Best, most badass lines in the game? (Or just your favourite)

Just curious to see what people say.

My favourite is when Gryff says to Rodrik. "I think it's time you had another lesson in humility!"
And Rodrik replies, "Actually, I think it's your turn."
Then he dodges his punch, and trips him with the cane. That was badass as fuck! And my fave.

But I also have a weird fondship (that's a word, right? If it's not, it should be) for Croft's line in Episode 3:

So what are yours? :)



  • edited August 2015

    Even though Asher and Rodrik are my favourite characters, I think the most badass line award (BLA, if you will) goes to Gared.

    When he disarms Britt, I chose him to say:

    • "Take your sword! When you die, you'll know you weren't good enough!"

    Actually, all his lines in that scene. (Though the one above is my favourite) The writing and delivery is sooo good.


    • "You want my blood? THEN COME AND GET IT!"

    Other honorable mentions are:

    • "Do you know what they did to me at the Twins? Shred my face! Put their swords through me. They tried to smash my skull open! But they couldn't kill me... and you're not the man to finish the job." -- Rodrik Forrester

    • "You just made a huge mistake, Tazal." -- Asher Forrester

    • "YOU! You'll never keep the Forresters down!" and "Even broken, he's twice the man you are!" -- Royland Degore

    And of course...

    • Horrified Face "You--you fuck potatoes?"
  • Mira's line to Andros. "Oh, don't be so bloody dramatic, because I am just getting started."

    DillonDex posted: »

    Even though Asher and Rodrik are my favourite characters, I think the most badass line award (BLA, if you will) goes to Gared. When he di

  • A plucked flower is still a flower just dies more quickly

  • Creepy, creepy Ramsay. Ick!

    Clemenem posted: »

    A plucked flower is still a flower just dies more quickly

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited August 2015

    If you don't bring the Glenmores but bring Royland,


    I laugh every time.

  • It's nice to see a positive topic for a change :D

    My favourite is:

    • "FUCK YOUR SOLDIERS, AND FUCK YOU TOO!" -- Rodrik to Lord Whitehill in Episode 2.
  • All those options are pretty awesome. I favor "Don't tell me you're afraid of a handmaiden"

    Mira's smirk sells it.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Mira's line to Andros. "Oh, don't be so bloody dramatic, because I am just getting started."

  • 'Who's this fucking snowball?' - Finn.

    In all seriousness - and I know I'm going to sound biased here, but I love Gared's lines and the way he delivers them. If I had to pick one, it would be;

    'Take your sword -- When you die, you'll know you weren't good enough.'

    It's just so powerful and it shows how much contempt Gared has for Britt, how he hates him with every bone in his body for murdering his family.

    <3 Gared.

  • "Asher-fucking-Forrester. Son of a poxy whore."

    I love Croft.

    "Quiet Beskha. You're next."

    Croft again.

  • "Asher-fucking-Forrester! Son of a poxy whore!"-Croft

    "Thanks for noticing the beard."-Asher Forrester to Bloodsong

    "Death by sword is a sweet kiss, but fire would fuck you hard."-Malcolm Branfield

  • Britt: ''Atleast let me have my sword''

    Gared: ''Fuck you! You never gave my father any mercy!''

  • "I, alone, rule this house!" - Rodrik if you chose not to be a coward and eat dirt.

    "And you're in my den!" Ludd in response to being called an animal

    Every single thing said by the Whitehill soldiers during their historical reenactment of Ethan's death.

    "Where I come from we don't kill people for sport! [Introduces Bloodsong's face to my boot] We just make sure they know who's in charge!"

  • love the rodrik line but haven't heard it - how do you get him to say that?

    DillonDex posted: »

    Even though Asher and Rodrik are my favourite characters, I think the most badass line award (BLA, if you will) goes to Gared. When he di

  • It's actually "Don't worry, Beskha. You're next."

    "Asher-fucking-Forrester. Son of a poxy whore." I love Croft. "Quiet Beskha. You're next." Croft again.

  • Two lines from Gared (both determinant):
    1) "Welcome to the Wall, brother" (To Britt, after Britt threatens him)
    2) "The Wall is a dangerous place. People slip off and fall to their death all the time (Confronting Britt on the wall)

    Many others were really good and I can go on and on, but these two are my favorite.

  • "Don't tell me you are afraid of a handmaiden" - Mira to Andros.

    I just love how the tone of her voice when she says that mocks Andros. And the smirk is the icing on the cake.

  • The entire highpoint sequence was magnificent. It was literally the HIGHPOINT of the series

  • Episode 3, if you stand up to Gryff. You have to choose the "I don't fear you" option.

    Skip to 1:51:10

    sbk12345 posted: »

    love the rodrik line but haven't heard it - how do you get him to say that?

  • Ehh... I think the dialogue is a bit poor written compared to the other telltale games

  • Oh, here he is. Mr Negative again. Come to add further fuel to the Game of Thrones Hate-Train. Because it's just so neccesary.

    kaza125 posted: »

    Ehh... I think the dialogue is a bit poor written compared to the other telltale games

  • Wow, will you stop already? Just gtfo if you hate GoT so much, okay? >_>

    kaza125 posted: »

    Ehh... I think the dialogue is a bit poor written compared to the other telltale games

  • I like you. <3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Wow, will you stop already? Just gtfo if you hate GoT so much, okay? >_>

  • So I should always be positive then?
    What is wrong with critizing a game? And you do realise I have praised this game in other areas before right?

