The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • 2:18

    ''Wait he isn't dead! Shia suprise!''

    I found this pretty funny. Shia!

  • edited August 2015

    @blueneon @saltlick123 @tobi

    I joined Pineterest like u said :P

    Where u search a topic and from many images on it you pick your favourites to ur profile :)

    It's quiet so I'll show my joker Collection I had to chose from about hundred images and these are some awesome ones on the website

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    when kerny tries rekt me ^ :P

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    dat cape tho :'D

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    If u want I have a tlou set of images to I can post later :)

  • The Joker isn't Robin. People are saying that the Joker that they showed was actually Red Hood (not Joker), who is Robin after he was beaten to "death" by the Joker with a crowbar. After his Red Hood "experience", he becomes Nightwing who is badass.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I hope that doesn't happen just stupid imo the Joker should be the Joker always this is really cringy and cheesy if Joker was Robin

  • edited August 2015

    tlou one for anyone who wants it :)

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    Ellies switchblade

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    Ellies bag

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    Tlou easter egg TWD

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    Blue ;)

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    Ellie and Joel voice actors

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    Love the movie and game perfection :')

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  • Kewl Joker and TLOU pics, I actually don't have a Pinterest yet but I guess I should get one soon :)

  • Wow, these are great. Thanks for sharing :)

  • nope the fuck out of that site


    I don't know why but the ''Make sure you're playing with audio'' Thing made me nope the fuck out of that site

  • It's not a screamer lmao

    I don't know why but the ''Make sure you're playing with audio'' Thing made me nope the fuck out of that site

  • Going on a trip, be back in a few days :)

  • Cool! Safe travels.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Going on a trip, be back in a few days

  • enter image description here

    See you bro have a great time this place won't be the same till ur back pff

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Going on a trip, be back in a few days

  • edited September 2015

    So you're in high school now? Congrats! High school is more relaxing tbh than junior years, junior-high was hectic for me. ._. And cool, glad to be seeing more of you here! ^^

    I'm doing okay. I've been looking after my sister while doing house work, going out, trying to keep in touch with friends, set up my old PS3 to give away to my best friend before he moves, and also needing to reinstall my game data in my new PS3. I haven't gotten much work out for those reasons plus I sometimes, err... kinda get myself distracted unintentionally that I end up forgetting. >.> I habit I need to break. I'm still trying to get myself fully motivated in drawing again, it's working just.... very slowly. I used to be very organized in my work, so I think I should organize myself again. On the bright side I am drawing a little more like I used to and a very good old friend came back to me in my life, so things are looking up. c:

    ShaleReeve posted: »

    Ha, I know! I've been good. Since I got my junior year out of the way, senior year is pretty much a doozy. I planned on being more active here How've you been?

  • "It is no nation we inhabit, but a language. Make no mistake; our native tongue is our true fatherland."

    ---- Emil Cioran, Romanian Philosopher

  • ISIS in Damascus...things just keep going from bad to worse, huh?

  • edited September 2015


    Got this for twenty euro today best buy ever and I have been playing all day such an addictive game I wasn't sure if I would like it I used to love the show when I was a young kid and all the childhood feels came back seeing the cards. You play through the story exactly like the tv show so I remembered all the episodes going through different scenes so many childhood feels

    enter image description here

    Anyway if your a Yu-Gi-Oh fan this is a must buy on ps4 so much content in the game to it's awesome and cheap(probably just tobi I think)

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    MGS Phantom Pain, Mad Max Or Until Dawn

    I can't decide which are you getting first and which game do you think will be the best?

  • which are you getting first

    Neither, I'm not interested in MGS or Mad Max and I don't own a PS4 for Until Dawn.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    MGS Phantom Pain, Mad Max Or Until Dawn I can't decide which are you getting first and which game do you think will be the best?

  • I'm watching Until Dawn on youtube and it's great. Sometimes the dialogue lines are a bit weird though.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    MGS Phantom Pain, Mad Max Or Until Dawn I can't decide which are you getting first and which game do you think will be the best?

  • MGSV:TPP. It's so fun. If the prologue doesn't get you hooked though.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    MGS Phantom Pain, Mad Max Or Until Dawn I can't decide which are you getting first and which game do you think will be the best?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited September 2015

    So I have extra keys for both of Telltale's Puzzle Agent games for the Telltale Store, anyone want them? This would also be a good experiment for the Telltale Store if you're thinking of using it in the future.

  • edited September 2015

    enter link description here

    enter link description here

    See the dislikes the gaming community is so pissed over this XD

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    So what is your opinion on it?

  • Being the sucker I am for horror, I would say Until Dawn. And since you like movie like games, such as Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls, this should be perfect for you.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    MGS Phantom Pain, Mad Max Or Until Dawn I can't decide which are you getting first and which game do you think will be the best?

  • edited September 2015

    You played Until Dawn? How many of the characters did you save?

    blueneon posted: »

    Being the sucker I am for horror, I would say Until Dawn. And since you like movie like games, such as Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls, this should be perfect for you.

  • I am not lucky enough as to have a play station 4. So I just go with the sucky rout. Watch it on YouTube and beg your parents for a miracle.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    You played Until Dawn? How many of the characters did you save?

