Can anyone post fanart of Ramsay being stabbed or killed?

edited September 2015 in Game Of Thrones

I can't seem to find any Drawings or art of Ramsay being killed anywhere, I went to Deviantart, Google images, etc.

The only thing I found close to what I said was this:

enter image description here

Or this:

enter image description here



  • That top one scared the shit out of me and I quite like the bottom one's art style.

    Plot armour's clearly too thick for any other art to stab through.

  • Is that something that happens in the books? I have been hoping for that scene to happen for the longest time in the show.

  • Unfortunately, that bottom scene does not happen in the books.

    Is that something that happens in the books? I have been hoping for that scene to happen for the longest time in the show.

  • Is ramsay or theon dead yet in the books?

    Unfortunately, that bottom scene does not happen in the books.

  • Theon and Jeyne Poole survive the jump from Winterfell's wall and then are taken by a group of spearwives who accompanied Stannis south. Theon and Asha meet again, though she diesn't recognise him for obvious reasons. The last that is heard of Ramsay is a letter sent to Jon basically saying "I've killed Stannis and his forces. Give me my Reek or I'll kill you too." Whether Stannis is actually dead or not is unknown, same applies with Jon.

    Is ramsay or theon dead yet in the books?

  • Yes, there's still time for Ramsay to die. However, from what I read about Winds of Winter, Theon may get burnt alive.

    ah. so there's still time

  • edited September 2015

    Stannis definitely plans to kill Theon for his crimes against the Starks, partly because he's Stannis and partly because it would help him bolster allegiance in the North.

    But he hasn't decided between burning him alive, or a simple beheading. A beheading might help him more with the Northerners, not only is it the preferred method by Ned Stark but burning him alive is pretty cruel and unusual and might turn some of the Northerners against Stannis.

    Yes, there's still time for Ramsay to die. However, from what I read about Winds of Winter, Theon may get burnt alive.

  • Yes, I don't imagine Theon's blood would work in Stannis' favour anyway.

    Stannis definitely plans to kill Theon for his crimes against the Starks, partly because he's Stannis and partly because it would help him b

  • edited September 2015

    Is this from the books too, or predictions?

    And what, theon survived the jump?! So theon and Sansa might live to be in season 6?

    And I'm guessing in the books, Brienne didn't execute Stannis in the name of Renly, right?

    Stannis definitely plans to kill Theon for his crimes against the Starks, partly because he's Stannis and partly because it would help him b

  • In the books, Brienne is looking for a Stark, any Stark. She never got to meet Arya, so that awesome fight between her and the Hound never happened, and she doesn't get close to seeing Sansa who stays in The Vale. Brienne and Podrick go about The Riverlands, she gets half of her face bitten off but gets saved by Gendry. She encounters Jaime, who is trying to deal with the fighting in the Riverlands with Ilyn Payne. She also unfortunately encounters Lady Stoneheart, aka Catelyn Stark reborn, who has become the head of the Brotherhood Without Banners. Lady Stoneheart believes that Brienne betrayed her and has Brienne hung like the Frey men that she's been executing. Brienne's fate is unknown.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Is this from the books too, or predictions? And what, theon survived the jump?! So theon and Sansa might live to be in season 6? And I'm guessing in the books, Brienne didn't execute Stannis in the name of Renly, right?

  • That's intense...

    I wonder how different the show is compared to the book, at least when it comes to the storyline. Was Brans story the same in the book? I heard that Bran, Arya, and Lady Stark all went to Castle black together in the books.

    In the books, Brienne is looking for a Stark, any Stark. She never got to meet Arya, so that awesome fight between her and the Hound never h

  • edited September 2015

    Bran's story is almost exactly identical to the books.

    The differences are

    • Bran and Co don't get captured at Craster's Keep like they do in the show they have a fairly uneventful trip North (until the wight attack). Also they are guided by a mysterious character who doesn't appear in the show.
    • Jojen is not killed by skeletons like he is the show. They are attacked by wights, but he doesn't die. He is still alive as of A Dance With Dragons.

    Other than that it's pretty much exactly the same. Arya and Lady Stark never go to Castle Black.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    That's intense... I wonder how different the show is compared to the book, at least when it comes to the storyline. Was Brans story the same in the book? I heard that Bran, Arya, and Lady Stark all went to Castle black together in the books.

  • Damn... I kinda wanna read the book now

    Bran's story is almost exactly identical to the books. The differences are * Bran and Co don't get captured at Craster's Keep like t

  • Damn, there really is nothing on Google images or dA. Maybe people are too scared to mess with him.

  • Fuck it! I'm doing it myself! I'm starting right now!

