Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Aw this is so beautiful.

    I agree Gortys was such a cutie-pie ^-^

  • I changed my email a month ago and I didn't think about it at the time.

    bloop posted: »

    So you forgot your email account too?

  • ooooh, now I get it.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I changed my email a month ago and I didn't think about it at the time.



  • But sweet rhyiona dreams are much more cuter D:

    Eryka posted: »

    dirty Rhyiona dreams

  • His lower back ached and his feet were begging to be free of his -- far too tight -- boots when he opened the front door.

    It was something he was mildly accustomed to already but it never really got any easier; especially when he'd glaze his eyes over his watch and see the number five staring mockingly back at him indicating he still had another hour to go before he could end his torture.

    It was especially hard to do extra hours and today had been a mess.

    Rhys was lucky to be where he was after his Hyperion mess ups, he knew, but he'd never thought being a business man would imply this many hours of paperwork.

    Sitting at a desk the whole day couldn't be healthy.

    Still, the relief was immense every single time he turned the key in its lock and finally stepped inside the house he'd -- they'd, he should say -- worked so hard to get. A few months back, he'd have been greeted by Gortys but time had taught her making noise this loud at night resulted in a far too grumpy Fiona so, on the rare nights his shifts are longer than he'd like, she just saves it for the morning. Loader Bot has always known better.

    He wasn't surprised to see she was already sleeping when he tiptoed into the bedroom. What he was surprised at was the noise.

    Wincing, he took a quick glance up and down her frame. He was frankly worried -- Fiona never snored. And he could bet she'd probably kill anyone who implied she did anyway.

    But her stiffness indicated she was completely out and probably exhausted, more so than usual, and he wondered what exactly she'd gone through this time.

    Vault Hunting was time consuming and he wished she wouldn't spend so much time away draining at her energy but it seemed to make her genuinely happy and he didn't think he had any right to take that away from her.

    But it posed a problem.

    He desperately needed to sleep and she wasn't helping.

    It pained him to consider poking her until she woke up but he needed to wake up before seven while she could stay home -- it must be wonderful having no set schedule, he pouted -- and he was pretty sure he couldn't function properly with less than six hours of sleep.

    "Uh... Fiona?"

    It was stupid, he'd seen she was completely blacked out, but a tiny part of him hoped she'd respond.


    With a sigh, he scooted over to her side and took a first tentative poke at her ribs. She grumbled, shifting slightly, but coming to a stop and resuming her snoring. So he tried again and again until he probably hit a particularly sore spot that made her wince and quickly open her eyes. Somewhat still groggily, she eyed him with a scowl.

    "The hell?"

    Her voice was still hoarse from the lack of use and the drowsiness was evident in her tone but she still managed to sound intimidating somehow.

    "I just..." he paused to consider his options -- she'd probably kill him if he was honest, "I'm... uh, thirsty. It's really hot. Can you help me?"

    Her snarl confirmed it'd been a bad choice.

    "First of all," she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, "you don't wake someone up for this. And second of all, you have hands. Use them. I'm not your maid."

    "I was just joking!" He laughed awkwardly, beads of sweat piling up in his brows. "Ice breaker! Get it? Cause the drink would have ice? Cause... it's hot?"

    He shrank back in shame. Time for plan B, he supposed. If he had one.

    "Okay," he lifted his hands, preparing for the worst, "now or never. You can do this, Rhys. You're goddamn amazing. Here goes. I lied. I woke you up because you were snoring."

    Closing his eyes, he brace himself for the impact; her punches never got weaker with time. He could swear they got stronger -- must be her training.

    But he heard a snort instead.

    "You could've just said so," she shrugged, grabbing her pillow and putting it under her arm, "sorry. Had a terrible day today."

    "Aren't they all?" He raised an eyebrow; her definition of Vault Hunting was not the same as his. "Wait... you're apologising? Are you okay? Did you get a fever."

    "Oh, boy." Fiona shook her head with a grimace. "I'm starting to regret being nice already."

    Swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, she prepared to get up before he grabbed her wrist and held her in place.

