In the comics Spider-Man was an indecisive prick and kept switching side, Scarlet Witch and most X-men didn't want to get involved though I don't recall where she ended up, specially since there are no X-Men in the movies.
Uh, 9 months since I joined these forums. I first joined in April 2014 to be honest, as you can see in my profile, but I logged out 5 minutes later... so it doesn't count. Then I came back on November 28th, and here I am.
9 months, a baby was born while I've been here! Time flies, really.
Huh, for some reason I didn't see this reply in my notifications....
I don't really read the comics but I heard that basically Spider-Man was on Iron Mans side first then switched over to Caps. As for Scarlett Witch, rumors says she was gonna be on Caps side and that makes sense and she is probably just gonna be there without a big role so yeah. What I don't get is why she isn't on there but Black Panther is when she's the one who's been introduced already and he and Spidey are the two unintroduced wild cards....maybe it's just a coincidence....maybe not...
In the comics Spider-Man was an indecisive prick and kept switching side, Scarlet Witch and most X-men didn't want to get involved though I don't recall where she ended up, specially since there are no X-Men in the movies.
Uh, 9 months since I joined these forums. I first joined in April 2014 to be honest, as you can see in my profile, but I logged out 5 minute… mores later... so it doesn't count. Then I came back on November 28th, and here I am.
9 months, a baby was born while I've been here! Time flies, really.
It happens. A few times I have just been standing outside when the porkchop is out looking for someone, and had them point the spotlight at me for a few seconds.
That moment when you realize you live in a less than stellar neighborhood...
Someone must have a three star wanted leve; they have the helicopter out and everything.
@Markd4547 Mind Blown..... (Fan Theory off of Reddit)
I briefly checked the history by doing a few searches and didn't see anything quite like this, but I apologize if someone else has come up with a similar theory before.
Joker, although a lying psychopath, is actually the hero in The Dark Knight. Before the Joker, Gotham was a mess. Entire sections of the city were closed off due to madness, organized crime ran rampant, and the majority of important city officials were wildly corrupt. The city even tolerated a renegade vigilante who ran around wearing a rubber suit (Okay, special armor and carbon fiber, but they don't know that).
Along comes the Joker and by the end of a very short time, almost all organized crime was eliminated, many corrupt officials were imprisoned or dead, and the city's Vigilante even went into hiding for 8 years. This was all part of Joker's masterfully executed plan.
Everyone must realize that Joker, despite his claim otherwise, really was "The Man With The Plan" throughout the entire film. The very first thing we see Joker do is rob a mafia controlled bank, eliminating the entire team of expert bank robbers who helped him pull it off. Of course, the robbery wasn't about the money, it was about luring Lau out of hiding, preferably with all the major crime families' collective money.
This works beautifully, and as Joker predicts, Batman goes to Hong Kong to "Extradite" Lau. Now Lau is in a safe place which Joker can, amazingly, access with ease. This of course is all just the plot of the film, but Joker is playing it amazingly, murdering key criminals and corrupt officials that could help insulate those at the top. Dent actually argues FOR insulating the men on the top in the interest of cleaning the streets of lower-level goons, but Joker knows that won't work in the long-term.
At this point we honestly just have 3 men battling for Gotham's "soul" (as Joker puts it), but Dent and Wayne are simply playing into Joker's greater plan. This even extends to Joker's threats to destroy a hospital. With Batman and Gordon's help, Joker helps them root out corrupt police officials. Dent even kills some of those officials later in the film.
Gordon's promotion, too, did a major service to Gotham. I think a lot of people take the Joker's clapping during Gordon's promotion scene to be sarcastic, but I actually think that Joker believed in Gordon, one of the few officers on the force who was truly incorruptible.
So now Joker has a pretty clear path to getting rid of the Organized Crime problem and the corrupt officials problem, but the Vigilante problem remains. As we saw at the beginning of the film, Batman was inspiring other vigilantes, and a society cannot stand when each man takes his own justice. This symbol of fear and unbridled vengeance, as Joker sees it, needs to be stopped, but not Killed. If he were killed, he would just be a martyr, and his symbol would live on. Of course, since Dent was a far better symbol for the city, he would make a far better martyr.
