What Can Mira Do Now?

Ok so as anyone who has played episode 5 will know, Cersei pretty much forces us to go and speak to Tyrion; under the guise of finding out who he will be calling as his witnesses. In return she says she will help with our Andos problem (far too easy and definitely too good to be true).

So off we trot to go and speak to the "tricky little bastard" as the guard calls him (or similar lines to that effect), he even gives us a flagon of wine that isn't poisoned (isn't he helpful). To cut a long story short, Tyrion reveals that he has no one he can call upon (at least he did in my play through). He reminds us that Margaery would not favour such an alliance between us and Cersei (why doesn't that surprise me) also tell us that Cersei has pretty much set us up as she already knows this (this is what I suspected all along to be honest).

So it seems we're left with a dilemma. What do we as Mira do next? What can we do? Surely we are doomed! Or not....

  • Cersei says she wants the name/names of people Tyrion will call as a witness, she want us to think that she wants to know the identities of these witness so that she can either manipulate them to speak out against Tyrion or get rid of them.

  • Tyrion says there is no one.

  • We have fallen out of favour with Margeary because of our dealing with Tyrion.

What if there was a way to suddenly become useful to Cersai and regain some favour with Margeary?

Lets say for instance that we return to Cersei and tell her that Tyrion didn't name anyone as a witness, except for us. Cersai, while surprised will no doubt see an opportunity to use us against Tyrion. We of course will have to agree to speak out against Tyrion (I don't want to do it, but while he might not like it; Tyrion will understand and maybe admire our cunning). Margeary of course will be there as a spectator to witness us speaking out against Tyrion. Mira could claim that Tyrion wanted you to spy on Lady Margeary for him (not exactly a lie), but that when you refused he insisted that you agree to sell him all the iron wood. If you kept the iron wood decree, then you can produce that as evidence (might have to alter it before hand) to claim that Tyrion forced Mira to agree to sell all of the iron wood to Tyrion, who hoped to use it to his own advantage against the crown.

This might also give Cersei the idea to use Mira to spy on Margeary. Of course Mira would have to regain Margaery's favour to do this. So Mira sets about regaining Margaery's favour. Mira tells Margeary that Cersei wants her to spy for her. Margeary will no doubt be suspicious of Mira. However we can then remind her that we only had dealings with Tyrion because he threated our family if we refused to sell him the iron wood and if we told Margeary about it. Also that we refused to betray Margeary by becoming Tyrion's informant. She then may decide that we should pretend to spy on her for Cersei,, when in actual fact we are spying on Cersei for her. So we end up being a double agent of sorts. We could even play the two off against each other to our own advantage.

Of course it may simply be a case of us spying for Cersei, Margeary getting suspicious and us setting up Sera to take the blame, Sera (if you didn't tell Tarly the truth) turns to Tarly for protection, but Margeary reveals the truth to Tarly about her bastardy and we regain some favour with Margeary.

I don't see this happening of course, but I can at least indulge my imagination =p.

What do you think will happen to Mira next?



  • She can use the ironwood decree on her favour and somehow get Andros' army to the Forresters.

  • Don't ask me how, I'm just speculating since she seems the only hope for the Forresters.

    She can use the ironwood decree on her favour and somehow get Andros' army to the Forresters.

  • edited August 2015

    Asher said that he had been stuck on that boat for weeks, so I'm guessing Mira did a lot of things in this time gap.

  • if this were true, what would prevent Cersei decide to execute mira immediately, she might think she need mira but could easily be the opposite.
    this is cersei we are talking about.

  • edited October 2015

    My conversation with Tyron was such a trainwreck like

    T : What brings you here ?

    M: Cerssss.........

    Guard : Ahem

    T : You've come to free me right ?

    M : Busted!!

    T : Tell me the truth, did Cersei send you in here ? (I just fuc*ing told you "CERS" how dense can you be ?)

    T : What about your loyalty to Margaery ?

