Forum of Thrones: An Interactive Story



  • You're welcome.

    xSensus posted: »

    I thought that to I just wanted confirmation.

  • so we can bang her^^ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Nolonius posted: »

    that will impress the princes

  • I am still conflicted about this. Of course, I have a lot of characters, but flat out closing the submission box could be unfair towards anyone who saw the story too late. Ever since it got moved back to the General Discussion, at least half a dozen new, active readers have joined and I am glad about this. On the other hand, the amount of characters is alarming. I think I will use a different approach. I won't force any character into the story. If I can use a character in one of the future storylines, this character will appear. If I can't use a character, this character might never appear. Luckily, I will be able to use most of the characters. But for example, if someone submits a character who lives in a location which won't appear in the story and I can't find a way to move this character away from there, I won't force the location into the story. If someone submits a character for a location which is already crowded with characters (Oldtown being the most prominent example), I might not use the character. I am also thinking about introducing a character limit of 2 or 3 characters, although I would be willing to allow exceptions if someone has a very good idea for a character I just need in the story. However, this wouldn't be my favourite solution to the problem. I think it will be suffice if I simply write without desperately trying to introduce every character. In the long run, this should be the best for the story and for the introduced characters.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I'm wondering... are you going to eventually stop taking submitted characters? Surely eventually you'll have too many characters.

  • Mathea is correct. It has been 2 weeks and a few days in Raylansfair since Lord Robert and Maester Eaton died in the prologue. However, sometimes different storylines do not necessarily occur on the same time. For example, while Samantha's Chapter 5 storyline continues directly where it was left off at the end of Chapter 4, a few days have passed between Drent's Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 storyline, in which he travelled from Storm's End to his current location in the western Stormlands.

    xSensus posted: »

    How long storywise has it been from the Prologue to the latest part?

  • Thanks :)

    Mathea is correct. It has been 2 weeks and a few days in Raylansfair since Lord Robert and Maester Eaton died in the prologue. However, some

  • Yeah man we understad eachother

    Xemnes posted: »

    so we can bang her^^ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • [Punch Torrence]

  • Plottwist: I'm a girl o___o !

    Nolonius posted: »

    Yeah man we understad eachother

  • And i actually like her. Of course she is arrogant and bossy, she was raised as princess, never in need to work to survive and so, never in need to care about simple life problems. First time i read about her and saw her attitute, i was annoyed as well, but i knew, felt it, that she will go through some transformation, which will make her good queen in the future... and here we go, it is starting now, which is good, she will see the common life.

    Xemnes posted: »

    Well it's ok^^ I mean she dont have to change. Arrogand characters are so important in got and it fits her character. I mean of course she is arrogand: She is the Princess.

  • Twist of plot twister, I am a dog :)) wof wof. You think you'll be treated different because you're a girl, only if you throw me a bone [Happy barks] /:).

    Never mind I'm crazy. Auuuu!

    Xemnes posted: »

    Plottwist: I'm a girl o___o !

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    Thats actually a pretty fair attitude

    Twist of plot twister, I am a dog ) wof wof. You think you'll be treated different because you're a girl, only if you throw me a bone [Happy barks] /:). Never mind I'm crazy. Auuuu!

  • edited August 2015

    If this Fanfiction is only half like the got series she will probably end up dead or tortured^^ I dont know. i just believe she will cause Drent some serious problems. And he is the poor helpless guy who will probably fall in love with her and than doing what ever she says. Like I said, I think she is a really troublesome girl. If Drent should die, I'm 100% sure it will be because of the Princess

    Mathea posted: »

    And i actually like her. Of course she is arrogant and bossy, she was raised as princess, never in need to work to survive and so, never in

  • If Liquid is following the canon Argella should get married to Orys Baratheon.

    Xemnes posted: »

    If this Fanfiction is only half like the got series she will probably end up dead or tortured^^ I dont know. i just believe she will cause D

  • That bastard again, why she isn't with me! Nevermind emotions overflowed.

    xSensus posted: »

    If Liquid is following the canon Argella should get married to Orys Baratheon.

