples:

    Brooke: Just a geek with a drone, has a crush on Warren.

    Alyssa: A gril that is there just for you to optionally save her.

    Stella: Likes fashion. That's it.

    Dana: Popular gril, likes partying and has a boyfriend.

    Joyce: Good mother, makes nice pancakes.

    IMO, this characters (and a few more that I can't remember right now) serve to no purpose to the main plot. The only characters that are being really developed are the main ones: Chloe, Max, David, Nathan, Kate and Warren.

    i have no problem with the dialogue, i dare every telltale fan to talk about the writing actually, GOT is Plot holes, TWDG 2 all of it a

  • [removed]

    I'm mad because I think Life is Strange is a bad game and I'm tired of people constantly comparing it to Telltale's games.

  • Eh, not even Tales from the Borderlands. People can say all the shit they want about Game of Thrones and Walking Dead Season 2 and its ok, but talk shit about Tales, or Wolf, or Walking Dead Season 1 and people will be all over your ass.

    It's why I stay out of the Tales section for the most part, considering I'm not really a big fan of it.

  • TFTB ???? i never said something negative about it

  • Well Mira could have just whispered to Tyrion about Cersei or simply nodded.

    The episode had bad writing and some filler moments (looking at you Gared), but that doesn't mean that the whole episode sucks and that the

  • Yes she could, but that don't make the whole scene bad...

    Well Mira could have just whispered to Tyrion about Cersei or simply nodded.

  • You're like 10, aren't you? Go back to your Mom, I'm pretty sure you've used your allowed Internet time for the day.

  • hmmmm yeah right......

    You're like 10, aren't you? Go back to your Mom, I'm pretty sure you've used your allowed Internet time for the day.

  • I have to agree on that but I referred to games I have played. I haven't played any quantic dream games. I watched playthoughs of Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls because I don't have ps4 or 3 and they are pretty amazing too BUT I'm more emotionally attached to TTG characters. The writing on quantic dream is way better and the story isn't devided into episodes so when things get interesting you don't have to wait months to see what happens but I still enjoy TTG games a bit more.

    quantic dream is better

  • Stop being so childish please, your criticism is objectively exaggerated, almost hate driven, so if you don' like TTG games overall, you'll find yourself more suited in the LIS forum.

  • i wouldn't say WAY better, or even better than TTG, but it's still pretty good when they don't jump the shark.

    FetchWalker posted: »

    I have to agree on that but I referred to games I have played. I haven't played any quantic dream games. I watched playthoughs of Heavy Rain

  • And Max is, at least in my opinion, a poor protagonist.

    TWDG 2 all of it a freaking plot holes TWD S2 has really few plot holes why exagerating? I dare every telltale fan to talk ab

  • hahahah sure...

    And Max is, at least in my opinion, a poor protagonist.

  • oh yes....

    i will go to LIS forum it least they have no weird people....

    Stop being so childish please, your criticism is objectively exaggerated, almost hate driven, so if you don' like TTG games overall, you'll find yourself more suited in the LIS forum.

  • Dorne had like...15 minutes of screen time in a 10 hour season lol.

    LeFedore posted: »

    Season 5 of GOT was also terrible. Look at the entirety of Dorne. You want the good girl, but you need the bad poooosey.

  • Can everyone just please, stop...? Both games have aspects that are great, and both games have aspects that are iffy, just like every other game on this planet. I feel like this discussion makes our community look like a bunch of eleven year old children bickering about things so unimportant, and can be such a turn off to new members looking to join the forums.

    hahahah sure...

  • they attacked me first like they're going crazy.

    Can everyone just please, stop...? Both games have aspects that are great, and both games have aspects that are iffy, just like every other

  • A voice of reason? What are you doing here? :p

    Can everyone just please, stop...? Both games have aspects that are great, and both games have aspects that are iffy, just like every other

  • edited August 2015

    I think it's just me being a massive book fan. They changed way too much in the character stories this season. The Meereenese Knot is excluded entirely, so Dany and Tyrion are just kind of there, and the Sons of the Harpy are some big organized group, rather than a terrorist force rising up against a conqueror, which just makes Dany the victim, whereas in the books the SotH actually have a legitimate point. They also murder Meereenese people for some reason in the show.

