Because not only did you leave her behind to walkers, you also proved to be a bit of a hypocrite. You know, since Lee was going to prison for murdering a guy.. after he was consumed with rage. Just like Lilly!
I honestly did not care about the station wagon. Given the circumstances, the stranger made a tragic mistake while the group was under very dire circumstances.
What does Kenny have to do with this? We're not talking about Kenny, we're talking about Lee and Lilly. Lee's was an accident because, as you've said, he was so full rage. Lilly killed Carley because she felt it was the right thing to do, that doesn't sound like an accident to me. She wasn't even apologetic for it, that's why I left her for the walkers and I don't regret it.
Just like Kenny killed Larry..
It was an accident on Lee's part but not Lilly? They were exactly identical (except on the murder weapon).… more Both Lilly and Lee were consumed with rage. Which is why you never get the option to kill Lilly.. which is why Lee acts sympathetic when explain what happened to Clementine? Because Lee has been there before.
Is that a joke? How did Lee "accidentally" murdered both the senator and his wife? Lee never referred that it was an accident. Lee's acts are even less justifiable because he was completely sane unlike Lilly.
Is this a joke? When did Lee murder his wife? Because I don't remember that being mentioned at all. And actually Lee did say it was an accident, it's a conversation you can have with Carley on the way to the St. Johns Dairy.
Is that a joke? How did Lee "accidentally" murdered both the senator and his wife? Lee never referred that it was an accident. Lee's acts are even less justifiable because he was completely sane unlike Lilly.
I remember some interview a writer confirm that Lee also killed his wife. Of course Lee regrets it, but what matters is what he did. I imagine that at the moment Lee thought that killing them both made perfect sense, and why did he tought that? Because he was agred af, and so was Lilly. You don't know if Lilly now regrets murdering Carley (if she is alive).
Is this a joke? When did Lee murder his wife? Because I don't remember that being mentioned at all. And actually Lee did say it was an accident, it's a conversation you can have with Carley on the way to the St. Johns Dairy.
I'm sure if Lee murdered his wife Carley would've mentioned it in Episode 1. Lee murdering the Senator was an accident, that's difference between him and Lilly.
I remember some interview a writer confirm that Lee also killed his wife. Of course Lee regrets it, but what matters is what he did. I imagi… morene that at the moment Lee thought that killing them both made perfect sense, and why did he tought that? Because he was agred af, and so was Lilly. You don't know if Lilly now regrets murdering Carley (if she is alive).
If you have Doug with you, then it's easier to side with Lily since he gets in the way of the shot. I think it's worse to steal from the stranger... But it was horrible to take Lilys gun
I really doubt it was an accident (how can you murder a person by accident?), and I remember a writer confirming that Lee also killed his wife. We won't change eachother's minds so this discussion is pointless. Have a good day.
I'm sure if Lee murdered his wife Carley would've mentioned it in Episode 1. Lee murdering the Senator was an accident, that's difference between him and Lilly.
I really doubt it was an accident (how can you murder a person by accident?), and I remember a writer confirming that Lee also killed his wife. We won't change eachother's minds so this discussion is pointless. Have a good day.
I remember some interview a writer confirm that Lee also killed his wife. Of course Lee regrets it, but what matters is what he did. I imagi… morene that at the moment Lee thought that killing them both made perfect sense, and why did he tought that? Because he was agred af, and so was Lilly. You don't know if Lilly now regrets murdering Carley (if she is alive).
I'm sure Lee regrets it. And I'm also sure that Lilly regrets it too (If she is alive of course). But saying that Lee murdered someone by "accident" is a bit dumb.
I'm sure Lee regrets it. And I'm also sure that Lilly regrets it too (If she is alive of course). But saying that Lee murdered someone by "accident" is a bit dumb.
What does Kenny have to do with this? We're not talking about Kenny, we're talking about Lee and Lilly. Lee's was an accident because, as y… moreou've said, he was so full rage. Lilly killed Carley because she felt it was the right thing to do, that doesn't sound like an accident to me. She wasn't even apologetic for it, that's why I left her for the walkers and I don't regret it.