  • Well then yeah women we understand eachother

    Xemnes posted: »

    Plottwist: I'm a girl o___o !

  • Actually, where is you avatar from?

    Xemnes posted: »

    Thats actually a pretty fair attitude

  • Thats Shyvanna from League of Legends^^

    Nolonius posted: »

    Actually, where is you avatar from?

  • Isn't Shyvana look more like this


    which is more like an Elf or you mean her custom skin

    which is purple instead of red, anyway what server of lol do you play? If you want we can play together, I would like to see in action!

    Xemnes posted: »

    Thats Shyvanna from League of Legends^^

  • edited August 2015

    [Let Argella deal with Torrence]

    I would like to see how Argella deals with the situation.

    Drent Drent took a deep breath as he looked into Argella's deep blue eyes. “It is Garen”, he revealed. “He repeatedly stated that he is d

  • I knew it was someone from lol (I play lol too but i just started)

    Xemnes posted: »

    Thats Shyvanna from League of Legends^^

  • Hello, again. While we are waiting for the closure of the voting and the next chapter I have a couple new illustrations for you :D The pace most likely wont be this fast in the future, but now I just had such a fun drawing these characters that Liquid sent to me that I did them all in just couple days (not to mean that I would've rushed them ofc). When I got the descriptions of these characters there were a couple of surprises: first of all I had completely forgot the skin color of Bear, and I had somehow missed that Sasha was blonde and so far I had imagined her with dark hair (probably because of the dothraki vibe she has). And I think these illustrations are good exactly for this: if you have forgotten how was this or that character described as. Of course these are just my paint-art versions of them and they may not be exactly as the one who has invented the character thought them as, but at least they are "close enough" :D Well, here you go:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • nice Argella looks so bitchy

    Hello, again. While we are waiting for the closure of the voting and the next chapter I have a couple new illustrations for you The pace mo

  • EU west^^

    Nolonius posted: »

    Well then yeah women we understand eachother

  • The Bear is black :o

    Hello, again. While we are waiting for the closure of the voting and the next chapter I have a couple new illustrations for you The pace mo

  • Argella <3

    Hello, again. While we are waiting for the closure of the voting and the next chapter I have a couple new illustrations for you The pace mo

  • I didn't have that much time to comment on your last illustrations, but all of these drawings look really amazing. Thank you for the effort! I can imagine these pictures whenever I'm reading the next few parts now. Can I know of the next characters you plan to draw?

    Hello, again. While we are waiting for the closure of the voting and the next chapter I have a couple new illustrations for you The pace mo

  • I never realized Bear was black until now...

    Hello, again. While we are waiting for the closure of the voting and the next chapter I have a couple new illustrations for you The pace mo

  • These are amazing! Fantastic job!

    Hello, again. While we are waiting for the closure of the voting and the next chapter I have a couple new illustrations for you The pace mo

  • Thanks! :) I don't know the next characters myself yet :D Liquid sends me descriptions of five characters he thinks that should be drawn, I draw them, he sends more and so on. Anyway, I think it's nice to have it as a little surprise who the next ones will be ;D

    I didn't have that much time to comment on your last illustrations, but all of these drawings look really amazing. Thank you for the effort!

  • This looks really great! And ones, I did not myself tried yet.

    I have myself some visualizations of some characters, perhaps I will share them as well with everyone... Liquid, what do you think? :-)

    Hello, again. While we are waiting for the closure of the voting and the next chapter I have a couple new illustrations for you The pace mo

  • Clearly I wasn't the only one then :D

    mr.quality posted: »

    I never realized Bear was black until now...

  • Thank you! It's a pleasure to draw such great characters :D

    Partition posted: »

    These are amazing! Fantastic job!

