So why is Dany [spoiler]

... on the title card of Episode 6?

enter image description here

So, all the other episode title cards have relevance to the actual episode, Tyrion in Episode 1 is appropriate as Mira starts her dealings with him, Jon Snow in Episode 2, Gared joins the Night's Watch. We see Drogon in Episode 3 and someone gets singed so "Dracarys!" is very fitting. In "Sons of Winter" we don't see a White Walker, but we do head north of The Wall for the first time. We become Cersei's lackey (or not) in "Nest of Vipers", explaining why we see Cersei's portrait.

But what could Dany possibly have to do with Episode 6? We've left Essos behind, and there's a chance that the only player character to have dealings with her is dead. My speculation - we have not seen the last of Malcolm. What was the mission Dany wanted him to complete and what would be the reward? Further speculation - Malcolm will become a player character following the death of Rodrick or Asher. Thoughts?


  • Or they had no idea what would happen in episode 6 back when they did the title cards :'D

  • Originally, Episode 6's slide was Stannis the Mannis. Of course they may wanted to keep this under the wraps.

  • Possible, but I think it's unlikely given the relevance of the other slides. I doubt HBO would be fine with making it up as they went along, at some point Telltale would have to have detailed the story and got the OK for it.

    Or they had no idea what would happen in episode 6 back when they did the title cards :'D

  • It was? Better hide Talia.

    Originally, Episode 6's slide was Stannis the Mannis. Of course they may wanted to keep this under the wraps.

  • I think it's the quote itself that has any relevance to the Episode.

  • Put Stannis back! :(

    Originally, Episode 6's slide was Stannis the Mannis. Of course they may wanted to keep this under the wraps.

  • It's just a powerful quote to end the series with, so they picked it and put a picture of the person who said it beside the quote.

  • Interesting, wonder why they chose the scene where Stannis parleys with Renly, he's already dead by the time of the Red Wedding. Still as placeholder images we're probably not supposed to look too in depth.

    Here, I'll show you the link to the post:

  • edited August 2015

    Except it's dumb and ignorant and not powerful at all, just like Dany's "I'm going to break the wheel" quote.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    It's just a powerful quote to end the series with, so they picked it and put a picture of the person who said it beside the quote.

  • I think that the wheel quote is meh, but I feel like this one is powerful. I love it :P

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Except it's dumb and ignorant and not powerful at all, just like Dany's "I'm going to break the wheel" quote.

  • I find most of her lines cringe-worthy. I dislike this one more than most because it genuinely feels like something Hitler would say.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I think that the wheel quote is meh, but I feel like this one is powerful. I love it :P

  • Even Hitler had some good lines. Even if most of them were... hateful, lmao.

    I find most of her lines cringe-worthy. I dislike this one more than most because it genuinely feels like something Hitler would say.

  • edited August 2015

    That's true, but it's still powerful, especially coming from the mouth of someone who has the tools (mainly Drogon) to change the world for better or worse.

    I find most of her lines cringe-worthy. I dislike this one more than most because it genuinely feels like something Hitler would say.

  • I'd actually love to play as Malcolm now that you mention it.

  • Drogon and the other dragons aren't hers no matter how much she calls herself "The Mother of Dragons." Drogon letting her ride on his back is the one time any of them show her any sort of true obedience, but even then that only lasts until he lands.

    I don't view it as powerful. "Do it my way or die" is never a good political stance. That and she hasn't changed anything for the better, nor is she likely to.

    That's true, but it's still powerful, especially coming from the mouth of someone who has the tools (mainly Drogon) to change the world for better or worse.

  • As a native German speaker I can tell you that a lot of Hitlers lines and speeches are actually really cringeworthy as well. The English translations of them just make them seem much more intellectual and meaningful than they really are. Plus, Germany was really angry and quite unstable so they followed the person that promised stability, regardless of how insane/cringeworthy/bat-shit crazy he sounded.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Even Hitler had some good lines. Even if most of them were... hateful, lmao.

  • I am not fan of Dany so I will not start an argument defending her, but I must say that thinking that she doesn't have a bond with Drogon is denial. And I did say "for better or worse", right?

    When someone with a gun in his/her hand says to you with serious face and calm voice something that implies that he/she is ready to shoot you if you don't do it his/her way, it has certain power to it even if his/her message isn't "good". See my point?

    Drogon and the other dragons aren't hers no matter how much she calls herself "The Mother of Dragons." Drogon letting her ride on his back i

  • I agree. It is NOT Dany's world to make in her image, nor is it her right to destroy something because she thinks she can do it better.

    She can't do it better. She's pretty well fuckin proven that by now! The arrogance of this chick is just astounding, considering her track record.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Except it's dumb and ignorant and not powerful at all, just like Dany's "I'm going to break the wheel" quote.

  • Yeah, Dany needs to stop.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I agree. It is NOT Dany's world to make in her image, nor is it her right to destroy something because she thinks she can do it better. S

  • No, she certainly has a bond but I agree with him that Drogon isn't hers. He's been held captive by her for years now and she's all he's known as a mother figure. Regardless, she can't control him or the others.

    The gun comparison doesn't work because Dany's gun is likely to say "nah" or "nope, I'll just kill everything in the room" or just fly off to kill children.

    I am not fan of Dany so I will not start an argument defending her, but I must say that thinking that she doesn't have a bond with Drogon is

  • edited August 2015

    Well I guess Dany is continuing the ancient tradition of Targaryens with holding captive some dragons.

    Anyway the comparison doesn't have to be taken so literally. As I said she has the tools to destroy a lot of shit, and I think she will. Actually she has already changed part of the world with her dragons.

    And I do think that it's a possibility that Drogon would abandon her at some point, but I really doubt that it happens before she makes some damage to her enemies with her "gun".

    It has been made clear that Dany and Drogon have a bond and the history of Targaryens shows that dragons are loyal to the dragonriders they have bonded with. Does Dany deserve such a massive tool of destruction? Probably not, but I see no reason in denying its existence.

    No, she certainly has a bond but I agree with him that Drogon isn't hers. He's been held captive by her for years now and she's all he's kno

  • I think the quote could be a "forshadowing" of the last episode. "They can live in my new world or die in their old one". I think the Forresters (or maybe the Whitehills) will die in the old one long before Dany will arrive at Westeros.

    edited August 2015

    I watched some of his speeches with subtitles, and some lines appealed to me independent of the context in which they were said. Guess they were translated weirdly.

    As a native German speaker I can tell you that a lot of Hitlers lines and speeches are actually really cringeworthy as well. The English tra

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