If Gared survives to see Ironrath again but Royland is your sentinel

CapnJayCapnJay Banned
edited September 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Gared: It's good to be home now I can finally see my uncle. God I miss my uncle he's the only family I have left. Oh and Tallia my "potential girlfriend but we never made anything of it" I'm sure my Uncle has been really awesome and loyal to the forresters he's always loyal to them so Tallia will totally love me when I get back and I will, to reitierate, get to see my uncle again!



  • Who is Tallia?

  • One of the many ways i've seen Talia spelled.

    Reconn posted: »

    Who is Tallia?

  • Gared wanting Talia, who is likely at most 14, to love him would be rather odd to include in a Telltale game.

  • According to Tv tropes which admittedly can be edited by anyone and doesnt cite sources

    "It's subtle, but just before Gared has to go to the Wall to stave off the Boltons' wrath, Talia rushes out to meet Gared at the gate and gives him a personal token, namely her necklace. Word of God from the developers is that this is because Gared and Talia have feelings for each other, though this is not directly stated in-game. Also, even before that, after the massacre at the Red Wedding, Talia's first instinct is to ask Gared about the death of his family, before inquiring about her own."

    Flog61 posted: »

    Gared wanting Talia, who is likely at most 14, to love him would be rather odd to include in a Telltale game.

  • Right, did the developers actually say that though?

    Also, besides everything, she can be close friends with him without being romantically interested?

    CapnJay posted: »

    According to Tv tropes which admittedly can be edited by anyone and doesnt cite sources "It's subtle, but just before Gared has to go to

  • Right and it could be even if she was romantically interested he might see her only as a little sister. But as I said I based it on tv tropes a dev, a particularly organized fan, or a mod could point out if it was ever actually said. but I cannot.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Right, did the developers actually say that though? Also, besides everything, she can be close friends with him without being romantically interested?

  • edited September 2015

    No need to be so sarcastic and snotty about him spelling it with an extra 'l'. Spelling errors are common.

    As for the topic at hand, it would be pretty tragic to see Gared react to losing the last family he had left. :-(

    Reconn posted: »

    Who is Tallia?

  • edited September 2015

    I have been skeptical about this statement from the start. Until I see legit evidence of this "confirmation", I dismiss this as little more than fans inserting their own ideas.

    CapnJay posted: »

    According to Tv tropes which admittedly can be edited by anyone and doesnt cite sources "It's subtle, but just before Gared has to go to

  • Gared would be a fool to go back there. It's well known that a Lord's duty is to personally behead any deserter from the Night's Watch that's ever been apart of their house. He's fucked. Even Duncan couldn't save him

  • So glad i didn't ask on reddit or make a thread asking if nights watch deserters could find shelter in their houses now. Now if i can only subtley find a way to ask about houses rueld by a matriarchy.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Gared would be a fool to go back there. It's well known that a Lord's duty is to personally behead any deserter from the Night's Watch that's ever been apart of their house. He's fucked. Even Duncan couldn't save him

  • edited September 2015

    There are no matriarchal houses in Westeros.

    Most houses operate that the eldest male child inherits, and all male children come before female children. So using the (pre-Red Wedding) Forresters as an example Gregor is the Lord, his heir is Rodrik, next in line is Asher (who was removed because of his exile), then Ethan, then Ryon, then Mira (after all her brothers, even though Ethan and Ryon are younger then her) and finally Talia. So there are a few women who are the head of their house because their brothers died, or they had no brothers, but when they have children their sons will be first in line over their daughters.

    The Targaryens go one step further. In their House a male member of the house will always inherit even if a female is more closely related to the former head. Meaning a man's brothers, male cousins, and blood related paternal uncles would all come before his daughter. The only way a female (like Daenerys) can become the head of the house is if all the male Targaryens are dead.

    The Dornish are the only Westerosi who don't discriminate based on gender. In Dorne, the eldest child will always inherit regardless of whether they are male or female. If the Forresters were Dornish the line of succession would go Rodrik, Asher, Mira, Ethan, Talia, Ryon.

