GoT vs Life is Strange



  • But they guilt you into doing it no matter what choice you make.

    The worse: Use rewind you can change your choices. You're a girl with the power to turn back time. obviously this option exists and

  • You're right. but it's still something that is in accordance with the story. as well as in TT games. where despite the choices you make along the way you're still stuck to the final destination.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    But they guilt you into doing it no matter what choice you make.

  • Frankly in a year where Fallout 4, Witcher 3, and MGSV come out, I can't say who will win anything, so its hard to say. But I agree, if you like LiS, that's fine, i'm not going to hate you, but I just can't get into it. The dialogue always finds a way to annoy me, the voice acting ranges from good to bad, the characters are just not that likable. I know i'll get a ton of flak, but I don't care for Chloe! I don't like her, there I said it! The only time I liked her was in episode 5, and that part is inconsequential for the most part! Also, I have never loved teen drama from the beginning of time, so it already was on shaky ground from day one. I will say the rewind time powers are interesting, it looks good, and the choices do matter to an extent for now. But just because your interesting doesn't mean your good, graphics are a secondary importance, and frankly I never cared about choices. I said that, I never gave a fuck that choices didn't matter in Telltale Games, Christ they didn't even matter in Mass Effect! It's the story, the characters, and the interactions that matter, not split second choices. I will say this one more time, LiS is not a bad game, its not a David Cage level failure in my opinion, but to those that already say its GOTY, well, I just can't understand where you are coming at.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Sign.... Fine ...if I had to pick one it's GOT. Life is Strange is just Nacy Drew with blood , drugs ,and time traveling. GOT has the be

  • It's just that the way Wolfenus54 said makes it appear that he is complaining about something that was proposed to be that way. It is like complaining about the drama in a drama movie.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    But they guilt you into doing it no matter what choice you make.

  • But in a Telltale game, you are not encouraged to rewind time. You're encouraged to stick to your choices. I guess it's in accordance with the story, because the story is about time travel, but it's not in accordance with the concept of a choice-based game.

    You're right. but it's still something that is in accordance with the story. as well as in TT games. where despite the choices you make along the way you're still stuck to the final destination.

  • I guess, although I think he's right in saying that it takes the fun out of sticking to your choices and not being tempted into going back and changing them.

    It's just that the way Wolfenus54 said makes it appear that he is complaining about something that was proposed to be that way. It is like complaining about the drama in a drama movie.

  • edited August 2015

    I guess it's in accordance with the story, because the story is about time travel, but it's not in accordance with the concept of a choice-based game.

    That's what I meant. :D

    ..and about the concept of choice-based game. I think the two games follow the same mechanics. the difference is that in one of them you have the power to change time and can "choose" to go back if you want. but you are still required to follow the story. like a TT game.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    But in a Telltale game, you are not encouraged to rewind time. You're encouraged to stick to your choices. I guess it's in accordance with t

  • Well. I've heard several people saying that after making a "wrong" choice in TWD. they returned their save and changed what they had done. myself included (just one time). So.. being tempted to change your choices in the game It's not a problem from game. :P

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I guess, although I think he's right in saying that it takes the fun out of sticking to your choices and not being tempted into going back and changing them.

  • I agree.

    Oh and I don't like Chloe either . Far too needy and was considered dead weight in my playthrough .I pray that she stays dead . This is the 3rd time she died ,it's fate .

    Frankly in a year where Fallout 4, Witcher 3, and MGSV come out, I can't say who will win anything, so its hard to say. But I agree, if you

  • game of thrones no competition

  • I totally agree. GOT forever .

    jenna88 posted: »

    game of thrones no competition

  • LIS has some really poor dialogue writing, the whole magic story around the otrnado is kind of boring and stupid but their c&c are actually better than many TT games and the non-magic part of their story is pretty good. Heavy Rain had the same problem, the magic part wasn't explained at all and was completely illogical but the non-magic story was great.

    TT games make me care MUCH more about the characters though, so TT wins. TT just needs to get their fucking c&c in order...

  • I don't know.

    You don't have to change any of your choices in LiS (except for a few where you learn something new and then go back in time with new information that results in a "secret option" you didn't know about earlier). You can easily stick to your guns.

    And you don't have to stick to your guns in GoT or any Telltale game. Telltale even breaks each episode up into chapters, I can't tell you how many times I went back to the Gared portion just so I could impress Sylvie by shooting those rabbits.

    The only difference is in LiS you can just rewind immediately instead of having to exit to the main screen and play through the entire scene to get to the part I want to do over like I did in GoT.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I guess, although I think he's right in saying that it takes the fun out of sticking to your choices and not being tempted into going back and changing them.

  • c&c?

    Greenei posted: »

    LIS has some really poor dialogue writing, the whole magic story around the otrnado is kind of boring and stupid but their c&c are actua

  • IMO Telltale would still be ahead if they didn't pile themselves with so many projects and took more time to make the story consistent and branch out the choices more. Thats why I think LIS is ahead right now.

