Elaena Glenmore..Pregnant?

edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Could she be bringing a new Forrester instead of those who died? I really hope that she is pregnant!
How would the whitehills react to that? and what about her father? It would be intense!



  • looks like rodrik's ironwood managed to plant some seeds in elaena's grove ;)

    enter image description here

  • lmao :)

    looks like rodrik's ironwood managed to plant some seeds in elaena's grove

  • Yes!!! I've been wondering that myself. And hoping that she is, indeed, preggers. if Rodrick didn't make it... I dunno. Maybe Asher could live long enough to claim the baby as his.

  • Rodrik having sex with Elaena is determinant > her being pregnant would be determinant > Elaena would die in episode 6 (or at least have a miscarriage).



    looks like rodrik's ironwood managed to plant some seeds in elaena's grove

  • Even if she is pregnant you wouldn't find out in E6, i say it would take atleast 2 months before you would notice a baby growing in your wife :p

  • edited August 2015

    Don't know where you got the "at least" two months. Besides, why would he need to be the one to notice? She could notice as early as week five by missing her period or feeling tired, nauseous or having sore breasts. Depending on how fertile he is, and they do say that they haven't had much sleep these past few weeks, she could notice in a few weeks.

    Even if she is pregnant you wouldn't find out in E6, i say it would take atleast 2 months before you would notice a baby growing in your wife

  • "I say it would take atleast two months" Please note that i didn't say it was a fact, nor am i a docter or an expert on women. I do believe we wouldn't find out this episode since this is probably going to be a very short war.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Don't know where you got the "at least" two months. Besides, why would he need to be the one to notice? She could notice as early as week fi

  • To be fair, it's pretty common for ladies to miss a period cycle from time-to-time, especially due to stress. And if Rodrik where the one to die, it's very possible she's miss her period because of that.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Don't know where you got the "at least" two months. Besides, why would he need to be the one to notice? She could notice as early as week fi

  • edited August 2015

    I'm quite well aware that women can skip a period or two. Heck, I've had just four periods one year that's how irregular I've been, and to clarify there is no way I could have been pregnant and having miscarriages. My point still stands. She could potentially already be pregnant. I don't suppose they had the best birth control back then, and I don't think Rodrick was using the pull-out method. Having said that, I still think it's possible for her to have an idea that she might be pregnant during the span of the sixth episode.

    To be fair, it's pretty common for ladies to miss a period cycle from time-to-time, especially due to stress. And if Rodrik where the one to die, it's very possible she's miss her period because of that.

  • rodrik was like

    enter image description here

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I'm quite well aware that women can skip a period or two. Heck, I've had just four periods one year that's how irregular I've been, and to c

  • Yeah you're not wrong, but there's still a possibility she's not. Assuming they only went the one round that night the chances aren't 100%, but if it's been a week or two (given how long it'd take Asher to get there), those chances go up quite a bit. I do think she'll be pregnant too though, it's just too easy of a plot point to have and I'm sure she'll make a hint towards it.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I'm quite well aware that women can skip a period or two. Heck, I've had just four periods one year that's how irregular I've been, and to c

  • My wife missed her period from time to time, she said her dream came true when that happened (and I thought we finally got somewhere with our plans). But I don't think Rodrik would get her pregnant under the current circumstances, the Forresters are in war and everything.

    The Forresters are in everything...

    enter image description here

    ShampaFK posted: »

    I'm quite well aware that women can skip a period or two. Heck, I've had just four periods one year that's how irregular I've been, and to c

  • I don't know man... that's a pretty hard thing to back down from, war or no war lol. Hope you and your wife's luck goes the way you want it though!

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    My wife missed her period from time to time, she said her dream came true when that happened (and I thought we finally got somewhere with ou

  • To paraphrase Elaena... They hadn't slept much at all those last few weeks. She was naked in his bed. I'm pretty sure that means they've done it more than once. And I'm going to reiterate that they probably didn't have very good birth control back then. Sooooo, yeah. There is a chance that she may be pregnant.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    My wife missed her period from time to time, she said her dream came true when that happened (and I thought we finally got somewhere with ou

  • Thanks, buddy! But everything is going as planned :)

    (I just found this picture, thought I could put it here)

    enter image description here

    I don't know man... that's a pretty hard thing to back down from, war or no war lol. Hope you and your wife's luck goes the way you want it though!

  • http://i.imgur.com/y6Fe0rO.gif

    looks like rodrik's ironwood managed to plant some seeds in elaena's grove

  • Since that scene with Eleana was determined, she might not be pregnant. But I really hope she is! All hail Rodrik Jr.!!!

  • And that is probably (the determinant thing) the best explanation for why Elaena isn't pregnant. Some of you people couldn't get Rodrick laid. For shame people! For shame!

    Since that scene with Eleana was determined, she might not be pregnant. But I really hope she is! All hail Rodrik Jr.!!!

  • edited August 2015

    I really hope she is, that would make my life. I think Telltale owes us one little dollop of schmoopy after everything we've been through... and are about to go through...