Because Kenny killed her dad with a saltlick without trying to save him first.. I thought it was pretty obvious tbh.
Both incidents were not accident. They were a momentary lapse of judgement.
Lilly killing Carley = Us leaving her for dead so it's equal, a life for a life (she probably didn't die though, you know what I mean). The supplies our group took caused his family's death which was his daughter and wife but that wouldn't have happend if he wasn't so stupid for leaving his station wagon there unprotected in the first place. His son's disappearance is on him. So neither.
My initial inclination was that leaving Lilly was worse, but I'm thinking differently now. True, the group was starving when they found the supplies, but how could they not have known that there were still supplies in the drugstore (unless they only starting looting it after Episode 2, although it would be odd that they've done it so many times in only a week). Leaving Lilly was easily justifiable in my opinion. She was obviously over the edge, and could have snapped completely if she'd been allowed back on.
Honestly in normal circustances neither are right but this is the apocolypse and normal rules go out the window.
Food supply is low and getting harder to find. The station wagon was well stocked but abadoned with no sign of anyone coming back to it. If we didn't take it someone else would. It'd be nice if there was the option to leave some behind just in case someone did return but sadly that's not an option.
As for Lily, I wasted no time in leaving her sorry ass behind. I get that she was grieving for her dad but that's no excuse for shooting an innocent memeber of the group that poses no threat. Dougs death may be accidental but Carleys wasn't and she still would have shot Ben if Doug hadn't got in the way. So I felt she needed that reality check. Learning later that even if you do allow her back in the RV, she steals it anyway does not make me regret my decsion in the slightest.
Weren't they walking down the path from the dairy back to the motor inn and the car was near the walk path? Surely the group would've seen the car if it wasn't making noises?
Each to their own but I can't have someone in the group who shoots someone over an argument , Kenny lost his family to and he never killed anyone for arguing with him.
Regardless of what he did, the group would've still stolen. They went out looking for their son, so it's safe to assume he wasn't interested… more in the car at that time.
I understand your point & I agree that Lee's group would've stolen regardless, but if they hadn't heard the car, chances are they wouldn't have known about it. It's an unfortunate situation.
How do you know she wouldn't snap and shoot someone else?
You don't, but at that point, you either trust her or you don't & I trust Lilly even with her mistakes. I'm not excusing her for murder, but she needed a break. Everyone needs a break at some point. I can understand why some don't trust or like her though.
Honestly, I don't see an issue with either. I liked Lily on my first playthrough but after playing again and trying to do what was best for the group I left her likeable ass on the side of the road. As far as the station wagon goes...there was no way the Lee I was playing wouldn't want those supplies. Trying to keep Clem alive was a lot more important than getting her big puppy eyes and feeling a wee bit sad. Plus, not much changes in the way things go down if you take the supplies or leave them.
I say leaving Lilly behind.
Because not only did you leave her behind to walkers, you also proved to be a bit of a hypocrite. You know, since Lee was going to prison for murdering a guy.. after he was consumed with rage. Just like Lilly!
I honestly did not care about the station wagon. Given the circumstances, the stranger made a tragic mistake while the group was under very dire circumstances.
What does Kenny have to do with this? We're not talking about Kenny, we're talking about Lee and Lilly. Lee's was an accident because, as you've said, he was so full rage. Lilly killed Carley because she felt it was the right thing to do, that doesn't sound like an accident to me. She wasn't even apologetic for it, that's why I left her for the walkers and I don't regret it.
Is that a joke? How did Lee "accidentally" murdered both the senator and his wife? Lee never referred that it was an accident. Lee's acts are even less justifiable because he was completely sane unlike Lilly.
Is this a joke? When did Lee murder his wife? Because I don't remember that being mentioned at all. And actually Lee did say it was an accident, it's a conversation you can have with Carley on the way to the St. Johns Dairy.
