The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • True!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    More awesome quotes and Life with the wrong knowledge can bring death to as most killers are warped in the brain with the wrong morals and beliefs which can make their acts acceptable to them

  • What can I say? I go deep like a navy seal.

  • What? Who said anything about incest? 0_0 It's a rap lyric.

  • Unreal Engine or Unity?

  • Not really sure what you're getting at tbh. If you're trying to spark conflict with me, it is not working.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    All that stuff you mentioned makes people scared so they decide to focus on dumb shit that doesn't matter and use it as a distraction from the real issues. "Ignorance is bliss" HEY no tumblr feminism is important >:/

  • Ah that's pretty neat. Although I prefer playing with the card game instead of the virtual. My last video game experience with the series was terrible. shudders You have fun though!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @1506898 Got this for twenty euro today best buy ever and I have been playing all day such an addictive game I wasn't sure if I would lik

  • I think he was trying to tease but it turned out awkwardly. :P

    Not really sure what you're getting at tbh. If you're trying to spark conflict with me, it is not working.

  • Yeah it's pretty rediculous. And this week on a youtuber's channel in on of the social media accounts, I've seen the person and her friend get harassed by a bunch of anonymous posters making aggressive posts over a ship. Like, da fuq? Some people really need to cool it, they need to shut up, stop and think.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here enter link description here See the dislikes the gaming community is so pissed over this XD enter link description here So what is your opinion on it?

  • Any deeper and you'll be in a cockpit.

    lol Sorry I hadda.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    What can I say? I go deep like a navy seal.

  • Unreal Engine looks pretty cool from the things I've seen made with it.

    Unreal Engine or Unity?

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    Why so serious?

    Not really sure what you're getting at tbh. If you're trying to spark conflict with me, it is not working.

  • enter image description here

    Your opinion on this?


    what is the best Armour or hawtest?

    Normal Armour

    enter image description here

    Armour with nips

    enter image description here

    or both

    enter image description here

  • Armor is to keep you protected. So, I am more keen on that. Unless you are cosplaying. Then do whatever the fuck you want.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Your opinion on this? and what is the best Armour or hawtest? Normal Armour Armour with nips or both

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited September 2015

    Realistically, boob armor would probably get you killed if you received a blunt force trauma to that area. The raised metal cups would crush in on your tits / ribs / vital organs, with predictably horrifying results..

    But this isn't about realism, so I guess either is fine

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Your opinion on this? and what is the best Armour or hawtest? Normal Armour Armour with nips or both

  • edited September 2015

    Thanks. Just one question; how do I use the keys in the Telltale store?

    EDIT: Figured it out. Nevermind :D

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Alright, I sent you a PM with the Telltale Store codes.

  • enter image description here

    For fuck's sake. People need to learn to take a fucking joke. If you want people to stop using the "gamers are 10-year-olds in basements" stereotype, then stop acting like ten-year-olds!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here enter link description here See the dislikes the gaming community is so pissed over this XD enter link description here So what is your opinion on it?

  • Go to your profile, click on games then enter the code in the specific spot.

    Thanks. Just one question; how do I use the keys in the Telltale store? EDIT: Figured it out. Nevermind

  • So I just learned I will be one of the volunteers helping out when the Pope comes to D.C. in a couple of weeks, so that's pretty fucking cool. He's coming to my school and holding a mass to canonize Junipero Serra, so if things go right, I may end up getting to meet Pope Francis.

  • Awesome! Pope Francis is great IMO and I'm not even Catholic.

    So I just learned I will be one of the volunteers helping out when the Pope comes to D.C. in a couple of weeks, so that's pretty fucking coo

  • That's cool. :)

    My family and I personally met an Italian priest when we were in San Francisco.

    So I just learned I will be one of the volunteers helping out when the Pope comes to D.C. in a couple of weeks, so that's pretty fucking coo

  • Congrats bro this is awesome :D

    So I just learned I will be one of the volunteers helping out when the Pope comes to D.C. in a couple of weeks, so that's pretty fucking coo

  • edited September 2015

    enter link description here

    Today's issue it caught my attention so I looked up the video this was response to below

    enter link description here

    Response to video

    enter link description here

    What's your opinion on fat shaming?

  • edited September 2015
    What's your opinion on fat shaming?