  • These look awesome! This time I can't even choose a clear favourite, as they all have an uncanny likeness to the images I have of these characters in my head. Of course, I don't know how the creators of the characters have intended them to look, but at least for me these drawings are perfect. I have never before realized how scary Bear's knife fingers actually look like. He was one of the characters where I always had a problem in creating a coherent image in my head especially because of his unusual looks and because every time I tried to imagine the helmet, I ended up imagening the Hound. But this problem will be gone now. Raenna and Sasha look great as well. While Sasha looks openly and rightfully badass, I just as well like the subtlety dangerous vibe this Raenna drawing gives. Finally, we got the Durrandons. Both of them are among my absolute favourite characters to write about in the story, so both of these drawings are among my favourites as well. You definitely managed to capture the epicness that is the Storm King! And I just can't get over that perfectly bitchy smirk on Argella's face :D

    Hello, again. While we are waiting for the closure of the voting and the next chapter I have a couple new illustrations for you The pace mo

  • edited August 2015

    The Voting is closed!

    Drent will punch Torrence

    Personally, I would have preferred the option in which Argella would have dealt with him in her own way, but this one was my second favourite and it is going to be very enjoyable to write as well. Naturally, Torrence won't see it that way, especially since he hasn't done anything wrong in his eyes in the first place. Perhaps in time his opinion will change, or perhaps Drent just made an enemy. The next Drent part might be a while, but I am already looking forward for it.

    The next part was once again supposed to be finished yesterday already. Unfortunately, I was gamemastering a round for my P&P-RPG group for about ten hours yesterday and really wasn't in the shape to write something good afterwards. But at least I was able to roleplay a Dracolich, so I got that goin' for me, which is nice. However, I still made some progress yesterday and I am positive that I should be finished with the next part in a few hours. It will be the first part in Richard's and Willfred's storyline for this chapter.

  • edited August 2015

    Perhaps in time his opinion will change, or perhaps Drent just made an enemy.

    Aah, shit, pretty sure he made an enemy :D Hopefully Torrence isn't too liked among the other soldiers, since that could mean poor Drent has no friends left :(

    It will be the first part in Richard's and Willfred's storyline for this chapter.

    Great, I have high hopes for Willfred, even if so far he has been a little bit on the sideline from the rest of the story. With Richard I'm just disappointed he wasn't voted to go to Roman and learn more about the predator (yes, I voted for him to go to Harron myself and regret that) :D Well, I suppose having some Harron again isn't that bad either.

    edit. mixed Arthur and Richard... Well with Richard I have no idea what to expect :D

    The Voting is closed! Drent will punch Torrence Personally, I would have preferred the option in which Argella would have dealt with h

  • I think you're confusing Richard with Arthur.

    Perhaps in time his opinion will change, or perhaps Drent just made an enemy. Aah, shit, pretty sure he made an enemy Hopefully Tor

  • Oh... Now that you said I have no idea how did that happen. Too much names for my brains to process :D Well, Richard isn't my favorite character, but every part of this story is enjoyable :)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I think you're confusing Richard with Arthur.

  • Richard

    The only sound Richard heard was the sound of Philip sharpening his knife. His friend sat on a wooden chair inside of his small house close to Raylansfair's northern gate. Richard himself leant against the wall, his feet tapping restlessly, his eyes focused on the door. Despite their long friendship, he had never been to Philip's house before. As sociable as he was, Philip rarely invited people over, not even his closest friends. As such, Richard had high expectations to this place and was slightly disappointed when it turned out to be nothing more than a common small house. Three rooms, a large dining room, a small bedroom and an even smaller storeroom. Few personal items, nothing remarkable. It looked almost interchangeable and was a stark contrast to what he would have expected from Philip.

    “Don't you think that knife is sharp enough?”, Richard asked to break the silence. It has only been half an hour since Urid and Jarow had left to get the Commander. But the sun was already going down and Richard grew impatient. With a bit of luck, this could end today.

    Philip stopped sharpening his knife and looked up. His mismatched eyes, the left one blue, the right one green, looked at Richard with an uncharacteristically hollow stare. Of course, Richard hat noticed that this whole case got to his friend more than expected. Philip had no family, at least none that Richard knew of and never talked about other relatives. But now that someone was threatening Richard's and Lyria's families, now that the time came closer where they would fight against this man, Philip seemed to be stressed, anxious and absolutely furious.