I don't know if Joker actually intended for Harvey to be so physically scarred by the explosion from which Batman saved him, but I am certain that he wanted Harvey to feel the full pain of Rachel's death, which is why he purposely tells Batman to go to the wrong address. He knows what Rachel's death would do to Harvey psychologically, and that Batman would eventually have no choice but to kill Harvey. This breaks Batman psychologically, and also makes him a villain, a true villain, the kind that abandons his own principles. Batman now has no choice but to disappear, leaving his memory to fade into something of urban legend by the time of TDKR.
When we pick up in the next film we see a defeated Bruce Wayne who had retired 8 years prior. The city was safe and peaceful (until Bane shows up), and doesn't need constant vigilante justice to keep it safe. Joker shows Batman the error of his ways, but does so in a totally devastating way.
Even the display with the two boats at the film's climax only served to prove to the people of Gotham that they wouldn't turn on each other. He proved that there was good even in the most supposedly despicable of Gotham's inmates.
In the end Gotham is actually clean. It wasn't because of Harvey, who died too soon to do any good, except as a martyr, and it wasn't because of Batman who was ostracized and treated like the criminal such a vigilante truly is for 8 years. Gotham was safe because the Joker had cleaned up the streets. He eliminated the corrupt police, he destroyed organized crime financially, he uplifted Gotham's spirit, and he even got rid of the flying pest that had been corrupting Gotham ever since he declared himself it's protector.
@Markd4547 Mind Blown..... (Fan Theory off of Reddit)
I briefly checked the history by doing a few searches and didn't see anything qu… moreite like this, but I apologize if someone else has come up with a similar theory before.
Joker, although a lying psychopath, is actually the hero in The Dark Knight. Before the Joker, Gotham was a mess. Entire sections of the city were closed off due to madness, organized crime ran rampant, and the majority of important city officials were wildly corrupt. The city even tolerated a renegade vigilante who ran around wearing a rubber suit (Okay, special armor and carbon fiber, but they don't know that).
Along comes the Joker and by the end of a very short time, almost all organized crime was eliminated, many corrupt officials were imprisoned or dead, and the city's Vigilante even went into hiding for 8 years. This was all part of Joker's masterfully executed plan.
Everyone must realize t… [view original content]
@Markd4547 Mind Blown..... (Fan Theory off of Reddit)
I briefly checked the history by doing a few searches and didn't see anything qu… moreite like this, but I apologize if someone else has come up with a similar theory before.
Joker, although a lying psychopath, is actually the hero in The Dark Knight. Before the Joker, Gotham was a mess. Entire sections of the city were closed off due to madness, organized crime ran rampant, and the majority of important city officials were wildly corrupt. The city even tolerated a renegade vigilante who ran around wearing a rubber suit (Okay, special armor and carbon fiber, but they don't know that).
Along comes the Joker and by the end of a very short time, almost all organized crime was eliminated, many corrupt officials were imprisoned or dead, and the city's Vigilante even went into hiding for 8 years. This was all part of Joker's masterfully executed plan.
Everyone must realize t… [view original content]
This is genius thanks for sharing I never taught about it like that but yes Batman is the protector Gotham deserves but the Joker turned out to be the one it truly needed
@Markd4547 Mind Blown..... (Fan Theory off of Reddit)
I briefly checked the history by doing a few searches and didn't see anything qu… moreite like this, but I apologize if someone else has come up with a similar theory before.
Joker, although a lying psychopath, is actually the hero in The Dark Knight. Before the Joker, Gotham was a mess. Entire sections of the city were closed off due to madness, organized crime ran rampant, and the majority of important city officials were wildly corrupt. The city even tolerated a renegade vigilante who ran around wearing a rubber suit (Okay, special armor and carbon fiber, but they don't know that).
Along comes the Joker and by the end of a very short time, almost all organized crime was eliminated, many corrupt officials were imprisoned or dead, and the city's Vigilante even went into hiding for 8 years. This was all part of Joker's masterfully executed plan.
Everyone must realize t… [view original content]
That one was pretty good, but it felt a lot easier than the others.
Yeah Just Dance 4 came with my console, and it was pretty fun so I got the other ones. We'd dance a lot with my cousin.
@Markd4547 Mind Blown..... (Fan Theory off of Reddit)
I briefly checked the history by doing a few searches and didn't see anything qu… moreite like this, but I apologize if someone else has come up with a similar theory before.
