Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Who the heck cares what Reddit thinks?

    It's... reddit.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    They made fun of Sandra as well....

  • This is the most perfect explanation of 4chan I have ever seen! XD

    MichaelBP posted: »


  • Reddit and 4Chan!

    The places on the Internet where people go to achieve some form of acceptance by bitching about other people's lives! Cuz their own lives are boring and lonely!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Who the heck cares what Reddit thinks? It's... reddit.

  • There was a guy on reddit once complaining that, after forcing his girlfriend into an open relationship because she was fat, she got more flings than he did.

    That's the kind of cancer reddit is. If they're making fun of us then it makes we're doing something right,


    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Reddit and 4Chan! The places on the Internet where people go to achieve some form of acceptance by bitching about other people's lives! Cuz their own lives are boring and lonely!

  • please! Rhysha would be the person who just running after me all the time. my emergency plan at best. Rhyiona would be the person I would admire from the distance because I know I am not good enough for them.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    I don't care where people are from. But i can buy you a popsicle, Rhysha is too hot for a penguin like you.

  • lmao, we made fun of ourselves too when we discovered it wasn't that bad. i love how they never mention that.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Guys guess what. People on reddit think we're idiots apparently. REDDIT

  • Yep. And this gif sums up what it'ls like to go through 4chan's threads. Just replace the perfume with the shit they usually post.

    enter image description here

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    This is the most perfect explanation of 4chan I have ever seen! XD

  • Reddit and 4chan just exist for people to bitch about their lives and try and feel better about themselves by saying crap...

    At least here we have civilized conversations and FUN!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    There was a guy on reddit once complaining that, after forcing his girlfriend into an open relationship because she was fat, she got more fl

  • And don't forgot they say it's stupid but they literally waste their lives away lurking here.

    Atta boys, keep shooting yourselves in the foot. That or find a life. :^)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Reddit and 4chan just exist for people to bitch about their lives and try and feel better about themselves by saying crap... At least here we have civilized conversations and FUN!

  • edited August 2015

    Oh dude, I have friends who used to visit 4chan (they're good guys though) who told me about everything that goes on there so I know what 4chan is like! XP

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Yep. And this gif sums up what it'ls like to go through 4chan's threads. Just replace the perfume with the shit they usually post.

  • Hello Rhyionas, I'm one of the neutral shippers who usually just lurks around the forum (after three months, this is my first post), but not today, since I'd be glad if you could clarify something for me. Are those posts related to Ep3 or Ep4? Ep3 I'd have no trouble understanding, but then I don't get why did it surface two months after; Ep4 I'm not sure what was so bad regarding Rhysha, I honestly thought there wasn't much besides that hilarious scene during the intro (and very short convo if you chose to tell the girls about HJ, where it seemed that Sasha was deeply hurt), but maybe I missed something? If you have time, feel free to elaborate. :)

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Guys guess what. People on reddit think we're idiots apparently. REDDIT

  • 4chan may be a cesspool of shit, but they have done SOME good things. For example, they sent a pedophiles information to the FBI so they could arrest him.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Reddit and 4chan just exist for people to bitch about their lives and try and feel better about themselves by saying crap... At least here we have civilized conversations and FUN!

  • edited August 2015

    Try to read reddit in general with a straight face. To elaborate, it's just a bunch of shitposting 14 year olds who fight over who can get the dankest comment over the day to get likes. That's basically the jist of it.

    Reliqum posted: »

    Not an overreaction? Try to read the images on reddit with a straight face, its bloody hilarious.

  • edited August 2015

    As I recall, wasn't 4chan laden with adverts for child pornography once upon a time?....

    Anonymous send pedophile's info to the FBI as well, but they still do bad things!

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    4chan may be a cesspool of shit, but they have done SOME good things. For example, they sent a pedophiles information to the FBI so they could arrest him.

  • we just reacted too early to things without having played the episode, that was our mistake. spoilers made it sound really bad, then it wasn't that bad so we calmed down. i think people reminding us this thing over and over again is actually the real overreacting. we quickly noticed the episode was not as bad as early spoilers made us think and we moved on, i don't know what's so super dumb about that? like it's just a misunderstanding we had.

    Reliqum posted: »

    You guys did overreact though, even 4chan said all of you are on suicide watch. I recall someone saying something about killing some TTG writers, I would put that person in a mental institution.

  • Okay..I finally played episode 4 I gotta say I kind like it..except Scooter's death...that made me bawl. ;-;

    So I guess there won't be any more scooter in bl3 ;-;

    I did get really salty though...since I thought there was no way to avoid Rhysha moments. Sorry ._.

    also I left the Skype group cause I was being so salty there out of anger and frustration..(Kinda embarrassed sorry guys)

  • Hey, friend.

    The reason a big majority of us was upset was because we got told that Rhysha was everywhere and unavoidable in this episode. We hadn't played it yet but the spirits were low because we thought we'd be forced into a relationship we didn't want with no way out.

