Why telltale should make one game per year

Telltale has lately had two seasons premier a year and usually they are both good, but do you know why the walking dead game was so great. They put all of their time and effort into making it. Law and order legacies was terrible because the walking dead game season 1 was great. I feel like if the wolf among us the walking dead game season 2 if they were released in different years could have been fantastic if they let the development team focus. Game of thrones and tales from the borderlands. One of them ended up being a lot better than it thought of been. The other was okay-good. If telltale had one game primer a year that could be fantadtic
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They were making The Wolf Among Us too during that time.
You don't exactly have an evidence nor does one game being makes the other great.
There's TWO development teams for each game. And the Wolf Among Us was fantastic.
Not sure what 'a lot better than it thought of been' means.
Some people like having other games to play and not just wait for one.
I'm not going to wait 2 years for TWDG S3 just so Minecraft Story Mode can be "great."
And I'm pretty sure Telltale has different teams working on different things. It just depends on the writers.
I agree. Telltale have proven managing two games at once is problematic. We get short episodes with little character development. To hell with people who can't be patience and demand everything on the fly
I disagree they've been doing a great job if it works why change it? I'm pretty sure they have different teams working on the games.
One more thing. The walking dead game season 1 episodes were two hours. Games today are one hour and a half. The walking dead game season 1 had 25% of more content
Newer episodes for Borderlands/Game of Thrones are two hours on average. The shorter episodes and lack of puzzles/hubs after Walking Dead: Season 1 were not due to Telltale's larger workload, but rather were a deliberate choice for their newer games to give them a more cinematic and accessible presentation (a trend that Telltale started several years before Walking Dead: Season 1, even), although Telltale went back to longer episodes after Wolf and Dead: Season 2.
After Walking Dead: Season 1, Telltale has rapidly grown in size. They had around 90 people (I think) during Walking Dead: Season 1 (and not all of them worked on Walking Dead), whereas Telltale now has 300 people and are still hiring.
They have multiple teams (and always had); so it's not as if Telltale can only work on one good title at once.
I believe you on the cinematic approach but the problem with it being more cinematic is that telltale games is supposed to have a balance between game and TV show. Recently it has been to cinematic that causes people to watch the game in YouTube instead of playing it s1 had dialogue options and felt like a video game show but the recent ones have been a tv show video game.
Yeah I understand what you mean, but keep in mind that sometimes greatness can only be achieved once Like Walking Dead season 1 as far as plot and playing time goes, however I don't see them ever topping The Walking Dead season 1, since it was their paramount ace game. And as such you would think that maybe they would spend slightly more of their manpower on their The Walking Dead series since it got them like literally 80 game of the year awards and no doubt a pretty penny in their pockets, but I suppose they would want to try their luck with those other kind of boring, dry and maybe a little lame games currently for profit as well.
I admit I sort of care less about mostly all their other games besides the TTG Walking Dead and Jurassic Park. And I'm not overly impressed with Game Of Thrones nor Tales from the Borderlands even Wolf Among Us was averagely decent for me at best. But I would say they only need to increase the quantity and quality of their staff to better handle releasing two quality seasons. More employees might mean more smoothly released games. So I'm not against two game titles per year but if they had a larger staff then I believe it would mean more members of each team to spend time and efforts with each game to make it as great as possible. 2 great seasons with more playtime and masterful writing would be better than just 1 and having to wait around with nothing else to check out in the meantime while waiting for the next episode of that 1 season.
My strong suspicion is that a lot of Telltale's issues could be solved by dumping the Telltale Tool in favor of a more modern engine. It's a completely internal tool so I don't know for sure, but I seriously doubt that an engine originally built a decade ago could come close to being as good as something like Unreal Engine. It especially shows on platforms like the PS3 and the 360. Telltale's games are not graphics intensive, yet these consoles struggle to run them while being fine with a very complicated game like GTA V. That's outrageous. Telltale appears to have every intention of continuing to support less powerful platforms like PS3, 360, Vita, etc, and there's a good amount of stuttering even on powerful PCs, so I think its time to build a tool and/or dev cycle based on a modern engine. That might mean temporarily switching to one game at a time, or even a longish break from releasing anything at all, but I think it would be well worth it.
This is so true, when working on more games than once it's obvious that they end up making shitty crappy 0.1/10 games.
I have also played telltales other games, but none are a patch on The Walking Dead. Looking at the various groups on Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and many many others, it's obvious that The Walking Dead is the clear favourite.
Now i'm not advocating that telltale should just concentrate on that and nothing else, of course they have to experiment and bring out new titles.
It's just The Walking Dead is their golden ticket, and they should treat it as their priority. Yes, season two had it's flaws, but in my opinion it still a damn sight better than 99.999999% of other games on the market.
Its not just one team of people working on all those games.
Yes but they have less time to write, create, model and get voice acting done and on average each game all together ends up being 7 hours or less. TWAU and TWD S2 would both be drastically different had they given a year to each of them
Well then some games must have terrible lazy writers obviously. I hope TWD gets good writers this time.
Well I imagine they're working on ATLEAST 6 projects right now. Two walking dead series, Minecraft, Marvel, GoT and Borderlands, plus what ever they haven't announced. The growing studio needs revenue from multiple projects to keep growing and make better and bigger content. If they released 1 game a year they'd have to downsize otherwise they'd go under releasing games for £15 once a year.
They have different teams working on each game, and they seem to pull people from various other teams through development to help on different projects as mentioned by some TT staff on twitter. It's just the case a chicken doesn't always lay a golden egg.
I'd also argue that games like a Life is Strange and Until Dawn have moved the interative story genre forward while TT has remained static in their tropes (engine limited?) that no longer feel fresh originally with the walking dead (which I imagine was the TT game most people played first).
However Borderland has been brilliant this year, and like I say, I imagine that's with TT working on several title at the same time.
The studio uses human resource, as well as time resource. That is to say, if they cut down to one game per year instead of two, they'd have to fire half the writing staff, as having double the writers on each game would be way more chaotic than having two separate teams.
If the departure rate of their high-profile writers is any indication, they could probably consolidate the teams fairly easily. ;P
I still say that they expanded the wrong way after the first Walking Dead season. They should have expanded their core team rather than adding a second one. Alas, you're probably right that it's too late now.
Okay, that sentence doesn't make sense whatsoever.
Yes, because Wolf Among Us and Tales from the Borderlands are "crappy 0.1/10 games."
Telltale has been hiring lots of new people to support multiple teams ever since Walking Dead: Season 1. As for the shorter 90 minute episodes, that was a deliberate choice Telltale made as they wanted their games to be played in one sitting (which they later changed for Borderlands/Thrones due to fan feedback).
Judging by Tales from The Borderlands and (the reviews I've heard for) Game of Thrones, I think TWD will get better.
All recent Telltale Games are around 2 hours.