The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • my younger sister had one of these a few months ago wouldnt fuckin shut up at night and was so loud im trying to sleep and it goes off so glad its not here anymore

    J-Master posted: »

    These past two days have been absolute hell for me.

  • Salt123's Movie of the Day.......Previously: Jack Reacher Today: K-19: The Widowmaker

    enter image description here

    And...Scene of the Day

    enter link description here

  • I'm your friend, I was just curious. I'm thankful you see me like that, really helps my mood.

    You were tagged because you're my friend, at least is what I was thinking, I was wrong and I'm still wrong, I barely meet you, I don't know

  • Looks great.

    Finally launched my blog today. Room for improvement, but it's a start.

  • Yeah, I'll ask someone else, me exploding for no reason seems really out of character, it's always obvious that it's going to happen and how to prevent me getting to that point, now that I remember he was being an ass and he was provoking me, stupid on his part is a general rule of thumb not to piss me off, even people higher up know that and are generally more calm and rational when I'm around, because they know I will verbally rip them to shreds (Call them out on their bullshit), anyway he probably deserved it, and due to my attitude it's pretty obvious that I would be fired already if I wasn't a good employee.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Hmmmm maybe You should maybe apologise to him or just tell him you've been stressed out, or if you think the person was being an ass then ask someone else what happened

  • Best girl ever, Katelyn Francis

    Do someone know her? I need her to protect me in case of zombie apocalypse.

  • It looks already good.

    Finally launched my blog today. Room for improvement, but it's a start.

  • The guy would of loved this reaction it sounds like he was trying to annoy you and he got his reaction off you.

    I think because it's a job you should apologize and not risk your job security I'd say the guy would love to get you in more trouble anyway good luck :)

    kaleion posted: »

    I yelled at someone, told them to fuck themselves and that they shouldn't piss me off since they didn't know what I'm capable of and then left work early, what the fuck am I doing?

  • I never seen but great cast and of course that scene inspires me everyday I go to the gym :)

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    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Salt123's Movie of the Day.......Previously: Jack Reacher Today: K-19: The Widowmaker And...Scene of the Day enter link description here

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

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    these girls :'D ^

    Best girl ever, Katelyn Francis Do someone know her? I need her to protect me in case of zombie apocalypse.

  • Handsome Jack is a sack of shit!

  • NO SPoLiERSSdshbivfdwv hd wbvbwvdv


    Handsome Jack is a sack of shit!

  • I dont believe i spoiled anything... I said that Handsome Jack is a piece of shit... Which he is...

    btw. Xbux suxxx :P fie me on it m8 n gtonmlvl scrub PS for the win!

    NO SPoLiERSSdshbivfdwv hd wbvbwvdv XBoxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • ill rekt u scrub n 1v1 me m8 on heylo.

    I dont believe i spoiled anything... I said that Handsome Jack is a piece of shit... Which he is... btw. Xbux suxxx :P fie me on it m8 n gtonmlvl scrub PS for the win!

  • Heylo iz for puusiez! So is GayBox!

    ill rekt u scrub n 1v1 me m8 on heylo.

  • edited August 2015

    So quiet

    If you could get any tatoo's what would they be with pics?(just for fun even if you never want tattoo's)


    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    add more later


  • Well, to be honest, I want a lot of tattoos. Like, I would love to have a dragon going around my leg, a half human half robot girl holding a blue butterfly with liliums in the backround on my ribcage, cover part of my sleeve in tattoos similar to Chloe's from LiS and after that I'd like a Batman tattoo, a deadpool one and the firefly emblem from TLoU. Still thinking about it tbh, which means I am open to suggestions as well.

    waits for people to tell me about how I will remain unemployed for the rest of my life, which is probably true, but you know

    Markd4547 posted: »

    So quiet If you could get any tatoo's what would they be with pics?(just for fun even if you never want tattoo's) Arm add more later You?

  • edited August 2015

    enter image description here

    Your will look so awesome and badass kerny :'D

    waits for people to tell me about how I will remain unemployed for the rest of my life, which is probably true, but you know

    How it would actually go

    Boss: give dat badass a Job :P

    Hater: They all look the same which one and one has tattoo's WTF

    Boss: Yes with the batman tattoo

    Hater: EW seriously? with the deadpool tat too

    Boss: WHAT DEADPOOL? your right do not give her a job I want to give her a promotion

    Hater: But that's my job

    Boss: Shut up no batman or deadpool tattoo fgt


    enter image description here

    tlou tattoo's would be awesome too :)

    blueneon posted: »

    Well, to be honest, I want a lot of tattoos. Like, I would love to have a dragon going around my leg, a half human half robot girl holding a

  • I'm not sure he loved it, I'm pretty scary when I'm angry, I mean you wouldn't want a tall guy with a scar on their left eye threatening you?