    I don't think saying hurtful words to fat people just to make them lose weight is the right way.

    Because most of the time, people who are obese didn't choose to be obese. Ever heard of stress eating? One of the few ways to comfort oneself is to eat—and when someone has too many problems in life, they eat. Fat shaming only encourages them to be emotionally and mentally incapacitated and they would most likely become even more fat or worse, commit suicide.

    The proper way is to encourage someone to lose weight, or atleast be there for them.

    This woman is stupid to a degree. I get her point that obesity is unhealthy but she should also take into consideration about the emotional, mental and ethical part of the person. And also, she was being very, VERY offending in this video.

    EDIT: changed a few words.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here Today's issue it caught my attention so I looked up the video this was response to below enter link description here Response to video enter link description here What's your opinion on fat shaming?

  • edited September 2015

    enter image description here

    Spot on :)

    Edit: seen the edit and still spot on well said :)

    What's your opinion on fat shaming? I don't think saying hurtful words to fat people just to make them lose weight is the right way.

  • People should learn to mind their own fucking business.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here Today's issue it caught my attention so I looked up the video this was response to below enter link description here Response to video enter link description here What's your opinion on fat shaming?

  • Figured it out, thanks :) Hopefully I can try them out tomorrow.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Go to your profile, click on games then enter the code in the specific spot.

  • Feminists are never satisfied. They ask for one thing, you give it to them, then they say you're sexist and demand the opposite. And on and on it goes.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Your opinion on this? and what is the best Armour or hawtest? Normal Armour Armour with nips or both

  • I don't think you understand how humans work...

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    People should learn to mind their own fucking business.

  • Nice overgeneralization.

    But anyway, what does feminism have to do with this?

    Feminists are never satisfied. They ask for one thing, you give it to them, then they say you're sexist and demand the opposite. And on and on it goes.

  •, I think I just inadvertently started war between the Rhysha and Rhyiona users on the Tales from the Borderlands forums.

    How has the day been for the rest of you guys?

  • Salt123's Movie of the Day.....Today: Hot Shots!

    enter image description here

    and a scene of the day

    enter link description here

  • China just released a propaganda video about how they'd attack American/Japanese/Filipino held islands in the South China Sea. It's a pretty cool video actually, the PLA has some cool new toys.


  • Well now we know what they're doing.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    China just released a propaganda video about how they'd attack American/Japanese/Filipino held islands in the South China Sea. It's a prett

  • My local parish is having a lottery for picks to go. Even though we're right outside D.C.

    So I just learned I will be one of the volunteers helping out when the Pope comes to D.C. in a couple of weeks, so that's pretty fucking coo

  • Good luck, maybe you'll win tickets and get to go

    My local parish is having a lottery for picks to go. Even though we're right outside D.C.

  • Nothing, just poking fun at the fact that the guy in the screenshot said, "Not to be sexist, but it's really hard to tell that's female armor". I'm not trying to overgeneralize, just trying to make a joke at how many times feminists can disagree on what is 'sexist' to them.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Nice overgeneralization. But anyway, what does feminism have to do with this?

  • Naval battles are always the bloodiest...

    Oh and I'm good, thanks., I think I just inadvertently started war between the Rhysha and Rhyiona users on the Tales from the Borderlands forums. How has the day been for the rest of you guys?

  • This is the same woman who told girls they couldn't post selfies on Instagram because they're not "getting paid" for modeling?

    Honestly, any kind of shaming is wrong, not just fat shaming. Skinny shaming, gay shaming, slut shaming, virgin shaming, any kind. People will always find ways to make others feel like shit about themselves. It has nothing to do with "helping" them or being a voice of reason. It reflects on their own insecurities. If you were truly happy with yourself and comfortable in your own skin, you wouldn't feel the need to bring anyone else down or put your nose in business that isn't yours.

    People need to understand that there is a fine line between humour and bullying. If your jokes are directed toward a group of people in a hateful manner and causes people to feel bad about themselves, it is not humour. It is not funny. It makes you look like an insensitive jerk. Even if you're pretty, skinny and unaffected by any major issues in your life, your heart is still ugly. I can't believe Matthew is dating this girl.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here Today's issue it caught my attention so I looked up the video this was response to below enter link description here Response to video enter link description here What's your opinion on fat shaming?

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