Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited August 2015

    i thought that was samara from The Ring for a second... what is that?

  • They're jealous of how much more awesome we all are, compared to them.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    cause we're 2rad4them

  • edited August 2015

    I don't know just a ghost I guess , I was too busy shittin my pants to care about that anyway

    look the ghost in the film doesn't actually jumpscare or tries to kill or whatever , as I said it messes up with your memories and fears , she just appears in the dark and dissapears quickly when you see her and walks around the room making noises and stuff when that lady is sleeping under her cover and that's it , it's not a hollywood horror from today , it is what I said it is , a movie to creep you out and really leave you with bad memories

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    i thought that was samara from The Ring for a second... what is that?

  • We should pray for Rhys-chan, so that Fiona-senpai may notice him.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "I hope Fiona senpai notices me tomorrow..."

  • No no no no no no......... Not in my world! NO! :(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    but rhys is clumsy as hell, you know this would happen :P

  • in mine he would


    HazzatheMan posted: »

    No no no no no no......... Not in my world! NO!

  • Is this a typical response on 4chan and Tumblr??

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    waiting for kristi to record this What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated to

  • enter image description here

    "I hope that works."

    MichaelBP posted: »

    We should pray for Rhys-chan, so that Fiona-senpai may notice him.

  • Pfft... HAHAHA!!!!!

    Oh, this was perfect! :')

    Kawaiii posted: »

    lmao he's contacting his bros on COD

  • Oh my god... I'm so exhausted. I can't do anymore guys. I'm sorry. I will post, however, what I got done so far. Hopefully that will be enough. ;(

  • It was just something everyone uses when they wanna be mock tough :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Is this a typical response on 4chan and Tumblr??

  • How do you get to wear the steampunk outfit in the Episode?

    Do you just select it and then something for Sasha? Or select it and run out of money when you do??

    lottii-lu posted: »

    "I'm sorry what?"

  • i swear I'm gonna post that story tomorrow

    I got lost editing those rhys faces today but I promise it'll be here by tomorrow ;-;

  • Fiona became a butch lesbian? :/

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Selfies! They are everywhere!

  • YEEEES!!! XD

    Ladies and gentlemen, The Rumble On Pandora: Episode 2 is in development now!

  • Stop the spam please.

    Eryka posted: »

    Let it Goat enter link description here

  • Why does this look like a typical Spanish family to me???

    I apologize if I sound racist but.... :)

    rhonu posted: »

    i love how i look so big and intimidating as a mama bear but in real life i am so short and rhys is so tall it'd look more like

  • Maybe if w pray hard enough, your senpai will do more than just notice you, Rhys-chan. :^)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "I hope that works."

  • I won't read it!! NOPE!! :'(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    in mine he would I'M GONNA WRITE ABOUT THIS

  • It's bloody perfect >:)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It was just something everyone uses when they wanna be mock tough :P

  • Living?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    spending my day editing rhys expressions what am I doing with my life

  • enter image description here

    "I-it's not like I want her to l-love me or anything, though."

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Maybe if w pray hard enough, your senpai will do more than just notice you, Rhys-chan. :^)

  • This has given me a new outlook on life:

    Hyperion is full of creeps :P

  • oh you.jpg

    HazzatheMan posted: »


  • edited August 2015

    Tags: @ABigBadWolf, @HellFish, @Brawl, @TurtleMan141

    So... here we go! First part of this huge theory/analyzing project! I don't know how long it will take to finish it, but I will count at least several hours of just replaying the whole game and trying many different choices, to see whether we can get some interesting moments out of our favorite characters! The reason I have split this up, is quite simply, because it would be all too big for one post. This post will already be fairly huge, and with LOTS of pictures, so you have been warned!

    I figure that it will be fairly difficult for me to try to stick to a point for very long, especially when there are so many different variables to count into this. On the walk-through I did in the game, I have completely trusted Fiona in every possible interaction, and tried to be as nice to her as possible. (I also tried to avoid any Rhysha moments, duh!)

