Who do you hate more: Ludd Whitehill or the Villian of LiS Ep 4?



  • I thought that my comment dissapeared but no; this is another topic about bloody LiS! But to stick with the point of it, i will just quote:

    "(...) two different character from two different series. They both are evil in their universes, no need to vote, who is worse."


  • We know Kate was raped.

    Let's be clear. I'm not trying to defend Jefferson or Nathan, but you're connecting a few dots that aren't there yet. The viral video was of Kate 'making out' with a bunch of students at a Vortex Club party in a drug-addled state. Yes, she was roofied, and this could be classified as sexual assault even if the students didn't realise she'd been drugged, but as far as I understand it, 'making out' is kissing and groping, there's no suggestion of penetration made. If there were, I'm sure this would have been taken more seriously in the first place. I mean, Victoria refers to Kate 'setting a tongue record', which is a pretty tame thing to say if the video actually showed her having sex. And Jefferson obviously isn't in the video or he'd already be in jail. As for what happened in the Dark Room, all we know for sure is that Jefferson injects the girls with something and then photographs them. So, yes, mental torment, but anything further, like rape, while certainly possible, is still only supposition. At this stage, I don't believe Jefferson intended to kill any of the girls they do this to either, which is why there aren't other missing girls in Arcadia Bay. I assume most of them don't even remember/know that something happened to them, which I suspect is Jefferson's intention and how they've managed to keep doing this for so long. Something obviously didn't go as planned with Rachel.

    There's also no confirmation that the 'tortured subjects' in the photos in Nathan's room are the girls from the Dark Room. Perhaps they are, but there's nothing to confirm that those aren't willing models, or even that those photos were taken by Nathan. I mean, he could have bought them from a bondage print store, for all we know.

    Again, not defending Jefferson and Nathan. They've done some terrible, disgusting, illegal things, but for Kate's sake, I'm going to assume she and the others weren't actually raped or physically tortured until otherwise stated. I don't believe that's what this is about.

    Mysti_Fogg posted: »

    What? Do you have some kind of misunderstanding that it's not rape and torture if the girl was roofied first? We know Kate was raped. It was

  • I think it was strongly implied that Kate was raped (the way she describes feeling after), but by Nathan. It's possible that Jefferson did that too (or allowed Nathan), but yeah it's not confirmed.

    torture, rape when was it said jefferson did either of these? I mean sure mental torture but kate didnt even remember anything or have any marks on her

  • Jefferson, i'm into life is strange more than GOT

  • Ramsay Snow.

  • edited August 2015

    Jefferson - He is creep, pervert, kidnapper, murderer and there is high possibility that he is also rapist.

  • I never thought I'd actually hate any fictional villain more than Ludd Whitehill but I was dead wrong...

    I hate Ryan from BioShock (I played the Burial at Sea dlc) but something about Mr Jefferson is just pure evil... feel like an idiot for not seeing it coming - it all makes sense now - Jefferson probably had a sexual relation with Rachael Amber and he may have tried to pursue one with Kate (sick creep) - it does seem to be hinted he has a wife or partner with whom he has a troubled relationship with - so he gets some kind of wish fulfillment done through his torture of teenage girls - I should have seen it coming - Nathan was just a red herring - why did I overlook Jefferson just because he was a teacher.

    And that ending of LiS Episode 4... now I want to kill that man.

  • In regards to Kate, you're forgetting her abstinence campaign and comments about her being a hypocrite after the video. Abstinence only applies to sex in terms of morals, so kissing wouldn't earn her the same reactions or leave the same 'going to commit suicide' scars.

    We don't know what happened to Rachel yet, but someone killed her. These guys kidnapped her and dumped the body, so they're in on it at the very least.

    Max identified the pics as Nathans work. She's seen his class projects and is knowledgeable about modern artist, so I take her word for it that Nathans work is his own.

    While we don't know about the works on display, we know the binders full of women were unwilling and untrained. So there would be an element of torture in posing them.

    We know Kate was raped. Let's be clear. I'm not trying to defend Jefferson or Nathan, but you're connecting a few dots that aren't t

  • I d like to give Jefferson to Ramsay as a gift.

    gomatamo posted: »

    Haha, what can I say, my blood boils everytime I think about him!