    Greenei posted: »

    LIS has some really poor dialogue writing, the whole magic story around the otrnado is kind of boring and stupid but their c&c are actua

  • GoT is love, GoT is life.

    jenna88 posted: »

    game of thrones no competition

  • Exactly. :)

    I don't know. You don't have to change any of your choices in LiS (except for a few where you learn something new and then go back in tim

  • Choice and consequence.


  • edited August 2015

    Both games are good, but LiS is better as a whole in my opinion. Tighter, diverse choices that actually have an effect on the story/other's attitudes, areas where you can just explore, look around, interact with objects and characters (which have been severely lacking in TT's recent games), more fleshed out characters that integrate into the story seamlessly.

    I'm not sure how to word it, but LiS feels much more realistic 'emotionally'. What I mean is that in GoT, it's just one shitfest after another for the Forresters+Gared. In your head, you will almost always be thinking between 'This kinda sucks' to 'Everything is fucked.' LiS has happy moments and low moments that make you experience a much wider range of emotions.

    LiS also feels like it has better pacing, and a much snappier plot. TTGoT has been tiptoeing around the North Grove like they're fucking Tiny Tim, and Mira's story doesn't seem like it's going anywhere. It just feels like they're dragging it on and on.

    The place where GoT knocks LiS out of the park is the dialogue though. LiS' script sounds like it was taken out of a shitty fanfiction, and the voiceacting is mediocre. GoT absolutely excels in this aspect.

    Just my $0.02.

  • GOT wins for me, I couldn't stand Life is strange, only played one episode and it gave me a sheer hipster overdose. The main character is the most whiney, helpless, insecure thing I've ever played. Although it's been a while since I've played it, never have I cringed more at dialogue or characters than in this game. The teacher was such a pretentious douchebag and these girls were drooling all over him "Mister x is so awesome, he's so smart bla bla bla". Even the option to make a 'selfie' in class -_- I'm not even going to continue because reminiscing the game makes me want to slam my head into a wall. No problem if you liked the game, but to me it was just taking hipster to the next lvl, I mean did the writers open the most emo-teen magazine and based everyone on what they read. Shame though because people say it's such an amazing game, I just don't see it.

  • After Episode 3 and 4 my opinion of the series skyrocketed.

    GOT wins for me, I couldn't stand Life is strange, only played one episode and it gave me a sheer hipster overdose. The main character is th

  • I have no idea why you've posted this in the GoT section :D Bias will overflow like a moflow

  • Yeah, you shouldn't judge it from just one Episode. From Episode 2 onwards, every Episode as of now, is an emotional rollercoaster. Just give it a chance, watch at least a Lets Play or else on Youtube, you'll see why.

    By the way, the devs stated that they packed the character full of cliches on purpose, just to later subvert and destroy them. And ho boy, did they managed to do that later on.

    GOT wins for me, I couldn't stand Life is strange, only played one episode and it gave me a sheer hipster overdose. The main character is th

  • Of course, you can change your choices in any game, but does that mean that it's encouraged? Going back and replaying the game isn't the same as having the option to rewind right there.

    Well. I've heard several people saying that after making a "wrong" choice in TWD. they returned their save and changed what they had done. m

    edited August 2015

    But there's a difference between being encouraged to change your choice and deciding to go out of your way and replay the game in order to change the outcome. I mean, I don't think Telltale employees would tell you that going back and changing your choice is the best thing to do, because sticking to your choices is something important in this kind of games, it shows what you made of the game.

    I don't know. You don't have to change any of your choices in LiS (except for a few where you learn something new and then go back in tim

  • your opinion to me doesn't hold much weight if you only played the first episode without giving it a chance.

    GOT wins for me, I couldn't stand Life is strange, only played one episode and it gave me a sheer hipster overdose. The main character is th

  • The first 2 episodes kinda suck. The series gets much more better after episode 2. Episode 3 and (especially) 4 are surprisingly well done episodes. If you can stomach down some Hipster cringe it's worth it imo. While I still don't find the series better than Thrones it's doing a much better job at keeping me engaged compared to 6 months ago.

    GOT wins for me, I couldn't stand Life is strange, only played one episode and it gave me a sheer hipster overdose. The main character is th

  • Because it's about GoT and theres no LiS section as it's not a TTG?

    kaza125 posted: »

    I have no idea why you've posted this in the GoT section Bias will overflow like a moflow

  • Well there's a giant LiS thread in TT Talk.

    Miny77 posted: »

    Because it's about GoT and theres no LiS section as it's not a TTG?

  • edited August 2015

    It's encouraged because of the context. you have this power and may or may not go back if you want. If TT did a game where the protagonist had the same power you would certainly be encouraged in the same way because it would be something that is contextualized in the story.

