GoT vs Life is Strange



  • edited August 2015

    i like got but i hate it in the same time

    i liked ep1
    i'm playing just to see the ending

    GOT is trash i really like GOT Make up your mind

  • enter image description here

    brbsmoking posted: »

    Shhhh, come, give me a hug!

  • Oh...

    I don't think they are denying the main characters are teenagers. They are arguing that just because the main characters are teenagers doesn

    edited August 2015

    As in any internet argument, neither of us will change their opinion about the game, so this whole thing is pretty useless.

    Not necessarily, people have convinced me of things on this forum.

    It's just that if all you're saying is "NO NO THE WRITING IS BAD LALALA", while refusing to acknowledge the obvious (objective, I'd say) improvements, it seems like hating just because it's popular or because it's not Telltale.

    Complete and utter bullshit, I am not saying that this game is just bad in comparison to GoT, I'm saying that this game is a stinking pile of shit on its' own. The title of the thread is GoT vs LiS, so I put those against each other, but I can also say the same about Life is Strange as a game and not compared to a Telltale game (which I don't even think they are that good, even though it might sound that way because I diss LiS so much). I'm not a Telltale fanboy, I acknowledge serious flaws in their games, I know the choices there never matter, that doesn't mean that the game isn't written like some high-schooler was given a home assignment to write a story. That's how I feel it is, and I don't really see any of the improvements you mention. What are those objective improvements that the game made?

    SpineLine posted: »

    How do you foresee that hiding the truth at the beginning of episode 1 could get you suspended at the end of episode 2? Honestly, the rewind

  • Only that I didn't say that's the only reason the game is for teenagers, the game is clearly deliberately made to be relatable to teenagers; the dialogue, music, language, and the almost Tumblr-like political-corrective atmosphere all indicate that the game would be much more attractive to people of a certain age and gender. As well as the problems that are presented as the story unfolds.

    I don't think they are denying the main characters are teenagers. They are arguing that just because the main characters are teenagers doesn

  • Example of a game giving you a hint with your choices? Dragon Age: Origins. Be my guest to look all those up.

    The point of my Pokemon/COD bit was pointing out how despite predetermined thoughts of who would be the ones to play these games, the opposite happened. That was me, again pointing out how you can't say it'll have a direct pull one way when it may very well go another.

    (I know this is off topic but I gotta point this out since this will be my last comment here)
    And Pokemon wasn't designed for kids? Excuse me while I laugh you out of the room. An anime with incredibly simplistic characters/plot and a 10 year old protagonist, games that a 7 year-old could pick up and play in minutes, and a card game that is also very simplistic and fun for a young person to enjoy. And COD is another perfect example, it has an ESRB rating of M - mature, despite it's community it serves my point more so since Mature as it says is for 17 and up, not 10 so it serves perfectly as an example. Please check your facts next time.

    Regardless of w/e else, I'm done. You've made it very clear that even though you don't like the game, you'll still play it just to badger it for the sake of badgering it. I don't understand why you'd still pay for more episodes of a game you're not enjoying aside from just thr thrill to say, "Man this game sucks hahaha." So thanks for giving DontNod your money I guess? I mean, why waste money on a game where you; don't like the characters, the dialogue, the voice acting, writing, and just about everything else the game has to offer?!

    See ya later!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Almost every character aside from the jock nobodies has some development. Don't see how. I don't really know if you can call David's

    edited August 2015

    Pokemon was, in fact, not designed for kids. The video game came out at 1996 and it was made for young and old gamers as one, the show was only aired in 1997, and was made for kids, but I was talking about the video game. I thought that you were talking about the video game, since we were... you know... talking about video games?

    And COD is another perfect example, it has an ESRB rating of M - mature, despite it's community it serves my point more so since Mature as it says is for 17 and up, not 10 so it serves perfectly as an example. Please check your facts next time.

    What facts exactly? I never said it was designed for 10-year-olds. Besides, I don't see how this argument of yours holds any water, since despite LiS being played by people who the game was probably not initially marketed towards (just like COD), it is still clearly turning to a specific audience. And again, it's not as bad as those other games, to me.

    I still play the game because I, stupid as I am, bought the season pass, thinking it would be good. And to be honest, it's fun playing it with a friend and laughing together. I would take the money back if I could, but it's theirs.

    See ya.

    Example of a game giving you a hint with your choices? Dragon Age: Origins. Be my guest to look all those up. The point of my Pokemon/COD

  • So you're saying the game is for teenagers because the teenager main characters are listening to teenager music using teenage language and dealing with teenage problems?

