Will Daenarys even care? [another discussion starter phrased as hypothetical dialogue]

Daenarys:Now that I have taken my rightful place upon the iron throne house forrester will be rewarded for it's loyalties. Malcolm send a raven inviting them to kings landing.
Malcolm: Uhh. No need my queen. They're all dead i'm the only Forrester left. They were all slaughtered while i was helping you.
Daenarys: Well .... this is awkward.



  • He isn't even Forrester, he's Branfield (brother to Elissa)

  • Certain lines of dialogue from lady elissa indicate that i should have added an extra line for Malcolm. "But dont worry i'm used to houses i'm in falling" because elissa said she watched her birth house fall and she cant watch it happen again.

    MicroAce posted: »

    He isn't even Forrester, he's Branfield (brother to Elissa)

  • Honestly, she probably will fly to the North Grove with Drogo. Drogo will seduce the ice dragon into following them and then they take over the throne.

  • I doubt it, Malcolm will probably die in her service due to her shit leadership and then she'll just forget or think "eh, they're probably fine." Either way, she's never coming back so it doesn't matter.

  • Daenarys is one of the worst allies ever lol

    She will probably burn Malcom alive after he finishes his mission

  • My Malcolms used to it.

    HelloMyLord posted: »

    Daenarys is one of the worst allies ever lol She will probably burn Malcom alive after he finishes his mission

  • Dany is a bitch, of course she won't care.

  • Dany is s bitch

    Nuh uhh >:O only reason she was mean to us is because her snatch hasn't been filled by Daario at that point

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Dany is a bitch, of course she won't care.

  • She is a bitch.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Dany is s bitch Nuh uhh >:O only reason she was mean to us is because her snatch hasn't been filled by Daario at that point

  • To Dany haters

    enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    She is a bitch.

  • This:

    enter image description here

    Clemenem posted: »

    To Dany haters

  • Going to have to answer Daenarys is a bitch because of this imaginary scene

    Daenarys: You risked your lives on and important and dangerous mission but you killed a slave master so you get nothing. Wait what am i talking about your mission was successful. What i was going to give you was a chest of gold but that chest was for completing the optional bonus objective of doing a pacifist run when it came to masters still you deserve your reward for the actual mission so here is what sellswords usually get paid. Tosses bag of coins to Asher.

    Clemenem posted: »

    To Dany haters

  • Its not about the slave master he probably got crucified anyway.Its about following orders.She specifically said you will get nothing if you dont listen to Croft.
    When your Queen gives you a command you do it without any objections.That is simply how Targaryens work.Hell if she ever returns to Westeros House Forrester could get paramountship over the North for helping Dany.

    CapnJay posted: »

    Going to have to answer Daenarys is a bitch because of this imaginary scene Daenarys: You risked your lives on and important and dangerou

  • Then how do sell swords work?

    Right they swear absolute fealty to people with no official power and work for free right?

    greensenpai posted: »

    Its not about the slave master he probably got crucified anyway.Its about following orders.She specifically said you will get nothing if you

  • We might need a point of view from Essos in Season 2, so Malcolm could be important in the story, we might play as him or him being the side character. I do not approve he decided to aid the Queen who basically needs her whole army to do nothing in the end. I know he wanted to aid her because she would have been a powerful ally if she claims the Iron Throne, but I kinda doubt that is going to happen. Elissa basically told Rodrik that Targaryen's trust with her own house costed them dearly. In other words, Malcom sold out his family's house like a whore on the street.

  • And that's why I let him burn in my second playthrough.

    And then he tried to say Iron from ice as I leave to Ironrath. I looked at his arm and said, don't you mean Fire and Blood?

    gomatamo posted: »

    We might need a point of view from Essos in Season 2, so Malcolm could be important in the story, we might play as him or him being the side

  • enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    She is a bitch.

  • Well, I saved Beshka at my first playthrough because she was fighting Drogon, but after episode 5, I was glad I made that choice.

    I didn't pick the Fire and Blood option, but that was one sick burn!

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    And that's why I let him burn in my second playthrough. And then he tried to say Iron from ice as I leave to Ironrath. I looked at his arm and said, don't you mean Fire and Blood?

  • To be honest I really hate Daenarys anyway so I don't really care about her.