    CapnJay posted: »

    So glad i didn't ask on reddit or make a thread asking if nights watch deserters could find shelter in their houses now. Now if i can only subtley find a way to ask about houses rueld by a matriarchy.

  • Well hopefully this is where Jon Snow comes in to the rescue. At least in my playthrough he said he believed me about the Britt incident (and I got the good ole "Jon Snow will remember that)

    Let's just hope it's not the end of Gareds story just yet.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Gared would be a fool to go back there. It's well known that a Lord's duty is to personally behead any deserter from the Night's Watch that's ever been apart of their house. He's fucked. Even Duncan couldn't save him

  • Oh and Tallia my "potential girlfriend but we never made anything of it"

    enter image description here

  • Tallia will totally love me when I get back

    enter image description here

  • Yeah, that will never happen.

  • Well, I love to see characters I like in pain, so this would be great.

    Except from the Talia stuff.

    And you make a lot of threads. xD

  • I'm disabled in a house with internet electricity but no running water no human companions and no irl friends so i have ALOT of free time.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Well, I love to see characters I like in pain, so this would be great. Except from the Talia stuff. And you make a lot of threads. xD

  • Eh, I don't mind seeing the threads. Keeps the place active.

    CapnJay posted: »

    I'm disabled in a house with internet electricity but no running water no human companions and no irl friends so i have ALOT of free time.

  • Yeah sure... So they send him there to find it but they will kill him if he comes back? Yeah, no.

    And the Night's watch? In this point in Westeros, only Stannis takes them serious and besides, they have too few men to track Gared so I think he'll be fine.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Gared would be a fool to go back there. It's well known that a Lord's duty is to personally behead any deserter from the Night's Watch that's ever been apart of their house. He's fucked. Even Duncan couldn't save him

  • Gared doesn't have any feelings for Talia. Plus that would be weird.

  • This will happen:

    enter image description here

  • No.

    This will happen:

  • Well the problem is if Duncan was the traitor, and you kill him... And if you also have Rodrik die after episode 5, who would vouch for Gared and his North Grove mission? Lady Forrester, the Maester, and Royland are (to our knowledge) unaware of the North Grove and if Gared comes back to Asher as lord, and he reveals that he deserted the nights watch, will he still be ok?

    Yeah sure... So they send him there to find it but they will kill him if he comes back? Yeah, no. And the Night's watch? In this point in

  • They are his fucking family at this point, they could care less that he deserted a Watch full of back-stabing assholes, if he saves their fooking house.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Well the problem is if Duncan was the traitor, and you kill him... And if you also have Rodrik die after episode 5, who would vouch for Gare

  • I hope so...

    They are his fucking family at this point, they could care less that he deserted a Watch full of back-stabing assholes, if he saves their fooking house.

  • Very well. Let's go trough this.

    First, the current "Warden" of the North couldn't give two fooks about 1 deserter from the Scrub's Watch.

    Second, Scrub's Watch doesn't have enough men to track down one deserter, for all they know he died North of the Wall. And If Gared does come to Ironrath, why in Seven Hells would the Forresters tell someone about it?

    Third, Gared risks his life for the Forresters and the North Grove- they SEND him to find it. So insted of executing him, they'll be thanking him.

    So why would they execute him?!

    Clemenem posted: »

    Uhhh yea

  • First, the current "Warden" of the North couldn't give two fooks about 1 deserter from the Scrub's Watch.

    Yet, Ned Stark (the head of the Starks and Warden of The North) took time out of his day to behead one lowborn deserter

    Second, Scrub's Watch doesn't have enough men to track down one deserter, for all they know he died North of the Wall. And If Gared does come to Ironrath, why in Seven Hells would the Forresters tell someone about it?

    I'm sure the Night's Watch would send ravens across the Kingdoms. If Gared went back to Ironrath and The Forresters hid him, the entire family would be held accountable

    Third, Gared risks his life for the Forresters and the North Grove- they SEND him to find it. So insted of executing him, they'll be thanking him

    According to you to avoid laws, the entire Forrester family would have to flee the North, go beyond the wall and go back to the North Grove all without being spotted, opposed to just beheading Gared for treason. It's the law. Once sworn to The Watch, you're only freed by death.