    "Where the heck are you going?"

    "Uh, the couch?"

    She rolled her eyes at him as if it was the most obvious thing he should have expected and it made him feel slightly stupid until it clicked in his mind that she was just trying to look out for him. She was never direct, but it made him giddy nonetheless.

    "So I can sleep?" He grinned and it made her flush slightly. "That's so cute. See, you can be kind when you want."

    "Don't make me take it back." She growled, swinging the pillow at his face.

    With a laugh, he swung the pillow back her her half heartedly before shaking his head.

    "Actually," he patted the spot she'd been laying on before, "I want you to take it back."


    He took the pillow from her hands and laid it back where it had been before tugging her down again by her wrist. She struggled for a moment, adamant on proving her point but he'd already made up his mind. It was probably going to be good for them both in the long run no matter how much she arguments and he's completely sure she will.

    "Stay here," he held up a hand when she opened her mouth to respond, "we both need a break. No work for either of us for a month."

    Her expression of horror made him bite his lower lip so he wouldn't laugh.

    "No wa--"

    "You heard me, it's decided." He insisted, despite knowing he couldn't really stop her if she put her mind into something. "We're officially taking time off for ourselves."

    Rhys watched as she leaned back against the bed, chewing on her lip in thought, and he could understand the hesitation but he knew he had something against her that she'd never refuse. It was probably cheap but she'd thank him later.

    "Come on," he cooed, "Gortys will be so happy."

    She would be, he knew, so he didn't feel too bad if he was doing the three of them a favour. Four, he'd say, but Loader Bot was usually happy with anything.

    "Fine," she gave in, crawling back under the covers, "but only a month."

    "Pft," Rhys followed her, winking, "you'll be begging for more time with me when it's over."

    "You mean I'll be sick of you three days in."

    "Ouch, that hurts."

    She leaned against his chest and they stayed in silence for a couple of minutes before a smirk made its way to his mouth -- he couldn't resist the opportunity.

    "I don't think we'll be sleeping well tonight."

    "Why?" She raised an eyebrow curiously. "We don't have to wake up early."

    "Exactly." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "We can do anything we want."

    He could swear her face turned twenty shades of red in a matter of seconds and the punch to his jaw was completely worth it.

    based on something @JumpyJoey suggested

    and a little something for @John_Smith13 at the end :^)

  • Oh, man, I hope you remember your password. :(

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Hi uh embarssing story I logged out then an hour or so later I wanted to log back in... I may have forgot my password... and I used an old g

  • best. ending. ever. ^_^

    now if only hazza wrote the sequel, if u kno wot i mean ;)

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    His lower back ached and his feet were begging to be free of his -- far too tight -- boots when he opened the front door. It was somethin

  • it's fine, I'll just stick to this account from now on :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Oh, man, I hope you remember your password.

  • That ending tho :^)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    His lower back ached and his feet were begging to be free of his -- far too tight -- boots when he opened the front door. It was somethin

  • Well, Rhys was only joking buuuuuuut who knows what happened amirite

    best. ending. ever. ^_^ now if only hazza wrote the sequel, if u kno wot i mean

  • enter image description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    That ending tho :^)

  • Not enough pirates

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    His lower back ached and his feet were begging to be free of his -- far too tight -- boots when he opened the front door. It was somethin

  • enter image description here

    Not enough pirates

  • "Yarr, matey!" Fiona swung her pistol in a poor attempt to mimic a sword. "Ye need to give good ol' "Fi of the Seven Seas" yer booty."

    "I'm sorry, captain." Rhys shook his head shamefully. "I have no treasures left!"

    "I meant yer other booty, lad..."


    Not enough pirates

  • pls continue....

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Yarr, matey!" Fiona swung her pistol in a poor attempt to mimic a sword. "Ye need to give good ol' "Fi of the Seven Seas" yer booty." "I

  • use your imagination :^)

    pls continue....

