Who do you hate more: Ludd Whitehill or the Villian of LiS Ep 4?

edited July 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Another poll this time for the main villains. Last time Gryff Whitehill beat Nathan Prescott but this time I think it'll be different. Personally I hate Jefferson more due to him having no cause for doing all the disgusting thngs he's done and being a two faced snake. Ludd is at least honest in some sense and has more of a legitimate reason to hate the Forresters and do what he's done (he's in the midst of a war after all) anyway vote your heart's wishes

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  • "Mr".Jefferson.

  • edited July 2015

    Putting Mr Jefferson into the title and comparing him to Ludd is a pretty serious spoiler for Episode 4 of Life is Strange.

  • Jefferson is my most hated villian so far. At least Ludd wouldn't take creepier pcitures of Ryon. I knew there was something wrong with him from the start. I'm glad I ratted his ass out for Kate's suicide.

  • Jefferson. Ludd is just an uncouth bully.

  • Jefferson. I don't hate Ludd at all. I can't say, that what I feel about Jefferson right now can be described as hate - more like great deal of fear and confusion. But, I guess, this can change in the next episode.

  • What happens if you do that?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited July 2015

    I believe the principal cancels the "Everyday Heroes Contest", although I'm not sure if that happens all the time, it could be determined like Max's suspension.

    Flog61 posted: »

    What happens if you do that?

  • Jefferson is definitely a scarier character then Ludd. Ludd's just an average push-over bully, at the most. Jeff seem more psycho and is certainly more manipulative. In fact It would be somewhat more accurate to compare Jefferson to Ramsey.

  • edited July 2015

    Jefferson the Pervert :P

  • Why are there so many life is strange threads in this section? Also pretty glad I played it already, never personally care about spoilers of a game thats been released, personal responsability/accountability etc. But a major game spoiler on a game barely a week after release in an entirely different game section of a forum not about the game?

    Oh and I guess I hate jefferson more, I'm not as invested in the hipster teens in life is strange but the whitehills are not all that evil in comparison especially considering the world

  • Hear, hear. This shouldn't really happen.

    Why are there so many life is strange threads in this section? Also pretty glad I played it already, never personally care about spoilers o

  • How is he a pedophile? Most of his victims are over the age of majority.

    Jefferson the Pervert :P

  • Mr. (or Ms.) "I can't write good story for TTG but I won't stop."

    Oh, I hate him/her. A lot.

  • Fair point. I'm going to edit it to Pervert :P

    BipedalP posted: »

    How is he a pedophile? Most of his victims are over the age of majority.

  • Ludd is an absolute prick and I want to wring his neck. Mr.Jefferson is a fucking creep. Both. I hate both.

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  • For me, it's Jefferson. He's a sick serial killer without remorse. Ludd Whitehill is a douche to the extreme, but I don't hate him quite as much. Plus that awesome voice acting. I love it when Ludd opens his mouth. He's got a cool voice.

  • Mr. Jefferson. Nothing worse than an evil hipster with fashionable glasses.

  • Haha lol

    Mr. Jefferson. Nothing worse than an evil hipster with fashionable glasses.

  • Mr. Jefferson is a torturer and a murderer and possibly a rapist.

    Ludd Whitehill is just a bully who has a bigger bully (Ramsay) breathing down his neck. He has a feud with another house and is not entirely honorable, but most of his methods are acceptable within the setting that he exists in.

    I really don't see a comparison here.

  • edited July 2015

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  • This guy spoiled me too, he should be banned from the forums.

    Putting Mr Jefferson into the title and comparing him to Ludd is a pretty serious spoiler for Episode 4 of Life is Strange.

  • If you're asking why I didn't use Ramsay then just ask. Anyway I'm trying to use original only characters and any discussion about Ramsay leads to those kinda people

    Mysti_Fogg posted: »

    Mr. Jefferson is a torturer and a murderer and possibly a rapist. Ludd Whitehill is just a bully who has a bigger bully (Ramsay) breathin

  • That disgusting Satan's spawn Jefferson!! At least Ludd doesn't drug, torture, rape and takes creepy photos of Ryon or any of his other enemies. I will never forgive Shitterson for what he did to Kate and Rachel, two kindest and most pure girls in the game. (we never met Rachel, but it is obvious everyone loved her and that she was nice), He needs to be thrown into that tornado or get the same treatment like his victims. If the game does not allow me to kill him, I will rage harder than when Arvo shot Clem and limped away!

