I'm not stupid. I've played episode 5. But even if he is alive, will he truly say that to himself? Everyone will think that he's crazy if he does that. XD
Edit: Except if you will do that decision somewhere else where no one else is there so Telltale won't have to write many dialogs XD
I'm not stupid. I've played episode 5. But even if he is alive, will he truly say that to himself? Everyone will think that he's crazy if he… more does that. XD
Edit: Except if you will do that decision somewhere else where no one else is there so Telltale won't have to write many dialogs XD
I've said this before, but it bears repeating - if this dialogue isn't included in the final episode as a "Randy Tutor" type Easter Egg, I will forever be disappointed in Telltale.
I imagine it as if Asher is going to be waiting around in a room, if you wait around TOO long a cutscene will happen where Asher will be like: DO IT, JUST DO IT!
I've said this before, but it bears repeating - if this dialogue isn't included in the final episode as a "Randy Tutor" type Easter Egg, I will forever be disappointed in Telltale.
I've said this before, but it bears repeating - if this dialogue isn't included in the final episode as a "Randy Tutor" type Easter Egg, I will forever be disappointed in Telltale.
It'd be sweet if you were making a choice as Asher, and it would be like [Spare Gryff][Flay Gryff] and if you don't make the choice, Asher says "DO IT, JUST DO IT!" then flays Gryff.
I'm not stupid. I've played episode 5. But even if he is alive, will he truly say that to himself? Everyone will think that he's crazy if he… more does that. XD
Edit: Except if you will do that decision somewhere else where no one else is there so Telltale won't have to write many dialogs XD
That's a funny way to spell "I have taken Blind Sniper's suggestion into consideration and will totally include this speech in the game as an Easter Egg!"
I've said this before, but it bears repeating - if this dialogue isn't included in the final episode as a "Randy Tutor" type Easter Egg, I will forever be disappointed in Telltale.
Holy shit this is gold I'm done
Asher Forrester's my man!
I will play this video when I am given the option of chopping Gryff's and Ludd's heads off
[Execute Ludd Whitehill] [Spare Ludd Whitehill]
Asher Forrester: DO IT, JUST DO IT!
How can he even say "DO IT, JUST DO IT!" if he's dead? Will he return as a spirit or something just to say that?! 0_0
You do realize you can save Asher when you choose between the two Brothers.
I'm not stupid. I've played episode 5. But even if he is alive, will he truly say that to himself? Everyone will think that he's crazy if he does that. XD
Edit: Except if you will do that decision somewhere else where no one else is there so Telltale won't have to write many dialogs XD
Well Asher lost his 2nd brother maybe he turned crazy now. ;D
Is this actually some audio that will be heared in episode 6 or is this something special he made for the fans?
Nah, they were having fun while making Episode 6.
Ok I believe you, even though your name makes it hard to believe you
You should believe me.
even if they were just playing around while making episode 6 with the shia labeouf speech that would still be hilarious if it was included in there
I really hope this is in-game but it's gold even if it isn't.
I've said this before, but it bears repeating - if this dialogue isn't included in the final episode as a "Randy Tutor" type Easter Egg, I will forever be disappointed in Telltale.
I hope it will be.
I imagine it as if Asher is going to be waiting around in a room, if you wait around TOO long a cutscene will happen where Asher will be like: DO IT, JUST DO IT!
Haha I filmed this. Alex and I were just having a laugh.
Yep, we need this, for no other reason then to have a funny moment before we all die, the Forresters deserve at least a laugh before death!!!
It'd be sweet if you were making a choice as Asher, and it would be like [Spare Gryff] [Flay Gryff] and if you don't make the choice, Asher says "DO IT, JUST DO IT!" then flays Gryff.
I'm going to imagine this video in the background of every choice in episode 6.
Nah, more like talking to the Person who is playing it qq.
Yes exactly. Like Arthur at Highpoint.
Lol. XD
I have to admit, that was really funny XD
haha the see something you like? that was priceless...
It's a parody.
Shia LaBeouf did the speech first.
The best part was he had the foresight to do it in front a green screen so you can put it anywhere.
For instance: Motivating Luke Skywalker
You, my friend, and Alex Jordan are freaking awesome!!!
That's a funny way to spell "I have taken Blind Sniper's suggestion into consideration and will totally include this speech in the game as an Easter Egg!"
(I am very obviously not in denial or anything.)
Alex Jordan is amazing. This is gold right here.
Lets not forget this
Powerful 'stache
I'm just gonna casually leave these here for y'all.
glad to see you and your brother are getting along haha
Oh yeah I'm gonna do it, I won't spare a single soul.
I sweated
i sweated again
Asher Forrester is one hell of a guy, he is the One Forrester to Rule them All.