Season 3 personal,dark,hard decisons

Telltale games has become very famous for their games since the walking dead. For season 3 I hope that it will retain the elements that made season 1 so great. I want decisons that are hard but right. I want immediate and long lasting consequences. I want choices to be made because of a character. The walking dead game season 2's choices had a few problems
- They lacked difficult and unforgettable choices
- they had little lasting appeal
- they did not feel dark or personal
- they lacked creative new ideas.
- what do you thinkseason3 should have
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Season 3 should have everything season 2 didn't.
Completely, season 1 was a 10/10 and season 2 was an 7.5/10. It had barley any characters to relate to, choices which barley had any consequence, and had the stupidest opening and closing to their choices
Coherent Storytelling?
Yes they should have an idea and focus on it. Do not go all over the place and crest a large story that is forgettable.
Hopefully they start out fresh, like subway,
But stay away from the kids.
Yeah, the two shadow reveal and everything about all that remains was rushed and unfocused. God play as an adult. Kids do not have good choices
I think, in S2 the events controled the story too much (my neglish isn´t SO good,it might sounds like I´m unfocused or something like that ;D )
What i meant was that in S1 I head the feeling to influence the frame of the story ,
in S2 I miss this feeling (when carver comes into the house i liked it), but in the other´s like Telltalerocks said it,the decisions aren´t difficult and unforgettable,not enough
and i would wish to become the opportunity to make some - I´ll never forget when I let Ben fall at my first play, or how sad I was when Lilly stole the RV - and how happy I was about Ben´s alternative end- or how different it was to play with carley- these decisions made S1 unforgettable, and S2 had too less of them (I liked playing it too,butt the first season was more intense)
Do you know what the worst choice of all time in the walking dead s2 was. You had the choice to say to Walter that nick is just like everyone else so that is basically killing a man for no reason. The other bad one was that you had the choice to save christa a person who you were friends with in the first one or you could leave her to die. Someone who protected you, you have the choice to leave them.
In the discussion about the concept of S2 a little bith down someone wrote that the people in S2 haven´t got the time to breath, one catastrophy follows the other - when in S1 E4 the walkers came on the street, we get a puzzle in the garden of the house- I really liked that! After the hectic on the street we could have a pause.
Furthermore (based on a thread in the same theme about the concept) - Thenew group in S2 haven´t get the chance to evolve, because they started in the second episode to kill them.
And at least (you should know what´s my source know;D) it seemed to be that the final decision to kill jane or kenny should´ve been between kenny and luke (don´t know if they would have killed each other too) -even when I had to choose where to sit it was difficult, because I don´t wanted to miss Kenny AND Luke.
But Jane...they started improve her meaning much too late I guess...I really was afraid in E2 when I thought that I finally had to choose of Kenny and Luke
So I totally agree with what you´re saying - again^^