    Jaime and Brienne were completely pointless this season. Jaime was shoe-horned into Dorne, which is an interesting political section of the book that was turned into a bad plot line with bad acting and people trying to mimic Oberyn's accent really badly. Which is a shame, because I love the Dorne plot in the books, but the show felt the need to throw Jaime in rather than trying to make those characters stand on their own. Brienne did literally nothing.

    Stannis was assassinated character-wise. The guy is meant to be a military genius who views things like religion as tools. Yet he burns Shireen at the slightest of snowstorms. He does a complete 180 in one episode and it's stupid. Stannis would never sacrifice Shireen, especially since, in the books, he's attacking Winterfell while Shireen, Selyse and Melisandre are at Castle Black. You can see how this will turn out. There's also him charging into a battle he knows he'll lose with no plan, which is stupider.

    The Wall and King's Landing were done perfectly, though. The addition of letting us actually see Hardhome rather than Jon reading about the events in a letter was an amazing surprise.

    The Winterfell plot was bad, though. Ramsay is now just invincible, which brings up the issue of the show never giving the protagonists any kind of victories, and always giving the antagonists every victory and never letting them be defeated. It just leads to people not caring about characters because they expect them to die. In the books, both sides take losses, because that's the reality of war. Sansa was just shoe-horned into Jeyne Poole's plotline, which just destroys the entire plot they had set up in the last season, and for some reason Littlefinger has no idea who Ramsay is, despite everyone knowing he's a murderous bastard in the books.

    The season was no where near as good as the prior seasons, though I can't blame them completely. Dance and Feast spend a lot of time in the characters minds, and the show has to have everything in a viewable medium. Thankfully, it's confirmed Walder Frey will appear in a later season, though Season 6 is unconfirmed, and we're getting the Iron Island plotline. So hopefully we get all the Greyjoy and Riverlands stuff they missed last season, which will give Theon, Asha (Yara in the show), Brienne and Jaime a purpose.

    Also, nice Beerus picture, I need to watch ResF already.

    enter image description here

    Season 5 was great, only thing bad about it was Dorne. And even Dorne had couple of good moments.

  • I thought it was fine, the pit fighter scene was action packed and really interesting to play out from the fighters perspective rather then a spectators perspective. The ending was emotionally difficult to go through, and the final choice is probably the hardest Telltale decision I ever had to make. The traitor scene needed a bit of work IMO but I thought it was fine considering it was exactly what I expected it to be. The length of the episode needed a little work but since it is the episode before the finale it makes sense considering it's job is to set up for the finale. The Tyrion scene made complete sense since I feel there was not a single chance in the world Mira was going to make it out of there trying to fool Tyrion of all people, it wasn't going to happen.

    Boagrius posted: »

    What do you think about the episode then?

  • edited August 2015

    it's the second worst series they've done

    That's your opinion and I can respect that, while I disagree. Still I would say "less good" more than "worst"

    That aside you do make a good point and I'm with you on this one that Telltale seems to perform at their best when they focus on their own characters and little world-building. TWD Season 1 one was great, so was TWAU (They even added characters not in the comics for this one and imo I thought they were quite awesome!). TWD Season 2 is quite the exception I guess.

    GOT is different. It has a clear main scenario and timeline that has to be requested. You can't really make a storyline in certain places without having certain character snooping around. Certain characters like Cersei and Margaery really enhance the Mira storyline. Ramsay was okay and believable for ep 1 but after that it was too much. Tyrion and Dany are mostly fan service.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Hmm, yeah I was probably a bit angry when I wrote that, but I think it's the second worst series they've done The writing is just so bad i

  • I just want you to know that this was not an attack... I'm just expressing opinion about your statements.

    they attacked me first like they're going crazy.

