Another message to the shippers.



  • Here for it, and I wanna see who name was dropped.

  • Fuqk Tumblr really

    LawmanZero posted: »

    She shipped Zer0 and Athena together as her own AU headcanon. Otherwise, she was OK with Janeythena. Unfortunately, most of the Tumblr fandom is absolutely full of shit. She was actually crying and depressed from all the stupid hate.

  • I think I possibly facepalmed so bad my hand went through my eye when I read the comments in the screenshots. It's a fucking game, the writers make the plot however they want to so just let them and stop acting about it like little children. Seesh. It's like watching a child flip its shit because momma didn't buy it a bag of chips. You can be upset but don't overdo it. It's like I'd throw a fit because the game didn't include my fancharacter ("so importunt include meh hurr") or made the ROBOT SQUAD!. Like, just take everything about this game with some fun and less dead seriousness and stop acting like your world is destroyed. It's your fault for getting ridiculously obsessed over a freakin' ship in the first place, not realising that maybe the writers aren't always gonna do what you say. If you hate the game only because your ship didn't work out then boo-fucking-hoo, no one cares. The game is so much more than just shipping.

    I'm out.

    enter image description here

  • What are you, 10? Geez.

    great. bring it on. who needs friendship anyway, if you can have war.

  • Oh jeez, how did you find out....

    enter image description here

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    What are you, 10? Geez.

  • Because fights over pointless shit are something kids do.

    Oh jeez, how did you find out....

  • well, I guess all humankind consists of kids, then. since there are conflicts, like, every day.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Because fights over pointless shit are something kids do.

  • edited August 2015

    Because fights over pointless shit are something kids do.

    Also, even more for being childish by really picking on it.

    well, I guess all humankind consists of kids, then. since there are conflicts, like, every day.

  • who defines what is pointless and what is not? if bringing people some democracy is a valid reason for war, shipping is as valid a reason as any.

    after all, all one is doing is forcing ones own mindset onto others. Be it a form of government or a preference in pairings.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Because fights over pointless shit are something kids do. Also, even more for being childish by really picking on it.

  • The sad thing is this is accurate to my accent from here.

    Reliqum posted: »

    wot the fok did ye just say 2 us, man? i dropped out of newcastle primary skool im the sickest bloke ull ever meet & ive nicked 300 choc

  • enter image description here

    sigh for the glory of satan of course.

  • How about everyone stops getting pissy over ships of fictional characters of a story that doesn't belong to us in the first place. I'm not on either shippers side, I'm on the who-gives-a-flying-shit-theres-more-to-the-game-than-shipping-also-stop-being-a-dick-to-eachother-side.

    who defines what is pointless and what is not? if bringing people some democracy is a valid reason for war, shipping is as valid a reason as

  • Takes gif for later uses

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I think I possibly facepalmed so bad my hand went through my eye when I read the comments in the screenshots. It's a fucking game, the write

  • That is the greatest gif ever.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I think I possibly facepalmed so bad my hand went through my eye when I read the comments in the screenshots. It's a fucking game, the write

  • and I am bored as hell. These shipping threads are the only interesting thing going on in these forums, so...

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    How about everyone stops getting pissy over ships of fictional characters of a story that doesn't belong to us in the first place. I'm not o

  • I also like this version.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Takes gif for later uses

  • edited August 2015

    If drama is your only form of entertainment, I think you should really search for new interests. How about watching playthroughs? A series? Playing other games? Drawing? Hell, I dunno.

    Or, well, there's always tumblr.

    and I am bored as hell. These shipping threads are the only interesting thing going on in these forums, so...

  • edited August 2015

    I am writing dramatic fanfictions already. it's just that feedback has gone back and with it my motivation. nothing to watch and play.

    sigh I will have to look for something.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    If drama is your only form of entertainment, I think you should really search for new interests. How about watching playthroughs? A series? Playing other games? Drawing? Hell, I dunno. Or, well, there's always tumblr.

  • b... but we're not fighting :(

    rhyshas had nothing to do with how we reacted to the first spoilers. i have seen no one of them coming to our thread to mock us (well, at least not seriously :P) and we're okay, really. rhyionas may not be fully satisfied with the episode but there are no wars around here!

