Is novelty of "Telltale Formula" wearing off?

edited September 2015 in Game Of Thrones

First of all, your choices dont seem to have much of an impact. TWD S1 and hell even TWAU did better in those aspects. I stopped caring about notifications on the corner "Someone will remember something something" because when these appear i mostly go "ehh whatever probably wont matter anyway". And those stupid choices.. just fuck... Stabbing Ramsey? Seriously Telltale? i cant believe this is a major choice. People who watched the shows and/or books WILL know he isn't going to die and also

IT JUST CHANGED A SMALL DIALOGUE LINE AT BEST RAMSAY STILL SAYS THE SAME SHIT NO MATTER WHAT. Choice on whether leaving the sword or keeping was more meaningful than that.

Should telltale work on making choices more meaningful and impactful? I think they should.



  • Remember in TWD season 1, when you decide to not go to the St John's farm... You go anyways

    Let's not get caught in the idea that the choices you make effect the actual storyline directly, but they effect the players involved in the storyline. Like if you choose to not go to the farm, you don't get blamed when things start getting shitty. (Also bare in mind that most TWD decisions didn't really effect the story till episode 5, and it was only the stranger scene that changed. If GoT came out first, who's to say they wouldn't get more praises for the idea?)

    Like in GoT, choosing to not drink with Sera, or not telling her secret only effects the dialogue until the season finale comes and the stories can mesh together

  • Um, the choices didn't matter in none of their games. LMAO

  • I think the real problem is they're taking on too many projects at once. Assuming they have people actively working on Minecraft and TWD: Michonne, they are working on four projects at once. For games that choices are supposed to matter and even change the story in various ways, it just seems like they are taking on way too much. I think they are doing a good job for the amount of work they have piled on themselves, but IMO they need to either hire more employees or step back on the amount of work they are exerting on themselves. If they don't, they could see a serious decline in sales, (even if it hasn't showed yet,) as people start to realize choices don't matter. It's one reason so many people play, after all. Then again, I could be wrong, as I have no idea what goes on at the TTG HQ.

  • Wow, I've never seen a thread like this before!

  • way to go.. you compared a MINOR choice that didn't even show up in the choice stats. Why don't you compare , i dont know, major choice that was in the stats? Like Killing Larry or not?

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Remember in TWD season 1, when you decide to not go to the St John's farm... You go anyways Let's not get caught in the idea that the cho

  • Choices didnt matter yes but it's illusion of choice done right. You dont even have that in GoT

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Um, the choices didn't matter in none of their games. LMAO

  • edited September 2015

    sorry i've never EVER should critize TTG games . what criticism is good for anyways right?

    No_username posted: »

    Wow, I've never seen a thread like this before!

  • I love your sarcasm xD lmao.

    No_username posted: »

    Wow, I've never seen a thread like this before!

  • i agree with you.

    I think the real problem is they're taking on too many projects at once. Assuming they have people actively working on Minecraft and TWD: Mi

  • edited September 2015

    Ok here's a major choice that had the same outcome as the St. John's decsions

    Deciding to ally with Tyrion in episode 1
    (I never did it, but I presume it would effect Sera's dialogue, since when Margery asks, she tells Margery that Tyrion forces Mira instead of Mira wanting to go)

    P.S: Telling Seras secret is a major choice in the stats... But yeah just ignore that I guess. It doesn't help you get likes

    way to go.. you compared a MINOR choice that didn't even show up in the choice stats. Why don't you compare , i dont know, major choice that was in the stats? Like Killing Larry or not?

  • One thing for sure is Stabbing Ramsay shouldn't have been a major decision, if anything it shoulda just been part of dialogue.

    I'd rather have sleeping with Elena being a major decision lol

  • I'm so over people whining about choices not mattering.

  • Actually since TWD Season 1 they've been hiring a lot more and have expanded significantly. I recall Blind Sniper telling me that during S1 the staff was around 90 and now it's 300.

    I think the real problem is they're taking on too many projects at once. Assuming they have people actively working on Minecraft and TWD: Mi

  • I would say that yes the Telltale Formula doesn't have the same spark that it once had. CHOICES IN TELLTALE GAMES MATTER FOR CHARACTERIZATION AND THEME, if you expect them to alter the broad plot then stop playing Telltale Games.

    MANY other game companies are starting to do choice-based games and a few have done exceptionally well. Telltale has not done anything incredibly innovative since the walking dead so it's becoming bland and the same ol', same ol'.

  • I'm here for the story, not the choices. They TAILOR the game, not change it. It's stated at the start of each new series.

  • It is not the choices that appeal me to a Telltale Game. It is the story and character interactions.

  • Why does everyone get so hung up on choices? Do you really expect them to matter greatly?

  • I'm so over people whining about people discussing

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I'm so over people whining about choices not mattering.

