In what way would you like to murder Ludd Whitehill?

Would like Asher to rip his head off while Beskha cruches his tecticles (She has a history with that...) . His body then gets fed to the fookin' pigs and those pigs are then slaughtered and fed to Gryff who dies of chocking on Ludd's Testicle Porkpie.

What would be your favourite way?



  • In his sleep at the age 105.

  • Gryff must die first. Right before him.

    Only then does he have permission to die.

  • I wouldn't mind watching him bleed out. Maybe we could stab him in the neck although that is a fast death and I certainly don't want it to be fast. I would like to watch him die slowly...

  • I wouldn't

    Gryff is the one who should die

  • edited August 2015

    Well, first, Rodrik / Asher stabs Gryff in the neck and tells Ludd, "You brought this on yourself."

    After that, as Ludd kneels besides Gryff's corpse, the Forresters set fire to Highpoint, and let it get burnt to the fookin' ground around him.

  • Sew his asshole shut and keep FEEDIN him.

  • Something quick... A dagger through the eye?

  • Kill Gryff in front of him and then shove bread and salt down his throat until he chokes on it.

  • edited September 2015

    Cut his big old head!

  • Get a couple others to hold him in position then repeatedly stab him in the gut.

  • With the Forrester greatsword.

  • jesus fucking christ

    enter image description here

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Sew his asshole shut and keep FEEDIN him.

  • I prefer a fire hose up the bum.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Sew his asshole shut and keep FEEDIN him.

  • Before I kill him this is what I wanna do:

    Make him do the shame walk and then I would like to flay him alive >:)

  • For me, the same way we killed Royland/Duncan (optionally). One last stare at the idiot as he falls down.

  • But.. For the shame walk he has to be naked... Do you really want to see this?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Before I kill him this is what I wanna do: Make him do the shame walk and then I would like to flay him alive

  • Really drawn out execution scene. Surviving brother shoves him through the courtyard with his wrists bound.

    All surviving Whitehill men are captured and forced to watch as their lord is beheaded in front of them. To add insult to injury someone kicks the head so it's lying in front of Gryff.

    That said, having him crushed by an ironwood tree would be nice and ironic.

  • I'm gonna kill him until he dies from it.

  • I want to beat him to death with Gryff's head while I'm wearing Gwyn's face. Then the Forresters will have a face pizza party courtesy of the Whitehill family and their soldiers.

  • In my own bed. At the age of eighty. With a belly full of wine and a girls cock around my mouth.

    Peter Dinklage said that by mistake once, the whole set laughed their arse off

  • Really!!! Damn they shoulda kept that in the show

    kaza125 posted: »

    In my own bed. At the age of eighty. With a belly full of wine and a girls cock around my mouth. Peter Dinklage said that by mistake once, the whole set laughed their arse off

  • Ok lets get a lil evil here

    Stab him in both legs so he's paralyzed (cut off his big toe just to make sure), cut off both of his hands. And then each of us Forresters stab him while saying "for the watch"

  • Bludgeon him to death with a walking stick

  • How about cutting his intestines open withdrawing some whilst keeping him alive and then stangling(hanging) him with them in front of all his men.

  • edited September 2015

    Why not? I would be satisfyied at least :)

    Kenny4ever posted: »

    But.. For the shame walk he has to be naked... Do you really want to see this?

  • edited August 2015

    Chopping his fat head off

  • Oooh better yet, can I get Ramsay to flay him?

  • Really drawn out execution scene.

    This. It would have been great to have a public execution with the traitor instead of just killing him right there, but beheading Ludd would compensate with this earlier missed chance.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Really drawn out execution scene. Surviving brother shoves him through the courtyard with his wrists bound. All surviving Whitehill men a

  • My favourite way to murder him would be to not murder him.

  • Do what Kenny did to Carver.

  • If there's another way I'm taking it, I have no desire to kill Ludd or Gryff.

  • Capture him and hold a grand feast at Ironrath. Invite Ramsay to celebrate our victory and ask him to show me a few tricks, on how to flay someone, let Ludd see how I practice on Gryff and after he's done Ludd gets his turn. You please the Boltons because Ramsay would like that and you can kill the Whitehills, two birds one stone.

  • I'd rather save that for Gryff. Maybe saltlick?

    Do what Kenny did to Carver.

  • Ludd is amazing. Why does everyone want to kill him? I mean Gryff fine but Ludd's VA is the bomb and he needs to stay. All of his scenes are AMAZING. When he's in the room that's when there's the most tension.

  • edited September 2015

    Why not both! Salt lick is always a good option though :)

    gomatamo posted: »

    I'd rather save that for Gryff. Maybe saltlick?

  • Oooh. Beat the shit of their face with the crowbar and then smashing it with the salt lick. I like it! :D

    Why not both! Salt lick is always a good option though

  • Inviting Ramsay back is folly... you clearly don't understand how deranged he is lol.

    Tartaro posted: »

    Capture him and hold a grand feast at Ironrath. Invite Ramsay to celebrate our victory and ask him to show me a few tricks, on how to flay

  • Asher/Rodrik and Gared cuttin' his fookin' balls off.

    I guess you could say he got sacked.

  • edited September 2015

    Well there is always the danger of him wanting Talia again, but if we pretend to be as mad as him he might not go around killing Forresters anymore. Lets change the feast to highpoint, just to be sure.
    But as you said with Ramsay you can never be sure.

    Inviting Ramsay back is folly... you clearly don't understand how deranged he is lol.

  • After all the things the Whitehils did to your family? You wouldn't at least kill Gryff?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    If there's another way I'm taking it, I have no desire to kill Ludd or Gryff.

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