Season 3 new dynamics

These are the things I think will be happening in season 3.
- Much bigger envoirments to explore, possibly a little bit of open world
- longer episodes, possibly having more choices
- more meaningful choices, possibly previous choices preventing you from making future choices but allowing you to do others
- choices show more impact, possibly changing an entire episode
- last but not least. RPG elements. Possibly being able to change your look and choosing weapons and using them. These could be some of the choices.
ehat dynamics do you want in season 3.
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I can't see this happening. Maybe you can choose a hoodie to pick or something, and I'm sure you'll get an option to pick a weapon during a QTE but nothing too permanent. Also Open World seems way too much for an episodic game. I can see them going back to maybe more area's to explore an episode like their older games, but nothing more than that.
I believe you on the weapons, the one reason why I think rog elements will be in here is that in tales from the borderlands you had choices to pic stuff, you could choose your mask for the race, you could choose your car in episode 2. I really hope there is more interaction with the environment because everything after the walking dead they have severely neglected the envoirments
Like @freelancepolicefan11 said, that open world and RPG elements things aren't going to happen.
Well, the whole 'pick the outfit' thing just happened in TFTB, I wouldn't rule that part out.
Yeah, I thought about that but didn't exactly point it out. The whole picking your weapon probably won't though, maybe, could be an actual important choice. Open world however, no.
Most of these ideas go against Telltale's new philosophy of giving their games a more concise and cinematic presentation. For example, their previous reasoning behind the 90 minute episodes for Wolf/Dead Season 2 wasn't due to any constraints from Telltale, but rather was said by Telltale to be a deliberate choice as they wanted their games to be consumed in one sitting like a movie or a TV show would. Even though Telltale has since moved away from 90 minute episodes in particular, a lot of their other newer design choices that still remain since Wolf Among Us/Walking Dead: Season 2 are to make their newer games more cinematic so more people can play first and foremost for the story. Introducing RPG elements, longer episodes, etc would stray away from what their current goals are.
(Their older games used puzzles that were deliberately quirky so I can understand them thinking older fans would be confused by the quirky puzzles as well as any gameplay that does not directly advance the story. That being said, I still think they would benefit from experimenting with new ways to make gameplay that directly advances the story while still providing more interactivity beyond deliberately simple QTEs.)
As for choices having more impact, that depends on if Telltale feels they can write equally compelling stories for each potential branch of a choice. Typically, Telltale makes choices act more as a way for people to contextualize their own personal story, but making choices branch further into the story requires Telltale to write multiple stories of similarly high quality which might not always be feasible.
I think you could have it be possible to, for example, choose a side-arm to take with you.
For a simple example, let's say you get a choice of a beretta or a revolver. They can change up how the action sequences play out in accordance to the gun you have. Like having it so that with the revolver you end up running out of bullets against whatever you're shooting at (like a group of walkers), meaning someone else has to finish them off, or you're forced to try and take the rest out with a melee weapon, while with the other gun you're able to shoot them all down.
Or you could have it so that with one gun, you end up getting attacked by a survivor. Again, with the revolver you could run out of rounds, which ends up having another character save you, or leading to a unique fight sequence where you end up having to fight him unarmed, while with the other gun, you can end the fight right then and there.
They're small changes that wouldn't affect anything to a major level, but it'd provide some tailored experiences based on a choice that is more or less trivial in the grand scheme of things. All it takes to make choices have a greater effect- or at least feel like they matter- is some ingenuity. They'd still be aesthetic choices essentially, just better hidden than most.
I said, "probably".
One other thing that I forgot to mention was that I wanted to have two playable characters in the game. but unlike tales from the borderlands. You are able to switch between them and have different relationships with the characters. I am taking ideas from the game indigo prophecy also known as farhenheight which is another interactive game.
I also want more than qte sequences. Instead of let's say pressing Q all the time you have to craft weapons. I am taking ideas from third person shooters. You are forced to craft weapons and you have the choice to choose things to craft. Such as, you have a glue gun and nails. You craft it so the glue gun shoots nails at either walkers or humans.
To continue the choice you have the nails and you can either use the glue gun which might take longer or put the nails on a bat which is more effective but it could break quicker.
Okay. Quick reminder that Telltale makes Point and Clicks and not 3rd person shooters. everything will most likely be done with QTE's. I mean sure they can implement more styles of QTE's, but clearly they aren't going for difficult gameplay as they want EVERYONE (gamer or not) to be able to play their games.
I believe you they will be playable. But it will make the gameplay more fun and engaging.
I think the first season of TWD had some pretty interesting and unique gameplay moments. Maybe not so much in the way of advancing the story, but they did well at complementing the story and tone when they happened.
