GoT vs Life is Strange

edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Which one do you like more? I'm not too fond of LiS but i think its better than GoT, but worse than Borderlands.



  • L M F A O

    I really hope you're talking about GoT the video game and not the entire saga, because that would be just insulting to compare the two. It still kind of is, but meh.

  • Really hard to compare the two in terms of tone. i mean one is a girl and her friend solving mysteries in Hipster land while the end of the World slowly approaches, and the other is all about a family struggling not to die due to other houses wanted to take their home and kill them. (terrible description, but eh)

    I really liked Episode 4 of Life is Strange, but previous episodes from the series were "Okay" at best. Game of Thrones on the other hand I have enjoyed the series since Episode 1, so I would have to go with Thrones.

    edited August 2015

    I thought the entire series as cringe-worthy at best, none of the characters were human or relatable to me, it seemed like the game was written by an adult trying to describe teenage behavior in his head and failing miserably in the dialogue.

    Really hard to compare the two in terms of tone. i mean one is a girl and her friend solving mysteries in Hipster land while the end of the

  • havent played LiS

    GoT b/c im biased a f

    that was e z

  • I was going to try the game eventually, but oh god that sounds dreadful LMAO

    Probably still try it though, but definitely won't go in with high expectations. I wonder why it's so well received?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I thought the entire series as cringe-worthy at best, none of the characters were human or relatable to me, it seemed like the game was written by an adult trying to describe teenage behavior in his head and failing miserably in the dialogue.

  • I couldn't stand Life is Strange. It felt like a Telltale game if Telltale hired voice actors and writers out of an 8th grade drama class. No idea what people see in it.

  • LIS as a whole. A Nest of Vipers makes me re evaluate the game as a whole still like it a lot better than TFTB though

  • The First two Episoden of LiS were Kinda meeehhh. But i kept playing and Episode 3 and especially 4 Are so much Better. It feels like a Completly New studio, Who made it. Everyone should try it at least until the 3rd Episode. And don't make it Hard to you and Stopp seeing it As a Telltale Game.

  • Because it actually delves into what is happening currently. Not the tornado--the struggles of Max (who tries to fit in with her school/classmates) and Chloe (who is escaping from her problems).

    And the game actually teaches a lesson, whether you deny it or not.

    Green613 posted: »

    I was going to try the game eventually, but oh god that sounds dreadful LMAO Probably still try it though, but definitely won't go in with high expectations. I wonder why it's so well received?

  • Life is Strange develops characters by events while GoT needs characters to develop characters.

    Seriously, try out LiS up to the 4th episode--it's actually pretty good.

  • Same here!

    I couldn't stand Life is Strange. It felt like a Telltale game if Telltale hired voice actors and writers out of an 8th grade drama class. No idea what people see in it.

  • After ep 4 I like Life is Strange just a little bit more. I hope Telltale will do a great job with the finale of Game of Thrones and make me change my mind because I feel guilty now, but hey that plot twist in LiS was so well managed and unexpected that the whole game won my heart.

  • I'm loving Life is Strange. Sure the voice acting is poor in places, but the story and characters are so engaging it's a completely different level to GoT in my opinion. GoT feels like they were forced to put in various characters from the show for marketing, but betrayed who they were sometimes, particularly Dany, and the whole traitor thing could only have been a massive troll from TellTale to those wanting decisions to have consequences.

    But Borderlands beats them both! <3

    I'd like TellTale to try their hand at a more "open world" style game, or give the illusion like LiS does that you're fairly free to explore and talk to who you want.

  • edited August 2015

    You're asking in the game of thrones forum section so it's kinda obvious. I prefer GoT :D ( Probably because im a huge fan of the show )

  • I read books,i watch the show and i play the game. So i personally prefer GoT,but it's not something you can compare with Life Is Strange

  • Life is Strange all the way. I like the plot and characters more, and every single choice seems to have consequences, even regular dialouge choices (I mean, even watering a plant has consequences!). I do like TFtB more though, just because of the humor.

  • Minority here, but LiS wins by a long shot for me.

  • I think LIS is okay but GOT is better.

  • GoT is better. I like Life is Strange and will see it through, but I don't care much for the high school atmosphere.

