Top 3 characters that you don't want to die in Ep.6

edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

There are definitely going to be deaths in Ep.6 so I think it would be fun to see who people think should survive.

My top 3:

  • 1.Asher

  • 2.Beskha

  • 3.Talia



  • edited August 2015
    • Gared. (x3000000). I'm not stupid, I know his chances aren't good, but this is just a dream of mine. Totally haven't thought through how he could survive. Nope.
    • Talia
    • Beskha
  • I feel like his chances aren't that bad. Why would lord Forrester and his uncle send him to look for the North Grove if it's not worth the risk? I believe that the North Grove will somehow help him survive or it will depend on Gared's decisions.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    * Gared. (x3000000). I'm not stupid, I know his chances aren't good, but this is just a dream of mine. Totally haven't thought through how he could survive. Nope. * Talia * Beskha

    1. Asher. He won't join the doomed-determinant-characters club.

    2. Beskha. Cause reasons.

    3. Mira. She's been through all this shit to end up dead? Nonono.

  • Gared, because he is badass
    Talia, only if she stops being bloodthirsty
    Ryon, because he is just a kid

    1. Everyone
    2. Everyone
    3. Everyone
    1. Gared
    2. Beskha
    3. Mira
    1. Asher
    2. Beskha
    3. Gared
    1. Cotter
    2. Gared
    3. Elaena
    1. Mira
    2. Beskha
    3. Morgryn (yes, really. He is the most entertaining character to interact with and I want him on Season 2)
  • I misread the title as 'characters that you DO want to die in ep 6' and was subsequently horrified by the responses :P

    • Rodrik
    • Lady Forrester
    • Royland
    1. Gared
    2. Asher... I don't want to see him die, I saved him for a reason!
    3. I don't know, everybody?
  • All the playable characters. (In my playthrough: Asher, Gared, Mira)

  • Talia, Gared, Mira...

    I mean I wish Rodrik, but I can't see the Lord making it out after last episode.

    1. Cotter
    2. Tom
    3. Sylvi
  • Rodrik, Beskha, Royland. Dont give a crap about anyone else really lol

  • I think his chances are good. With Asher/Rodrik determinant, if Gared were to die too, that would only leave Mira. I doubt they'd leave her as the only playable character... right?

    cindaquil posted: »

    I feel like his chances aren't that bad. Why would lord Forrester and his uncle send him to look for the North Grove if it's not worth the risk? I believe that the North Grove will somehow help him survive or it will depend on Gared's decisions.

    • Asher
    • Talia
    • Beskha
    1. Gared
    2. Rodrik
    3. Beshka
    1. The brother who survived the events of Episode 5 (Rodrik or Asher)
    2. Gared
    3. Ryon

    I hate bitchy and bloodthirsty Talia, so I don't mind if she's going to die (miss her character in Episodes 1 and 2)

  • 1.) Rodrik -The option for his death fucks me up.

    2.) Ryon - Bravest Kid

    3.) Mira - She's Fuckin awesome

  • I feel like this is the kind of information that's dangerous to put in front of telltale

    1. Asher (though he probably will)
    2. Talia - The only non playable character I care about
    3. Mira
  • Thank you guys...

    enter image description here

    1. Ludd

    2. Gryff

    3. Harys

    Just so the fan base can rage and call it bullshit because they want Forresters to always win

  • edited August 2015
    1. Rodrik/Asher
    2. Mira
    3. Gared
      I don't want to die anymore. I died twice now and a third, fourth and fifth time will cause my internal sixth death because if they go, I'm going with my house.
      #ForeverForrester #IronfromIce
  • I didn't mind it before but episode 5 really pissed me off and had me saying "Your not the Lord Talia and I'm tired of you pretending you are"

    JohnKersky posted: »

    * The brother who survived the events of Episode 5 (Rodrik or Asher) * Gared * Ryon I hate bitchy and bloodthirsty Talia, so I don't mind if she's going to die (miss her character in Episodes 1 and 2)

  • edited August 2015

    My top 3? There are a lot more than three characters I want to see come out of Episode 6 with their hides intact. If I have to choose then...

    1. Rodrick
    2. Beskha
    3. Talia

    Asking for my kill list would have been much easier!

  • How did you got that? Because I realy wanna rewind and tell her that.

    reply671 posted: »

    I didn't mind it before but episode 5 really pissed me off and had me saying "Your not the Lord Talia and I'm tired of you pretending you are"

    1. Asher
    2. Asher
    3. Asher
    1. Rodrik (he's been through too damn much to die now and sacrificing Asher can't be for nothing...)
    2. Talia (sweet angry bby)
    3. Elaena (she's totally pregnant, okay, she can't die!)

    Honourable mention goes to Mama Forrester, but I'm low key dreading her reaction to losing another child... I expect her to either get reckless or just check out and go all but catatonic.

  • edited August 2015
    1. Rodrik
    2. Talia
    3. Mira
    1. Asher
    2. Mira
    3. Beskha
    1. Talia

    2. Gared

    3. Mira

  • enter image description here

    * Asher * Asher * Asher

    1. Asher
    2. Beskha
    3. Mira
    1. Gared

    2. Sylvi

    3. Beshka

    1. Cotter.

    2. Gryff.

    3. Harys

    Others are either not so likely to die, or I don't care that much about them. I also don't want Ludd and Bloodsong to die, I would've put them in top 5.

  • edited August 2015
    1. Ryon
    2. Gared
    3. Mira

    I suspect that Asher/Rodrik will die in episode 6 regardless of episode 5 decision.

    1. Talia
    2. Ryon
    3. Rodrik (kind of hopeless)
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