  • 2 The Elite Soldiers weren't nothing, they were smart. If they tried to kill the Warden of the North's son, they would have gotten in just a little bit of trouble. Just a little, you know what I'm saying?

    Oh man, I couldn't agree more. where were you when I had that huge discussion with LordGoss?

    Episode 5 is flat out AWFUL writing hiding behind the GOT name I think you mean: Season 5 of the show Anyway... * The Ramsay

  • People can say all the shit they want about Game of Thrones and Walking Dead Season 2 and its ok, but talk shit about Tales, or Wolf, or Walking Dead Season 1 and people will be all over your ass.

    enter image description here

    Eh, not even Tales from the Borderlands. People can say all the shit they want about Game of Thrones and Walking Dead Season 2 and its ok, b

  • edited August 2015

    Season 5 and Episode 5 were bad overall.

    *Ramsay's appearance was more just there instead of meaning anything. How the hell did he get from the Dreadfort in Ironrath anyway it's at least a 3 day's ride. The fact that they made trying to kill him a main choice is so stupid. We know he's a canon character so why even put this option here. It's evident they just wanted to shove a major choice in as soon as possible. Lazy Telltale.

    *The episode was short. Only an hour and 20 minutes. Less development in many areas

    *Gared and Mira's stories lacked great development. They got like 10 minutes of screen time at most and didn't build up to much of anything. Mira's arc missed Morgryn, Tom etc.

    *Finn's handling as a determinant character

    *Traitor's weak motives and reveal. Telltale tried to mush together a conclusion as best they could and it ended up being a poorly written plot hole. You can make any decisions you want but it'll all come down to "You didn't choose me as sentinel WAAAH!

    *Gryff's powers of regeneration. Just because it's a glitch doesn't excuse it

    Overall I have to say this is the worst Telltale episode I've played

  • your opinion is respected.

    I just want you to know that this was not an attack... I'm just expressing opinion about your statements.

  • I'm a book fan myself - well I've read them once so obviously using word "massive" wouldn't be true in my case (planning on re-reading when I have time).

    Anyway, I think simplifying Meereen was necessary for the show, and personally I think they did it well. Sure, killing Barristan wasn't necessary, but otherwise I don't see much reason for complaining. Tyrion and Dany actually meeting was especially good move from the showrunners if you ask me. And all that Dany has done in Slaver's Bay is a legitimate reason for SoTH - they just are extremely radicals which plays out for example with murdering Meereeneese who don't support them. I can't really complain about Meereen considering this was clearly one of the better seasons Dany has had in the show.

    Jaime was part of Dorne which was - as I said - the failure of the season. Kinda like Qarth was in season 2. Would Riverlands plot have been a better option? Probably, but at least it looks like we are going to have Riverlands back in season 6 - probably without the whole Jaime/Brienne/LS -thingy though. I personally never was much of a fan of LS. I had heard hyping of her before I read the books, but she was a huge disappointment and my feelings weren't "Damn, she is awesome!", they were "Damn, she is annoying!" :D And what comes to Brienne, she has been "meh" in both books and the show.

    I have had some debates about Stannis before so I'm not that interested to start another one, but let's just say I didn't feel the burning was that ooc. Okay, it might have been done quite poorly - making the watcher feel like it was a total 180 turn in one episode like you said, but actually this has been build up all the way from the last episode of season 2. And I always saw it this way: Stannis didn't burn Shireen simply because of snowstorm, he burned her because he saw it as the necessary sacrifice to make, so he can become the Warrior of Light and save the realm - not just to win the Boltons. Would book!Stannis think this way? Dunno, but I can respect them as two different characters. I'll admit though that him attacking in the situation he was after the burning was a little weird, but perhaps it was better to bring the storyline to end rather than stretch it with Stannis trying to escape.

    Agree with the Wall and KL.