    I hated her stuck up,ignorant and small-minded behaviour when it came to the situation of the slave master's death.

  • Ugh but he's such an unimaginitive vanilla character.

    gomatamo posted: »

    We might need a point of view from Essos in Season 2, so Malcolm could be important in the story, we might play as him or him being the side

  • Fortunately, she isn't my queen (or the queen of anyone with sense) so her orders are worthless. We get the soldiers with(out) or without her help.

    greensenpai posted: »

    Its not about the slave master he probably got crucified anyway.Its about following orders.She specifically said you will get nothing if you

  • I think the more Apt quote is from Episode 6's own menu screen "They can live in my new world or die in their old one"

  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited September 2015

    Asher: Well I suppose this proves you aren't a lannister.

    Daenarys: Oh and why not?

    Asher: Because a Lannister always pays their debts.

    Sandflow posted: »

    To be honest I really hate Daenarys anyway so I don't really care about her. I hated her stuck up,ignorant and small-minded behaviour when it came to the situation of the slave master's death.

  • malcolm can be a playable charcter, otherwise i dont see a reasone for him staying and dany giving him a mission

    I doubt it, Malcolm will probably die in her service due to her shit leadership and then she'll just forget or think "eh, they're probably fine." Either way, she's never coming back so it doesn't matter.

  • im not a daenarys fan, but she isnt THAT bad

    HelloMyLord posted: »

    Daenarys is one of the worst allies ever lol She will probably burn Malcom alive after he finishes his mission

  • edited September 2015


    I feel like if Asher said that, she would have released Drogo on us

    CapnJay posted: »

    Asher: Well I suppose this proves you aren't a lannister. Daenarys: Oh and why not? Asher: Because a Lannister always pays their debts.

  • Idk why, but I saved Malcolm in my first playthrough. I thought it was life or death... And I didn't want Malcolm to die the way Rodrik did (in episode 1).

    gomatamo posted: »

    Well, I saved Beshka at my first playthrough because she was fighting Drogon, but after episode 5, I was glad I made that choice. I didn't pick the Fire and Blood option, but that was one sick burn!

  • Asher if Daenarys sicced her dragon on us.


    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    BOOM! I feel like if Asher said that, she would have released Drogo on us

  • And skewered mc skeweredson, hatchethead mcgee, the snowcoats, and every unamed crow/sellsword/smallfolk was so very interesting? You can put any kind of ice cream in a coke float but people add vanilla the most why?

    Flog61 posted: »

    Ugh but he's such an unimaginitive vanilla character.

  • Here lies Rodrik Forrester Crushed by a Horse.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Idk why, but I saved Malcolm in my first playthrough. I thought it was life or death... And I didn't want Malcolm to die the way Rodrik did (in episode 1).

  • Dany is not Stannis, so no. ;)

    HelloMyLord posted: »

    Daenarys is one of the worst allies ever lol She will probably burn Malcom alive after he finishes his mission

  • enter image description here

    CapnJay posted: »

    I think the more Apt quote is from Episode 6's own menu screen "They can live in my new world or die in their old one"

  • With sellswords, they swear fealty and promise loyalty so long as they get paid.

    An example of such is Bronn. When he temporarily becomes Commander of the City Watch, he tells Tyrion that he'll need to be paid more. When Tyrion asks if he would mercilessly slaughter children, Bronn replies "I'd ask how much." The only reason he stops selling his sword to Tyrion was because Cersei paid more than Tyrion and got him a marriage as well.

    CapnJay posted: »

    Then how do sell swords work? Right they swear absolute fealty to people with no official power and work for free right?

  • Always lovely when you visit Ramsay things tend to get interesting.

    With sellswords, they swear fealty and promise loyalty so long as they get paid. An example of such is Bronn. When he temporarily becomes

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    CapnJay posted: »

    Always lovely when you visit Ramsay things tend to get interesting.

  • enter image description here

    Tbh, she's not better than Cersei and remember, sooner or later, all Targaryens become mad :)

  • enter image description here

    CapnJay posted: »

    My Malcolms used to it.

  • Ahh my favorite picture of Ramsay i love that theatrical bow upon departing.

  • rip in horseshit

    CapnJay posted: »

    Here lies Rodrik Forrester Crushed by a Horse.

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