Weakest telltale game?



  • Twd s2 was great it is better than got and twau, but not as good as Twd s1 and tftb

  • It was Christa with a C, I remember like it was yesterday... don't have season 2 as much as lot of people, but it's pretty far down the ladder of quality Telltale Games.

    Sarson posted: »

    To be honest I have no idea how her name is spelt either, so you may well be right. Perhaps someone with a better memory will set us straigh

  • the only way you can really enjoy it is to have read to have books and watched the show

    I'm living proof that this statement is false.

    It ha its ups and downs like any game but the only way you can really enjoy it is to have read to have books and watched the show, its like a little side story

  • Yeah! What a shame that GoT has nothing of These.

    game of thrones is a game that has flaws but the stuff that is good is some of the best things telltale has ever done. The powerful choices, choices coming back to haunt you. This is stuff telltale should be doing.

  • Worst one from all TT choice games.

  • I was trying to find a thread I created in the telltale gamess section, where I did a poll on what was better, Tales or GoT, and a lot more peoeple put Tales.

  • It seems to me like they just put a lot more effort into TFTB, even though the world/setting/lore is so much better in GoT. You can tell, because they usually take longer for the TFTB episodes and it's just better produced, it looks better, etc. If they put the same effort into GoT it would easily be better.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    It really does feel like much more effort is going into Tales over this, which I kind of find questionable. From a business standpoint, that is.

    I mean, for all intents and purposes, it'd be a lot more lucrative to focus on GoT, but hey, I'm not gonna complain. We're still getting good stories either way.

    Greenei posted: »

    It seems to me like they just put a lot more effort into TFTB, even though the world/setting/lore is so much better in GoT. You can tell, be

  • edited August 2015

    For my opinion (I'm not including TWD and TWAU, that are way better), Although that TFTB has the best FIRST episode that TTG created, as a whole, GOT is much better.

  • Mhh. If they put more effort in GOT instead of TftBL Then it's obviously better. But they didn't and im Kinda happy about it. Im a Big Fan of both Franchises. But i Love Borderlands since 2009 and GoT since the third Season. Telltales Primary goal is to Sell the Most Episodes they can. Now they have ONE franchise wich is Known and Loved by Book readers and TV watchers. GoT is one of the Most popular TV Shows ever. Then they announced it and because there Are Alot of got Fans who don't Play videogames with Passion. it's an easy catch because Those Fans will get interested in TTs Got and some of them might Even Use Google to get more Information about this Game and Telltale Games. They will See Alot of articles who will Praise TWDS1 so they will think that TTG can Do very good Licensed Games. So they Are now sold. Then they have another Franchise wich is only Known by Gamers. And now try to Sell Those Gamers a Story driven Adventure Game in the Borderlands World. It's nearly impossible without Delivering. I mean you saw These Forums When they announced it!
    I don't meant this Post to be insulting TTG by any means. I Love TTG and this just Shows why they handle Things they do. it's just logical.

    Greenei posted: »

    It seems to me like they just put a lot more effort into TFTB, even though the world/setting/lore is so much better in GoT. You can tell, be

  • I loved all Telltale games, since they're all entertaining as hell. Defenitly getting my moneys worth. GOT may be my least loved out of all TT games I played, but it's very exciting to see what happens next and the characters are always up to something interesting. Oh and TWD S2 was fucking awesome.

  • Agreed.

    1. TWD s2
    2. GOT
    Leluch123 posted: »

    Got is the second weakest TT game for me the with TWD s2 holding the first place albeit they're close. Got is just lazy writting with the te

  • Is the .............really necessary? Or are you just trolling again.

  • hoping episode 5 was just a bump in the road and hoping that episode 6 will be good!

  • Jurassic Park, duh.

  • How very grade school of you.

  • Jurassic Park is the worst Telltale game, and imo Got is the best to date.

  • Is JP really bad?

  • No, it's mediocre at it's worst. If you like Jurassic Park and don't mind some trial and error QTE's, it's worth a look if you can find it for cheap.

    JackBauer24 posted: »

    Is JP really bad?

  • Agreed, it's just very mediocre, it's more disappointing then terrible. It's like the worst Disney films, at worst they are forgettable, and at best, they are some of the best things you will ever have. That's Telltale's JP, just a forgettable game that was quickly forgotten because the next game was Walking Dead.

    No, it's mediocre at it's worst. If you like Jurassic Park and don't mind some trial and error QTE's, it's worth a look if you can find it for cheap.

  • edited August 2015

    He knows grade school English though, so there's that, unless you don't understand what I'm saying here, it's that you don't.

    Cope49 posted: »

    How very grade school of you.

  • It's a somewhat good business stance though. Obviously people was going to buy GoT more since it was obviously more requested and more loved, hell if you look back, Game of Thrones only received a margin of the hate other games got at release. If they knew more people bought GoT then they put their hardest work in Tales then people would buy both.

    Deltino posted: »

    It really does feel like much more effort is going into Tales over this, which I kind of find questionable. From a business standpoint, that

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited August 2015

    Jurassic Park was basically Telltale's prototypical Walking Dead. The gameplay was similar in several ways to Walking Dead, but it was different in that there was no choice making (you just selected dialogue options until you advanced the story like in older Telltale games), you could not walk around in hubs (instead, you only looked around by moving the camera and were limited to 3/4 different screens in each environment you could look at) and the QTEs - although much more interactive and "gamey" than in Walking Dead and other modern Telltale titles since - were much more frequent and had more fail states than in modern Telltale games.