    Winterfell wasn't my favorite, but it was okay in my opinion. It had many, many great moments, though some potential was also lost (looking at Reek here.) With Sansa I'll just see where s6 takes her (and also what her storyline is in TWoW) before deciding if s5 was wasted on her. I think she had good moments, and unlike some I can definitely also see some character development. Personally I don't see Ramsay (and Boltons in general) to be in invincible state, there are Northern lords being cast for s6, which most likely means some sort of rebellion and there is also Littlefinger with his Knight's of Vale.

    What comes to comparing to other seasons I agree that most of them are superior to s5, but I still think s2 is the worst (and still pretty good). And one reason that had bad effect on s5 was that it's source material was AFfC and ADwD, and since it pretty much covered them both (with cutting much ofc) it also was more rushed than the seasons before it. In a way I'm thankful we are past those books now, even if it meant that s5 was pretty rushed.

    And thanks :D I already watched RoF, not as good as BoG in my opinion, but still great :)

    LeFedore posted: »

    I think it's just me being a massive book fan. They changed way too much in the character stories this season. The Meereenese Knot is exclud

  • Well... considering that's the major focal point of the scene and pretty much its whlole purpose (whether Tyrion tells your or not), that kinda does make the whole scene bad when you can't tell him the truth without Lucan hearing everything.

    Yes she could, but that don't make the whole scene bad...

  • edited August 2015

    Ok so imagine she tells him the truth without Lucan hearing: he tells you that he won't call any witness and the outcome is the same.

    transfo47 posted: »

    Well... considering that's the major focal point of the scene and pretty much its whlole purpose (whether Tyrion tells your or not), that kinda does make the whole scene bad when you can't tell him the truth without Lucan hearing everything.

  • It's just so unnecessary, though, and takes you out of the moment - WHY would she risk Lucan hearing? Why risk Cersei's wrath? And Tyrion should have known better, they could have come up with hand signals, or nods, or double speak. Both of them are clever enough. The storytelling is just as important as the outcome, if not more so, in any entertainment.

    Ok so imagine she tells him the truth without Lucan hearing: he tells you that he won't call any witness and the outcome is the same.

  • I completely agree. I feel like they are going for shock value (like almost the whole family dying) and grueling agony for the characters. To top it off like you said there are all these dangling threads that seem to be going nowhere, and it's unlikely that they'll be resolved in the last episode. I guess they want us to come back for a Season 2? I felt like I was being manipulated during the final "choice" - like the writers were saying HEY ISN'T THIS TOTALLY MESSED UP, SOO TRAGIC, AIN'T WE STINKERS HA HA!

    ShampaFK posted: »

    One aspect of this season that I find irksome is... we were told in the very first scene of episode one how important the north grove is...

  • Oh yeah and Cersei just beheads Mira even if she makes up stuff because Lucan tells her everything. Great.

    Ok so imagine she tells him the truth without Lucan hearing: he tells you that he won't call any witness and the outcome is the same.

  • Why does someone not liking something you like saddening you?

    FetchWalker posted: »

    I enjoyed the episode too and it really sadeness and confuses me when people start making these kind of threads. I know Telltale games games

  • God you too have the same damn avatar. It makes this so much harder to follow. XD

  • Ok you have a point. But this lack of choice don't screw the whole scene and doen't make it a "poorly writen scene".

    transfo47 posted: »

    Oh yeah and Cersei just beheads Mira even if she makes up stuff because Lucan tells her everything. Great.

  • I swear one things that annoys me in terms of writing for some reason, is the swearing. Like literally someone is sweariing in nearly every damn scene a second after each other :D They're just cursing for the sake of it :D

  • You forgot the Boltons ability to teleport

    Clemenem posted: »

    Season 5 and Episode 5 were bad overall. *Ramsay's appearance was more just there instead of meaning anything. How the hell did he get fr

  • Couldn't agree more. Though episode 4 is my favorite.

    Episode 5 is flat out AWFUL writing hiding behind the GOT name I think you mean: Season 5 of the show Anyway... * The Ramsay

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