Ep 6 Release Date Discussion: Episode available November 17th, Trailer Out Now



  • You can be lucky it is no shadow that is gonna murder you:

    enter image description here

    This fucking silence is gonna murder me.

  • I got more of a "Star Wars" vibe out it.

  • rekt


    September 11th

  • It's funny the people being sad about the current wait for GoT Episode 6, like this is NOTHING compared to the wait for Episode freakin' 2 of Tales from the Borderlands. :v I have no doubt GoT will be out in due time.

  • The wait...Dryness....Insanity...I remember only darkness...

    fayescarlet posted: »

    It's funny the people being sad about the current wait for GoT Episode 6, like this is NOTHING compared to the wait for Episode freakin' 2 of Tales from the Borderlands. :v I have no doubt GoT will be out in due time.

  • They did the same thing on ep. 5 and the house sayings didnt line up with what happened.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Yeah I know, I'm just making sure he knows that from now on though.

  • We'll open the episode with a PREVIOUSLY ON then the corpse of the dead brother is being rolled on a corpse cart to Highpoint in which Ludd will cackle with laughter and Gwyn will make a stand against her father which'll cause her to turn on House Whitehill (regardless who dies).

    The war begins and the war ends.

  • A shadow with the face of Ludd Whitehill?

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    You can be lucky it is no shadow that is gonna murder you:

  • I was so sad when this happened. :/

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    You can be lucky it is no shadow that is gonna murder you:

  • Any chance this goes over 2 hours?

  • This is the finale to the story though. Understandable people are more antsy.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    It's funny the people being sad about the current wait for GoT Episode 6, like this is NOTHING compared to the wait for Episode freakin' 2 of Tales from the Borderlands. :v I have no doubt GoT will be out in due time.

  • Probably not. Final episodes are usually very short.

    JackBauer24 posted: »

    Any chance this goes over 2 hours?

  • Still no Bannang? Or has no one found it? This is getting weird TT.

  • edited August 2015
    DoubleJump posted: »

    Still no Bannang? Or has no one found it? This is getting weird TT.

  • You mean... JUST LIKE IN "TROY"?!


    But... it would be pretty awesome, tough and powerful scene... full of our tears... oh man... wow... no...

    IR0NR4TH posted: »

    We'll open the episode with a PREVIOUSLY ON then the corpse of the dead brother is being rolled on a corpse cart to Highpoint in which Ludd

  • A shadow with the face of Stannis the Mannis.

    A shadow with the face of Ludd Whitehill?

  • edited August 2015

    The silence is driving me nuts!

  • enter image description here

    Time to wake up.

  • I would like for them to delay the final episode at least until the Winds of Winter release date! You know, to build anticipation.

  • Stannis is no longer da Mannis when he cooked the Pig.

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    A shadow with the face of Stannis the Mannis.

  • Two weeks without news, and I'm like

    enter image description here

    But seriously, anyone that waited for news on the last episode of another TellTale game, is it common to go a while without any news? Because I'm thinking that maybe this episode will take a while to come out, despite the trend of last episodes being released quicker than the other episodes. I would be totally fine with this if it meant we would get a longer episode that was well-written and wrapped the story up nicely.

    But of course, maybe they are just trying not to give too many spoilers.

  • anyone that waited for news on the last episode of another TellTale game, is it common to go a while without any news?

    Yes, very common. There's a reason the word 'Soon' is a trigger word.

    Big news like screenshots or release dates only really come around a week or even days before release.

    Abeille posted: »

    Two weeks without news, and I'm like But seriously, anyone that waited for news on the last episode of another TellTale game, is it c

  • We were waiting for ep4 for two months. Usually news from voice actors comes first, then the age rate comes in and we have a long wait until screenshots or trailer.

  • Waiting for the finale is driving me nuts, I can't wait god damn it ;-;

  • enter image description here

    That and National Treasure of course!

    brbsmoking posted: »

    You mean... JUST LIKE IN "TROY"?! GODDAMMIT, MAN, I WOULD DIE. But... it would be pretty awesome, tough and powerful scene... full of our tears... oh man... wow... no...

  • Because of the events in EP4 I was scared to play EP5 I can't imagine what I'll be like going into EP6, probably shit myself every scene :p

  • edited August 2015

    Feel free to check out my plot to the finale while you wait.


  • Actually Game of Thrones has been coming out just fine, Tales from the Borderlands had like a 3 month wait between each episode which is brutal, but this series has been going just fine. But yeah when it comes to Telltale, expect long periods of time with no news or updates, it can get very frustrating.

    Abeille posted: »

    Two weeks without news, and I'm like But seriously, anyone that waited for news on the last episode of another TellTale game, is it c

  • we will all be dead by then.

    LukeSnow posted: »

    I would like for them to delay the final episode at least until the Winds of Winter release date! You know, to build anticipation.

  • still no news ? god i want episode 6 !

  • back in my day you had to wait 2 months before you got even a hint at news

    this generation just doesnt know the struggle

    GCardoso posted: »

    still no news ? god i want episode 6 !

  • Aren't finales released quicker?

  • edited August 2015

    No, it took from May 27th, to July 8th I believe? That's about 5 weeks.

  • Shouldn't the rate for Australia have come out already if it was still going to release this month, though? They rated the other episodes really early. The last two were rated 20 days before release if I remember it correctly.

  • inb4 people saying 'I'm about to cry again :,('

  • Guys we do not know how telltale release their episodes, episode 5 had a lot of jaw dropping moments and telltale will always try to make things satisfying

  • Might take longer due to the determinant main character thing.

    JackBauer24 posted: »

    Aren't finales released quicker?

  • even though i'm very excited for the finale to come out, i would rather telltale take their time and make the finale satisfying, actually reflecting choices, and possibly longer and more fleshed out. that being said... telltale, can you please send out some more updates (even if it is a minor voice over one) considering your last update was quite a while ago?

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