Best, most badass lines in the game? (Or just your favourite)



  • Her name is pretty much correct I think :3

    Er, I guess it's the same kind of reasoning as some people who seem to think Talia is the mastermind behind the traitor ._____.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, besides, now that Melisandre (sorry if I didn't get her name right) is at the Wall, she can revive Jon Snow anyway. And why in hell do people think that the Forresters are Stark clones? I'll never get that

  • Lmao XD

    Her name is pretty much correct I think Er, I guess it's the same kind of reasoning as some people who seem to think Talia is the mastermind behind the traitor ._____.

  • I liked asher very much but rodrik deserves to be a king and asher (for me) died like a big warrior

  • iron from ace brother

  • edited August 2015

    yay i will gladly ship you guys as well... and even though i enjoy the show more than the game i care about the forresters more than the starks as well *i didnt care as much for them anymore ever since robb died :(

    and to answer your question about why people think the forresters are like stark clones (bc i thought this way for the first couple of episodes *before the characters started to really develop their own personalities):

    both the starks and the forresters have 5 children (3 male 2 female) plus another male child that is somewhat disowned by the family who are both good at fighting and still care about their family (ie asher or jon snow)

    gregor was seen as an honorable and good lord (similar to ned stark)

    elissa has red hair and is fiercely protective of her children and originally came from a southern house (similar to catelyn)

    rodrik was the first born and became serious when he realized he was the lord in training and was very good on the battlefield *ortegryn said he was one of house forresters best (similar to robb)

    mira is in kings landing and (at least started as) a good friend of margaerys as well as befriends tyrion and is not that great at the politics game when the game begins but improves as time goes by (similar to sansa)

    talia is the one i never saw a huge connection with her stark counterpart (which would be arya) except for the fact that she is the younger daughter and has a feisty personality

    ethan is the third born son who is more cerebral than a fighter and gets thrust into the position of being lord before he is truly ready to take on the task (similar to bran)

    ryon is the youngest child similar to rickon (can't really make much of a comparison there because rickon has been barely on the show so i don't really know what his character is like so my similarity for these two is that they are both blonde and have names that begin with r haha)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Ship away! ^_^

  • You know what they did to me at the twins? Shred my face, put their swords through me, tried to smash my skull open but they couldn't kill me and you're not the man to finish the job

    Not any other quote. Waiting for the sixth episode. Episode five would've been a good ending episode, so I'd say the sixth episode is an "aftermath". Cool moves, telltale.

  • so my similarity for these two is that they are both blonde and have names that begin with r

    Lol! Poor lastborn children, their personality traits are so ignored in both game and tv show xD

    I don't think Ethan is much of a Bran either though. Before his accident, Bran seemed to be quite feisty too and wanted to be a warrior when he got older, while Ethan always seems to have been poised and quiet and I don't think he would've much liked a life of fighting (he doesn't even know how to fight well while his sister says Royland taught even her a bit). The only similarity I see there is them being thrust in a role they were never prepared for.

    I also think Mira is definitely better at the "game" than Sansa (at least show Sansa, because from the new book extracts she seems to finally have learnt something of manipulation and guile, while in the show they deviated her plot completely and sorta resetted her from the ending of s4 where she seemed surer of herself...which sucked to me). I guess the most similar to the Starks are Elissa and Gregor, but that's because we actually don't know much about him apart from his being an honorable lord, and we mainly see the motherly side of her (much as we did for Cat in the show). Lastly, if I had to compare Rodrik with someone from the show/books, Willas Tyrell comes to mind before Robb, at least to me ^^

    My point anyway was that at first look they might look similar, but the more you think about it the more differences you will find, so they're not really :)

    sbk12345 posted: »

    yay i will gladly ship you guys as well... and even though i enjoy the show more than the game i care about the forresters more than the sta

  • oh i definitely agree with you with not being like the starks (which is why i clarified that i felt this way only for the first couple episodes) - i was just explaining why i originally thought this way and why people may still feel like this now

    show sansa i still feel improved in the game juding by the fact she was able to escape the boltons with all of her parts in tact (she learned from dealing with joffrey who is really a ramsay lite how to deal with a psychopath, from cersei how to throw a verbal jab in when you can *ie rubbing in ramsays face that he is still a bastard in terms of inheritance and about his possible new baby brother as well as she handled myranda, and from margaery and littlefinger to not be so out there with your emotions and plots)

    also i have not read the books so i do not know who willas tyrell is so im just going off of show knowledge here :)

    so my similarity for these two is that they are both blonde and have names that begin with r Lol! Poor lastborn children, their pers

  • Dont move, or i will gut you like a fucking fish

    Fooking* (fixed it for ya ;D)

    Killah posted: »

    * "Don't piss yourself on the way down "-Gared * "Let me save your life. And our house"-Rodrik * "Iron From Ice,Brother." Asher/Rodrik *

  • edited August 2015

    I understand! I don't think people have many excuses to still think this after 5 episodes and all the development the characters have had...but I see your point :)

    I loved Sansa telling Ramsay that in his face! That was one moment done right in that weird place they put her in this season ^^ (I'll admit I didn't like many of the changes from the books this year - unlike in the past seasons where I felt most made sense - but I still love the show and cannot wait for s6). Also, sorry for assuming about the books ^^'' Margaery actually has two more brothers other than Loras there; Willas is the firstborn son and heir to Highgarden, was crippled when his horse fell onto him while jousting against Oberyn Martell, but seems to have a sound political mind and to be good at leadership (grandma Olenna has a very high opinion of him, and that says a lot I guess :D)

    sbk12345 posted: »

    oh i definitely agree with you with not being like the starks (which is why i clarified that i felt this way only for the first couple episo

  • Most of Rodrick's lines with Gryff.
    " We're not just sellswords. We're the best damn selleswords in Slaver's Bay " Asher.
    " Still high enough to look down at you " Talia

  • Mira: My mother insisted

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