    M : Errr that ship sailed long ago

    T : You're making a mistake

    (Well, I pretty much throwed that loyalty under the bus when I first agreed to do business with you!! She doesn't even aknowledge me anymore)

    I don't see how Mira can lie to Cersei given that the guard was listening in on everything. She will probably be thruthful but offer some eveidence against tyrion like you suggested, while ensuring Cersei keeps her part of the bargain. I don't know how you treat Margaery and Sera in your game, but they're pretty much dead to me. Especially Sera, to the very end I played the best friend but she's of no use anymore. I protected her marriage and she thanks me by being a bi*ch. If I get one occasion to make her take the fall in the next episode, I take it with no remorse.

  • Yes you're right, and that's plenty of time for a busy handmaiden to get busy.

    FetchWalker posted: »

    Asher said that he had been stuck on that boat for weeks, so I'm guessing Mira did a lot of things in this time gap.

  • edited August 2015

    It's true that Cersei does indeed have the power to do this. However there is also the matter of the iron wood. Cersei certainly wouldn't want her enemies having access to it, she would want the advantage for her self. What better way to put even more pressure on Mira than sending her to "accomplish" an impossible task. Knowing that when Mira fails she will be even more desperate for Cersei's help. This would allow Cersei to acquire the iron wood at a greater reduced monetary cost and making it seem like Mira should be grateful for this mercy. There is also the fact that Cersei recognises Mira possess some cunning, but I don't think she sees Mira as that much of a threat; because she won't for a minute believe that Mira could rival her own cunning. Cersei is much to prideful for that.

    unra321 posted: »

    if this were true, what would prevent Cersei decide to execute mira immediately, she might think she need mira but could easily be the opposite. this is cersei we are talking about.

  • I see where you're coming from, however I can't really blame Sera for wanting to keep her distance from Mira. Mira has fallen out of favour and if Sera is associated with her then she risks falling out of favour too. Let's not forget that Margeary is the only real protection that Sera has, even if she marries Tarly, the Tarly's are bannermen to house Tyrell as they are a house paramount. Also if Sera falls out of favour with Margeary, who also knows she is a bastard, what's to stop her revealing this to Tarly or suggesting that he marries someone else.

    This is in a way a plus for us as Mira. For instance she is less likely to be able to drop us in it, like she did when she told Margeary that Tyrion approached us in the gardens. While for the most part I think Sera means well, she is kinda a liability.

    Maylin posted: »

    My conversation with Tyron was such a trainwreck like T : What brings you here ? M: Cerssss......... Guard : Ahem

  • edited August 2015

    I think Mira will blame the guard she'll say something like it was going well then your idiot guard barged in and was like "I told you not to tell him the queen sent you then". Cersei will have him disposed off

  • Maybe, but the problem is that implies that we did tell Tyrion (even though he knew from the beginning).

    Maybe Mira will kill him (if you kept the dagger) or find some other way to dispose of him. That way she can say what she likes and he won't be around to contradict her.

    I think Mira will blame the guard she'll say something like it was going well then your idiot guard barged in and was like "I told you not to tell him the queen sent you then". Cersei will have him disposed off

  • I think Cersei is up to something more than just wanting names but I don't know what. I hope that she only wants to force Mira to be her spy at best and worst do something to embarrass Margery and get Mira killed.

  • Uh...whore out?

  • It would be great to see all of that happening, but I can't see how they would be able to fit it all in one episode without it feeling rushed.

    To be honest, the only way I can see Mira finishing this season alive is by getting out of King's Landing before Tyrion does so (or before Cersei notices he is gone). I hope someone really wants to keep Mira alive, so much that they will risk being named traitors by taking her out of King's Landing right from under Cersei's nose.

  • To be honest I don't really see it playing out with that much detail, but elements of it could be used. I agree that it is definitely becoming more and more dangerous for Mira to stay in King's Landing. I have to wonder though, if Mira were to leave King's Landing, where would she go? What would she do? The only real option that I can think of now is that a marriage is arranged and she leaves to get married and reside in her new home, but that would mean that we don't have a POV in King's Landing.

    Some people are saying that she might get on the same boat as Tyrion, but what would she do in Pentos?

    Abeille posted: »

    It would be great to see all of that happening, but I can't see how they would be able to fit it all in one episode without it feeling rushe

  • I think the place she goes to will depend on who is taking her out of King's Landing. I do not think she is going with Tyrion, though, because that would open a pretty big plot hole. I mean, we know she wasn't with Tyrion in the books/show.