    What I will try to do in this post, is figure out Fiona's feelings to Rhys at the beginning of Episode 4. (So, the present time and past time, with Vallory threatening the gang.)
    I already had several posts before which just took the most obvious Rhyiona moments out of the game and just tried to theorize on them. Well, this? This will go deeper. Much deeper. This post will also take in count any moments that Episode 1, 2 or even 3 had, to make sure that the rest of the theory/analyzing won't be as huge.

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    Let's start at the present, at the beginning of Episode 4. Rhys and Fiona is walking with the Stranger.

    Well, this time around, they are ahead of him. It's the only proper time where we get to speak with both of them in the present as they are away from the Stranger, and you can get some interesting stuff out of this!

    enter image description here

    What I managed to figure out, is that Rhys and Fiona have seemed to have definitely been at least together with the gang for the last year or so in the game (if the unused quote is still credible), as he knows her enough to figure out that she's thinking. (yeah, well, what I'm trying to say is that he has the emotional knowledge of Fiona. If he wasn't around her enough, he wouldn't be able to figure out whether she's happy or busy thinking. But he does, so that's what gives me the idea. ;p)

    Rhys asks Fiona "What does the Stranger get out of all this?"

    There's 3 choices that you can pick. One of them gets Fiona to say that they are trying to strike it rich, just like every other idiot on Pandora.

    Rhys jokes at Fiona by saying "Aren't you kinda vault-hunting right now?" with Fiona obviously noticing the reference. The best choice, in this case, in my opinion, is the Payback one.

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    Supposedly, both Fiona AND Rhys has recently pissed some people off in the present, adding onto the huge list they already have.

    That's what probably caused the falling out. That, and probably some other thing that Rhys did that Fiona didn't approve of, hence starting the hate for Rhys. But as you will see shortly, that hate seems to be slowly coming off. After that choice, Rhys decides that they should do something. How about running? Fiona can stay quiet, which, surprisingly, will cause this gesture to happen:

    enter image description here

    Interesting huh? It's almost as if she still knows him for the big goof he is, and she still kinda likes him for it.
    Or, on the other hand, she can call him out on it, saying that "it's stupid". Which would kinda fit the kind of bickering Rhys and Fiona usually have. You know, something that you would expect out of couples. Or ex-couples.

    You can also pick one of the other options which prompts Fiona to say:

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    Yep! Here she almost forgot she hates him. Or maybe she's just warming up to him again...

    Before you get the choice to run, Rhys tries to get Fiona to run with him.

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    Rhys probably still considers her a friend, and in the previous episodes, you can get him to stand up for who he believes to be close to him.
    Vaughn got picked on in Episode 1 by Greasy Face, and Rhys just stands right in-front of Vaughn, to stop him from getting hurt.
    He quite literally put his life in line to make sure Vaughn wouldn't get hurt. Greasy face could have killed either Vaughn or Rhys, there and there.
    It takes guts to do that. Also, in Episode 2, he can try to get Vasquez to leave his friends (Fiona, Sasha and Vaughn) out of the situation, by pretty much giving himself in.
    It didn't work, but Rhys is obviously VERY loyal to his friends, and he would not dare to see them get hurt. Hence he'd rather take her with him than just leave her behind and her quite possibly getting the punishment for it.

    You finally get the choice to run. But do you? If you choose to run, not much is going to happen, except for a humorous scene where Rhys keeps zig-zagging while Fiona is actually running. However, if you choose to stay, Rhys runs anyway. That could be possibly due to Rhys trusting Fiona to run with him. And it would be kinda awkward to stop running right after you started running anyway.

    Fiona, knowing that running will get them nowhere, manages to, once again, take a crack at him:

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    The rest of the scene plays out as normally. With Rhys always ending up unconscious (and possibly a broken nose) and Fiona left to explain the rest of the story, to the Stranger.

    This doesn't look like much, but it's actually quite a lot. Fiona still seems to have some sort of feelings for Rhys, which are
    shown whenever she doesn't let anger take the best of her, or whenever she manages to get rid of the anger all together!
    Whatever has happened in the past, was bad enough to make her leave him, but not bad enough for her to not have a change of heart.
    Now, what kind of Rhyiona hints are there? Well, there obviously ain't that many, but I'm 99% sure it's due to wanting to keep it ambiguous.
    But she obviously still does the usual things she did in the past when she was "attracted" to Rhys.
    Mainly the piss taking of Rhys for whatever stupid ideas he might get, and even appreciating his dumb (albeit funny) kind of behavior at times!