  • I'd have to say Life is Strange, I haven't been too impressed with GOT so far.

  • I like both games, but I'm more interested in GoT.

  • It felt like a Telltale game if Telltale hired voice actors and writers out of an 8th grade drama class.

    Thank you so much for that, I never knew how to put my feelings to words, you've done it perfectly.

    I couldn't stand Life is Strange. It felt like a Telltale game if Telltale hired voice actors and writers out of an 8th grade drama class. No idea what people see in it.

  • Can we honestly stop with all of these threads comparing Life is Strange to (insert Telltale game here). These threads always seem to go from an honest debate to people either ripping on Telltale or people ripping on Life is Strange, it gets annoying and petty really quickly.

    edited August 2015

    Because it's the ideal game for teenage girls who want to be empowered for their femininity. That game was made, it was built to make teenagers (mostly girls but also guys) to relate to, it acts as an affirmation. The dialogue is simply horrible and cringe worthy to the point where I play this game just to laugh my ass off.

    The game has the worst possible game mechanic for a choice based game, guess what it is?

    Rewinding time.

    Yes. Every time there's a choice that will implicate the story, you have the choice to rewind and change your choice. What's the point in that? I mean, you would think that in a game where the choices matter, you won't have the option to take back your choices. What's a choice when you can foresee the consequence? It's stupid.

    And don't get me started about the waste of resources that is Chloe, that punk-rock edgy tween who thinks she knows how the world works while acting like complete douchbag and using words that never had or will exist in the English vocabulary. The only reason I love the rewind powers is that I could rewind every time she got hurt and nurture on her agonizing screams. They are truly satisfying.

    So yeah, try the first episode, tell me what you think.

    Green613 posted: »

    I was going to try the game eventually, but oh god that sounds dreadful LMAO Probably still try it though, but definitely won't go in with high expectations. I wonder why it's so well received?

  • Gotta go with Life again, it's just too good.

  • Because it's awesome lol... It's become my favorite episodic game and it's hard to explain why.

    You get anywhere from 2 to 4 hours per episode, the soundtrack is amazing (first time I ever cared about soundtrack in any game), exploring and paying attention to small things rewards you. Most locations you visit are full of details and, more importantly, choices bear consequence throught all episodes. Minor choices change multiple dialogue instances, texts and, in general, the attitude of the people around you. Others are just neat little things you can discover, like leaving marks on stuff or saving a bird. Major choices take this one step above. So I don't spoil anything, I'll just say that they all are factored in to add or cut some of your dialogue options, changing some storylines.

    However, in my opinion, the atmosphere makes the game truly memorable. I'm the last person to vouch for SJWs and stuff like that, but the first episode gave me a weird feeling of melancholy and nostalgia, I can't really describe it. The game tries to take you through a multitude of emotions (from the chilling in ep. 1 to the events of ep. 4) and it feels awesome. I guess people just see it as "competition" or "copy" and try to stay loyal to Telltale, so they cling to the "muh hipster dialogue" argument. I'll be honest, while playing I didn't even notice it (probably because I'm from another country). Looking back, yeah, the first two episodes have a few bad moments ("amazeballs" what), but you can tell they're been picking up the feedback and improved a ton in ep. 3 and 4.

    Green613 posted: »

    I was going to try the game eventually, but oh god that sounds dreadful LMAO Probably still try it though, but definitely won't go in with high expectations. I wonder why it's so well received?

    edited August 2015

    I don't feel it as competition, I see it as a puddle of piss at the giant feet of ASoIaF and GoT. How can they even be compared?

    "It felt like a Telltale game if Telltale hired voice actors and writers out of an 8th grade drama class." - I couldn't have said it better.

    The "muh hipster dialogue" argument is one of many that make this game unbearable and laughable. It's a good argument as any, the story and the characters' personalities are learned through dialogue, if I can't take that seriously, it's over.

    I don't see it as a great nor competition to any game maker. 8th grade drama students could write better characters that are not SJW blabbering teenage girls with horrible VA's and autistic animation. Just my opinion, a harsh one nonetheless.