    To be honest I don't really see it playing out with that much detail, but elements of it could be used. I agree that it is definitely becom

  • Lord Morgryn seems pretty well off. Maybe Mira will convince him to pay Andros' army to fight for the Forresters in exchange for having exclusive trading rights to the Ironwood.

    Don't ask me how, I'm just speculating since she seems the only hope for the Forresters.

  • That seems like a good deal, if risky. If the Forresters end up being the only family able to supply ironwood and he becomes the only merchant that sells it, he can get really rich. It could be a way out of it, if Mira can survive Cersei's schemes on the first place.

    Lord Morgryn seems pretty well off. Maybe Mira will convince him to pay Andros' army to fight for the Forresters in exchange for having exclusive trading rights to the Ironwood.

  • I'm determined to make up a list of names for Cersei.

  • In my playthrough, Tyrion basically says "I'm smart, I'll think of something". Honestly if the game is based on the show, Mira might as well tell Cersei Shae. There's no explanation on why Shae ended up not leaving the bay. This might be a way to answer that.

  • edited August 2015

    I hope you can go to the Tyrion trial and have minor influence there. I also should have her choices determinant for something on the overall plot. For example get gold from the royal decree or prevent that the whitehill get more sellswords to their army. This will be important for example get a good ending in the game. This way Mira storyline will be more rewarding and will contribute for the overall plot.

    At the moment the only connection I see between Mira and the other storylines is forging the letter for Elena. This will make her accepting to be marry Rodrick more easy, you just have to say that it is her choice, without needing to give half of your ironhood.

  • I don't remember the names, but in my first run, Tyrion mentioned names of people I have never heard of. Kinda surprised I haven't seen any peoole with the same outcome. I think you have to do certain things to get that answer. On my second save I tried again to get the names of the people I have heard of, but I could not get the option this time and Tyrion said, I should name Sansa, Varys and Jamie

  • If you told Tyrion the truth about who sent you to him, then he's going to say Sansa, Varys, Jamie. If you lied to him, then he's going to make up names.

    shirai46 posted: »

    I don't remember the names, but in my first run, Tyrion mentioned names of people I have never heard of. Kinda surprised I haven't seen any

  • Shae testified against Tyrion, not for him.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    In my playthrough, Tyrion basically says "I'm smart, I'll think of something". Honestly if the game is based on the show, Mira might as well

  • Tarwick is the name I believe you meant to say. Tarly is Sam's last name.

  • Shagga son of Dolf though.

  • Trusty Tom will lend a hand!

    Abeille posted: »

    It would be great to see all of that happening, but I can't see how they would be able to fit it all in one episode without it feeling rushe

  • Mira doesn't know Shae exists. How could we name her?

    pcharl01 posted: »

    In my playthrough, Tyrion basically says "I'm smart, I'll think of something". Honestly if the game is based on the show, Mira might as well

  • Uh, she can die! Haha but for real, I think it comes down to who's more pleased with her and whether she kept the decree Tyrion wrote. Or they could chuck all that out the window and she could partner up with Morgryn and tag team Andros and his sellsword army together with secrets and lies, become one with the "nest" as it were. She's basically House Forrester's "Spider".

  • if we didn't take that wine in the cell with us then it would of been easier for us to get Tyrion to believe us. Tyrion said he was suspicious when we brought in expensive wine which Cersai likes. I'm sure Mira can think of something to say to save her own ass. Her character is really growing and developing. My only regret is I stuck up for Sira at the party and told a lie about her family so she could get married to that dude (sorry I'm crap at names) I told a lie in favour for a friend then she turns round and says she can't help me because she's getting married?! I really wanted an option where I could of said "oi bitch if it wasn't for me lying you wouldn't be getting married!" As you can tell I'm still slightly peeved off lol

  • I trust Tom, but not his boss. I hope his boss doesn't change their mind about keeping Mira alive.

    PigeonPie posted: »

    Trusty Tom will lend a hand!

