The walking dead game top 10 saddest and amazing moments/hardest choices


Saddest moments

  1. Carly/Doug getting shot
  2. Cutting off sarita's arm
  3. Patching up your arm
  4. Standing up to Kenny about sarita
  5. Kenny's sacrifice and ben's second death
  6. Lee getting bitten
  7. Katjaa shooting herself and killing duck
  8. Clementine killing lee
  9. Clementine killing Kenny
    And the saddest moment in the entire game is
  10. The meat locker/ larry's death.


  • Sorry about the hardest choices not appearing. That will be in another post

  • Also the numbers are reversed.
    10. Is one
    9. Is two
    10. and so on

    Sorry about the hardest choices not appearing. That will be in another post

  • My top 10

    1. Shooting Kenny (in my 3rd ending)
    2. Leaving Lee to turn
    3. Omids death (seriously, wtf)
    4. Lukes death
    5. Getting seperated from Christa
    6. Kenny leaving us to save Ben (when I thought he was a goner)
    7. Shooting Dick Grayson (aka duck)
    8. Seeing Chuck in the sewer
    9. Finding Kenny at the log cabin
    10. Clem telling you about her parents (in the jewlery store)
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