Ep 5 Waiting Thread - PC/Mac/PS4/PS3 Oct 20, Xbox One/360 Oct 21, iOS/Amazon App/Android Oct 22



  • telltale giggles

    Jurchy posted: »

    Let's hope for a season 2...

  • Fans cry

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    telltale giggles

  • I hugged him, i tought step three was to make her say step three.

    Jurchy posted: »

    Only now realized what "Step three" in that one twitter post means. People who only shook hands with him deserve a special place in hell

  • edited August 2015

    I can understand the without warning thing but at most you would only be spoiled a bit if you instantly try to get away from it. I personally haven't listened to it either but from what I understand it is uberly massive large extremely big supah spoilerific :p

    enter image description here

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Well, thing is, some people like to troll and spread around spoilers without warning. Now we have to worry about the possibility of somethin

  • edited August 2015

    I've had this strange theory in my head that Rhys turns out to be Handsome Jack's long lost son that he didn't know about, but that was too stupid since I've never played the other Borderlands games though it's still kind of a cool idea I guess.

  • Starting to finally Dawn upon me that this is going to be the final episode more than likely and that sucks. Gonna be depressing just like how TWAU was. Well at least we know there is going to be a Borderlands 3, but it isn't gonna feel the same without the characters we've come to love in TFTB :(.

  • I don't know what cold hearted bastard wouldn't honor scooter's memory.

  • Wait, what? Why?! It's pretty crystal clear that Fiona wasn't attracted to Scooter like he was to her. There's no reason she should've felt forced into step 3 if she didn't want to be.

    Therefore, since there was no way she'd actually have done step 3 or even hugged him herself, and because it was quicker to shake hands with him and NOT kill everyone on board the ship, that was the option I took.

    Jurchy posted: »

    Only now realized what "Step three" in that one twitter post means. People who only shook hands with him deserve a special place in hell

  • Not coldhearted, just felt like it would be kind of weird to "advertise" a dead person's shops, A) When he's presumably dead, and B) Out in the middle of space where hardly anyone would ever see it.

    THAT is why I stuck to the plan, and try as you may, you can't judge me for it.

    I don't know what cold hearted bastard wouldn't honor scooter's memory.

  • Also the lucky bullet and the box o'bullets

  • Out in the middle of space where hardly anyone would ever see it.

    I think you could see it from the surrounding planets? So if you were on Elpis/Pandora you'd look up and and see it floating across the sky.

    aDg2k14 posted: »

    Not coldhearted, just felt like it would be kind of weird to "advertise" a dead person's shops, A) When he's presumably dead, and Out in th

  • I'm already living off of let's plays of ep.4... if anyone wants to experience the ep again angelarts is starting a blind stream right this minute.

  • There were two "non-advertisment" options, though.

    aDg2k14 posted: »

    Not coldhearted, just felt like it would be kind of weird to "advertise" a dead person's shops, A) When he's presumably dead, and Out in th

  • I didn't honour him because there was just too much at stake...

    aDg2k14 posted: »

    Not coldhearted, just felt like it would be kind of weird to "advertise" a dead person's shops, A) When he's presumably dead, and Out in th

  • I'd really like Rhys or Fiona if TT ever makes Poker Night 3

  • Remember how Telltale said they were going to do a live play of episode 4 at Pax? Did that happen yet and was there a recording of it? That's something that I'd love to watch!

  • Hasn't happened yet, it will be this coming weekend.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Remember how Telltale said they were going to do a live play of episode 4 at Pax? Did that happen yet and was there a recording of it? That's something that I'd love to watch!

  • Cool, thanks! I hope there will be a livestream for it.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Hasn't happened yet, it will be this coming weekend.

  • Hope so too.

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Cool, thanks! I hope there will be a livestream for it.

  • Quite honestly, if Telltale does make Poker Night 3, I'd sooner hope Telltale would use characters from other series since Claptrap already represented Borderlands in Poker Night 2. Otherwise, had Claptrap not already been in the last game, I would really like having Fiona at the table as a character and I think she would have been a good fit.

    TheTP87 posted: »

    I'd really like Rhys or Fiona if TT ever makes Poker Night 3

  • Does anyone here want to play Bordrerlands 2 on Ps3?

  • I've done a good playthrough where I'm nice to my friends and side with Fiona and a bad playthrough where I'm always a dick and side with HJ. I've gotta say the variation in what happens is quite amazing!... But choosing to launch Scooters satellite or not... The only real difference it made was like 1 additional line if Dialogue from the 2 guards at the space dock and ends exactly the same with Yvette stepping in.

    Also while I'm at it with Spoilers I might as well let people know what happens to Vaughn... Well it depends. If you stopped Athena from killing Cassius, then Cassius saves Vaughn which you find out from a radio message to Rhys while on Helios.