    To me that seems like committing to the premise. But I was never really hung up who something is meant for. I'm in my 20's and still love cartoons that are probably meant for people much younger than me.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Only that I didn't say that's the only reason the game is for teenagers, the game is clearly deliberately made to be relatable to teenagers;

    edited August 2015

    They clearly are committing to the premise, but they're not even executing it well. By describing the game I was trying to say that it's very bad, maybe it wasn't clear to you as it was to me because I hate that kind of setting. If the characters and events didn't feel so scripted and stupid to me, I could have at least liked it as a story.

    I love some cartoons, but only some, it really depends whether the content interests me in any way. If it does, then the fact that it's for kids doesn't matter, but if it's for kids and it's bad, then I just can't find anything to grab on to.

    So you're saying the game is for teenagers because the teenager main characters are listening to teenager music using teenage language and d

  • Well the game put us through teenagers problems (suicide and bullying) so I think that teenagers are the target (in terms of public). I can't imagine my 20-40 years old familiars to get attached or even care about this characters/plot. I even showed to my 19 years old sister and she called it childish drama that would never happen in her university.

    So you're saying the game is for teenagers because the teenager main characters are listening to teenager music using teenage language and d

  • Preach.

    Well the game put us through teenagers problems (suicide and bullying) so I think that teenagers are the target (in terms of public). I can'

  • Dem internet fights.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Reading some of the arguments is a lot of fun.

  • Again, explain it. Don't just state it :D

    brbsmoking posted: »

    GoT > TFTB > LiS Thank you. ps LiS sucks

  • edited August 2015

    In my opinion , Game of thrones of course ! Besides there not even on the same categorie , LIS is for teenage girls , They see two moons , there like it's the end of the world but whatever life still continues,i'm gonna get drunk in a party yeyeyeyey !!!!Dead wales on the beach , They're like "LLLOOLLLL , SO SAD !!!! Lemme take a selfie ,Duckface evryone !!!! ".

  • Again, by that logic are medical dramas meant for doctors because they reflect doctor problems (deciding care, breaking news to families, malpractice lawsuits)?

    Are you connected to characters in Game of Thrones because you are familiar with having to deal with a feudal overlord?

    I also really don't understand the argument your sister has that "it would never happen at her university." I always thought the point of a game/book/tv show was to reflect things that wouldn't happen in regular life. I don't want to play a game where the main character goes to class, takes notes, has no drama in their love life and parties moderately on the weekends. I would like my life to be like that, but I don't want to play a game like that.

    Well the game put us through teenagers problems (suicide and bullying) so I think that teenagers are the target (in terms of public). I can'

  • That's completely different.

    If you don't like it, you don't like it. I don't like lots of things. That doesn't mean they are meant for another demographic though, it just means they aren't meant for me.

    Some things are squarely right in my demographic and I still don't like them.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    They clearly are committing to the premise, but they're not even executing it well. By describing the game I was trying to say that it's ver

  • edited August 2015

    Again, by that logic are medical dramas meant for doctors because they reflect doctor problems (deciding care, breaking news to families, malpractice lawsuits)?

    Are you connected to characters in Game of Thrones because you are familiar with having to deal with a feudal overlord?

    No, you are right. But I said "teenagers are the target" I didn't said "teenagers are the only ones who can play this" so don't get me wrong.

    I also really don't understand the argument your sister has that "it would never happen at her university." I always thought the point of a game/book/tv show was to reflect things that wouldn't happen in regular life. I don't want to play a game where the main character goes to class, takes notes, has no drama in their love life and parties moderately on the weekends. I would like my life to be like that, but I don't want to play a game like that.

    That is indeed the objective of a game (IMO). But you are forgeting my main argument the people I know that are 25+ would practicly fall asleep playing this.

    I still belive that the main focus for this game are teenagers, but I'm not saying that a big but still a smaller part of the public (relative to the teenagers part) are not.

    I'm a teenager that thinks this game is ok, but I can't identify with any of this teenage drama. In my school I've never seen bullying nor suicide (there is a missing gril but is still a diff case) and I belive thats why I don't see anything special about it

    Again, by that logic are medical dramas meant for doctors because they reflect doctor problems (deciding care, breaking news to families, ma

  • Just ignore them bonnie_alive . Some of the members can't handle differing opinions.

    enter image description here

  • Life is strange is ass.