Joker, although a lying psychopath, is actually the hero in The Dark Knight. Before the Joker, Gotham was a mess. Entire sections of the city were closed off due to madness, organized crime ran rampant, and the majority of important city officials were wildly corrupt. The city even tolerated a renegade vigilante who ran around wearing a rubber suit (Okay, special armor and carbon fiber, but they don't know that).
Along comes the Joker and by the end of a very short time, almost all organized crime was eliminated, many corrupt officials were imprisoned or dead, and the city's Vigilante even went into hiding for 8 years. This was all part of Joker's masterfully executed plan.
Everyone must realize t… [view original content]
Top 5 things on my mind:
1. Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 5
2. Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 5
3. Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 5
4. Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 5
5. What I'm going to eat next
If only you saw the shithole that is the State of Victoria right now, then you'd be grateful for the hot days.
Colorblind Kurdistan!
Consider yourself lucky. A bitch named Erika is finna kill me and my family.
paid my old wii a visit with a new game.
True but going outside in the winter can suck here too. There are only a few places in Australia that get snow, so everywhere else is rainy and muddy.
Hurricane Erika, not an actual person. Plus, I was too busy filling sandbags to hit up my dealer.
Are you sure you're not colorblind?
Hmmmm....No Scarlett Witch or Spider Man seen....
I see just fine!
In the comics Spider-Man was an indecisive prick and kept switching side, Scarlet Witch and most X-men didn't want to get involved though I don't recall where she ended up, specially since there are no X-Men in the movies.
Uh, 9 months since I joined these forums. I first joined in April 2014 to be honest, as you can see in my profile, but I logged out 5 minutes later... so it doesn't count. Then I came back on November 28th, and here I am.
9 months, a baby was born while I've been here! Time flies, really.
It's still winter here and it's already hot. Next summer is gonna kill me.
Huh, for some reason I didn't see this reply in my notifications....
I don't really read the comics but I heard that basically Spider-Man was on Iron Mans side first then switched over to Caps. As for Scarlett Witch, rumors says she was gonna be on Caps side and that makes sense and she is probably just gonna be there without a big role so yeah. What I don't get is why she isn't on there but Black Panther is when she's the one who's been introduced already and he and Spidey are the two unintroduced wild cards....maybe it's just a coincidence....maybe not...
That moment when you realize you live in a less than stellar neighborhood...
Someone must have a three star wanted leve; they have the helicopter out and everything.
I know the feeling. I showed up in March 2014 and it doesn't feel long ago at all.
I regret nothing.
I know right? I never thought I'd stay here for so long. I thought I would stop logging in eventually. Gladly, that's not what happened.
It happens. A few times I have just been standing outside when the porkchop is out looking for someone, and had them point the spotlight at me for a few seconds.
@Markd4547 Mind Blown..... (Fan Theory off of Reddit)
Holy shit.
what the actual fuck...
Apparently Tuesday was one year since I joined. School made me miss it. Fucking school.
Don't worry, I missed my 1 year anniversary too
Oh, which one is this?
The just dance games are pretty good IMO.
They were like the only repsonsive thing I could get on my kinect ever.
Damn, school really does ruin everything.
This is genius thanks for sharing I never taught about it like that but yes Batman is the protector Gotham deserves but the Joker turned out to be the one it truly needed
enter link description here
This rant is awesome
God no please
That's Just Dance 2015. (The song is Maps by Maroon 5)
It's a first to see someone familiar with Just Dance on this forum.
I cant friggin wait for this mod to be finished!
Ha, I know!
I've been good. Since I got my junior year out of the way, senior year is pretty much a doozy. I planned on being more active here
How've you been?
That one was pretty good, but it felt a lot easier than the others.
Yeah Just Dance 4 came with my console, and it was pretty fun so I got the other ones. We'd dance a lot with my cousin.
Just Dance 2016 is going to be released this October.
I'm so getting it :P
Hah, I didn't know that, thanks.
All of them have been kind of surprise releases for me.
what is it?
I bloody love winter here, even in spite of the rain!
Whomever wrote this truly deserves a cookie.
They just have so much to cover in such a 2 hour time-span.
Maybe there'll be a season 2 or DLC for the wait on Borderlands 3
don't make me cry, alright kid?