    If you tell Athena to kill Cassius, then Cassius brings Vaughn to Vallory as a trade for leaving him alone to continue his work. This leads to some extra Rhys and Vaughn bro moments, or "Broments" and you get a choice to tell Vaughn to either escape when he gets the chance or play it safe. I told him to escape on my bad playthrough and the radio message to Rhys on Helios was Vaughn saying that he escaped and was planning some stuff but then he gets cut off. I don't know what happens if you tell him to play it safe.

    I've gotta say too that the ending of ep 4 was also drastically different! I expected them to be fairly similar with Jack going evil with power again (which he does if you reject him) but if you accept Helios, he actually is pretty descent and announces that he is back and that Rhys is the new president of Hyperion!... Much the the total shock of everyone else because it was my bad playthrough so I neglected to tell them he was in my head.

    Anyway... Had to get that off my chest! Was too awesome to contain!!!

    Roymiller33 posted: »

    I didn't honour him because there was just too much at stake...

  • I feel really bad for people who rejected hyperion... which is like the majority. They're basically screwed in episode 5

  • [removed]

    Jurchy posted: »

    I feel really bad for people who rejected hyperion... which is like the majority. They're basically screwed in episode 5

  • I've just realised, after scooter dies Fiona says to the stranger in present day that scooters death was "the first casualty of the mission" someone else is going to die!!!!!

  • and 4

    Maybe that's the Jimbo/Tector Hodunk clip we see for the teaser trailers of Episodes 2 and 3

  • I think its most likely going to be gortys. Why else did the stranger find a part of gortys on Pandora?

  • I know did you see butt-stallion get shot?

  • since this fits into the canon pretty well so far, I expect we'll see the characters again, even if it's just in a small way

    Starting to finally Dawn upon me that this is going to be the final episode more than likely and that sucks. Gonna be depressing just like h

  • Just a quick question, who here told Fiona and Sasha about Handsome Jack?

    I did, so they'll definitely be aware of what happened when Jack took over, I refused hyperion and Jack took over, I'm betting these'll be the key factors in whether or not Rhys is a good or a bad guy in the present, also throughout my entire playthrough (in save file 1 dubbed "Hero") I have not shown even the slightest bit of trust towards Jack so that'll be a huge factor as well, I bet those who relinquished control to Jack in episode 2 and 3 will find it much harder to fight him.

    There is a LOT of stuff still to cover so I bet that episode 5 will be the longest yet.

    If they end episode 5 with a cliffhanger, I am gonna be REALLY pissed off.

  • I highly doubt they will end any series with a cliffhanger. even though the walking dead game season 1 had the two shadows it still had an ending that was satisfying and was fine even without a sequel. I don't think tftb will have a sequel. this is about a story of two people and how one journey can affect someone personally and change them for the better. this is a story about a man (rhys) and how one small thing can lead up to something bigger. I am pretty sure it will have a happy ending.

  • Oh, they've ended a couple of their series on a cliffhanger before (Tales of Monkey Island and Back To The Future).

    I highly doubt they will end any series with a cliffhanger. even though the walking dead game season 1 had the two shadows it still had an e

  • If anything, I think not showing any bit of trust to Jack somehow make episode 5 harder for you. Rhys is still strapped in Jack's chair and Jack's gone super psycho and took over all of Helios's systems.

    Just a quick question, who here told Fiona and Sasha about Handsome Jack? I did, so they'll definitely be aware of what happened when Jac

  • Yeah I was thinking the exact same thing. Telling the girls was definitely a smart move if you chose not to rule Hyperion

    Just a quick question, who here told Fiona and Sasha about Handsome Jack? I did, so they'll definitely be aware of what happened when Jac

  • Do you actually believe everything will go right if you didn't reject Hyperion? LOL

    Jurchy posted: »

    I feel really bad for people who rejected hyperion... which is like the majority. They're basically screwed in episode 5

  • If I remember correctly, the Stranger mentioned that Gortys still needs Rhys and Fiona, so maybe she's still alive by the present day

    robdog_42 posted: »

    I think its most likely going to be gortys. Why else did the stranger find a part of gortys on Pandora?

  • I think the next few casualties might be August, Finch, Kroger and Loader Bot

  • I didn't, unfortunately..

    Just a quick question, who here told Fiona and Sasha about Handsome Jack? I did, so they'll definitely be aware of what happened when Jac

  • Back to the Future ending wasn't really a cliffhanger. It suggested that Marty and Doc continue their adventures. It was also a homage to first movie's ending.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Oh, they've ended a couple of their series on a cliffhanger before (Tales of Monkey Island and Back To The Future).

  • [removed]

    Deadpoolian posted: »

    Well, thing is, some people like to troll and spread around spoilers without warning. Now we have to worry about the possibility of somethin

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