    Very well. Let's go trough this. First, the current "Warden" of the North couldn't give two fooks about 1 deserter from the Scrub's Watch

  • And to be fair royland, duncan, and the forresters might not inform the night's watch but if the smallfolk knew or a disloyal soldier or a soldier loyal to law not sentiment or etc finds out they might sell gared out..

    Clemenem posted: »

    First, the current "Warden" of the North couldn't give two fooks about 1 deserter from the Scrub's Watch. Yet, Ned Stark (the head o

  • edited September 2015

    If Gared would return to Ironrath it would be Rodrik´s/Ashers´s duty as a lord to execute him. And I think at least Rodrik would execute him. @aManWhoLovesTelltale

    Clemenem posted: »

    First, the current "Warden" of the North couldn't give two fooks about 1 deserter from the Scrub's Watch. Yet, Ned Stark (the head o

  • edited September 2015

    oh there was 1 extra letter, what kind of stupidity is this? everybody must spell perfectly in english because this is obviously everyones main and only languige

    No need to be so sarcastic and snotty about him spelling it with an extra 'l'. Spelling errors are common. As for the topic at hand, it would be pretty tragic to see Gared react to losing the last family he had left. :-(

  • Rodrik's maybe keep in mind Asher's been out of Westeros a looonnnnggg time and to quote william the bloody. "I think with my blood which doesn't exactly rush in the direction of my brain."

    If Gared would return to Ironrath it would be Rodrik´s/Ashers´s duty as a lord to execute him. And I think at least Rodrik would execute him. @aManWhoLovesTelltale

  • Are you serious?! Things don't work that way since Ned Stark died, do you honestly think that the Night's Watch and EVERYONE in Westeros cares about one deserter? With the Boltons being Wardens Of The North?

    People have much bigger things to worry about then one man.

    What? The law? Fuck the law!

    Clemenem posted: »

    First, the current "Warden" of the North couldn't give two fooks about 1 deserter from the Scrub's Watch. Yet, Ned Stark (the head o

  • edited September 2015

    It worked that way long before Ned Stark and it will work that way long after ASOIAF ends. Plus Rodrik was brough up in same way as Starks were so he would definetely execute Gared.

    Are you serious?! Things don't work that way since Ned Stark died, do you honestly think that the Night's Watch and EVERYONE in Westeros car

  • No, Rodrik would not execute Gared since he knows of Gared's mission, his house SEND him there and the Night's Watch unjustly planned to execute him. And more importantly my Rodrik (Asher) would not execute Gared since he is his damned friend.

    And if they don't like it, then please- let the Night's Watch come to Ironrath, Im ready for them.

    Literally no one is innocent and those that were were executed. So no, Gared won't be executed.

    It worked that way long before Ned Stark and it will work that way long after ASOIAF ends. Plus Rodrik was brough up in same way as Starks were so he would definetely execute Gared.

  • Exactly!

    No, Rodrik would not execute Gared since he knows of Gared's mission, his house SEND him there and the Night's Watch unjustly planned to exe

  • edited September 2015

    If Duncan is your sentinel, I think it should be a happy moment.

    Duncan and Gared are drinking, then Gared shouts BACON FROM PIG!

    All in all, I think how Gared treats Rodrik/Asher will depend on if Royland was sentinel and if the traitor was killed or not.

  • I don't think you remember that we didn't only desert, but we escaped our imprisonment where Gared was to be executed.

    No, Rodrik would not execute Gared since he knows of Gared's mission, his house SEND him there and the Night's Watch unjustly planned to exe

  • Her name isn't just an English word, it's a name. A proper noun. It should be spelt perfectly 100% of time.

    oh there was 1 extra letter, what kind of stupidity is this? everybody must spell perfectly in english because this is obviously everyones main and only languige

  • If he ever returns to Ironrath he'll be (rightfully) executed as a deserter.

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