    As it turns out, it was really nothing and that's why everyone just laughed about it and moved on with their lives.

    HellFish posted: »

    Hello Rhyionas, I'm one of the neutral shippers who usually just lurks around the forum (after three months, this is my first post), but not

  • I've gone to 4chan some times to look for some spoilers on some games. it's just that to get to the spoilers, you have to go through a lot of stupid and creepy shit.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Oh dude, I have friends who used to visit 4chan (they're good guys though) who told me about everything that goes on there so I know what 4chan is like! XP

  • Do you wanna come back to the Skype group? :)

  • I'm pretty sure people who didn't even play the episode just found out that there's Rhysha and there isn't Rhyiona, and flipped their shit.

    I kind of don't even know what happened, I didn't see it with my own eyes.

    HellFish posted: »

    Hello Rhyionas, I'm one of the neutral shippers who usually just lurks around the forum (after three months, this is my first post), but not

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited August 2015

    I know, as I said, 4chan is a cesspool of shit. But sometimes you have to wade through the shit to find something great.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    As I recall, wasn't 4chan laden with adverts for child pornography once upon a time?.... Anonymous send pedophile's info to the FBI as well, but they still do bad things!

  • ._. if it's alright, I guess?

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Do you wanna come back to the Skype group?

  • I can imagine...

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I've gone to 4chan some times to look for some spoilers on some games. it's just that to get to the spoilers, you have to go through a lot of stupid and creepy shit.

  • Skype group

    tell me more about it 0_0

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Do you wanna come back to the Skype group?

  • Of course!!! I just re-added you <3

    Kimmy-klu posted: »

    ._. if it's alright, I guess?

  • I can't bring myself to care about what 4chan thinks when 90% of their comments on Clementine are about what they'd do to an 11 year old.

    Also, a kid in 4chan was dumb enough to die from throwing a grenade in the toilet.

    They spam gore all over tumblr in "tumblr" raids and make youtubers feel like shit by trolling them on livestreams and offending them.

    What's a light way to put it uhhh

    Fuck 4chan?


    Gary-Oak posted: »

    4chan may be a cesspool of shit, but they have done SOME good things. For example, they sent a pedophiles information to the FBI so they could arrest him.

  • hey there! You are right it wasn't that bad like in ep.3. but I for example got the 'take selfie with sasha n stuff' dialog despite being the biggest asshole to her. AND that they just kinda ignored us. nothing for us. not even a little.

    HellFish posted: »

    Hello Rhyionas, I'm one of the neutral shippers who usually just lurks around the forum (after three months, this is my first post), but not

  • edited August 2015

    Everybody was hyped for ep4 release and this thread started to riot after seeing ep4 Rhysha footage or something along those lines and started talking about how telltale ignored them/they deserve better and some even said they would boycott any future telltale games.
    Looking back one person also asked "who is up for killing some TTG writers" but also said it was a joke(horrible tasteless joke, nobody wants to read how someone wants to kill them even if its a joke or not.)

    HellFish posted: »

    Hello Rhyionas, I'm one of the neutral shippers who usually just lurks around the forum (after three months, this is my first post), but not

  • It's 16 of us from the thread and we just chat and stuff :P

    Houpps posted: »

    Skype group tell me more about it 0_0

  • Then you are browsing the default subreddits, smaller ones are quite decent.

    Green613 posted: »

    Try to read reddit in general with a straight face. To elaborate, it's just a bunch of shitposting 14 year olds who fight over who can get the dankest comment over the day to get likes. That's basically the jist of it.

  • Also, a kid in 4chan was dumb enough to die from throwing a grenade in the toilet.

    Seriously? What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?! >:O

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I can't bring myself to care about what 4chan thinks when 90% of their comments on Clementine are about what they'd do to an 11 year old.

  • Just like reddit, it's the cancer of the internet.

    Red alert, stay away. ;P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Also, a kid in 4chan was dumb enough to die from throwing a grenade in the toilet. Seriously? What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?! >:O

  • I wouldn't say everyone moved on with their lives cough reddit, 4chan, assholes in the forums cough

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Hey, friend. The reason a big majority of us was upset was because we got told that Rhysha was everywhere and unavoidable in this episode

  • Okay, that makes sense, thanks for the response. :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Hey, friend. The reason a big majority of us was upset was because we got told that Rhysha was everywhere and unavoidable in this episode


    HazzatheMan posted: »

    It's 16 of us from the thread and we just chat and stuff :P

  • Thanks Harry ^-^

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Of course!!! I just re-added you

  • edited August 2015

    reddit, 4chan

    Nobody cares what cancer thinks though. :^)

    But seriously, I mean us in the thread.

    I wouldn't say everyone moved on with their lives cough reddit, 4chan, assholes in the forums cough

  • You're welcome, buddy!

    HellFish posted: »

    Okay, that makes sense, thanks for the response.

  • send me your account

    Houpps posted: »

    Skype group tell me more about it 0_0

  • Nice.

    Gary-Oak posted: »


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