  • Thank you ;) apparently they can't handle different opinions, thanks for the support cope49, i really appreciate it.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Just ignore them bonnie_alive . Some of the members can't handle differing opinions.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited August 2015


    Fine ...if I had to pick one it's GOT. Life is Strange is just Nacy Drew with blood , drugs ,and time traveling.
    GOT has the better story and characters . Tho I don't see neither winning GOTY . GOT has the higher replayability. While Life is Strange will be deleted from my PS3 and stored away until season 2.

  • Nobody is forcing you to read my " provoking " comments,

    i'm gonna post whatever i want.

  • That's it Taco . You're officially trolling now . Flagged!

  • I like this comment.

    enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    havent played LiS GoT b/c im biased a f that was e z

  • did i hurt your feelings???

  • Green isn't even Rhysha.

    K, please go away with your rhysha or whatsoever.

  • edited August 2015

    i was expressing my opinion,

    and if you're bothered by my opinion you can ignore it, simple as that.

  • This dragon picture is making me laugh way too hard.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Reading some of the arguments is a lot of fun.

  • I love it so much.

    This dragon picture is making me laugh way too hard.

  • say that to them, they're who started that, and saying everybody who is playing LIS is a teenager girl


  • does it matter???? Rhysha and whatsever the other called is so weird.

    Green isn't even Rhysha.

  • I'm gone for a week and this place is turning into a warzone.... In my opinion, while I have played both games, I prefer Game of Thrones, no doubt that LiS is a great game. I honestly think that LiS suffers from pacing issues. Also, keep in mind, I'm pretty sure Dontnod has a larger writing team than Telltale...

  • But you are forgeting my main argument the people I know that are 25+ would practicly fall asleep playing this.

    That's not an argument about the game. That's a statement about who you know. The people I know that are 25+ think this game is amazing, because they can recognise and accept its faults, and still appreciate the game for what it achieves. So, who's correct? Neither of us, because it's a matter of subjective taste.

    Again, by that logic are medical dramas meant for doctors because they reflect doctor problems (deciding care, breaking news to families, ma

  • Really?????
    that was even before i post my " provoking " comments.

  • The writers have intentionally used a lot of the over-the-top teenage stereotype characters, so that those tropes could then be inverted and re-examined in the game. That being said the 'teenage drama' element is really just the B story to flesh out the world the protagonist lives in. The mystery is the A story that keeps the narrative flowing, and you can bypass a lot of the individual character dramas in the game, if you so choose. Really, it's a game about choices and consequences, set within the context of this particular teenager's life. I've not encountered much bullying or suicide, but I know that it's something that lots of people (not just teenagers especially) do have to deal with all the time, so I can empathise with the characters in the game nonetheless.

    And those who feel it's too slow, that's because it's experiential, nostalgic and contemplative by design. It's not intended to be high octane all the time. To be honest, I'm not sure just 'teenagers' is necessarily the intended target audience. Certainly some teenagers would hate it. It's for people who enjoy slow-burn mysteries, literary and pop-culture references, and time travel narratives set against Oregon backdrop, regardless of their age.

  • Just look at the first page, and someone says he just play LIS to mocking it....

    they don't care about the fans of LIS..

    why should i care about them????

  • You are right :S Fuck sometimes I should just shut up and listen :/

    But I still think that the fandom is mainly composed by teens, there is a facebook group of LiS fans that has 2k members, I rarely see adults there.

    But you are forgeting my main argument the people I know that are 25+ would practicly fall asleep playing this. That's not an argume

  • I mean by that argument only pro athletes would buy sports games and only racecar drivers would buy racing games.

    Pro athletes, racecar drivers, and doctors aren't an age demographic. That's not an awful comparison. Those shows have an age demographic they try to entertain. They aren't trying to entertain a specific profession. Unless you're saying profession is the same as age group in regards to fanbases and targeted demographics. That argument would be completely ridiculous.

    "How old are you?"

    Doesn't work like that. Doesn't compare at all.

    I don't think they are denying the main characters are teenagers. They are arguing that just because the main characters are teenagers doesn

  • Well, LiS only has two main writers for the entire season (I think, should actually pay attention to the credits), and I'm pretty sure Dontnod is a smaller company. I think some of the key staff worked on Burnout, Splinter Cell, Rainbow 6 and Heavy Rain. They also filed for bankruptcy, prior to LiS. Probably because their previous game, Remember Me, bombed.

    ISantCpell posted: »

    I'm gone for a week and this place is turning into a warzone.... In my opinion, while I have played both games, I prefer Game of Thrones, no

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