  • Nice art, but... I'm guessing thats Ramsay, but who is that behind him?

    Link to the artist:

  • Even tho I prefer the show, this difference is kinda interesting... So what happens with the book Hound then? And what are the events of him and Arya?

    In the books, Brienne is looking for a Stark, any Stark. She never got to meet Arya, so that awesome fight between her and the Hound never h

  • Arya Stark or Jeyne Poole, I think

    Nice art, but... I'm guessing thats Ramsay, but who is that behind him?

  • In the book the Hounds wound from that fight in the Inn with Arya gets infected and Arya leaves him.He never fights Brienne but its the same as the show.Aryas storyline is still somewhat similar to the one in the books in Bravos.BUt in the books she kills 1 other guy not Meryn Trant.

    Even tho I prefer the show, this difference is kinda interesting... So what happens with the book Hound then? And what are the events of him and Arya?

  • In the books Ramsay has long hair and hes much uglier.Iwan Rheon is actually a bad casting for him.And in the books Ramsay is a much MUCH bigger piece of shit then in the show.In the show hes at least entertaining to watch and loves trolling.In the books i cant stand him.

    Nice art, but... I'm guessing thats Ramsay, but who is that behind him?

  • Iwan is a good actor, but I guess has the wrong looks...

    What more horrible things does he do in the books?

    greensenpai posted: »

    In the books Ramsay has long hair and hes much uglier.Iwan Rheon is actually a bad casting for him.And in the books Ramsay is a much MUCH bi

  • Iwan is a good actor, but I guess has the wrong looks... What more horrible things does he do in the books?

  • Perfect.

    Link to the artist:

  • In addition to that Jeyne Poole business Ramsay's torture of Theon is a lot more drawn out and graphic and terrible in the books.

    He still does all the flaying he does in the show but he leaves him in pain for days on end before finally chopping off the part that he's skinned. He knocks out his teeth because he doesn't like the way Theon smiles. He leaves him for weeks on end in a pitch black dungeon without food (he is even forbidden to eat the rats that live in the dungeons because Ramsay says those rats belong to House Bolton). He loses 3 stone (~40 pounds) in weight, his hair turns white. It's said that he looks as if he's aged 40 years after Ramsay has finished turning him into "Reek".

    Iwan is a good actor, but I guess has the wrong looks... What more horrible things does he do in the books?

  • Wow, i uh... I read it, and... I don't know what to say... Thats pretty fucked up :(

    I think you should read that:

  • Damn :/

    In addition to that Jeyne Poole business Ramsay's torture of Theon is a lot more drawn out and graphic and terrible in the books. He stil

  • Book Ramsay would make Show Ramsay quiver in fear.

    Wow, i uh... I read it, and... I don't know what to say... Thats pretty fucked up

  • edited September 2015

    Arya?, or no one?

    Nice art, but... I'm guessing thats Ramsay, but who is that behind him?

  • Not only that after the men of House Hornwood went south to war Roose basically arranges for Lord Hornwoods death in battle so Ramsay can marry lady Hornwood and get their lands.Ramsay marries and rapes her,kills everyone in the castle and locks her up in a tower.She ate her fingers before starving to death.And Ramsay did all that just because she was old
    Later when Theon takes Winterfell and Ser Rodrik is laying siege to it he pretends to be allies with him then kills him and all his men.Then he sacks and burns Winterfell.
    He also killed his brother Domeric so Roose only has him as his heir.
    All of this possibly happened in the show offscreen.


  • It's assumed that the Hound ends up dying from his infected wound, his helm is left behind as a sort of memorial but it ends up getting stolen.

    Even tho I prefer the show, this difference is kinda interesting... So what happens with the book Hound then? And what are the events of him and Arya?

  • There is a theory called the Grave digger theory, in the books Brienne goes to the place where the hound "Died"
    She saw a Tall gravedigger with a covered face and a limping Leg. Which kinda sounds like The Hound.

    It's assumed that the Hound ends up dying from his infected wound, his helm is left behind as a sort of memorial but it ends up getting stolen.

    edited September 2015

    Nah, Arya. She clearly holds on to her identity, and she won't succeed being a faceless man :P

    Arya?, or no one?

  • "I am Sansa Stark of Winterfell. This is my home and you can't frighten me."

    FetchWalker posted: »


  • edited September 2015

    Sansa is a lot stronger than she looks if she can decapitate a man so cleanly with a dagger.

    FetchWalker posted: »


  • Or that's a really, really sharp Valerian steel dagger.

    Sansa is a lot stronger than she looks if she can decapitate a man so cleanly with a dagger.

  • WOW just wow

    FetchWalker posted: »


  • Love this.

    FetchWalker posted: »


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