    “Maybe...”, Philip answered, moving his thumb across the knife. The blade slightly cut into the finger, causing a few drops of blood to flow out. Philip pressed his lips together in surprise, before slowly putting the knife onto the table. “Yes, I suppose it is”, he mumbled. “I just want to make sure”

    “Sure for what?”, Richard asked. Philip let out a sigh, his gaze focussed onto the knife. “That it is ready to kill the men who did this to you and Jenna”, he answered and the cold tone in his voice made Richard shiver. Of course, he had to expect getting into a fight soon, but the thought of it was still terrible. He wasn't a fighter, he was a farmer, Urid was a tailor and Philip helped out in the archive. The only one of them who had any kind of actual combat experience was Jarow and what he had seen had been enough to break him. Richard couldn't deny that he was nervous. Philip on the other hand wasn't nervous. If anything, he had a disturbing eagerness to take revenge on Wolfius and his companions.

    “Philip, why are you doing this?”, Richard asked. “I mean, why are you so eager to risk your life for us? Wolfius is not after you, he is after me and after Jenna and Lyria” Yes, Lyria... some part of him thought that she had been the only one with common sense in their group. She had called them crazy for attempting to fight against Wolfius themselves. Had tried to persuade them to just inform the city guard. And then she had left, with the intention of locking herself and Rosalie inside of her house until this was over. Perhaps Richard should have done the same. Getting Jenna and Alan back to the farm before barricading the whole building. Perhaps that would have been wise.

    Philip looked up from the knife, back at Richard. “It's... complicated. You know I don't like to talk about myself...”, he mumbled. “I have my reasons, let's leave it at that” Richard gave him a short nod. “You have experienced something like this before?”, he asked and Philip slowly shook his head. “Not like this. It was worse”, he revealed, before his gaze hardened. “I really don't want to talk about this now, Richard. Urid and Jarow can be back any second and we have to be ready. Have you sharpened your sword?” Richard gave him a short nod. “Did it in the morning”, he said and Philip gave him a pleased nod. “Good. If I don't get to do it, do me a favour and ram it into the beasts belly”, he growled.

    Both men looked up as heavy footsteps sounded in front of the door. Only a moment later, it was swung open and Jarow walked in. The man had a confident smirk on his face and Richard noticed that he had combed his long grey beard. He was wearing his old armour, which was in pitiable condition, paired with his sword. Unlike the armour, the blade was in perfect condition, even though the scabbard was missing. Behind him, Hackor Nathamer, commander of the city guard, entered the room. He had a stern look in his green eyes as he looked from Richard to Philip. Urid was the last man to enter the house. Unlike Philip, he looked afraid about the prospect of fighting. Richard knew, Urid had the most to loose. His wife. Three children. The fact that he still refused to leave showed Richard once more how loyal his friend was.

    “So...”, Nathamer broke the silence, walking up to the table. “One thing has to be clear: It has been a long day for me. Mysterious killer groups aren't even the worst threat I have to deal with these days, so I hope it will be worth to follow your leads “ With these words, he pulled out a small sheet of paper from his pocket and unfolded it. Richard recognized a map of the town of Raylansfair. “I have a dozen men ready. I can't remove any more from their daily duties, the city guard is already short of good men. Jarow explained to me that you have the wish to fight too?”

    Philip gave him a quick nod. “It is the right thing to do. You're going to need every man if you want to have a chance against these people”, he explained. Nathamer pressed his lips together and seemed to be reluctant to agree. “Under any other circumstance, I would order you to stay home. This is my duty, not yours”, the commander growled. “But unfortunately, you are right. I will need every man and you four are at least able-bodied. You should suffice”

    The Lord of the Bridges gave him a proud nod. “Indeed, Commander. It is an honour to help a neighbouring house out of trouble”, he said sternly. Nathamer just sighed with slight annoyance and forced himself to smile at the madman. “And we are thankful for your help, Lord Jarow”, he pressed through his teeth, before looking back at Richard.