    I don't think I'm risking anything though, he causes a lot of trouble and he's already been notified that he's getting fired in two weeks anyway, but I'm not one to deal with anyone's shit, I am looking for other jobs anyway though, seeing if I can find something that pays better or whatever and if I get fired at least I'll get more money than if I quit so that's a plus, shouldn't be too hard almost all the places where I've worked are willing to give me recommendations and I'm in good terms with most of my old direct bosses.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    The guy would of loved this reaction it sounds like he was trying to annoy you and he got his reaction off you. I think because it's a jo

  • I'd never get a tattoo, because things go out of date, and I'd be stuck explaining that "Likely to be eaten by a grue" tat for the rest of my life.

    I do admire them on others, though. Especially when they're brand new on someone I know, and I notice without prompting. People seem to love that when it happens.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    So quiet If you could get any tatoo's what would they be with pics?(just for fun even if you never want tattoo's) Arm add more later You?

  • This...on my back or chest. Maybe have it turned into a nice calligraphy if I can pay for it.

    enter image description here

    "Family is the shelter in a heartless world."

    Markd4547 posted: »

    So quiet If you could get any tatoo's what would they be with pics?(just for fun even if you never want tattoo's) Arm add more later You?

  • Not much of a surprise but Tales from the Borderlands episode 4 was fantastic, it's really funny how everyone was skeptic about Borderlands but hyped about Game of Thrones and GoT turned out pretty mediocre and sometimes bad while Tales has been consistently good from episode 1 to 4, now here's hoping they keep it up with the last one.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited August 2015

    Fucking da'esh...

    ISIS beheaded historian in charge of the Palmyra

    What's so terrifying about ancient fucking history, that it warrants such destruction and murder?

    I've never seen a group this monstrous in my lifetime and I was old enough to know how evil Al-Qaeda seemed after 9/11. I hate war, I think it's wasteful and futile, but death is the only language these animals understand. People are starting to rise up against them in Iraq, but the latest uprising (I think in Mosul) was put down by da'esh with unbelievable cruelty. I have no idea how there going to finish the job. The Saudi, Qatari and Turkish leaders are cowards, too afraid to face their monster. Meanwhile, innocent people are paying the price.

    Fuck the world sometimes, amirite?

  • Hey guys. Checking back in again after 6 months. I haven't forgotten about this place, haha. How's it going, everyone? If anyone even remembers me, lol. Gosh, it's been so long! All these updates... it's like a whole different place. :O


    Handsome Jack is a sack of shit!

  • i thought it said allah ackbar

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    This...on my back or chest. Maybe have it turned into a nice calligraphy if I can pay for it. "Family is the shelter in a heartless world."

  • Ainsley Harriot kissing prank gone wrong gone sexual 2k15 titty fuck sexual prank blowjob kissing prank gone sexual gone heinous.jpg

    spicy meat

  • Hey! How are you?

    ShaleReeve posted: »

    Hey guys. Checking back in again after 6 months. I haven't forgotten about this place, haha. How's it going, everyone? If anyone even remembers me, lol. Gosh, it's been so long! All these updates... it's like a whole different place. :O

  • He's not wrong, though.


  • edited August 2015

    dO YOU???? WANNA FUCKING GO????? TOO??????????????????????????

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    He's not wrong, though.

  • Handsome Jack is a great character, I agree on that, but he's a terrible human being. He's a psychopath that kills people for laughs. I'm not denying that he's a fucking great and hilarious character, all I'm saying is that he's done some real shitty things.

    dO YOU???? WANNA FUCKING GO????? TOO??????????????????????????

  • ????????????????????????????????????????????????? WILL FIGHT U

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Handsome Jack is a great character, I agree on that, but he's a terrible human being. He's a psychopath that kills people for laughs. I'm no

  • People think everything in Arabic reads "Allahu akbar". It's actually not used so much outside of battle And moments of emotional distress.

    i thought it said allah ackbar

  • Salt123's Movie of the Day.......Previously: K-19: The Widowmaker Today: Hachi: A Dog's tale

    enter image description here

    and a scene of the day

    enter link description here

  • Did you choose to side with Jack in ep 4 too?

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????? WILL FIGHT U

  • Allah Snackbar

    i thought it said allah ackbar

  • I'm doing alright, you?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Hey! How are you?

  • that movie ;(

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Salt123's Movie of the Day.......Previously: K-19: The Widowmaker Today: Hachi: A Dog's tale and a scene of the day enter link description here

  • I'm doing fine :)

    ShaleReeve posted: »

    I'm doing alright, you?

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