  • Not a very good job at "tailoring" then. Look at witcher 2. A game made by relatively not-so-known studio, a game that is not throwing that "your choices matter" bullshit constantly and they do very good job at it. even better than telltale i say.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    I'm here for the story, not the choices. They TAILOR the game, not change it. It's stated at the start of each new series.

  • Then they shouldn't advertise the whole "your choices tailor your story" thing.

    It is not the choices that appeal me to a Telltale Game. It is the story and character interactions.

  • edited September 2015

    I expect them to have an at least SLIGHT impact. There is none in GoT. Finn was a great potential but then he got Nick-ed.

    Kateis posted: »

    Why does everyone get so hung up on choices? Do you really expect them to matter greatly?

  • Again i'm not expecting it alter the plot. Choices you make in this game seems really inconsequential.

    Wigams posted: »

    I would say that yes the Telltale Formula doesn't have the same spark that it once had. CHOICES IN TELLTALE GAMES MATTER FOR CHARACTERIZATI

  • It doesn't really annoy me, I am sorry that you are bothered by it.

    Then they shouldn't advertise the whole "your choices tailor your story" thing.

  • It's literally a false advertisement. I wouldnt have a problem with it , if it wasnt the case

    It doesn't really annoy me, I am sorry that you are bothered by it.

  • I think they do a good job at tailoring it. As I said, I care little for choices mattering. I care for a story. I didn't come to Telltale because I thought the choices looked good, I came because I loved the story they were making from their games.

    Not a very good job at "tailoring" then. Look at witcher 2. A game made by relatively not-so-known studio, a game that is not throwing that "your choices matter" bullshit constantly and they do very good job at it. even better than telltale i say.


  • There is no impact? Realy? Your choices affect how other character´s view at us and whole relationship with those characters.

    I expect them to have an at least SLIGHT impact. There is none in GoT. Finn was a great potential but then he got Nick-ed.

  • I agree that the fact choices dont matter at all is a real negative of the games, especially since there seems to be no attempt to try to fix this issue.

  • People who are passionate about a game don't seem to take criticism well.

  • THANK THE SEVEN, that there are actually people who see how it really is. Your comment made me hapy. :)

    There is no impact? Realy? Your choices affect how other character´s view at us and whole relationship with those characters.

  • It's literally a false advertisement.

    No it isn't. All they have ever said is that it tailors the way the game plays (dialogue for example). They never said our choices would change the course of the game. If anything it is a marketing ploy but in no way is it false advertisement.

    It's literally a false advertisement. I wouldnt have a problem with it , if it wasnt the case

  • it doesn't seem to be the case with GoT tho. No matter how nice you are to sera she still leaves you, if you listen to margery she still gets upset with you, or how you treat your non-sentinel he still betrays you. that's my biggest thing with this game in particular is that we cant even impact our relationships with characters. I get it....most of it is plot but still I feel a little cheated.

    There is no impact? Realy? Your choices affect how other character´s view at us and whole relationship with those characters.

  • It is not the criticism, it is constantly repeating and posting the same kind of thread over and over again.

    kaza125 posted: »

    People who are passionate about a game don't seem to take criticism well.

  • We don't have a problem with criticism except the fact that half of the section's thread are complains and criticisms about Game of Thrones!

    kaza125 posted: »

    People who are passionate about a game don't seem to take criticism well.

  • I sense these 2 people are using sarcasm.

    sorry i've never EVER should critize TTG games . what criticism is good for anyways right?

  • Just wait until the last episode to say that the decisions have no effect on the characters

    Everyone loved Kenny in TWD, but he's also one of the worst characters when it came to your interactions/decisions effecting his relationship with you. Am I right or am I right?

    Pabster23 posted: »

    it doesn't seem to be the case with GoT tho. No matter how nice you are to sera she still leaves you, if you listen to margery she still get

  • You can affect your relationship with your family, Cotter, Finn and Jon, Sylvi, Eleana, your people at Ironrath, Deanerys and Tom.

    Pabster23 posted: »

    it doesn't seem to be the case with GoT tho. No matter how nice you are to sera she still leaves you, if you listen to margery she still get

  • edited September 2015

    Tailoring doesn't flat out change what something is. By analogy if I were to get my suit tailored to fit me better the goal isn't to change what it looks like or what it is so much as the goal is to resize it to my specifications.

    It seems to me you just don't understand the meaning of the word "tailored."

    Then they shouldn't advertise the whole "your choices tailor your story" thing.

  • I'm so over people whining about people whining about people whining.

    I'm so over people whining about people discussing

  • Exactly THEY ARE BASICALLY THE SAME THREAD. Why don't they make a criticism thread and just use that.

    It is not the criticism, it is constantly repeating and posting the same kind of thread over and over again.

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