    “Harking, isn't it?”, he asked and Richard gave him a nod. For a moment, Nathamer seemed to be impressed. “It's good that you're still alive”, he complimented him. “Anyway, our plan is simple. With a dozen men, we can attack the warehouse from several angles” He pointed at several places on the map, all around the building Richard recognized from earlier. “Three men from the neighbouring roof. Two men to block the alleyway behind the warehouse. Five through the main gate. The final two together with me through the back-entrance.

    “And where are we supposed to be?”, Urid asked and Richard noticed his shaking voice. He couldn't hold it against him. Urid should be at home now, caring for his newborn son, not out here fighting Richard's battles. But that was the nature of their friendship. He would do the same thing for Urid without hesitation.

    Nathamer seemed to think about this for a moment. “I could need two of you with me through the back-entrance. The other two would accompany the men through the main gate. Arguably, this might be the more dangerous way, as they will expect an attack through there”, he explained. Richard looked at Philip for a moment, who had his eyes closed, then at Urid and Jarow. And he knew what he had to do. “I'm going through the main gate”, he proclaimed, causing Nathamer to look at him in a somewhat impressed way. “Going for the most dangerous position, huh? Are you sure you should do that in your condition?”

    Richard gave him a short nod. “This is something I have to do, Commander”, he explained. “This is my battle and I won't let my friends take a risk I am not willing to take myself” “I'm coming with you!”, Philip proclaimed, sending him a short glare. “I have to make sure that they won't hurt anyone ever again”

    “Actually... I would volunteer”, Urid said weakly. “This mission will help in keeping my family safe. I want to be at your side when we finish them, Richard” “No way!”, Jarow's voice sounded. “This is the most dangerous position, so it will be my task!”

    Nathamer slightly raised an eyebrow as he looked at Richard. “It appears you have very loyal friends with you”, he said. “That's why I'm going to leave the decision with you” Urid gave the commander an alarmed stare. “Can't we just... you know, all go through the main gate?”, he asked. Nathamer shook his head. “I need two more men at the back-entrance. Aside from that, the main gate could be a trap. I don't want to send more men through it than necessary”, he answered and looked back at Richard. “You know these men better than I do, that's why I'm leaving the decision to you”

    Richard understood the commanders reason, but that did not change the fact that this was a hard decision. He looked around, at the three men who volunteered to fight for him. Two of them were his friends, the third man saved his life. And they all volunteered to go with him through the most dangerous spot. He knew, Jarow would be the safest choice for himself. The man was an experienced warrior, his insanity aside. But Jarow could also keep one of his friends safe at the back-entrance, while he himself could keep an eye on the other one at the main gate. And perhaps he would need to keep an eye on Philip. He was eager to kill those who threatened his friends, maybe too eager. And finally Urid... his family came to mind. Could Richard protect him when keeping him close? Or would he put him into additional danger? He looked up and gulped. Would this decision seal the fate of his friends?

    [Allow Philip to accompany you] [Allow Urid to accompany you] [Allow Jarow to accompany you]


    Willfred looked up as his uncle sat down in front of him, putting a hot bowl of soup onto the table. “Eat something, boy”, Roger urged him. “When was the last time you had a good meal?” Willfred gave him a thankful nod and pulled the bowl closer. “Three days, if you don't count that stinking bread I'lian bought back in the village”

    “It was not stinking”, I'Lian protested. “Perhaps a bit hard, but...” “It was stinking”, Jaro commented, looking up towards his brother. “And you are an idiot for paying such a high price to that merchant” I'Lian slightly shook his head. “Was it overpriced? Yes, maybe. Does it make me an idiot for paying his price? Not really. He had five children, brother”

