'So Close, Yet So Far' Episode Discussion.


So yeah, it's on again. Hopefully less teen drama. Comment while you watch, before or after. That didn't sound quite right. But you know, enjoy!


  • No fair, I'll have to wait till Tuesday evening after work :(

  • Why can't anyone forgive the first ep for having teen drama?

  • This episode seems promising. Though I'm really starting to wonder what Walking Dead has against black people.

  • Wait the boyfriend is called Matt?......Like Until Dawn? This series just got me Hooked :)

  • Spoiler

    Matt?......Like Until Dawn? This series just got me Hooked :)

    That better not have been a horrible horrible mean cruel pun about Matt's death :P

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Wait the boyfriend is called Matt?......Like Until Dawn? This series just got me Hooked

  • I actually think the might have accepted as a trope now.

    This episode seems promising. Though I'm really starting to wonder what Walking Dead has against black people.

  • I'm gonna guess and it's just a hunch, but I'm almost positive Travis's ex is going to die.

  • Tobias (the teen dude with acne) is pretty cool and the only character I really like. Which tells me he will end up dying before the season is over.

  • I saved him so it dosent have the same effect.

  • Well that was a damn good episode. Way better than the first which was bad IMO.

  • Cmon the first ep was good

    Well that was a damn good episode. Way better than the first which was bad IMO.

  • You mean...ya'll don't know?

    The black dude dies first!

    This episode seems promising. Though I'm really starting to wonder what Walking Dead has against black people.

  • 1.Slow Walkers. Why aren't they fast?
    2.Drug withdraws
    3. Nerd that knows everything about the end of the world
    4. Obama down.

    This may contain spoilers!

  • Spoiler

    I didn't like they added religion to the series, Im mexican and I was excited about mexican people in the show, but religious fanatics? I don't know there's something that bothers me about it, I liked episode 2 and so far FTWD has been really exciting but that woman I don't know, b4 someone tells me Im gonna burn in hell I believe in religion don't worry, im not against god and I respect others religions even those who don't believe in religion, but I don't think religion should be mixed like that in a show like TWD, father Gabriel is ok though.

  • Thread: Fear the walking dead episode 2, So close so far discussion

    I thought it was a bit better than the first, I was worried they'd take forever to get to any actual chaos. Plus they introduced all the characters together which was good also.

    Most of the characters act kind of dumb but thats to be expectecd, chris is the only one I cant stand though.

    The peoples reactions to the things are a bit odd as well, maybe its just because the mom has such bland delivery on every line but both parents seem way to relaxed.

  • edited August 2015

    It's literally one scene with one character. You're probably just overreacting.

  • Besides Father Gabriel, you do realize that the main series has tons of scenes in churches and discussions about religion in the apocalypse?

    Plus, what she was doing is a very natural thing for people in distress.

  • Im probably overeacting like lupin said, and yeah I didn't think it well its just that recently I saw this movie called the mist and the human antagonist was like so crazy would be weird seing that woman become.something like that but yeah I did overreact lol, TWD's magic I guess lol

    Besides Father Gabriel, you do realize that the main series has tons of scenes in churches and discussions about religion in the apocalypse? Plus, what she was doing is a very natural thing for people in distress.

  • The Mist? That ending.

    darky07 posted: »

    Im probably overeacting like lupin said, and yeah I didn't think it well its just that recently I saw this movie called the mist and the hum

  • The Mist? That ending

    Carols like "LOL karma"

    The Mist? That ending.

  • Slow Walkers. Why aren't they fast?

    Why would they? They've never been.

    1.Slow Walkers. Why aren't they fast? 2.Drug withdraws 3. Nerd that knows everything about the end of the world 4. Obama down. This may contain spoilers!

  • Not as rotten.

    Slow Walkers. Why aren't they fast? Why would they? They've never been.

  • Still doesn't mean they would be fast, as they've never been in the comics. I'm saying "Never in the comics" as in the newly turned ones aren't ever faster, therefore ones at the beginning wouldn't be either.

    Not as rotten.

  • You can't really judge in the comics how fast they are compared to others.

    Still doesn't mean they would be fast, as they've never been in the comics. I'm saying "Never in the comics" as in the newly turned ones aren't ever faster, therefore ones at the beginning wouldn't be either.

  • Kinda, kinda not.

    You can't really judge in the comics how fast they are compared to others.

  • I feel like it was good, but it has a lot of missed potential. I wish it would focus on the transition and the growing chaos of society. To me, it feels like instead they are moving from point A to point B in the blink of an eye, and having the chaos start abruptly without showing how it reaches the said chaos. I dunno. Am I the only one who also feels like there are a lot of commercials?

  • Yup I hated the religious woman lol thats why FTWD's woman bothers me I just don't want her to become like that.

    Carlos like "LOL Karma"
    yeah it was sad c-c

    The Mist? That ending.

  • Oh man, The Mist is such a great movie! Really depressing ending..

    darky07 posted: »

    Yup I hated the religious woman lol thats why FTWD's woman bothers me I just don't want her to become like that. Carlos like "LOL Karma" yeah it was sad c-c

  • Remember, “When civilization ends, it ends fast.”

    I feel like it was good, but it has a lot of missed potential. I wish it would focus on the transition and the growing chaos of society. To

  • Bro,bro,bro, have you even watched season1 of the Walking Dead? They run faster than a light jog.

    Still doesn't mean they would be fast, as they've never been in the comics. I'm saying "Never in the comics" as in the newly turned ones aren't ever faster, therefore ones at the beginning wouldn't be either.

  • edited August 2015

    We never saw the newly turned ones in the comics. The only new ones we've seen are in the game, and those are going off of a guess that they would be just as slow.

    Still doesn't mean they would be fast, as they've never been in the comics. I'm saying "Never in the comics" as in the newly turned ones aren't ever faster, therefore ones at the beginning wouldn't be either.

  • Sad to say the only thing I find interesting in these couple episodes is Nicks road to sobriety. The protest part was a swing and a miss. I don't even find the zombie apocalpyse part interesting unless it has to do with Nick, which is sad

    Idk how much this show is worth watching compared to its predecessor, especially when there is no hope for a cure. I guess I'll just wait for October 11th to come...

  • Umm...We have seen newly turned people in the comics. However if you're talking about early outbreak walkers then you would be correct.

    We never saw the newly turned ones in the comics. The only new ones we've seen are in the game, and those are going off of a guess that they would be just as slow.

  • No not really. They're a little smarter but they've never run.

    Bro,bro,bro, have you even watched season1 of the Walking Dead? They run faster than a light jog.

  • Yeah, I know. But what I mean is that I wish they focused more on the environment around it as it changed, rather than the characters themselves so directly. I like the plot they have, but I wish we saw it in a different way and we got to experience the world before a little bit more, so that this apocalypse had more of an effect on us.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Remember, “When civilization ends, it ends fast.”

  • I know it kind of pissed me because of the guys luck, poor dude...

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Oh man, The Mist is such a great movie! Really depressing ending..

  • Dude, there are still 4 episodes ahead and I've seen a lot of chaos you're talking about in the trailers so... be patient! :P

    Yeah, I know. But what I mean is that I wish they focused more on the environment around it as it changed, rather than the characters themse

  • That's not what I'm disappointed about??? I said

    I wish we saw it in a different way and we got to experience the world before a little bit more, so that this apocalypse had more of an effect on us.

    Tewudin posted: »

    Dude, there are still 4 episodes ahead and I've seen a lot of chaos you're talking about in the trailers so... be patient! :P

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