  • I know I shouldnt laugh ..... but honestly this is funny as hell. LOL

  • He was creepy since the episode 1, I ve never trusted him.

    Harian96 posted: »

    I never thought I'd actually hate any fictional villain more than Ludd Whitehill but I was dead wrong... I hate Ryan from BioShock (I pla

  • Mr. Jefferson, no doubt. Ludd is a poor idiot who acts like a bully, Jefferson is fucki*g sick in the head.

  • I am so not sorry for laughing my ass off every time I see this.

  • edited August 2015

    It's a tough question. Ludd is the classic bad guy with very little depth, at least in my opinion. He's there to get the job done, which is what was needed for the story. Jefferson on the other hand, may or may not have depth, which would determine my level of hatred towards him, which will be high no matter what. After all, he's a pedophile. He does horrible things to little girls.... /shudders

  • Definitely Mr. Jefferson, Ludd's just doing what's best for his family, like anyone in Game of Thrones. Mr. Jefferson, however, is either doing it for money, pleasure, or the Prescott family has some dirt on him that would ruin his career, either way, it's for selfish reasons. Also these are two different worlds, people are dying left and right in Ludd's world, but not everyone is drugging teenage girls in Mr. Jefferson's world.

    edited August 2015

    Why is this game being compared to that game so much what the hell.

    On this I will actually say Mr. Jefferson, because I never saw it coming. And Ludd isn't really a villain as much as most other Westerosi high lords at the time, looking out for their own family and trampling over and betraying other houses for their own gain, I'd say the Forresters are too good rather than than that the Whitehills are bad.

  • Jefferson, he's so damn scary, raping young girls and stuff....

    the pics in the dark room is so damn scary.

  • You should have waited until Episode 5 came out to post this. Jefferson was only a villain for the last 20 seconds of Episode 4. And Ludd for 5 Episodes. Im sure people hate Jefferson, but he hasn't had enough time to make people hate him more than Ludd.

  • Don't forget the goatee! As David said, you can't trust a man with little goatee. =p

    Mr. Jefferson. Nothing worse than an evil hipster with fashionable glasses.

  • Yes, Ramsey, who also 'actually' happens to be a torturer, murderer and rapist.

    Mysti_Fogg posted: »

    Mr. Jefferson is a torturer and a murderer and possibly a rapist. Ludd Whitehill is just a bully who has a bigger bully (Ramsay) breathin

  • Yeah he was majorly obsessed with Max entering a photo. I also noticed that there was no empty file with Max's name on it.

  • Actually he has been the villain the entire time right under our noses. He's responsible for the entire main conflict of the game

    Reconn posted: »

    You should have waited until Episode 5 came out to post this. Jefferson was only a villain for the last 20 seconds of Episode 4. And Ludd fo

  • I dislike these comparisons. Two different games, of which aren't even similar.

    Though to the question- Mr. Jefferson doesn't have a necessary problem with me, because he's only been shown to plotting all of this for about five minutes, and my level of hate hasn't gone up yet. (Plus, he might not even have shot Chloe, don't remember him having a gun.)

    Ludd meanwhile, has threatened Rodrik and Asher's family, screamed his mind off at a kid, then almost killed someone else.

    Fucking Craven.

  • Nope it's been proven through an alternate camera angle that he shot her

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    I dislike these comparisons. Two different games, of which aren't even similar. Though to the question- Mr. Jefferson doesn't have a nece

  • Ugh... why do you guys compare LiS and GoT everytime?

    Also, I think Ludd is worse because he would kill Ryon if it wasn't for Gryff and cause he said that he regrets that he didn't stab Gregor himself. Oh, and yes, the ring kissing scene... I hope that fucking craven dies.

  • Mmmm'kay. Still doesn't effect me that much, since we can reverse that.

    You can't reverse a fucking craven.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Nope it's been proven through an alternate camera angle that he shot her

  • edited August 2015

    Ludd, of course. I don't care what Jefferson will do anyways so... :P

  • Even if Kate lives (she did in my play through) and you point the finger of blame at Jefferson, the Principal still cancels the Everyday Heroes Contest.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I believe the principal cancels the "Everyday Heroes Contest", although I'm not sure if that happens all the time, it could be determined like Max's suspension.

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