I remember some interview a writer confirm that Lee also killed his wife. Of course Lee regrets it, but what matters is what he did. I imagine that at the moment Lee thought that killing them both made perfect sense, and why did he tought that? Because he was agred af, and so was Lilly. You don't know if Lilly now regrets murdering Carley (if she is alive).
I'm sure if Lee murdered his wife Carley would've mentioned it in Episode 1. Lee murdering the Senator was an accident, that's difference between him and Lilly.
If you have Doug with you, then it's easier to side with Lily since he gets in the way of the shot. I think it's worse to steal from the stranger... But it was horrible to take Lilys gun
I really doubt it was an accident (how can you murder a person by accident?), and I remember a writer confirming that Lee also killed his wife. We won't change eachother's minds so this discussion is pointless. Have a good day.
You started with me, you weren't even a part of the the original conversation. Have a good day.
You replied to me dude... o.O
I think I can agree since the dream I hear "STOP!" so possibly it's coming back to him at episode 1. He was at Hershel's farm that night.
Uh... yeah... I know. Never said I didn't.
I'm sure Lee regrets it. And I'm also sure that Lilly regrets it too (If she is alive of course). But saying that Lee murdered someone by "accident" is a bit dumb.
Of course you didn't -.-
I made the comment.
You did start with me; you replied to one of my comments when I was clearly talking to someone else
You calling me dumb? Really? I did not get into name calling with you.
Because Kenny killed her dad with a saltlick without trying to save him first.. I thought it was pretty obvious tbh.
Both incidents were not accident. They were a momentary lapse of judgement.
I understand. But we weren't talking about Kenny at that time, we were talking about the Lilly situation.
I'm not. I didn't mentioned your name, I was calling the idea dumb.
Oh, lol, I got it mixed up, I'm sorry.
It's ok xP
Lmao @people saying leaving lilly behind was inhumane. How about lilly killing Carly was inhumane.
Lilly killing Carley = Us leaving her for dead so it's equal, a life for a life (she probably didn't die though, you know what I mean). The supplies our group took caused his family's death which was his daughter and wife but that wouldn't have happend if he wasn't so stupid for leaving his station wagon there unprotected in the first place. His son's disappearance is on him. So neither.
My initial inclination was that leaving Lilly was worse, but I'm thinking differently now. True, the group was starving when they found the supplies, but how could they not have known that there were still supplies in the drugstore (unless they only starting looting it after Episode 2, although it would be odd that they've done it so many times in only a week). Leaving Lilly was easily justifiable in my opinion. She was obviously over the edge, and could have snapped completely if she'd been allowed back on.
Honestly in normal circustances neither are right but this is the apocolypse and normal rules go out the window.
Food supply is low and getting harder to find. The station wagon was well stocked but abadoned with no sign of anyone coming back to it. If we didn't take it someone else would. It'd be nice if there was the option to leave some behind just in case someone did return but sadly that's not an option.
As for Lily, I wasted no time in leaving her sorry ass behind. I get that she was grieving for her dad but that's no excuse for shooting an innocent memeber of the group that poses no threat. Dougs death may be accidental but Carleys wasn't and she still would have shot Ben if Doug hadn't got in the way. So I felt she needed that reality check. Learning later that even if you do allow her back in the RV, she steals it anyway does not make me regret my decsion in the slightest.
Weren't they walking down the path from the dairy back to the motor inn and the car was near the walk path? Surely the group would've seen the car if it wasn't making noises?
Each to their own but I can't have someone in the group who shoots someone over an argument , Kenny lost his family to and he never killed anyone for arguing with him.
Honestly, I don't see an issue with either. I liked Lily on my first playthrough but after playing again and trying to do what was best for the group I left her likeable ass on the side of the road. As far as the station wagon goes...there was no way the Lee I was playing wouldn't want those supplies. Trying to keep Clem alive was a lot more important than getting her big puppy eyes and feeling a wee bit sad. Plus, not much changes in the way things go down if you take the supplies or leave them.
Fuck Lilly. If I had the option, I would shoot her in the leg before leaving her to make sure she dies too. I hope she perished anyway.