  • Yeah I wish I'd had the option to tell her about lying to Tarwick for her as well. It does make me wonder if this lie is going to come back and bite both Mira and Sera. If Mira didn't tell Sera about what she told Tarwick, and then he asks her about it; she might get caught in the lie because she doesn't know what Mira told him.

    Tulipstue posted: »

    if we didn't take that wine in the cell with us then it would of been easier for us to get Tyrion to believe us. Tyrion said he was suspicio

  • The burning/keeping of the Ironwood Decree HAS to come back into play in Ep. 6. To either burn it or keep it and for either decision to barely have an impact thus far doesn't seem right. I feel like Mira will be called to testify for/against (big choice) Tyrion and the Ironwood Decree can be presented as evidence. Whether that ends up being a good thing or a bad thing, I don't know.

    GAHD DAMN do we all need some news on episode 6...

  • edited August 2015

    I think keeping any of the various items Mira can take/keep (Margeary's seal and key, Damien's dagger, Ironwood Decree) could be bad for her.

    The items I could see being helpful to have are the seal (to win Rodrik's betrothal to Elaena), the key (seriously, it's gotta unlock something in chapter 6), the dagger (if Mira has it, no one can find it in the garden and connect the dots to Damien's disappearence).

    Still if any of those items are found on Mira or in her chambers it will only go badly for her.

    The Ironwood Decree is the worst to have though. It connects her way too closely with Tyrion, and it's useless now that Tyrion is in jail and no longer the Master of Coin. Maybe if there was a way to forge it to make it look like the new Master of Coin (or Littlefinger the old Master of Coin) wrote it, then it could be used to shut the Whitehills out of the ironwood business.

    TimothyJay posted: »

    The burning/keeping of the Ironwood Decree HAS to come back into play in Ep. 6. To either burn it or keep it and for either decision to bare

  • Yes I'm looking forward to seeing what some of these items could be used for.

    I think keeping any of the various items Mira can take/keep (Margeary's seal and key, Damien's dagger, Ironwood Decree) could be bad for her

  • This scene was a bit surreal in the sense that Mira could always have given Tyrion "the look" that would warn him that yes, she was lying, or nodded yes when she said no, she wasn't lying... any sort of communication that was not verbal and that the guard would not hear.

    The fact that we had no option but to voice things made me stay silent most of the time, so tecnically I did not admit to being sent by Cersei, nor did I deny it. Regardless, the way the conversation went led him to figure out the truth on his own, and then giving me the BS names as witnesses.

    It was to me by far the worst scene in the game so far. I would never have carried it out that way if it were a real life situation.

  • Exactly, I think this lack of ability to be cunning let what could've otherwise been a good scene down. I think they missed an opportunity as well. They missed the opportunity to show that Mira had taken some of Tyrion's guidance on board. I wouldn't go as far as to say that he was an actual mentor, but he has throughout the episodes tried to give Mira some advice about how to survive in King's Landing. Given that this was their final scene together, I think this would've been a nice farewell touch. Unless of course I am wrong and this is not their final scene. However I think it unlikely that they will share another scene together, or at least a one to one scene.

    This scene was a bit surreal in the sense that Mira could always have given Tyrion "the look" that would warn him that yes, she was lying, o

  • I just wish the key she stole in ep 1 could come to use, and the knife if you killed Damien with it.

  • She'll do nothing like the last 5 episodes.

  • Yeah I kept that knife thinking that it might also come in useful if Mira needed to defend herself, threaten someone, or just plain kill someone she needed to get rid of. Also I thought it was much better than just discarding it in a random bush.

    I still want to know what that key is meant to be for, it has to be used for something, or be significant for some reason; otherwise what was the point of it even being on the table next to the seal? I have often wondered if the decision to take the key is going to be similar to when we chose who our sentinel would be in episode 1, i.e. it might have some ramifications depending on if you took it or not.

    I hope there is some use for both these items.

    IvySketches posted: »

    I just wish the key she stole in ep 1 could come to use, and the knife if you killed Damien with it.

  • What do you mean? Also what kind of things did you think Mira would do, before you actually started playing the episodes?

    She'll do nothing like the last 5 episodes.

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