    Also, you will notice that Telltale smartly thinks outside of the box and uses an abstract art style for their modern titles like the comic art style for Walking Dead/Wolf Among Us, or an oil painting art style for Game of Thrones. Back in 2010 when Telltale made Jurassic Park, not only were Telltale smaller but they also tried to make a realistic looking game. However, Telltale had a smaller budget so their graphics and production qualities for a cinematic game didn't compete with higher end games. Since the production qualities of Jurassic Park weren't as good as they are for Telltale's modern games and they didn't have the choice system to justify the deliberately minimal gameplay, people thought the game was too basic for their liking. The consensus was that the story was good but the gameplay was too on-rails and the production qualities weren't very good for a game focusing solely on cinematic presentation (again, which is understandable as Telltale was much smaller back in 2010).

    When Walking Dead came around, on top of adding the choice system, they also reintroduced the hub areas (where players could once again walk around freely like in older games) and puzzles (which were also present in older games, but this time around were not as quirky/difficult and only served to directly advance the story). QTEs were still there from Jurassic Park, but they were reduced in frequency/amount of fail states and simplified to pressing Q/E, or pressing an arrow key. And of course, the writing quality from Walking Dead also helped. ;)

    There isn't really anything wrong with Jurassic Park unless you don't like minimal gameplay - which, if you play Walking Dead/Wolf/Game of Thrones/etc, you probably shouldn't mind too much. As others said, people just wanted more out of a cinematic focused title at the time since the choice system wasn't around back then to justify the simple gameplay.

    JackBauer24 posted: »

    Is JP really bad?

  • Without Jurassic Park I somewhat doubt the Walking Dead would have been what it was. Don't forget that the dinosaurs were amazing.

    Jurassic Park was basically Telltale's prototypical Walking Dead. The gameplay was similar in several ways to Walking Dead, but it was diffe

  • Absolutely! Telltale staff members even said so themselves. JP not only helped Telltale refine their modern gameplay style, but it was also their first serious title that had a cinematic presentation (They did have older titles that were serious like CSI or Law and Order, but those weren't cinematic in presentation and were still focused on puzzles). A lot of Walking Dead's cinematic presentation was Telltale refining what they learned from their experience with Jurassic Park, which was basically a stepping stone for them.

    Without Jurassic Park I somewhat doubt the Walking Dead would have been what it was. Don't forget that the dinosaurs were amazing.

  • Plus those death scenes.

    enter link description here

    Absolutely! Telltale staff members even said so themselves. JP not only helped Telltale refine their modern gameplay style, but it was also

  • Law and order is telltale's worst game. It is so bad, it is not even a game

    Agreed, it's just very mediocre, it's more disappointing then terrible. It's like the worst Disney films, at worst they are forgettable, an

  • TWD s2 is the weakest imo. But this ain't great.

  • It is so bad, it is not even a game

    Telltale has said they don't care whether or not people refer to their products as games. As for Law and Order, I played the first episode and thought it was pretty decent.

    Law and order is telltale's worst game. It is so bad, it is not even a game

  • Just Episode 5, basically this episode revealed the definition of 'illusion of choices' and showed how messed up the storyline was, which affected the previous episodes very badly. But other than that, the others are going so well.

  • All this rudeness because I don't support your lifestyle choice . Get over it!

    He knows grade school English though, so there's that, unless you don't understand what I'm saying here, it's that you don't.

  • Oh it's relevant.

  • Then please give a good explanation of how it's relevant instead of making it look like a petty sqwuabble from you.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Oh it's relevant.

  • I didn't start the petty squabble . If you scroll up a bit you'd see that. And it's always the same trolls.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Then please give a good explanation of how it's relevant instead of making it look like a petty sqwuabble from you.

  • Out of those 4, GoT is the weakest. Well, I don't play TftB, so I don't have an opinion there.

    Out of all Telltale games, I can only tell you that GoT is on the bottom of a pile that includes Puzzle Agent, Back to the Future, and Monkey Island. I've heard Jurassic Park was pretty awful, so Id probably rate it higher than that, but haven't played JP to say for certain.

  • "Trolls". Therefore anyone who doesn't agree is a troll, from your logic anyway. Cope, why the needless rudeness toward everyone?

    Cope49 posted: »

    I didn't start the petty squabble . If you scroll up a bit you'd see that. And it's always the same trolls.

  • You get what you give Paladin. And I'm not rude to everyone .

    "Trolls". Therefore anyone who doesn't agree is a troll, from your logic anyway. Cope, why the needless rudeness toward everyone?

  • Shouldn't it be the other way around Cope? Not that I get your rudeness because I was rude but that you get my rudeness because you were rude. Look at this entire thread.

    Cope49 posted: »

    You get what you give Paladin. And I'm not rude to everyone .

  • Look at this entire thread.

    By entire thread. You're really referring to my comment to GOU?

    Shouldn't it be the other way around Cope? Not that I get your rudeness because I was rude but that you get my rudeness because you were rude. Look at this entire thread.

  • This entire thread of comments.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Look at this entire thread. By entire thread. You're really referring to my comment to GOU?

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