  • My opinion is that if people are butt hurt by this they need to man the fuck up. All this anti-bully shit has turned the kids into a bunch of pansies. Holy shit I sound old.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here enter link description here See the dislikes the gaming community is so pissed over this XD enter link description here So what is your opinion on it?

  • edited September 2015

    Personally I agree I found the Kimmel video funny I think people are over analyzing it, It's just a comedy sketch all the anger and death threats over this is just really stupid and pathetic

    My opinion is that if people are butt hurt by this they need to man the fuck up. All this anti-bully shit has turned the kids into a bunch of pansies. Holy shit I sound old.

  • edited September 2015

    enter link description here

    even more

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    Top comment WTF is wrong with people this is disgraceful

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here enter link description here See the dislikes the gaming community is so pissed over this XD enter link description here So what is your opinion on it?

  • We live in a world that's slowly being destroyed by climate change.

    Where ISIS militants posts pictures of their kids holding severed heads on Twitter.

    Where the government and multi-national corporations have their eye on you 24/7

    Where the gap between rich and poor grows larger every year.

    Where you spend more time in jail for dealing drugs than raping children.

    And this shit is what people get mad about.

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here enter link description here See the dislikes the gaming community is so pissed over this XD enter link description here So what is your opinion on it?

  • enter image description here

    In a sadly ironic way all them problems occurred and got worse because people focus on and get offended by stupid meaningless sheet instead of those issues you mentioned

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    We live in a world that's slowly being destroyed by climate change. Where ISIS militants posts pictures of their kids holding severed hea

  • The videos were funny in a late night talk show kind of way. But Kimmel did two things VERY well here. One, he trolled the hell out of a WHOLE bunch of touchy whiners. And two, he showed a wider audience just how immature and toxic the gaming communty as a whole is.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Personally I agree I found the Kimmel video funny I think people are over analyzing it, It's just a comedy sketch all the anger and death threats over this is just really stupid and pathetic

  • I think it was Aldous Huxley who envisioned a trivial society, where the powers that be controlled the population through triviality and distraction.

    Seems he wasn't far off.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    In a sadly ironic way all them problems occurred and got worse because people focus on and get offended by stupid meaningless sheet instead of those issues you mentioned

  • Shit man, Black Sabbath just announced their Farewell Tour, now I'm sad. One of the greatest bands of all time, the band that practically created heavy metal and has influenced hundreds of other bands for decades, are about to tour for one last time. I will do whatever it takes to see this legendary band in concert before the tour is over.

    enter link description here

  • edited September 2015

    All that stuff you mentioned makes people scared so they decide to focus on dumb shit that doesn't matter and use it as a distraction from the real issues.

    "Ignorance is bliss".

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    We live in a world that's slowly being destroyed by climate change. Where ISIS militants posts pictures of their kids holding severed hea

  • True. Then people are all surprised when reality creeps up and kicks them in the junk.

    All that stuff you mentioned makes people scared so they decide to focus on dumb shit that doesn't matter and use it as a distraction from the real issues. "Ignorance is bliss".

  • I just had the most epic MGSV moment yet. Something out of the Last Crusade and Mad Max. Even after escaping Skulls, I did a mission where we had take out some tanks and a colonel. So after some restarts, I finally got the intel of their whereabouts, and I set up a C4 on the road as the first tank came. Blew it up, stopped the convoy for a bit, but they escaped. I followed them, and thanks to some intel found myself in a Soviet armored vehicle against the tanks. Didn't last too long, I died. After some checkpoints I eventually made it so the first tank, blew up. The truck behind it fled, and the tank behind that truck got slowed. Not having been spotted by the enemy (technically) I used my horse and a stun gun to catch up to the truck and stunned the driver and colonel, without killing them, and fultoned them back. This took a few tries (everything did to get perfect) and I was ready to face the last tank. Lacking C4 , I called a supply drop, set up a trap, and started taking shots with my sniper rifle to get the tank to come. I only attracted foot soldiers which after alerting them (almost didn't) the tank came. I went back, got the C4 placed, I started throwing smoke grenades at the tank. I got up close enough and planted all 4 on it, and detonated it. The tank was smoking, but still alive. Took a few grenades to destroy it. Went back and stole the armored vehicle and ended the mission with it.

    I love this game.

  • "Life without knowledge is death in disguise."

  • I'd love one. I haven't tried out any of Telltale's older games.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    So I have extra keys for both of Telltale's Puzzle Agent games for the Telltale Store, anyone want them? This would also be a good experiment for the Telltale Store if you're thinking of using it in the future.

  • Alright, I sent you a PM with the Telltale Store codes.

    I'd love one. I haven't tried out any of Telltale's older games.

  • All that stuff you mentioned makes people scared so they decide to focus on dumb shit that doesn't matter and use it as a distraction from the real issues.

    "Ignorance is bliss"

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    HEY no tumblr feminism is important >:/

    All that stuff you mentioned makes people scared so they decide to focus on dumb shit that doesn't matter and use it as a distraction from the real issues. "Ignorance is bliss".

  • enter image description here

    More awesome quotes and

    Life with the wrong knowledge can bring death to as most killers are warped in the brain with the wrong morals and beliefs which can make their acts acceptable to them

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    "Life without knowledge is death in disguise."

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