  • It's your fault for getting ridiculously obsessed over a freakin' ship in the first place

    this is true tho, but we can't change how we feel. :P

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I think I possibly facepalmed so bad my hand went through my eye when I read the comments in the screenshots. It's a fucking game, the write

  • This that little gem will fit in here xD

    enter link description here

  • Maybe I'm different but I can choose what I want to get obsessed about and step down when I want or need to.

    rhonu posted: »

    It's your fault for getting ridiculously obsessed over a freakin' ship in the first place this is true tho, but we can't change how we feel. :P

  • yes, then you are different, at least from me. i consider myself an emotional person whose feelings towards things are very strong, and i wouldn't change it at all. i may seem childish and immature to you, but i have wayyyyyyyyyy too much fun shipping to feel guilty about it. sorry! x)

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    Maybe I'm different but I can choose what I want to get obsessed about and step down when I want or need to.

  • As I haven't visited the Rhyiona thread in a little while, I was not aware that there were troublemakers.

    I'd just like to reassure that us at Rhysha love our neighbors at Rhyiona, and that we've had a very good understanding between us.

    A few bad eggs shouldn't ruin the friendly relationship that we have.

  • Oh yeah, I like to categorize people between feelers and thinkers. Some people tend to be more emotional and base their decisions and actions more on feelings, while others only use logic or their own thoughts not really considering their feelings. You really seem like a feeler. I'm a thinker so my feelings usually hang around at the back of my head when it comes to things like this. Also I can be too blunt and honest for my own good, but that's how I work :d

    rhonu posted: »

    yes, then you are different, at least from me. i consider myself an emotional person whose feelings towards things are very strong, and i wo

  • If you hate the game only because your ship didn't work out then boo-fucking-hoo, no one cares. The game is so much more than just shipping.

    I agree completely.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I think I possibly facepalmed so bad my hand went through my eye when I read the comments in the screenshots. It's a fucking game, the write

  • In a game all about choice, however. We shouldn't be forced into a relationship we don't want.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I think I possibly facepalmed so bad my hand went through my eye when I read the comments in the screenshots. It's a fucking game, the write

  • Yup i'm just throwing fresh eggs, i'm a cool guy like that.

    As I haven't visited the Rhyiona thread in a little while, I was not aware that there were troublemakers. I'd just like to reassure that

  • I can understand to avoid the relationship, some of the dialogue wasnt exactly fitting for people who didnt want nothin romantic with Sasha. But you still don't have full control over the character, despite the choices. You are not the character, you're just slightly forming their personality, not giving them a personality. Like Rhys still acting like a wuss in some situations and you can't really control it because that's just how he is (I love it though). So you can't really force him to love someone he doesn't love or have a crush on. You should be able to avoid romantic options with a character though, Imo.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    In a game all about choice, however. We shouldn't be forced into a relationship we don't want.

  • Thank you. The comments here have been less reassuring that I expected, although that's partially my fault.

    It's good to see some reassurance, though. Thanks.

    As I haven't visited the Rhyiona thread in a little while, I was not aware that there were troublemakers. I'd just like to reassure that

  • Amen. 90% of my friends stay away from this forum because of how childish a lot of the members act. Honestly. The disrespect and unjustified entitlement towards Telltale that I've seen in the past few days is disgusting.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    I think I possibly facepalmed so bad my hand went through my eye when I read the comments in the screenshots. It's a fucking game, the write

  • But.....but no cookies with raisin's, right? Because raisin cookies just shouldn't exist.

    Ask Little T. She'll tell ya. Of course, she'll also say a bunch of other things, about crumpets, sexualising dolls/missiles, and maybe a little about that one rap song she's been working on. ;)

    Cookies are for relief, peace and for those who loves them.

  • "I can FLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Oh, Jack.........why can't I fly?

    That is the greatest gif ever.

  • I wouldn't mind if it wasn't forced down our throats. :v I mean, in TWD I think it was possible to have your Lee not return Carley's feelings, by telling her you don't trust her and stuff. It should be the same here, we should decide if Rhys actually likes Sasha or not.

    And you call those fans salty, but don't pretend you wouldn't be acting the same way if it was Rhyiona that was shoved down your throats instead. People should feel annoyed about any forced pairing in a game about choices.

  • So, uh... Rhys/ Jack, anyone? Anyone?

    ...OK, I'll see myself out.


    I've met her a few times. She's cool.

    J_E_K posted: »

    But.....but no cookies with raisin's, right? Because raisin cookies just shouldn't exist. Ask Little T. She'll tell ya. Of course, she'll

  • Quick, RUN!

    So, uh... Rhys/ Jack, anyone? Anyone? ...OK, I'll see myself out.

  • True.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I wouldn't mind if it wasn't forced down our throats. :v I mean, in TWD I think it was possible to have your Lee not return Carley's feeling

  • Erm, its just a game...Telltale is making the story, not us :/

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