    SpineLine posted: »

    Because it's awesome lol... It's become my favorite episodic game and it's hard to explain why. You get anywhere from 2 to 4 hours per ep

  • Game of Thrones is a better universe by far. There's so much more to Game of Thrones then Telltale's game.

    edited August 2015

    So much more that it's incomprehensible to people who haven't read the books or at least watched the show. It's so vast and rich.

    Wigams posted: »

    Game of Thrones is a better universe by far. There's so much more to Game of Thrones then Telltale's game.

  • What lesson? Respect everyone because we're all humans? This game is too SJW for me to pick up the main lesson. Something about chaos theory?

    Because it actually delves into what is happening currently. Not the tornado--the struggles of Max (who tries to fit in with her school/clas

  • edited August 2015


    It's that life is about bad decisions/ mistakes and we should acknowledge ourselves that we are imperfect and we do make mistakes. Intentionally or unintentionally.

    Time-travel in this case is testing our morality, whether we immediately rewind when we anger someone or live through it.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    What lesson? Respect everyone because we're all humans? This game is too SJW for me to pick up the main lesson. Something about chaos theory?

  • edited August 2015


  • Okay, first off I think it's clear that the topic was whether you liked TellTale's GoT better than Life, so please stop including the whole book series too. You, me, and everyone else know that this series is trying to tell it's own story apart from the show/books and no duh a new game series' story will get blown out of the water if you're going to include the book series. So let's just look at this as you should be, TellTale's episodic series and Life okay?

    From your earlier posts it looks like you've played all the episodes but haven't noticed the changes they've made and continue to make in the writing/ voice acting. Everyone can agree that some of the dialogue in the first couple episodes of Life isn't so great but they have toned it down and fixed it in several ways. And I don't get what's wrong with the voice acting, it's been pretty spot on from situation to situation as far as I can tell.

    The ability in the game to rewind isn't the worst for this kind of game either. In no way can you fully foresee the outcome of any given choice it merely gives you a peek. The option is simply there in case you weren't happy with the immediate outcome and/or want to see both sides before you make your finally decision. We've only started to see the outcome of some of the choices made in episode 3 & 4 from the earlier episodes, so unless you can see into the future of the next episode, it isn't detrimental to the choice aspect as you think.

    Also have to disagree highly with your belief that this game was built mainly for 'teenage girls', anyone can get into this game regardless of gender. On the surface it does look like just how you described it, but if given an actual chance, you're dead wrong in your assumptions.

    And this game itself is amazing as it came from nothing, you keep saying the same crap of, "This is equivalent to what an 8th grade drama student could do". Tell me, what game series has come out of TellTale that wasn't based on an existing property? DontNod has made their first ever episodic game series that wasn't based off something as strong as the book series from Martin or The Walking Dead for example. I have enjoyed TellTale's games, but not one hasn't been piggy-backing off the popularity of an existing franchise where as Life is something completely new, non restricted by any existing canon, and doesn't have rely on the previous/current success of it's content.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I don't feel it as competition, I see it as a puddle of piss at the giant feet of ASoIaF and GoT. How can they even be compared? "It felt

  • As a fan and reader of GoT books I put it on top of the list. But LIS is very good too. and it has time fcking travel! :D

  • edited August 2015

    Life is Strange by a huge margin for me. Life is strange is actually probably my pick for GOTY so far. Not to say GOT is bad though. I have really loved the last 2 episodes, but the first 3 episodes were Mediocre to Okay

  • even if you liked GOT it's your opinion.

    brbsmoking posted: »

    In your opinion*

  • Do you think that watering the plant will have SERIOUS consequences? Nah.

    derrickd95 posted: »

    Life is Strange all the way. I like the plot and characters more, and every single choice seems to have consequences, even regular dialouge

  • That's a bit insulting to telltale and the passionate fans isn't it?
    While I do certainly think GoT suffers from some major problems (Not just the whole ep5 stuff), I still think it's better than LIS. LIS was solid in ep4, ep3 was good aswell, but I had to push myself through the other two, the music of that game helped me enjoy it a bit more though :D
    But yeah for me, Tales beats them both ;)

    even if you liked GOT it's your opinion.


    kaza125 posted: »

    That's a bit insulting to telltale and the passionate fans isn't it? While I do certainly think GoT suffers from some major problems (Not j

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