  • Nope. No hidden question. Just saying that these two people really aren't equivalent. Ramsay might be the right level of evil to ask this question, but thus far we haven't seen Ludd do anything outright evil (we have no idea what his part was in the death of Gerard's family. He may have ordered it, or his soldiers may have been unruly and he covered it with bluster).

    Ludd is the leader of a medieval noble house making a land grab in ways that are perfectly acceptable: He's aiming at land of traitors to the crown (as anyone is who supported Robb Stark), and has the backing of the current superior lord Roose Bolton. Ludd isn't a "nice" guy by our standards, but not nice should not be compared to tortures, murders, and potentially rapes underage girls.

    This Ludd v. Jefferson question only brings to my mind the urge to count up all the people who say Ludd and do a feminist critique out of that group of people who have actually played the games because the villainous acts are just on such different scales that I'd have to be concerned that anyone would name Ludd the greater evil (or, similarly in the other posting, Gryff).

    Clemenem posted: »

    If you're asking why I didn't use Ramsay then just ask. Anyway I'm trying to use original only characters and any discussion about Ramsay leads to those kinda people

  • Hahaha "Shitterson" ♥♥♥

    gomatamo posted: »

    That disgusting Satan's spawn Jefferson!! At least Ludd doesn't drug, torture, rape and takes creepy photos of Ryon or any of his other enem

  • Very nicely said. Sorry if I misunderstood what you were trying to say. I agree they're both two different types of villains however they do command a very large hate from the fans of their respective franchises and both have puppets they use for dirty work (Gryff in Ludd's case, Natan in Jefferson's case)

    Mysti_Fogg posted: »

    Nope. No hidden question. Just saying that these two people really aren't equivalent. Ramsay might be the right level of evil to ask this qu

  • Jefferson. He was never expected to be the main antagonist. i always thought it was Nathan.

  • Debatable.

    Jefferson uses Nathan, no question considering that the Pattersons own the murder barn and Nathan brings him the girls.

    Ludd ... I don't know if he's using Gryf to do something tactical or not. I actually think not.

    Ludd needed to put someone in charge. He has this youngest son who wants to be put in charge of something. So you give him troops and a place to test his skills. The Forresters aren't strong enough to rebel and the posting is close to home, so it's "safe." All of Gryf's actions to bring the Forresters to heel may be his own ideas to show to his father that he's deserving of the lordship of Ironwrath and an official cadet branch of the Whitehill family. I could be wrong in my thoughts, and Gryf is ordered to do everything he does. It just seems unlikely that he's been told to do anything specific other than to take charge of the house.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Very nicely said. Sorry if I misunderstood what you were trying to say. I agree they're both two different types of villains however they do

  • Haha, what can I say, my blood boils everytime I think about him! :)

    Clemenem posted: »

    Hahaha "Shitterson" ♥♥♥

  • torture, rape

    when was it said jefferson did either of these? I mean sure mental torture but kate didnt even remember anything or have any marks on her

    gomatamo posted: »

    That disgusting Satan's spawn Jefferson!! At least Ludd doesn't drug, torture, rape and takes creepy photos of Ryon or any of his other enem

  • I think it's more mental torture and torment over physical and Max's cries and begging for her life is kinda...

    torture, rape when was it said jefferson did either of these? I mean sure mental torture but kate didnt even remember anything or have any marks on her

  • ...




  • Hmm, I guess so

    Max is really just a hippy, though she does tend to hate anything mainstream

    Chloe is just dreadful

    Flog61 posted: »


  • I played episode 1 of Life Is Strange and thought Jefferson was chill. Cant believe hes the main antagonist. lol Guess theres no point buying the other 4 episodes now

    AronDracula posted: »

    Jefferson. He was never expected to be the main antagonist. i always thought it was Nathan.

  • I wasn't surprised at all when the game showed Jefferson at the end. He always gave me the creeps (like during the first episode during a specific lecture) and I was expecting him to play some role in all of this.

    Anyway, I choose Jefferson.

  • edited August 2015

    Ludd. i don't hate jefferson not even a lil bit but i hate ludd so much and i'm coming for blood in episode 6 soon

  • What? Do you have some kind of misunderstanding that it's not rape and torture if the girl was roofied first? We know Kate was raped. It was on film. That's why everyone was slut shaming her. We also have Max dialogue about Nathans tortured subjects. Willing models can contort their bodies in seemingly painful ways. So at first the comment seems to be more about emotion. BUT, when you find out the subjects were unwilling, that means the apparent pain was real and not just an optical illusion or work of someone trained to be limber.

    torture, rape when was it said jefferson did either of these? I mean sure mental torture but kate didnt even remember anything or have any marks on her

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