    As we are done with this part, let's move onto the next!

    We are onto the past. Stuff that has already happened. Obviously.

    Interestingly enough, some people took Rhys trying to protect Sasha, only because he had a crush on her. That is not true. As I said before, Rhys is quite prone to standing up for people he considers close and/or good friends. Considering that Rhys has been living with those guys for the past week, and been doing pretty damn good at it, it's obvious that he would consider them friends, if maybe not a bit too quickly, close.

    He protected Sasha because:
    1: She didn't deserve to get pushed down like that, and
    2: Because Rhys doesn't enjoy seeing his friends getting hurt, and also because of
    3: Because he likes to stand up to his friends.

    This is proved further, when Rhys gets angry at the two of the sisters because of them denying Vallory's deal:

    enter image description here

    He gets angry because he cannot comprehend why Fiona and Sasha would pick their honor over, quite possibly, her own life.
    He doesn't enjoy seeing his friends getting hurt, and he just doesn't agree with the way that the two sisters handle it.

    Either way, the next part of this Episode will show more Rhyiona references than you would in any other!

    For this part, Fiona and the gang go inside the caravan to figure a plan out for infiltrating Hyperion. Neither of the first few options really change much as it's mostly just Handsome Jack screwing around with Rhys, and then telling him about the location of the item they need.
    Funningly enough, if you keep staying quiet, you will get this piece of the dialogue from Fiona:

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    More poking fun at Rhys from Fiona! Ain't that what some people do when they don't know how to advance to the other person?

    What's pretty interesting after that point, however, is the reactions that Fiona has.

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    She's obviously on edge after what happened with Athena and her sister. (if you allowed her to get stabbed anyway)
    She also doesn't seem to be very certain of success, as she seems fairly pessimistic about the whole situation. But Rhys, the genius that he is, manages to relax Fiona by comforting her about the situation, by promising her that they can do it as a team and by even admitting that he's scared of doing it too!

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    Fiona is relaxed at this point, and seems to enjoy having Rhys doing all the planning for once. You could say, she was quite interested in seeing that side of him. ;)

    As the presentation goes on, Fiona is even seemingly IMPRESSED by Rhys doing all the work!

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    This is a big step into Rhyiona. By this point, it's obvious that Fiona doesn't work like Sasha does. She's not very direct about her relationships, unlike Sasha, and she seems to be a lot more emotionally locked in than Sasha. While there have been many times that she looked at Rhys in fairly "suggestive" ways, this is one of those that just reeks of, quite possibly, a crush. Add that up with all those jokes she makes about Rhys and sometimes even teasing him, and... you know where I'm getting to. ;p

    Further on, you can see another shot of Fiona, seemingly still impressed by his planning.

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    There's been people saying, that Fiona does NOT trust Rhys in the way that we think so. Whether it's for her to maybe even con him out of the rewards the vault can hold, I don't know. But what I do know is, that soon, that rumour will be completely torn apart.

    Anyway, moving on. As we see the scenes of the plan happening, we get to the point where Fiona gets to Handsome Jack's office, before being stopped by Rhys.

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    Here we get several hints:

    Fiona looking back at Rhys in that kinda way is obviously suggestive.
    Rhys grooming his hair right when walking towards Fiona.
    And Rhys looking straight at Fiona, instead of Sasha.

    Since the plan is being made by Fiona and Rhys, they are presenting how it should go from their perspective. Fiona looking at Rhys, and Rhys flirtoriously grooming his hair with his eyes on Fiona? Interesting... Sasha is obviously there, but Rhys doesn't even pay attention to her throughout the whole scene, which makes this even more interesting. It feels... it almost feels like this is from Fiona's perspective. How she would expect it to go as. That would explain why Rhys is completely ignoring Sasha, why Rhys can mess up the rocket, but Fiona, as usual, can help him out of it, AND, why Fiona gets the attention from Rhys, instead of Sasha. Why would that happen? Because she could be possibly jealous of Sasha, as I said many posts back. This could potentially prove that Fiona might have at least a slight crush on Rhys.

    enter image description here

    Yep, screw it. Fiona has a crush on Rhys. I said it.