    Also just saying, lots of action over the course of a few weeks is exactly how I wound up with my fabulous son. ;)

  • you should ask the stork for a refund for making you do all the work...

    jk lol congrats! my sorority big just got married a couple months ago and is currently trying

    lilithnight posted: »

    I really hope she is, that would make my life. I think Telltale owes us one little dollop of schmoopy after everything we've been through...

  • It is time to flay the fookin' Whitehills as a baby with a sharp pacifier!

  • Who wants to bet that if she has a boy and Rodriks alive they'd name it Gregor

  • just like talisa and robb were going to name their baby boy eddard?

    Who wants to bet that if she has a boy and Rodriks alive they'd name it Gregor

  • Well hopefully not just like Talisa and Robb.

    sbk12345 posted: »

    just like talisa and robb were going to name their baby boy eddard?

  • or they can call it jon and (since at least in my playthrough) rodrik is dead the new baby can be the ressurection of jon snow lol

    Well hopefully not just like Talisa and Robb.

  • but John was very much alive at this point on the show... Maybe?

    sbk12345 posted: »

    or they can call it jon and (since at least in my playthrough) rodrik is dead the new baby can be the ressurection of jon snow lol

  • If someone is pregnant on Game of Thrones, it will most likely not end well.

  • edited August 2015

    Well, I don't think we'll find out in ep6, but if we have season 2, and we should, I assume lady of our lord will be pregnant, no metter have you laid Elaena in ep5 or not. Except that would be so telltale like, also it makes sense if Asher potentionally marries Gwyn if he is a lord, that she will be pregnant than. As I'm supporter of the theory that Asher/Rodrik will not be POV's in s2, that would be easy to do for telltale, they just have to use two different models for their appereances( and they will have less of them i guess) and basicly have simular lines which will not affect the story much other than the fact they are different personalities. Something like they were doing with castellans.

    Or they just won't bother with pregnancy.

  • at the point of the game but pregnancies take 9 months so who knows when eleana will give birth / the timing of what goes on at the wall

    ShampaFK posted: »

    but John was very much alive at this point on the show... Maybe?

  • What? Why would Asher do that?

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Yes!!! I've been wondering that myself. And hoping that she is, indeed, preggers. if Rodrick didn't make it... I dunno. Maybe Asher could live long enough to claim the baby as his.

  • There are theories that John Snow is actually Lyanna and Rhaegar's kid and that Ned only claimed him as his bastard to protect his nephew. Also, why wouldn't it be a good idea for Asher to marry Elaena if Rodrick is dead? Again there's precedence for this. Catelyn Tully was supposed to marry Brandon Stark, but when Brandon was killed by the mad king (Targaryen) she married Ned instead. So. Yeah. If Asher married Elaena (beautiful, kind and strong) then he could still maintain an alliance that would help his family and (if Elaena is indeed pregnant) help keep his nephew safe. Also, don't forget, the only male heir of House Glenmore has just been killed. They could potentially combine their lands. It's a loss-win-win.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    What? Why would Asher do that?

  • edited August 2015

    Yes i know about Jon and Ned and Cat and Brandon. And Rhaegar and Lyanna too.

    And i suppose that the case you make is decent. But to me, Asher doesn't seem like the type to do something just because everyone else thinks it's the best course of action. Even if he did, the baby would still be a bastard as Rodrik and Eleana were never married. And i don't think the Forresters would leave Eleana and the baby without aid, no matter the outcome.

    What if he wants to carve out his own life? After his family exiles him for falling in love, i feel like he will want to follow his Own path, not pick up his brothers leavings. Just my opinion though.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    There are theories that John Snow is actually Lyanna and Rhaegar's kid and that Ned only claimed him as his bastard to protect his nephew. A

  • It could have a cameo appearance where it pops out when she gets flayed.

  • If Rodrik is still alive, I'd want him to name the lad Asher.

    Who wants to bet that if she has a boy and Rodriks alive they'd name it Gregor

  • Telltale said the game will end just before the end of Season 4 of the show. Considering that Tyrion's trial takes place in S4 E6 and in Episode 5 of the game that trial hasn't happened yet, that means that Episode 6 will happen in the time of 5 show episodes. Now, the producers has said that 1 season of the show roughly equals 1 year, that means that 1 episode equals around 1 month. That means that Episode 6 will happen in the timeframe of around 5 months, thus we could see if Elaena is pregnant or not.

    Even if she is pregnant you wouldn't find out in E6, i say it would take atleast 2 months before you would notice a baby growing in your wife

  • Fair enough.

    Golthar posted: »

    Telltale said the game will end just before the end of Season 4 of the show. Considering that Tyrion's trial takes place in S4 E6 and in Epi

  • Try to imagine the baby being born Stillborn if it is true, that would really upset everyone, i'm sure of it.

  • What? It's not like they have DNA tests. If Asher married Elaena, then no one would be the wiser. If the child looks like Roderick. Well, it's not unusual for people to look like their aunts and uncles. If Elaena and Asher were married, and he claimed the child as his own, then the baby would not be considered a bastard. A child born in wedlock is considered legitimate unless somebody contests it, regardless of whether the mother is married to the biological father in question.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Yes i know about Jon and Ned and Cat and Brandon. And Rhaegar and Lyanna too. And i suppose that the case you make is decent. But to me,

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