    Jaro let out a sigh and gave him a reluctant nod. “Aye. Now he can buy stinking bread for them as well”, he agreed and both brothers had to chuckle. Willfred in the meantime started to eat the hot soup Roger gave him and already felt the warmth filling his belly. It was late afternoon, but already quite cold. Winter was coming, even here in Raylansfair. It would only be a matter of months until the Citadel would send their ravens to announce the end of a long summer. Willfred had to shiver as his thoughts wandered to the hard winters in the northern Rock. Sure, it wasn't the North, but the Rock still had a lot of snow in the winter and it only got worse in its mountainous regions. Back at Castamere, his sister Alanna would be overjoyed about the snow and the thought of her laughing caused him to smirk for a short moment. His joyful expression faded the moment as he had to think about his father, who had to be stationed at the Golden Tooth at the moment. Even without the Iron Army at it's gates, the Tooth was among the least pleasant regions of the Rock, especially in the winter.

    As if he had read his thoughts, Roger gave him a curious look. “Have you heard anything about Darren?”, he asked. “I mean... has he said anything about me?” Willfred slightly shook his head. Oh, of course, his father had said a lot about his bastard brother, but none of it had been good. Irresponsible was one of the words that were heard the most. Envious of his position as a trueborn Reyne. Yet others, like Willfred's mother gave a more favourable view on Roger. “He hasn't said much”, Willfred lied and Roger gave him a short nod. “If you say so”, his uncle said slowly and let out a sigh. “But I am sure he has more important things to do either way. The Golden Tooth is a shitty place to fight the Iron Army”

    “It's a shitty place to die, you mean”, Willfred mumbled and Roger's face darkened. “That's not what I meant, boy”, he answered. “Your father is an experienced commander and it's not as if he was tasked to defeat the Iron Fleet. Their land forces are far less dangerous, far less disciplined and most of them are conscripted Riverlanders”

    Before he could continue, I'Lian made a surprised noise and gave his brother a pat on the back. “Jaro, if my eyes are not mistaken, that girl over there looks awfully similar to Behara”, he said. Jaro looked up and for a moment, his frown turned into a surprised smile. “Seven Hells, that is Behara”, he said and stood up from his chair. “Hara!”, he yelled. “Behara Keys!”

    Willfred followed the man's stare and saw a young woman, probably around his age looking up to them. She was cute, very cute actually, with light olive skin, dark brown hair and eyes of the same colour. As soon as she spotted Jaro, her eyes widened, first out of disbelief, then, paired with her wide smile, clearly out of joy. It only took her a moment to dart across the room, straight to their table. “Mother have mercy!”, she exclaimed joyfully. “Jaro? I'Lian? What are you doing here? We expected you back at the Hammered Harp two weeks ago!”

    With these words, she gave both brothers a warm hug, grinning widely. “Sorry for that”, Jaro mumbled. “We have been... delayed” He looked at Roger for a short moment, before switching attention back to Behara. “Delayed...”, the girls mumbled and her smile faded. “Behara, these men are Roger Hill, the bastard of Castamere and his nephew, Ser Willfred Reyne”, Jaro introduced them, not paying attention to the frown that appeared on her face. “Roger, Willfred, this is Behara Keys, one of our closest friends and a member of the group me and my brother belong to”

    “Delayed...”, Behara hissed, before raising her hand, giving Jaro a hard slap on the cheek. “We have waited a whole week longer! Tem and John nearly got killed by some asshole just because we had to wait for you! Sammy has separated from us to chase after some knights, while we have been stuck in a remote inn for weeks and now you have the guts to tell me that you have been 'delayed'!”, she spat into his face. She was at least two heads shorter than the tall mercenary, but right now she was absolutely towering him.

    Instead of Jaro, I'Lian answered, by gently putting a hand on her shoulder. “Hara...”, he mumbled. “What you just told us sounds terrible, but we should talk about this calmly and in private. We had our reasons for not catching up with you sooner and we are both deeply sorry about this. Please, just let us talk about this”, he said calmly and Willfred noticed that the girl was slightly shivering. She gave him a nod. “Yes...”, she said and Willfred saw tears forming in her eyes. “Yes, I know. Sorry. It's just... Temari is in so much pain, he nearly died and John too, I...” I'Lian pulled her into a short hug, while looking at Willfred's uncle. “Roger, I am afraid me and Jaro have to leave you for now. It appears there is a lot we have to talk about”

    Roger gave him a decisive nod and immediately raised from the table. “Of course, my friend”, he said. “You take the table. Me and Willfred, we can wait outside” He looked at Willfred, who just finished his meal and already stood up from his chair as well. “Come on, boy”, Roger said, looking at Jaro and I'Lian. “I hope that won't be the end for us, friends. I assume you are going to rejoin your old company now?”