    Examine that picture clearly. Remember Episode 4? The intro? Where Fiona gets into the way of Rhys looking at Sasha? The almost exact thing, is happening on that picture. Fiona is looking at Rhys, while Rhys is looking at Fiona. But Sasha seems to be looking at Fiona. (maybe how Fiona thinks Sasha would feel about it?)

    So, after all the planning is done, we get asked by Sasha how we knew the location of the core. If, you will be quiet the first time they ask you about it, you will be greeted by this dialogue from Fiona:

    enter image description here

    Yes! She finally did it! She finally said that she is worried about Rhys! She says that they are both worried for him. And maybe they both are! But I suspect that she knows about Sasha's crush on Rhys, so she didn't want to make her feel excluded from that discussion. But we finally figure out, that she does, indeed, care about Rhys. Mix that dialogue in with all the gestures she did in the previous episodes and in this one, and you can probably figure out that she does have some feelings for Rhys by this point.

    (I'm too tired to do anything past this point. I will finish the first part tomorrow and start working on the next one. I still got a sizable chunk to do on this one, and I'm also sorry for the overall quality. I will fix it up tomorrow. When I am actually awake.)

    Also, great thanks if you managed to read this far! This took me FOREVER to write up, and it's not even finished yet!

    Here's something for you to keep your hopes up on!

    One day, We'll all be there...

  • What the fuck is this??

    Did I just join something? >:(

    Toffe posted: »

    Come and try out the new shipping game ^^ http://brantsteele.com/survivor/australia/r.php?c=k0dwpIyq NOTE: The first play through may be the same for everyone but the second one will be random HF and may the best player win ^^

  • bruh that sounds creepy

    it's 2AM and though I like to watch creepy shit I think I'll pass on this ;-;

    Brawl posted: »

    I don't know just a ghost I guess , I was too busy shittin my pants to care about that anyway look the ghost in the film doesn't actually

  • There, I have posted it. I hope you have fun reading through all of it and actually understanding it through my gibberish.

  • I posted a few soundcloud clips that I did, apparently they were entertaining!

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    No, what else was there? :P

  • I'm about to read this but I already want to tell you two things:

    1. Thank you so much for the tag!

    now onto the goodness

  • enter image description here

    "Hey, why did you trip me?"

    enter image description here

    "What? I didn't. You didn't even fall."

    enter image description here

    "I did fall. I fell in love."

    enter image description here


  • Haha, it ain't even finished yet! But I want to thank you for your compliment. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to keep the quality consistent throughout. I wasn't taking breaks while writing it and it took a toll on my writing. As I said, I will finish it tomorrow, and fix it up a bit too. ;)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm about to read this but I already want to tell you two things: * Thank you so much for the tag! * BLESS YOU FOR THIS GIGANTIC POST YOU ARE A MASTER AT THIS now onto the goodness

  • I wanna watch this shit go down >:)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "Oh, you bet."

  • "Hey I'm Woody! Howdy, howdy, howdy"

    My favorite scene in that movie XD

  • they're already done tho

    probably :^)

    idk about rhys' stamina

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I wanna watch this shit go down

  • I just listened to the one you read for Wolf about the Navy SEAL. It was very entertaining!

    You have a great voice for narration :D Maybe I should post a video on here, show off my deep British/American voice >:)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I posted a few soundcloud clips that I did, apparently they were entertaining!

  • Whistles

    Nope,.I've told you everything I know, kiddo!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Kristi... is there something you're not telling us?

  • Rhys can go on dude, he needs to impress >:D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    they're already done tho probably :^) idk about rhys' stamina

  • Aw, thanks! :D

    YES, DO IT! :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I just listened to the one you read for Wolf about the Navy SEAL. It was very entertaining! You have a great voice for narration Maybe I should post a video on here, show off my deep British/American voice

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