  • 8/8 m8y of the year

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Yarr, matey!" Fiona swung her pistol in a poor attempt to mimic a sword. "Ye need to give good ol' "Fi of the Seven Seas" yer booty." "I

  • will do ^_^

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    use your imagination :^)

  • after that bootyful ending of wolf's fanfic i'm sure i'll have quite pleasant dreams, if u kno wot i mean ;)

    nighty night everyone <3

  • edited August 2015

    Sweet Rhyiona dreams, John :)

    after that bootyful ending of wolf's fanfic i'm sure i'll have quite pleasant dreams, if u kno wot i mean nighty night everyone

  • Aye laddie

    after that bootyful ending of wolf's fanfic i'm sure i'll have quite pleasant dreams, if u kno wot i mean nighty night everyone

  • I'm glad I could help :^)

    Sweet Rhyiona dreams. Or spicy.

    after that bootyful ending of wolf's fanfic i'm sure i'll have quite pleasant dreams, if u kno wot i mean nighty night everyone

  • Ye scurvy scallywag

    8/8 m8y of the year

  • edited August 2015

    I made a reuniting fanfiction because... reasons?

    Looking at her, for the first time in a year feels like a dream, as if it was an illusion from a distance.

    Rhys can't help but sprint for her, every quick step making him reach closer to her, the same way she was reaching towards him.

    The moment the finally collide, Fiona's arms around his neck and his around her waist it feels like as if it was fortune.

    He's finding himself kissing her breathless a few seconds later, a hand slowly making a way from his neck to play with the ends of his hair.

    It felt as if it was home already.

    Thanks Wolf for helping me out with line brakes :)

  • You just put a bunch of ---- and it does it automatically. :)

    Also, this is was really adorable. <3 I love it.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I made a reuniting fanfiction because... reasons? Looking at her, for the first time in a year feels like a dream, as if it was an illu

  • Aw thank you wolf, I'm glad you liked it <3 I'll edit it now :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    You just put a bunch of ---- and it does it automatically. Also, this is was really adorable. I love it.

  • Is this if Fiona went to sleep on the couch? 6/4

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I made a reuniting fanfiction because... reasons? Looking at her, for the first time in a year feels like a dream, as if it was an illu

  • No problem. <3

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Aw thank you wolf, I'm glad you liked it I'll edit it now

  • Lmao I was thinking as if she was vault hunting, but I guess that's up to you.


    Thank you <3

    Is this if Fiona went to sleep on the couch? 6/4

  • Is that the sound of dead?

  • I got rekt also. Since, I made another one. I got doubled.


  • enter image description here


    Reliqum posted: »

    That moment when you realize your existing facial expressions on source film maker don't work with workshop model ;C Why does everyone tend to make different rigs urgh

  • edited August 2015

    Shh, the crew is sleeping.

    Long day of booty hunting tomorrow.

    Is that the sound of dead?

  • Aye booty

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Shh, the crew is sleeping. Long day of booty hunting tomorrow.

  • edited August 2015


    Fall In Love With You

    This is for my family, @tessie0713, @Poogers555, and You.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • Lol, I got banned for two weeks also, for swearing in a comment because I was pissed off about the whole PS3 black screen disaster for GOT. I believe my exact words were "If I have to delete my fucking save files just to play this broken piece of shit, I'm never buying anything from telltale ever again."

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Poogers [*] shit 2 weeks, hell one day was torture for me....poor dude

  • ELLY! I miss you and your works so much :3

    This is 太棒了!Leslie Cheung's songs are always gorgeous and fit Rhyiona so well, I had never imagined this combination would be so great!

    And these proposing scenes are just perfect! Good job! :DDDD

    I GUARANTEE EVERYONE WILL CRY HEARING THIS! Fall In Love With You This is for my family, @tessie0713, @Poogers555, and You.

  • edited August 2015

    I miss you too, Tess. :)

    P.S.: You like Leslie Cheung too? Rhyiona now accept Cantonese songs too!

    tessie0713 posted: »

    ELLY! I miss you and your works so much This is 太棒了!Leslie Cheung's songs are always gorgeous and fit Rhyiona so well, I had never imagined this combination would be so great! And these proposing scenes are just perfect! Good job! :DDDD

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