    Oh, here he is. Mr Negative again. Come to add further fuel to the Game of Thrones Hate-Train. Because it's just so neccesary.

  • And your name is my life XD

    I like you.

  • I don't hate the game, you are thinking that my critizism, is actually blind hate.
    I 've said in other posts, that I have enjoyed certain areas of this game, but I do believe it fails in a lot of areas

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Wow, will you stop already? Just gtfo if you hate GoT so much, okay? >_>

  • edited August 2015

    Just try to be positive for once. We are in this thread to say our favorite GoT lines, not to say what's bad with the game. I think it will be the best for all of us if you take your critizism in another thread.

    kaza125 posted: »

    I don't hate the game, you are thinking that my critizism, is actually blind hate. I 've said in other posts, that I have enjoyed certain areas of this game, but I do believe it fails in a lot of areas

  • edited August 2015

    Well, if you have, I haven't seen it. What I have seen, is every topic I go on--you twisting it to further this agenda of yours, of bashing the game.

    Critique and criticism is fine. Honest feedback is fine.

    But constant, CONSTANT hating, especially when it's so misplaced. "Best, most badass line?" = "Ehh... the dialogue is a bit poor." Is not. And it's something I'm so bored of seeing.

    kaza125 posted: »

    So I should always be positive then? What is wrong with critizing a game? And you do realise I have praised this game in other areas before right?

  • Again you're saying 'hating'. I have never said I hated the game.
    I enjoy the game, but as I have said it suffers in certain areas. I don't have any agenda to bash the game, that is not how I want to spend my day :D
    And how is it misplaced? The thread talks about the most badass line the game, so I can't point out that I think that because of the writing, there aren't any?

    Well, if you have, I haven't seen it. What I have seen, is every topic I go on--you twisting it to further this agenda of yours, of bashing

  • edited August 2015

    No, you never said you hated the game. But you do hate ON it, as in complain, relentlessly. Which was my point.

    And you never said, you feel there aren't any badass lines. (Which is a ridicilous statement, since it's so blatantly obvious there are, evident by this thread) you said the writing of the game was poor. That was it. Even though that's a blanket statement which has no bearing on this thread, or the question at hand. At all. And it's just more unnessary, unneeded negativity to a forum already overflowing with it.

    Hence why I called you out on it...

    kaza125 posted: »

    Again you're saying 'hating'. I have never said I hated the game. I enjoy the game, but as I have said it suffers in certain areas. I don't

  • Surely my feeling of no badass lines is implied with what I said? And it is an opinion. For me personally, I just haven't found any of the lines 'badass', maybe mira standing up for herself, but apart from that, ehh.

    No, you never said you hated the game. But you do hate ON it, as in complain, relentlessly. Which was my point. And you never said, you f

  • Well, I'm an atheist who thinks nearly all forms of religion are both archaic and awful.

    Even still, I don't go into churches and blabber on about it.

    So that's my point. You want to cricticise the game? (Because, as I said to begin with, that's so neccesary. It's not like there's much of that going around) then you can do so in the hundreds of threads built specifically for that. Hell, I know that YOU DO. Because I've seen it. As I've referenced.

    But this thread was about choosing a favourite quote. If you honestly don't have one, then why are you commenting? Oh, right, because there can be no end to the...


    kaza125 posted: »

    Surely my feeling of no badass lines is implied with what I said? And it is an opinion. For me personally, I just haven't found any of the lines 'badass', maybe mira standing up for herself, but apart from that, ehh.

  • I think we should take this into a pm, rather then us to flooding this thread.

    Well, I'm an atheist who thinks nearly all forms of religion are both archaic and awful. Even still, I don't go into churches and blabber

  • LOL

    Is that like the forum version of:

    "Let's take this outside."

    kaza125 posted: »

    I think we should take this into a pm, rather then us to flooding this thread.

  • Well, there's no need. I've said what I wanted to say. And I suppose you have too. So let's just leave it at that, and both move on.

    kaza125 posted: »

    I think we should take this into a pm, rather then us to flooding this thread.

  • :D Na, I can just tell that the chatter is annoying for some people.

    -AsherGrin- posted: »

    LOL Is that like the forum version of: "Let's take this outside."

  • Mine is: "See somthen u lik?" - Arthur Glenmore

    "Iron From Ice" - Forresters

    "It's been a while since I killed any Whitehills" - Asher Forrester

    "What in all the Gods of Fire and Fuck?!"

    • Asher Forrester

    Every single Ludd Whitehill line

  • "Iron from fooking ice, you cunt!"

  • edited August 2015

    If you choose to kick Britt off the wall, Gared says "Try not to piss your self on the way down"

    Also in the first episode when Gared arrives at his father's pig farm, Britt tell Gared to give him the Forest's sword. Gared says "Ey you'll ave it!"

  • edited August 2015

    "Let me save your life, and our house!"
    "Asher is your new lord"
    "Go, Rodrik i know what I'm doing!"

    'Nuff said....:(

  • Calling Ludd's bluff, because i don't remeber what Rodrik says exactly

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