    Jaro shrugged indecisively, looking at his brother, who was still holding the young woman in his arms. “Probably. Obviously, a lot happened. We're going to talk to Behara first before making a decision”, he explained. Roger gave them a nod, before walking towards the door of the tavern, taking Willfred with him.

    As soon as they stepped outside into the cold afternoon, Roger let out a sigh, leaning against the wall of the tavern. “Darren must really hate me”, he remarked, causing Willfred to look up in surprise. “Father does not hate you”, he argued, but noticed that he failed to convince his uncle. “It's just... what exactly happened between you two?” Roger slightly shook his head. “It's a long story, Willfred. We both said things we can't be proud of. I would be open for a reconciliation, but your father... Willfred, your father is the proudest man I know and he can hold a grudge for decades if necessary. I don't think we will reconcile in this lifetime”

    He looked up and past Willfred, his face forming a relieved smile. “But I am afraid we won't have the time to talk about this now”, he said and pointed at a figure in the distance. Willfred followed his gaze and saw Vashord Tallian approaching. The general had been gone for a few hours, trying to gain a bit of information about the situation in the city.

    “Vashord, it's good to see you”, Roger greeted him and Tallian stopped in front of them, breathing heavily. He was wearing a heavy fur coat, which kept him warm of course, but also obviously exhausted him during his walk through the city. “What have you found out, general?”, Willfred asked sternly, slightly annoyed that Roger found a way to avoid the conversation. His father was just the same, always trying to change the topic as soon as someone started to talk about his brother.

    “The situation might be more complicated that we thought”, Tallian started to explain. “The acting lord, this Harris Flowers, he is exactly the same man who refused to send the troops we need the first time. Convincing him might be a bit of work. Might even be impossible”

    “So, what do you suggest?”, Willfred asked and Tallian gave him an approving smirk. “My advice would be to ask the other lord”, he said and slightly chuckled as Roger and Willfred looked at him completely dumbfounded. “Mylords, Harris Flowers might be the one who has the power for now, but he is not the rightful heir of Lord Raylan. He will remain lord as long as no successor has been named by King Mern. I say, we speak directly with the man who will be the lord as soon as Gardener finally found the time to move his royal ass to this city”

    “Is this man here in Raylansfair?”, Willfred asked and Tallian gave him a nod. “Aye, Ser Willfred. His name is Hobert, the lord of Mander's Mouth. He moved here and already acts as if he owns the place. If we recognize him as the lord now, it could win us his favour later as soon as he actually has the power to send us our men”

    “Risky move”, Roger interjected and Tallian frowned as he heard these words. “I mean, are you sure that this Hobert is going to be the lord of Raylansfair when everything is over? Perhaps we waste our time with him. We should try our luck with Harris. If there is already a contender for his position here, he stands with his back to the wall. He could need the support of the Rock in this situation, which in turn would give us his favour and his troops, right now, even before Mern Gardener makes a decision”

    Tallian shook his head. “Stupid idea, Roger”, he remarked. “Harris refused us the first time. Who says that he will help us the second time?” He looked at Willfred. “But aside from that, it's not our decision to make. Ser Willfred, what do you think? Which lord shall we talk to?”

    [Talk to Lord Harris] [Talk to Lord Hobert]

  • [Allow Jarow to accompany you], [Talk to Lord Harris]

  • [Allow Philip to accompany you]

    [Talk to Lord Hobert]

    Richard The only sound Richard heard was the sound of Philip sharpening his knife. His friend sat on a wooden chair inside of his small h

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