The motor inn sequence where you have to clear out each walker was a fun and rather entertaining piece. It was something of a hybrid between a puzzle sequence and an action sequence, which also made it stand out. It wasn't particularly challenging, but compared to all other zombie encounters up to that point, it really changed up the rules and provided a level of diversity to the scene.
The bandit raid is another; the little cover-based shooting segment is unique from the other QTE segments, while providing some degree of difficulty to it.
Another interesting sequence that I liked is in Wyatt's story when you get out of the car and help the guy you hit. Trying to drag him to safety while occasionally stopping to shoot walkers is a mechanically simple scene, but it's still a unique way to break up the gameplay into something more diverse than "press Q, press E" Bonnie and the cornfield was a pretty good one, too.
While there's less of those kind of moments in their newer titles, they still have a few good ones here and there. I personally think the sneak attack on Meereen in episode 4 of GoT was one of their best gameplay bits of recent times. It combined elements of past stealth sequences and upped the stakes, and provided the chance for the player to choose slightly different approaches to the situation, and integrated almost every individual gameplay element seen in the game up to that point. There's also that one point during that scene where you can choose to block a window, which slightly changes up how the proceeding sequence pans out once it ends up going loud. That's a small concept that could be interesting if expanded upon more. In TWD in particular, there's quite a few clever ideas they could do with this, especially regarding extra optional ways to take care of zombies.
The bow-shooting scene in episode 5 of GoT was quite interesting, too. The only downsides being that it kind of came out of the blue, and didn't really give the player much time to react and get comfortable with it, and was already over with just when the player got into the groove. Having some relatively challenging sequences like that would be really fun to mess with in other titles, especially if they're given more time for the players to play around with.
They should strive to do scenes like that more often, because in all honesty, diversity is all that they really need as far as gameplay is concerned.
I took the 'probably' out of the 'probably' and made it 'totally'
Thank you, just because the sequences involve more video game mechanics, it helps people get engaged in the story.
I just want to remind you of this:
That's actually part of what I was getting at. In part, I specifically meant scenes like the ones you pointed out (such as the Motor Inn puzzle/Arrow shooting in GoT Episode 5/etc) that broaden the palette of interactivity beyond pressing Q/E while still being casual and accessible to a broad audience that uses what they have in a new context. As a rhetorical example, a detective or forensics puzzle in Wolf Among Us would have been interesting, with you looking around the environment to piece together an interpretation of what happened that the story would roll with (kind of like how you can make a wrong call and pick the Woodsman at the Trip Trap). Speaking of Wolf, I think another interesting example that actually was in the game was the interrogation scene at the start of Episode 2.
I'm not advocating that Telltale arbitrarily add those roadblocks to get in the way of the story for the sake of interactivity - rather, my point is that Telltale has higher potential with their palette that I feel would make their games even better if they were willing to experiment more often or design more scenes like what you described. They can add casual and accessible interactions that directly advance the story while still requiring more out of the player than just pressing Q/E or swiping in a direction.
Bigger environments: Yes, definitely. Open world? No.
Longer episodes are something I hope for it. The newer wave of TellTale games (Game of Thrones and Tales From The Borderlands) seem to go for longer episodes. More choices too. Telltale implemented 'site' choices for Game of Thrones and Tales From The Borderlands that show additional choices from the sites. I somewhat doubt they'll have more than 5 main choices though/
I think this might be a little too much. I want this for sure, but you know it probably be hard for TellTale. Branching storylines in general.
The choices in Tales From The Borderlands have changed quite a bit, perhaps and hopefully we'll get more meaningful choices. I suspect Game of Thrones Episode 6 will be the closest thing to this. The other one I know changes a lot is No Time Left, which I think is epic.
RPG elements is probably an improper thing to state here. Probably 'character customization'. I like character model changes, they're nice.
Thank you, what I meant by preventing you from doing choices let's say. You shot lee. You are the one to shoot a bite victim and they're loved one is there. You have a determinant choice of them watching them get killed or looking and walking away. Let's say you left lee. The loved one is the one to shoot they're loved one. You have the choice to either empathize with them or be tough and say that they have to toughen up and move on. What I meant by open world is that the envoirments and every character in the envoirments is different and unique.
I think that the wolf among us did this.
There was one choice I remember in episode 5 cry wolf.
If you choose to kill the crooked man before the trail. You have the choice to leave during snows speech.
If you brought him to the trail. You have the choice for his punishment lock him up, through him down the well, or rip his head off.
With peace & love...
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It would be cool if they create a autoplay option after you complete a episode in which the options that you selected can play them self in a seamless way and removing showing the ugly conversation tree that block the bottom of the screen. Almost as if you are watching a pre-set movie.