    I never said that going back and replaying your save was the same as to have the option to rewind right there. I just said that the fact that you are tempted to change your choices is not a problem of the game itself. is just the fact that you, as a player. are not satisfied with what you have chosen.

    Doesn't matter the context or the type of the game. if you do not agree with your choice. you probably will be tempted to go back and change what you did previously.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Of course, you can change your choices in any game, but does that mean that it's encouraged? Going back and replaying the game isn't the same as having the option to rewind right there.

  • Life is Strange has some of the worst writing I've ever seen in a video game, especially the first two episodes. Episode 4 was good and 3 was decent, but the first two were just awful.

  • I love LiS, but GoT will always have a special place in my heart. In terms of writing and VA, GoT wins, but I do find the storyline of LiS a tad more captivating.

    I found it somewhat difficult to form connections with LiS characters, aside from maybe Chloe and Kate. The way GoT is written (you can tell GRRM helped), it kind of forces you to grow close to the characters so it's that much more painful when they die brutal deaths. So in all, I like GoT more, but that is not to say that LiS doesn't have its merits.

  • I wouldn't exactly call Max "helpless". If you played the other episodes you would see why.

    GOT wins for me, I couldn't stand Life is strange, only played one episode and it gave me a sheer hipster overdose. The main character is th

  • True, I hope they improve it.

    Greenei posted: »

    LIS has some really poor dialogue writing, the whole magic story around the otrnado is kind of boring and stupid but their c&c are actua

  • edited August 2015

    It's possible to do it, especially at the end of the game. If Telltale really didn't want me changing my decisions, they'd be locked in as soon as I made them and I'd have to replay the entire game to change my decisions. But they aren't, there are a bunch of checkpoints you can access at any time.

    Also I don't think you're encouraged to change your choice in LiS. No matter what you do somebody will end up upset about your choice.

    I think you're more encouraged to consider the choice you just made and the other option. Which makes sense in a time travel game. I mean if you actually had time rewinding powers wouldn't you think about going back and making different decisions?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    But there's a difference between being encouraged to change your choice and deciding to go out of your way and replay the game in order to c

  • Pretty much, unless a game is trying to get sales from nostalgia.

    Personally I think almost every game is aimed towards young adults. There aren't many out there where I'd look at it and say "You know who this game is for? The over 35 crowd!"

  • edited August 2015

    I've played GoT until episode 5, I haven't touched the books or the series so I wasn't really biased over it. I played LiS before actually knowing anything about GoT.

    It's kind of hard to actually choose which one is better because they're made by different companies, different audience, and both of them have a slightly different approach to point-and-click games.

    1.Quicktime events.

    LiS has NONE. so it is kind of dumbed down from an interactive point of view.

    GoT has like 2-3 scenes every episode. But it's shit when it takes you offguard.


    LiS - I admit, the story isn't that great. First episode is seriously the heaven for hipsters. But I really hate when stories have time-travel themes because of the plotholes. For example: In episode 4 you travel 5 years back in time. The only thing you changed was the death of a character. A chick's dad dies and you make it so that he won't. Chick lives happily with a normal family but is handicapped. When you go back to the present, suddently YOUR character is very popular with the snobby kids in the school. I mean why does your life change when you just affected some other girl's life?

    There is also this teenage perspective and the rebelious tones that it has. There's this dad cop that is overly protective of his family but everyone finds him as being a really bad person as if he is satan.

    The only thing that saves the story is that it was an investigation type of story.

    GoT - Story is well written. It's engaging and it's really nice that the main characters switch constantly.
    The only thing I didn't like was the traitor mechanic where if you choose Duncan the other one's the traitor.


    LiS - it has a LOT more stuff in it. Like dialogue (if annoying and stupid). More characters. More stuff to interact with.

    GoT - it doesn't have that much but it compensates itself with nice fighting scenes.


    LiS - I don't like anyone. Most of them aren't really deep.

    GoT - I like everyone. It also helps that they're overly emotional when it comes to expressions and I feel really sorry for them when they die or humiliating stuff happens to them.

    Overall I do prefer GoT, but it really needs more content.

  • Well, she was in town when Chloe's dad died so when she changed the past he influenced her character

    Sandflow posted: »

    I've played GoT until episode 5, I haven't touched the books or the series so I wasn't really biased over it. I played LiS before actually k

  • So you're growing fucked up just because your friend's father died?

    That's one sensitive girl.

    Jeff07Hardy posted: »

    Well, she was in town when Chloe's dad died so when she changed the past he influenced her character

  • I only disagree with one thing: GoT in terms of characters is WAY better than LiS, GoT does have less characters but at least they are developing them all. In LiS they only develop the main ones and the rest of the characters have a generic personality.

    Sandflow posted: »

    I've played GoT until episode 5, I haven't touched the books or the series so I wasn't really biased over it. I played LiS before actually k

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