If you could bring back any character (Excluding ***) SPOLERS!!!



  • doesn't deserve all the hate he gets

    Are you kidding me right now? Arvo is such a pussy. He shot Clementine, he wanted to kill her. He accuses you for robbing even though you didn't, he caused the ambush who almost killed everyone and he got Luke killed. Arvo is not someone who should be interacted, he needs to be murdered. I don't understand how Arvo is a favourite character.


  • edited April 2016


    AronDracula posted: »

    doesn't deserve all the hate he gets Are you kidding me right now? Arvo is such a pussy. He shot Clementine, he wanted to kill her.

  • edited August 2015

    he said ''No, but Jane did''

    I don't remember him saying something like that.

    He shot Clementine because she was calling for Kenny

    That's determinant. He too shoots Clem after Mike convinces her to drop her gun

    He ambushed the group because Jane stole his supplies.

    Arvo ambushes the group even though you didn't steal his stuff. If he wanted his gun, then why did he accuse Clem and her group for that?


  • Lol omg for the longest time I thought that was a picture of Kanye! (Sadly the avatars on this site appear very small on my phone.) But XD This is much better though haha.

  • Omid, Carver, Carley, Romen and/or Mark

  • Well, my answer is going to be the same as it's always been. Peter Joseph Randall. The only person in all of Season 2 I liked immediately and who never gave me a reason not to like him. I still say he was killed off far too soon. I wanted more exploration of the relationship between him and Nick. And overall he was just about the nicest person in the whole game. Despite the ridiculously small amount of screentime he got, he's Number 4 on my list of favorite characters from either of the game's seasons.

  • Carley ;_;

  • Holy shit its Gameover Ent

    GameOverEnt posted: »

    Deja Vu

  • Spoiler

    Please do not be mad but I like lily more than Kenny... There I said it. Kenny is annoying and was a complete redneck I liked Larry more than him. I wish lily came back instead of Kenny. I hope in season 3 clementine and lily reunite because clementine was the only person lily actually cared about regardless of your choices maybe even more than her father Larry. I hope season 3 will have more playable characters, such as lily,clementine,exc

  • If you brought back the children they'd probably just die quickly again anyway, so I'd say Luke or Carley, two of the few genuinely nice people we got to travel with.

  • man i love you vids

    GameOverEnt posted: »

    Deja Vu

  • Uhmm... Doug, Omid, Chuck and Ben. If I'd have to choose only one, I'd choose Doug.

  • Lee Is the best. :(

  • Lee Is the best :(

  • Lee Is the best :(

  • edited August 2015

    Carley without doubt. Her death was probably the most shocking for me...and one of the saddest.

  • edited August 2015

    Unknown: Lilly or Bonnie.

    Dead: Katjaa or Carley

  • Was posting this 3 times necessary?

    Carley44 posted: »

    Lee Is the best

  • I had an error with posting the comment.

    NOHATCLEM posted: »

    Was posting this 3 times necessary?

  • edited August 2015

    Omid, Carlos, Luke, Pete, Carley or Alvin

    (if he's dead) Vernon, (if he's dead) Glenn

    And dare I say.... Carver

    If I'm Clem, I know I could count on these ppl, even Carver wouldn't do me wrong.

  • Ben because his character improved a lot and he didn't deserve to die.
    Chuck because he should've been more important then just giving lee advice on how to take care of clementine.
    Mark because he was thrown away in half an episode and had a lot of potential.
    Pete because he was a good guy

  • I agree with you.
    Specially Mark and Chuck as well as Pete, Doug and Carley are shown too short
    Carley was an important help for lee, gave him good advices (for me) - it´s just like chilled said - it was shocking and sad, she wasn´t just killed, like Doug if he survived, Carley was executed.

    Mrwalto69 posted: »

    Ben because his character improved a lot and he didn't deserve to die. Chuck because he should've been more important then just giving lee

  • Depends. If I was going to be practical about this wish it would be Carlos. Having a doctor goes a long way in the apocalypse.

  • Doug, Duck, Omid, Lilly, Sarah, Rebecca, Alvin, Pete, Carlos, and Chuck.

  • I never understood why telltale did stuff like that. I know it's meant for shock value but why build characters up to not their full potential ? As much as I like Ben, having him be shot instead of Carley at that time would've been more logical because he was still new. Just weird things like mark only being in one episode and even having his background story talked about. Molly plays a bit part and then is never heard of again.

    Ilerien posted: »

    I agree with you. Specially Mark and Chuck as well as Pete, Doug and Carley are shown too short Carley was an important help for lee, gav

  • Pete, Nick, Sarah and Luke... :(

  • mah vanilla ice man, nick ^-^

  • Carley hands down! She was probably the person I was most attached to in Season 1 besides Clementine of course.

  • edited August 2015

    Oh yeah, then why did she leave Clem for dead if you kept her around? Also, Lilly being playable will never happen

  • Spoiler

    Glenn is in the tv series and alive

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Omid, Carlos, Luke, Pete, Carley or Alvin (if he's dead) Vernon, (if he's dead) Glenn And dare I say.... Carver If I'm Clem, I know I could count on these ppl, even Carver wouldn't do me wrong.

  • She was scared, she was a character who really did not know what she was doing. Maybe she left the group for the greater good. She was worried she would have done another crazy thing. Season 3 could be her redemption.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Oh yeah, then why did she leave Clem for dead if you kept her around? Also, Lilly being playable will never happen

  • Did you know that if you cover Luke and do not break the ice. Bonnie ends up dying.

    Unknown: Lilly or Bonnie. Dead: Katjaa or Carley

  • Why like Larry when he tried to kill Lee dead and Kenny saved him?

    She was scared, she was a character who really did not know what she was doing. Maybe she left the group for the greater good. She was worried she would have done another crazy thing. Season 3 could be her redemption.

  • I do, but in my canon save she's not dead ;)

    Did you know that if you cover Luke and do not break the ice. Bonnie ends up dying.

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